dropstuffoff · 5 years
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My book is officially up
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dropstuffoff · 5 years
Creative Writing: 3
Saturday finally came and I couldn’t be any happier. Today I’ll be finding more about my past. I still have questions, if they actually show up. As I got dress, I looked at my phone, which light up with a new messenger. It was from Eric letting me know he was waiting for me downstairs. One last look in the bathroom mirror was all I needed to get a grip on myself. As Eric drove us to the location everything was silent. When we reached it, it was a large building. Once inside we were sent to the 22nd floor. Once we got in the elevator two more people entered. One of them press a button and the elevator froze and the two men turned to us. “Well hello there. I’m guessing you’re the one who contacted us?” I nodded and the other guy came closer to me. “I really don’t believe it.” He said as he held my chin in his hand. “You really do look like her.” “Who’s this her you speak of?” “This she was my little sister. Who had disappeared centuries ago. So, I doubt she would have ever had children, after all, it’s not possible.” I just looked at him and as the other man pressed a button and the elevator moved again. Then he looked back at me, and grin. “Maybe it’s possible that she was returned. Andrew, we should invite her more. You know, to ask more questions.” Then the elevator opened on the 22nd floor and the men walked out. I was about to follow till Andrew pushed me back, and pressed the lobby button. Once we walked out of the building, I looked to Eric for what to do. He shook his head as we walked back to the car. 
 “Andrew, you sure that it was her?” “Nope, but it was fun making her think so. Isn’t that right sis?” The woman behind the desk smirked and pet her cat, that was on her lap. 
 Eric took me to my favorite bar and I was surprised to see someone there. It was Rachael, and she was working behind the counter. I sat in the seat in front of her. She only looked at me for a quick second before she started making the next drink. I didn’t order anything, just watched her interact with other customers. When Eric sat next to me, and then he orders our drinks. For once I was surprised, she wasn’t trying to get my attention. Also, this is the first time I’ve seen her in clothes that didn’t show skin. For once I actually noticed that she wasn’t so happy. She looked angry. When she gave us our drinks she did not once look at me. Was she avoiding me? That’s new, and strangely I didn’t like it. I was getting annoyed she wasn’t acknowledging me. After I drank, I got up and left. I heard Eric call out to me but I ignored him as I walked out. I decided to take the train home. 
 “I can’t believe you, Rachael! You completely ignored her. Why?” “I’m working, I can’t get distracted. I’m not even sorry. I’m tired of trying to get her attention, so starting Monday I’m limit my interactions with her. It’ll just be business. Just the way she wants it.” I just looked at her, this is new. “We’ll talk more when you return to the apartment.” “Actually, Eric.” I looked at her. “I moved my stuff out already. I was going to tell you today. So, um
 Here’s your keys.” She handed me a set, and she had tears in her eyes. I just couldn’t believe it. My roommate is actually leaving me. I just smiled at her and let her know she can keep the keys. “Why?” “Just in case you need it.” She then smiled before she went back to work. I then left a tip and went home. I have to call Nel to make sure she’s doing ok. 
 As I arrived at my apartment I started feeling my emotions coming to the surface. Once I closed myself inside my shadow took form. And there it followed me as I walk to the kitchen. Why do I feel like crap?   You know why. So, why you think Rachael didn’t look at you today? Also, when she worked at a bar? Who knows, and I don’t care. I shouldn’t even be thinking about her. So, why you have her as your screensaver? Oh, shut up! I punched the wall by the kitchen. I need to get some air. Why bother? You’ll just ask the same questions. With that, I grabbed the knife close to me. I cut my throat and the world turned black. Next thing I opened my eyes and I was laying on the kitchen floor. Well, now the voices are gone for now. I grabbed my phone and looked at my screensaver. It’s the picture we took when we started working together. I had my arm over her shoulders, and we both smiled. I actually looked happy in the photo. Also, this was the time she had her hair dyed blue. The day after that I was showing her my true colors, and yet she tried to make me smile. I hated her for that. Emotions are wrong, and yet here she was still trying. I kept her by my side, not just as a business partner, but also a friend. Even though I hate her happy attitude; I’ve noticed that on days she doesn’t come in I actually felt sadder than usual. Maybe Eric noticed and kept trying to push us together. Maybe I should say something to her on Monday. Then again, that might be weird. Maybe I should ask her to help me with the paperwork, so she can stay in the room with me. Maybe then I could try to start a conversation. Oh, damn it! It’ll be super weird and awkward. Well, whatever. Best to give it a shot. 
