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If you're reading this...
go write three sentences on your current writing project.
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when they stopped putting cd drives in laptops we ALL lost
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tumblr is kind of the myspace of the newer internet/social media world now (though i’d argue myspace is much more dead than tumblr and also has had a drastic remodel lmfao) because of how personal tumblr is compared to other social media sites. you can still do html coding with your themes on here and make your blog about whatever you want you just have to find creators that cater to your interests and actually try to form organic relationships with other bloggers or follow those that post things you want to see it’s not just splayed out for you. the fact that a lot of people who really want to customize their online space don’t use tumblr anymore is actually really weird because twitter is so bare bones in terms of customization of your feed and your profile
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The ghoul boys are back!
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guys whats the closest you have to a canon url? mine is saladserns
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the best part about getting older is getting used to being embarrassed, so it gets less bad to be embarrassed. like when you get embarassed by something for the first time, it’s overwhelming and you die inside for two days, but the 1464th time you get embarrassed by something, you just kind of shrug. like you can’t control it, you’re piloting an imperfect bumbling flesh body, and so is everyone else, and you don’t have to pretend you aren’t
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Just to point out how horribly,HORRIBLY photoshopped this is……
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unicorn water ring game
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installing one of these in the wizard tower <|:)
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minor tumblr user's carrd: over 25 dni!!
25 year old who was going to prey on this minor: oh damn 😔 here I was planning to groom them but i can't because of their dni 😔 what a shame 😔😔😔😔😔
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Every time I get groceries I’m always appalled at how little you can get for like, $20. I was making banana pudding so I needed vanilla wafers but the brand name nilla wafers cost $4 a box. The minimum wage in my state is $7.25/hr. My friend put it really well when he said “imagine you work for an hour and someone hands you two boxes of nilla wafers and said ‘actually this is a bit more than what I owe you’”
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does any one else think it should be easier
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what if you had blue hair and pronouns and i had red hair and pronouns and we fought in the rain
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fyi things like insulin, hearing aids, wheelchairs, glasses costing money at all is a form of structural ableism
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Seeing animated works like Spider verse and Arcane and you can just see how lack luster and boring all the character designs in Disney movies are, especially the women. Give me some bunny teeth, crooked teeth, give me freckles that aren't immediately aesthetically pleasing, wild hair, broad shoulders, fat arms, gimme a nose that's too large on her face, beauty through character rather than facial symmetry, perfection is alien and somehow mundane simultaneously, I want crows feet, laugh lines, a lazy eye maybe and ears that stick out i can't deal with soulless designs anymore
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