drownaed-old · 3 years
      QOREN BORE THE RED ROBES of the lord of light with all the pride of a king and his crown. he had heard tales of the ironborn, with their quaint little mythologies of a fickle god who lived in the ocean like a fish. fisherpeople, thieves and ore-miners, he supposed, were in need of comfort that the sea on which they travelled would not chew them up and spit them out. never had he met a believer of this strange old-world persuasion. 
     “i am sure that is a convenient reason for his worship being confined to a few desolate islands,” a smile quirked at the corner’s of the red priest’s lips. “and the ships of the rats who disperse from them.” he waves his fingers idly through the candle-flame lighting the table on which the tankards of ale sit. qorens is untouched. “only light can make a place holy. and only one god gives light, brother.”
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a  dismissive  attitude   shifts  back,  tide  replacing  it  with  something  a  bit  more  familiar  to  the  rumors  that  swirled  around  the  bone  hand’s  heir   — —   there’s  something  quite  off  about  him,  even  by  ironborn  standards  ...  perhaps  not  all  of  him  came  back  to  life,  and  he’s  been  wandering  about  the  world  half  a  ghost  for  all  his  life.  the  lazy  hand  clenches  shut  for  a  moment  and  then  rises  again,  his  pointer  and  thumb  dipped  into  his  own  ale,  dampening  the  pads,  before  reaching  out  and  pinching  out  the  flame.  derran  looks  at  the  red  priest  as  if  he  has  proven  his  whole  point   (  in  his  mind,  he  has  to  some  extent :  light  is  surely  not  that  powerful  when  it  can  be  so  easily  taken  away,  but  the  sea  can  not  be  removed  ),  silent  for  a  long  moment.
‘  i  am  not  your  brother,  ’  he  corrects,  finally  breaking  the  moment.  ‘  my  brothers  are  those  who  have  been  drowned  in  the  waves  and  brought  back  stronger  than  iron.  ’  it’s  not  a  casual  endearment  to  be  shared  between  strangers,  especially  not  with  greenlanders.  the  other’s  accent  was  unfamiliar,  likely  not  of  westeros,  but  in  some  way  all  who  weren’t  born  of  the  islands  were  green.  ‘  hardly  rats,  but  if  it  is  a  comfort  to  discredit  us  as  such  i  will  let  you  have  it.  ’
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drownaed-old · 3 years
       timestamp :    the  requiem  /  spring ,  486  ac.    location :    eyrie ,  the  vale    tagging :    @eskirmir​   ( victarion  greyjoy )
as  displeased  as  derran  is  with  his  location,  he’s  begun  to  at  least  find  things  to  consider  and  keep  his  mind  busy.  latest  on  the  list  was  whether  the  greenlanders  found  any  peace  in  death,  surrounding  themselves  with  rocks  and  still  air.  it’s  reflections  on  these,  if  you  could  call  them  that  and  not  judgements,  that  find  their  way  into  the  journal  he  keeps  — —  something  to  write  about  when  there  was  little  else  to  keep  his  attention.  he  feels  cut  off  here  from  that  which  grants  him  power,  and  he  does  his  best  to  ignore  it.
‘  has  anyone  killed  each  other  quite  yet ?  ’  he  asks,  hearing  the  sound  of  someone  entering  his  chambers.  only  victarion  or  his  sister  would  find  the  will  to  do  so,  he  assumes,  and  so  the  question  is  well  suited  for  either  of  them.   ‘  it’s  been  quite  a  boring  affair  thus  far.  ’  the  morbid  shadow  of  a  man  turns  in  the  chair,  looking  up  at  his  friend.  ‘  — —  at least it would be something  different.  ’
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drownaed-old · 3 years
       QOREN THE RED TRUSTS NOONE. in this rocky, mountainous land of barbaric, blind unbelievers and crude temples to the seven pretend gods, there was nowhere for trust to lay it’s flaming red head. his eyes flick around to every person he passes, intense and unyielding, scoping out who’s ears may be burning for the word of his god, the true god. some, the idiot smallfolk with rudimentary seven pointed stars on leather cords around their neck, look ripe for the picking. others, like the blue-eyed man drinking ale as though it is in shortage, he can see are wizened, laying on the floor of the orchard, unplucked in their prime and therefore a wasted soul in the eyes of r’hllor’s humble servant, sent to collect harvest.  
       at least, the man’s rough tongue speaks a modicum of truth. the people could not see him yet, but the sun shone, and thus he was here. as he was everywhere. “in time, he will come.” his accent, licked with the intonations of his braavosi upbringing and the rare rounded prefix of dorne he could not lose. “the lord of light is everywhere. these nonbelievers are merely too blinded by their false gods to see him.”