 When Monday came what happen when I walked into work was shocking. Rachael wasn’t waiting for me like always, but it was Eric. He looked awful. I walked to the elevator like always. Inside he looked nervous before he spoke. “So, what’s the plan for today?” “I’m not sure. Today I have a lot of paperwork. Um
” I looked away from him as I tried to form the question. “Is Rac
 Is Rachael
 in today?” I looked at the floor and was excepting a snicker to come him. “She is, and working with the new interns.” He sounded worried about something. As we exit I saw her as she spoke with a female intern. I looked straightforward as I walked past her. I whispered with a crack voice, “Morning Rach.” And continued to my office and closed the door. Once I sat down at my desk, I heard a knock at my door. I was slightly hoping it was her, but when I told the person to come in, I was disappointed. It was Matthew and I was starting to get annoyed. “So, Nel, would you like to join me on this assignment?” I shocked my head and sent him away before he continued talking. I then sent for Eric and Rachael. Rachael was said that she was working with another manager. “Why is she avoiding me?” Eric looked shocked with I said that first. “Eric, did I do something wrong?” “You do not pay her any attention. You really think she will continue being by your side, especially with not paying her mind?” “What do you mean? I made her my top agent. I kept her close, almost like you. I even was the one who told HR to give her a raise. She’s awesome at what she does and nice to have around.” “I can’t believe it. Are you admitting that you like her?” “NO!” I’m surprised at how hot my face was. “All I’m saying is that she’s an amazing agent, and would hate for her to waste her talents with crap jobs.” Eric then started to chuckle. “Why are you laughing?!” I was getting angry. “Is that why you haven’t dated in two years?” “Shut up!” “Look I’ll help you out. But you owe me.” “Like what? Want a better assignment? Or a bigger cut of the pay?” “None of that. Just you have to cook your famous demon horn soup for me and my boyfriend.” “Deal. Now get to work.” “Sure. Meet me at Blood Diamond for lunch.” I nodded my head and he left.
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dropstuffoff · 5 years
Creative Writing: 2
Just as I walked into her office at 9:30 she was looking through a couple of files. Our chat was short as I questioned about tomorrow. Then right on time, the new client has arrived. I still never understood why these clients don’t even try to hide that they’re not human.

The 3-reptile humanoid walked into the office. 2 had black suits while the third wore a red Victorian dress. Of course, it had to be the dragon princess to visiting, instead of her father. I won’t lie, she is pretty yet those scales always creep me out. Nel walked up to her and then bowed. I hate formalities, sucks the fun.
“So my princess, what brings you to New York?”
“I need help finding my pet, Fluffy. He has been missing for the last two months.” I hope this, Fluffy, is one of those small dogs. “You see Fluffy is my pet dragon. She gets so scared when she’s away from home. Plus, I miss her so much.” She then showed us a picture of Fluffy. Nel asked where she was last. “Los Vegas, when we went to visit my aunt.” I mentally slapped myself. I hope Eric gets this job, he loves giant pets. Nel told her that we’ll do what we can and sent the princess on her way.
She then looked at me. “Rac, let Matthew know he’s going dragon hunting.” I was surprised. Matthew was the last person I excepted Nel to mention. Especially after their fight about the last job. I told her I would and she sent me out of her office while she focused on paperwork. I hate it when she does that.

I can’t believe this! I’m not doing this anymore! As I got ready to get ready to leave for lunch is when Matthew shows up. He goes on if he should take the whole finding Fluffy job. I remind him he’s the best dragon hunter this organization has. He grins and puts an arm around my shoulders. “So does that mean you’ll finally go on a date with me?” I pick his hand away from me. And walk out of the office space.
Today is not looking like my day. Why is everyone asking to date me? First is damn Rachael, and now Matthew. This is crazy! As I walk to the elevator is when Eric catches up to me. When the doors closed I lean against the back way. “So, did the jerk take the bait?”
“Yeah. Jason’s team should be on their way to the restaurant now. Do you still think he’ll be mad?”
“Knowing him he’ll won’t see it coming. So, who should be my date for this? Or maybe I should go alone, like always.”
“For goodness sake how many—”
“You finish that sentence and I’ll put garlic in your coffee.” He put his hands over his mouth. “I thought so. How many times I have to remind you that she’s not my type? She’s too
” Just then the doors open and we got out the elevator. As I walked outside, I tap my watch to change my outfit. No longer in my tight clothes. Now I was sporting a pair of black slacks, and a red blouse with a black jacket. I truly hate changing clothes outside, but same time I don’t care.
I placed my hand in front of me and opened a portal. As I step through, I came upon the Blood Restaurant. I walked up to the attendant and told him my name. “Right this way, Ms. Mes.” I then followed him to the back, where there was a group of men at a table. Once the attendant left, I finally sat down.
“Well hello, Mes. I thought you were getting tired of me. What’s the reason for this meeting?”
I inward sigh; greet time to put on a show. I tried to put my best sexual personality to push this lie. “Come on babe, you know well I could never really leave you. So why don’t we go somewhere alone and talk.” I winked at him. He smirked back, but then it quickly fell to a frown.
“You never was good at lying. So cut the act. Why did you call me out here? And my guards aren’t living, not after what happened last time.” I slightly frown. This was going to be harder than I thought.
“I have that damn diamond you wanted, but first you have to pay me.” Then his smirk returned and told me to show him. I press my hands together and when I parted a purple diamond was between my hands. “Now do you believe me?” I raised an eyebrow. He then laughed and command one of his guards to grab me. He never changes. Why can’t he ever take the easy route?
As the guards grabbed my arms away from the diamond, I blew the diamond away from me. Before he could touch the diamond, it disappeared. And when he looked back at me, I saw the horror in his eyes.

Not again! Why do I keep forgetting she can do that? One moment her skin was a pale cream color till it became black. Her eyes went from a lash brown to rage red. Her clothes melted from her flesh. Smoke came from her mouth. I commanded the guards to let her go but it was too late. The guards hand her hands through their chests. I know that look, she’s going to blow.
“I’m sorry! Please take the money. And don’t worry about the diamond.” Her arms combust to black flames and the guards became ash. “I said sorry! Please! I’m begging you!” By now she had walked on the table towards me. She was in front of me. I got on my knees and begged. “I’m not ready to die.” I could feel tears sliding down my face. When I looked back to her she had changed back.
“The price has doubled. Next time you’re dead.” The anger in her eyes still glowing. I nodded. She picked me up from my collar and brought me to her eye level. “Next time you have guards I won’t even bother talking, I’ll just kill you.” With that, she dropped me and left the restaurant. Damn that woman can be such a mood killer. Once she left, I finally got my order of deer meat. After taking a bite I started choking. And I could hear her laughing. Then her voice whispered in my ear. “Actually, you die today.”
Then I looked at the waiter who gave me my food and it was him. Her trusted right-hand man, Eric. I was set up after all. Before the world turned black I could see his smirking evilly at me and hear her wicked laugh one last time.
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dropstuffoff · 5 years
Creative writing: 1
I just can’t believe it. The nose inside my head is rising. The anger in my heart is becoming more painful. I get out of bed and run to the bathroom. I need to take my medicine. But when I see my reflection the creature inside show itself. The room feels like it’s on fire. I can feel spiders crawling up my skin. I can’t take it! I try to grab the pills behind the mirror. Once I take one everything disappears.
This isn’t the first time this happened, and it won’t be the last. As I walk back to my bedroom is when I notice the time. Damn it! It’s time to get ready for work. I put a pair of black jeans and a black tank top on the bed. I go back to the bathroom and start getting ready for the day. As I walk out the door for the day, I close my enemies in my apartment, and I take on another persona. 
 I finally reach work, and it was uneventful. I thank whatever god there is to allow me this day. But once I walk into the office I’m greeted by the most annoying person on the planet. “Hey, Nel! Are you ready for the meeting at 10?” “Yes, Rachael. Did you remember to clear out my schedule for tomorrow?” She gives a yes and walks away. Her happy attitude gets on my nerves, but not as much as these daily meetings. I just can’t wait for Saturday to come already.