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they  had  reached  a  similar  conclusion  it  seemed,  yet  their  directions  from  entirely  different  maps  of  the  world.  the  cartographer  of  his  own  mind  was  not  expecting  an  answer,  and  so  narrowed  eyes  turn  upon  the  figure  with  the  unfamiliar  accent  and  bright  robes.  ‘  unlikely,  ’  he  replies  before  the  other  continues,  word  sharp  like  a  rocky  crag  on  the  cliffs  of  old  wyk.  the  drowned  god  would  not  stray  from  his  home,  and  they  were  foolish  if  they  stayed  here  for  too  much  longer.  they  prospered  in  his  seas,  with  his  salt.  however,  then  the  other  continues  and  derran  sighs,  setting  the  cup  down  with  a  solid  sound  of  metal  on  wood,  as  his  head  tilts  to  the  side  to  consider  the  mislead  fanatic  he  had  found  himself  in  conversation  with.  ‘  oh.  ’
'  greenlanders  change  their  gods  as  the  wind  changes  course,  so  i’m  sure  you’ll  find  a  few  to  ...  ‘  he  trails  off  for  a  moment,  finishing  the  sentence  with  a  dismissive  wave  of  a  ring - clad  hand.  ‘  whatever  it  is  you  seek  to  convince  them  for.  ’  the  hand  returns  to  the  able.  ‘  my  god  will  not  come  to  this  keep  though,  for  this  is  not  a  holy  place.  ’
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drownaed-old · 3 years
        timestamp :    the  requiem  /  spring ,  486  ac.    location :    eyrie ,  the  vale    tagging :    @nightcomes   ( qoren  sand )
like  so  much  water  runoff,  the  ironborn  had  arrived  in  the  vale;  building  in  volume  and  dragging  things  along  with  them.  a  queen  pulled  by  duty,  a  brother  for  a  sister,  and  then  a  friend  for  a  friend  — —  suddenly  the  drowned  god’s  favorites  stood  in  halls  quite  unfamiliar  to  them,  separated  from  their  waters  and  ships.  it  did  not  sit  right  with  derran.  the  water  here  had  no  character,  no  salt  or  metal  to  its  taste.  while  a  fresh  spring  might  be  a  sign  of  life  for  some,  it  was  an  abysmal  sight  to  he  who  guaranteed  his  life  by  brined  waves.  
at  least  he  looks  miserable  enough  to  be  respectful  of  the  dead  — —  a  sour  expression  painted  on  his  features,  though  its  unclear  if  it  is  simply  his  distaste  for  being  here  or  the  physical  impact  of  the  sudden  shift  in  elevation.  likely  both,  and  drink  has  offered  little  comfort.  then  again,  there  was  usually  something  acetic  in  the  look  of  the  thunderer’s  captain.  he  gazes  out  the  window,  looking  over  the  mountains  that  were,  for  once,  below  him.  
        ‘  no  god  here,  ’  he  murmurs  to  himself,  before  taking  another  swig.  they  had  removed  themselves  from  his  home.
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drownaed-old · 3 years
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𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐍 𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐣𝐚𝐜𝐤, or the knave, represents the card between queen and ten. he is known as a trickster, and is associated with historical courtly warrior figures like hector of troy, lancelot, and the warrior priest judas maccabeus.
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐕𝐈𝐂𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎𝐍 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐘𝐉𝐎𝐘, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 is the highest ranked of the faces, just above the queen. the rest of the deck falls under him, and takes its face from the great ruler generals of history - the biblical david, charles the great, julius caesar and alexander the great.
𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐆𝐖𝐘𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐄 𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐘𝐉𝐎𝐘, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 or the dame is the card ranked between the king and the jack - in some italian decks she holds the same role and value as the king himself. her face is borrowed from warrior queens throughout history, such as pallas athene, goddess of war, and the jewish queen judith, of holoferenes’-severed-head fame.
( @eskirmir​​ @drownaed​​ )
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drownaed-old · 3 years
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        𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐀𝐍  𝐃𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐌 .   lord  of  old  wyk,  heir  of  the  bone  hand,  and  second  in  command  of  the  iron  fleet.  faithful  servant  of  the  drowned  god.   when  songs  are  sung,  their  verses  speak  of  boy  in  a  grip,  like  cataleptic  rigidity,  the  fatal  hold  of  ancestral  ghost  stories  and  paternal  devotion,  swirling  in  the  water  below  like  an  eddy  that  threatens  to  pull  everything  under ;  blood  spilled  in  the  water,  life  is  gifted  to  the  waves  and  is  granted  in  return ;  iron  skeleton  braves  any  storm  with  confidence,  for  death  has  come  and  his  price  already  paid ;  divinity  is  in  his  bones  and  he  will  not  squander  it.   /   intelligent  &  assured,  morbid  &  zealous    /    information .
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drownaed-old · 3 years
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drownaed-old · 3 years
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drownaed-old · 3 years
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drownaed-old · 3 years
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