Just as I reach the doors to my private office, I’m greeted by the second annoying person. “So, did you notice what Rachael is wearing today? Why don’t you just ask her out already? We all know you have the hots for her.”
“Shut up Eric. I have standards. I don’t just sleep with just anyone, no matter how desperate I am.”
“Come on sis. When was the last time you got laid?”
“Two years and counting. Now drop it or I’ll have HR fire you.” He put his hands up and walked away. I really hate it when he does that. I have no time for relationships or anything for that matter. I finally got my dream job and I’m not going to stop pushing to keep this career going. Just before 9:30 came around Rachael let her presence know.
She closed the door behind her and walked around my desk next to me. “Do you really think they’ll be there tomorrow? I would hate for you to waste your time with falsework.”
“I understand. Now look sharp, over guess is here.”
Time to let the meeting of the lifetime to the beginning. _
Here comes Nel. I just love her and just wish she would notice me. Today I’m wearing my black pencil skirt and a pink button-down blouse. I made sure the top buttons were not done to let my oversize breast pop out. And I had my blonde hair in a neat bun. I really hope she notices me. “Hey, Nel! Are you ready for the meeting at 10?”
She doesn’t even look at me as she continues walking to the elevator. Once in she finally replies but it’s all business. Why won’t she even look at me? Even when looking at the elevator reflective door I can tell she’s not paying any mind to me. What do I have to do for her to notice me?
I then try to remind her of the dress-code, and that’s when she comments about me. Saying how I’m one to talk and then closes her door in my face. Just then Eric decides to show his ugly face. “What up Rach?”
“Why hasn’t she noticed me yet?” I started to tear up. “You told me that this would work!” He started to snicker and I slapped his chest. “I’m going to change before I have to go join her at that meeting.”
“If it makes you feel better, I still think she likes you.” I shook my head. “Think about it. Since you started working for her she has yet got you fired. She fires anyone who looks at her funny.”
“It still doesn’t make me feel better. I know she only keeps me because of my work. But for once I want her to notice me, like really notice.”
“Oh, shut up and go change.” I slapped him before I walked away. I can’t believe him sometimes. Nel only keeps us around because we’re just skilled in what we do and nothing else. Well, that what if feels like. But sometimes Eric's words do make me feel like they’re true, but I just don’t know. Maybe if she told me herself it’ll make it feel like I actually matter.
Just as I walked into her office at 9:30 she was looking through a couple of files. Our chat was short as I questioned about tomorrow. Then right on time, the new client has arrived. I still never understood why these clients don’t even try to hide that they’re not human.
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dropstuffoff · 5 years
chapter 3
As me and Chichi started to wake I noticed that someone was knocking on the door. I really didn’t want to leave my wife side, but I guess I have to since Chichi is still asleep. As I got out, I grabbed my boxes from the floor and a tank top. When I open the door there stood that lady again. She was giggling before she let me know that she’ll be back in the afternoon to take us back home. I thanked her and watched her leave before I closed the door.
Before I went to wake up Chichi, I stepped into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and that’s when I saw the reason that lady was giggling. Man, Chichi did a number on me, I really didn’t notice she bit so hard. I started snickering myself. I wonder how I left Chichi. And if she heard me call her, she appeared by the door way. Man, I don’t know if I should laugh at the sight or attack her. She too was covered with bite marks and some handprints.
She looked at me confused for a moment before she too started to giggle. Hearing that triggered another round of ruff housing, and when we finally left the bathroom I was carrying her. My chest swells up with pride knowing that I’m the reason she was too drain to walk. It really has been forever having to not worry and just being intimate. I definitely need to shower her with more affection every chance I get.
As I watch Goten and Raditz spar I can’t help but wonder how dad would react to seeing uncle Raditz again. Would he rage out like him or will he be his usually forgiven self? I really hope that dad doesn’t rage because I don’t either me or Vegeta could stop him. Just when I was about to get up from my seat Bardock walked over to me. “Boy are you ok?”
“Yeah, just slightly worry about dad’s reaction when he comes back today.”
“You truly think it’ll be that bad?” I just nodded. “Is it because of Raditz?” I nodded again. “Well maybe those shouldn’t meet right away till after we explain to Kakarrot.”
“Um, grandpa.” He looked at me. “How do you think he’ll react to you?” All did was look away towards Raditz and Goten before he walked away from me. Just when I was going to say something Gine walked up to me. “What about you grandma?”
She just shock her head. “I really don’t know. I’m actually scared to meet my son after so long.” That was understandable, I guess. But I still can’t get this feeling something bad is going to happen. Well we’ll just have to wait till dad and mom gets back this afternoon.
As me and Goku finish lunched and got ready to leave with the lady something felt off. Goku was even more quiet than usual. “What’s the matter honey?” He just smiled and shock his head. Before I could say anymore the lady finally showed up. Just as fast we came to this planet we were back home.
To my surprise once we appeared I was attack by some small body and knocked down. When I finally saw who attacked me it was Goten, hugging the living daylight out of me and crying. “MOMMY! YOU’RE HOME!” When he finally let go of me, he rushed to his father and hugged his leg. “Hey dad!”
As I witness Goku picking up Goten I finally got up from the ground. Then I was ambushed my other son and granddaughter. Just not as violent. After they hugged me half to death they let go and walked over to Goku. Pan was in Goku arms and they walked over to me. Just when we having a family moment a strange female walked up to us.
She had short hair and had an outfit similar to Vegeta battle armor, just with a skirt. I was confused at that sight, even Goku seem confused. But Goten and Gohan didn’t seem to mind. Before I could say anything Goten spoke. “Mom meet grandma. That lady brought her and grandpa back to life.” Before I could reply I heard a loud noise next to me. When I look over to my right I saw that Goku had fainted. You would think I was going to be the one to faint.
Goten tried to shaking his dad awake to no use. Even this woman seem to be in shocked by Goku’s reaction. “OH NO! My poor Kakarrot. Bardock, come quick!” Before I knew it a man who look just like my Goku, only with scars on his face. “Bardock do something.” She started to cry.
I don’t know what happen but when I woke up I was in a bed, and when I looked around the room I was in a saw Chichi sitting down next to me. Before I could say anything that strange, yet familiar woman showed up by the door. But she wasn’t alone. Next to her was a man who looked so much like me. I started feeling like I was about to pass out again till I saw that woman started to have tears sliding down her face.
I tried my best to keep it together and then I looked over to Chichi. She had a sad smile and when I was about to say something she spoke first. “Sweetie are you ok?” I nodded. “Good. So I guess I got to explain what’s going on.” I stood quiet as she explain.
I was left speechless to find out these two people are actually my dead parents. What confused me the most was why they were here and for how long. Just then Gohan showed up at the door. “So dad how you feeling?” I told him I was feeling ok, then he continue. “So dad there also someone else who was brought back to life. And please for Dente sake don’t go crazy.” I asked him what he meant, but instead of answering me he looked towards the door.
Then came the biggest shock in my life, someone I never thought I see again unless I was dead again. It just couldn’t be, I was between wanting to kill him a second time and wanting to ask questions. I got up and walked over to him. When I was just in front of him, he seemed nervous. “Talk. Now.” Fear was read all over his face and she tried to speak. I was actually getting impatient and grabbed him by the hair and dragged him outside.
When we were outside I notice it was dark out, but that didn’t matter. “I won’t say it again.” He started walking backwards as he tried to tell me he was sorry. By now Gohan and Goten were already outside with Chichi. Before I could grab him again I heard a loud what from my wife. Before I knew it she was next to us and punched Raditz in the face.
Now here I was trying to get my wife away from my brother. I knew I wanted to beat the daylights out of him but I’m not letting Chichi get hurt. It felt like hours till Chichi and I calm down enough for Raditz and these supposed parents of mine to speak. I was still in shock at the whole thing, but I tried to stay calm. Around this time Vegeta finally showed up.
After dad and mom finally calm down and everything was explained it was starting to get calm till Vegeta showed up. I really didn’t know what to expect till he mentions that woman from before stating that for a year they’ll be dealing “these weaklings.” Dad seem to not mind, since he thought this was a good chance to get a few things off his chest. Neither me nor Vegeta knew what he was talking about. And when I spoke to mom she too seem to be thinking this was a good opportunity. Whatever that means. This was going to be a long year.
As I watched mom, dad, and Goten getting ready to leave I noticed grandma seeming sad. “Mom, dad if possible could you guys stay the night or so?” They looked at each other for a moment.
“Sorry Gohan, but we really miss our home. We’ll be back tomorrow.” I watched them as they flew away on numbus.
It’s been over a year since mom and dad went on their vacation and now everyone is gather together to say goodbye to grandma, grandpa, and uncle Raditz. Dad seem to not being taking it so well since he was still hugging grandma. This was funny to watch, never thought dad would be the clingy type. Goten also didn’t want to let go of grandma either. This was too funny.
Not only that somehow along the way me and uncle Raditz seem to get close, and if I was imagining it I think Piccolo was jealous. Even Pan seem to get attach to grandpa and grandma, she too didn’t want to let go. “Ok you three, let her go.” Mom was trying hard to try to get dad and Goten off grandma. It was just funny to watch. It took grandpa to step in to get everyone off.
We said our final goodbyes and then they disappeared. Just like that it seem nothing change, well except dad gave mom this weird look. I didn’t know if I should be embarrass or gross out. I look towards Goten to see him to gross out. Well it seems he saw dad too. I sometimes find it funny that dad one minute would hide how he feels and another minute he’s all lovey-dovey with mom.
“Hey Goten, wanna stay over?” Goten looked to mom almost asking if it was alright, but then it seemed he remember the face dad gave and just told me yes. Mom was clueless and was about to tell Goten no, when dad stepped in and said it was perfectly fine. Again mom seemed clueless and moments like this makes me question who really is the naive one between them. Mom and dad seem to have the same personality sometimes.
After seeing mom and dad leave me and Goten started laughing. And just like that everything seem to go back to what is our definition of normal.
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dropstuffoff · 5 years
Chapter 2: WOW
After breakfast Goten gave me a big hug and told us to have fun. With that he started flying off to his brother’s while me and Goku spoke to the woman the was in front of us. After a few words were exchange our surroundings vanished and it was replaced with something total different and beautiful. It’s so beautiful I was just speechless.
“I’ll be back in two months. Don’t worry about the locos, they won’t bother you. Everything on this planet is safe. Oh, before I forget if you haven’t noticed by now everything is huge. Well that’s because this planet is run by giants. So much fun. Now enjoy.” Before we could say anything she just left.
As we looked around Goku seem to be slightly off. Just when I was about to say something he spoke. “Well looks like I should set us up a shelter. You could look around while I work, try not to go too far, ok.” I nodded my head as I saw him looking around and walked towards a tall tree.
I can’t believe this! Dad only been gone for two days and this lady relieved my uncle! What the hell! What’s really surprised me was that he wasn’t alone and that he doesn’t want to fight or destroy. On top of that a man who looked like dad was with him, and a strange lady who wouldn’t let go of Goten. On top of that Vegeta seem to be more on edge than usual, then again I can’t blame him. After all his father was also relieved and it’s scary how much they were similar.
I was brought out of my thoughts as I hear Pan giggle and looked her way to see the strange man holding her to my face. “Come here Pan” When I took her, she smiled at the man and calling him grandpa. “No Pan.” The man smiled back and stated but she isn’t wrong. “What do you mean?”
“I am your grandfather.” Even though he said that yesterday I still didn’t believe him.
“Goku do you think Goten is ok?” I looked at my husband as he was setting up the fire for the fish he caught. He didn’t answer till he was finished.
“He’ll be fine Chichi. Gohan will take care of him, so let’s try to relax.” It only been two days and he still seem off. Then again can’t blame him. Even though it was funny how the lady came back this morning with a bag of capsules stating she was sorry she forgot. One capsule was a house we could use, good thing too. I don’t think I can sleep on the ground another night.
“Are you ok Goku.”
“I’ll be fine Chichi. What you want to do while we wait for the fish to cook?”
Doesn’t seem like he going to tell me again today. I guess he’s just as worried as I am. Well this is supposed so be a vacation so maybe it’s time to act like it. When was the last time we actual had a vacation? Just then I had an idea and I ran back into the home.
Seeing Chichi run into the home was slightly surprising but I tried not to give it much thought. I tried to see if I could sense the earth but it seems that we are way too far. I was close to try and contact King Kai till Chichi came back out. When I saw her my mouth just dropped.
I can’t believe it. She was wearing one of her bathing suits and she is beyond amazing. I was daze that I didn’t notice she was walking to me. “Goku?” I finally snapped out of it and found my hands on her small waist.
“Yes Chichi.” She giggled and wiggled out of my hands and lightly jogged back to the house. That’s it! I playfully try to catch her. I let her escape a couple of times before I had her pinned on the ground. We laughed and before I could land a kiss on those beautiful lips she just had to remind me about this fish.
“Goten get out of Raditz hair! And go get ready for bed!”
“Come on grandma! I don’t wanna go! Can’t me and uncle Raditz play some more?”
“Boy! You better listen to her or I’ll make you go to bed!” I can’t believe this. I wish mom and dad was back already. Goten said it only been a month but it feels like forever. Why couldn’t I go with them? This is so not fair. As I walked to my tempary room grandma followed me. I do admit that it was nice that I got to meet dad’s side of the family. I still can remember how Gohan reacted to uncle Raditz.
As the lady came back from giving dad the bag from Bulma she announced that she had a big surprised for us. When she said that there was a circle on the floor and figures started to rise from it. When the light was gone there stood someone I thought I would never see again. When I saw him my rage just exploded!
Blindly I found myself punching him. I heard muffles as I was taking my rage out on his ribs. Just when I was about to punch his face again someone stopped my hand. I then felt someone was pulling me away and trying to hold me back. “LET ME GO!” Nothing but pure hatred was running through my veins as I look at that monster’s face.
“Brat snap out of it boy!” I felt a strong punch to the gut. When my eyes finally focused I was starring at Vegeta. I was about to say something till he held his hand up. Then I look to him again and then I noticed something I didn’t before. Two other figures were next to him. One of them even looked like dad.
In what felt like a whisper I asked who were they. The female was the one who got up and walked over to me. “So you must be my grandson Raditz told me about. My you so strong. I’m Gine, Raditz and Kakarrot’s mother. And over there by Raditz is Bardock, their father.” She had a very gentle aura around her and when she stopped Goten she just broke down and cried.
The rest of the day was just unbearably awkward, especially between me and my uncle. Gine then went on to explain that they didn’t really send dad to destroy earth, but for him to surive. I noticed Raditz seem shocked by the news. Also noticing that Gine wouldn’t stop hugging Goten; saying something about how she wish she could have seen dad grow up. Bardock on the other hand seem beyond quiet.
Just when things were setting down the lady had one more surprised. She brought back Vegeta’s father. From then on we were told that they will live in this world for the rest of the year. When we asked why she just laughed and disappeared.
Wow two months seem to go by so fast. On top of that I’m glad I took this unexpected vacation with my wife. Not only do I feel relax I also was able to spend a lot of time with Chichi. I should do that more often when we retune to earth. Maybe I should just not leave earth at all when I want to train. Or maybe actually settle down for good.
Either way tonight was our last night on this planet before we went home. So I’m going to make the best of it. Especially since Chichi isn’t wearing any clothes right now.
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dropstuffoff · 5 years
Goku’s Vacation
That’s it! I can’t take it anymore! As I another set of dishes I look out the window. I can’t believe it! Another summer came and left. Usually I wouldn’t really mind so much but for some reason I just had it. Then I heard the front door open, and lord and behold my dear husband has finally returned from training. Just when I was about to turn around to address him, he has the nerve to wrap his arms around me. “Guess what Chichi.” I angrily huffed as a response. “So, we’re leaving tomorrow for two months.”
At this I turned around and looked him in the eye. “YOU’RE GOING TRAINING AGAIN! AND FOR TWO MONTHS! YOU JUST GOT HOME!” He looked at me slightly puzzled, and then he had his usually grin. “GOKU!”
He placed his hands on my hips as he pulled me closer. “I said we’re leaving. As in you and me.” Now I’m the one with a puzzled look. “You better get plenty of rest tonight before our big trip.” With that he just left me staying there in the kitchen. I had half a mind to go after him to ask him what he was talking about. But I was just too stunned to move.
As the day was coming to an end and Whis was gathering us to go back to earth a weird female appeared. She was as tall as Vegeta, had long red hair, and wore an outfit close to what Bulma worn when we first met. As she approached us Whis seemed off. “Hello Whis. Oh and this most be Goku and Vegeta I heard so much about.” Whis nodded his head. Me and Vegeta didn’t know what to say. “Goku may I speak to you alone.” I looked at Whis for any sign if I should worry, he just nodded and I followed the female a good way off from the group.
“Who are you?”
“It doesn’t matter. Just know I know a great deal about you, and I have an offer that is too good to past us.” I nodded as she continued. “You see from what I hear you are the great savior of earth, and you even had a hand in saving other planets and universes. The thing I want to thank you.” I gave her a puzzled face. “How about I drop you off and a person of your choice to a far-off planet to take a vacation.”
“A vacation?”
“Yeah, you know to relax and enjoy yourself. I could drop you off on a planet that has beautiful beaches, and the locos are nice to. A place where you don’t have to worry about the next threat and you don’t have to worry about anything at all.”
“What’s the catch.” It sounded interesting, maybe Chichi would like it. She does need a break.
“Well the thing is that you have to stay there for two months.” My mouth dropped at the mention of how long it was. “Also, nobody can contact you what’s so ever.”
“What if the earth needs me? What if something happens while I’m away? What if
“I’m sure there won’t be any problems if you’re not there. Can’t Vegeta or any of your friends handle it.” Flash back from when Freeza came back and I was there in time came to mind. “For goodness sake. You’re telling me that nobody can do anything without you. So sad. They should learn.”
I just starred at her as I though about what she just said. Am I really the only one who keep the earth safe? Vegeta is just as strong as me, and Gohan as started training again. So, what do I really have to worry about?
“Good to see you’re thinking. So, relax, take the two months off. Everything will be fine. On top of that when you return, you’ll be refresh and ready for anything. Oh, and Goku.” I nodded. “I’m taking you tomorrow, and on top of that you can’t tell anyone other than the person you’re taking with you.” Before I could say anything, she disappeared.
After I finished the dishes, I headed to our bedroom to find an interesting sight. There were suitcases on the bed and clothes all over the place. I was more surprised that one wasn’t full with his training gi. “Goku, honey.” He walked out of our walk-in closet. “What are you doing?”
“Packing.” He said stating the obvious. “I can see that, but why?”
“I told you, we’re leaving for two months.”
“Where and why?”
“It’s a surprise.” He then held up two of my dresses from the closet. “So which one do you wanna take? I like this one.” He said lifting up the purple dress slightly higher than the other.
“Why not both. And shouldn’t we tell our sons? And where is Goten going to stay? And aren’t you going to pack your training gi too?”
“Ok, and Goten could stay with Gohan if anything. Plus, I’m not really allowed to tell anyone other than you about this. I’m not taking my gi because I’m not going to be training.” I was about to stay something till he pulled me in for a kiss. When we finally parted I was breathless. “For the next two months is just going to be about you and me.” I felt my checks heat up and just looked away.
With that said we spent the rest of the afternoon pack and I did notice that Goku seemed a bit worried.
As I capsule our bags and got ready for dinner, I felt that Goten was about to arrive soon. As I headed downstairs, I could hear Chichi humming a tone. It’s good to hear her happy. I went to the door and opened it as I waited for my youngest son to come home. When he landed in the yard, I called for him to hurry inside and clean up.
As we ate Goten went on and on about his day and then he told us how there was this lady who came to CC and spoke with Bulma. He said how Bulma yelled at her for talking nonce and that she can’t believe for two months I was going to be gone. When he said that I almost choked on some rice and Chichi started asking him questions.
“So yeah, the lady said that for two months dad is going to be gone and nobody can contact him. When Bulma asked why the lady said he deserve it. Oh, and that we should be grateful she’s even giving dad two months. She said it’s because she was going to offer him a year and that if he didn’t take the year, she would destroy this universe.” Me and Chichi were left stunned. “So, dad, she said that you were allowed to take one person with you. Who you taking?”
I looked at Chichi and then Goten started to cry. Oh boy.
After dinner was done, I did my usually after dinner workout while Goten read a book sitting on my back. I just couldn’t get this weird feeling that something might happen during those two months. No matter how hard I tried to force those thoughts out my head it still was there.
Once I put Goten to bed I went to our room to start my nightly routine. When I entered our room, I noticed Goku relaxing in bed. “Tomorrow is the day, Chichi.”
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