drsangeetagowswami · 3 months
How to Take Care of Your Eyes Daily
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Looking for some easy yet practical tips for eye care on a daily basis? Read on to know further. While we often think eye care means eating well and limiting digital screen time, a routine exam is a vital part of eye care. To treat all eye-related concerns, you can meet the best eye doctor in Siliguri. If you correct your lifestyle, your chance of eye concerns decreases.
Here's a simple guide to maintaining optimal eye health with simple, daily habits.
Try the 20-20-20 Golden Rule
Exposure to digital screens is also impossible to avoid these days, a significant part of modern life. Prolonged screen time tends to cause eye strain, red eyes, dryness, headaches, etc. So, to get rid of these eye issues due to digital screen time, apply the 20-20-20 rule. It’s one of the simplest strategies to comfort your eyes.
Here is how you should do this practice.
Look away from your computer screen or mobile phone every 20 minutes.
Now, fix your focus on an object located 20 feet away from you.
Just do this activity for 20 seconds.
Keep Proper Screen Distance
Make sure that your screen is not close enough to your face and eyes. It should be about an arm’s length away, and ensure that the top of the monitor/laptop/computer/ is at or a little down your eye level.
Don’t Forget to Blink Often
Did you know how important blinking is for your eye health? It spreads tears over your eye surface and keeps them moist and clean. We often forget to blink while focusing on digital screens.
Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can impair your eye health over time, which may lead to dry eyes. Hydration is vital to your eye health as it maintains the tear film covering the surface of your eyes. Proper lubrication keeps your eyes moist, kicks out bacteria, removes dust particles, et al.
Eat a Balanced Diet
Nutrition plays a crucial role in your overall health, including your eyes. Below are some of the best eye-friendly nutrients to add to your diet:
Vitamin A, available in carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens.
Omega-3 fatty acids, available in fish, flaxseeds, plant oils, and walnuts.
Vitamin C, available in citrus fruits, berries, and bell peppers.
Vitamin E, available in nuts, seeds, and spinach.
Go for Routine Eye Exams
Routine eye exams are nothing to avoid but to appreciate. Actually, we hardly go for routine eye exams until the discomfort arises. Even if you don’t wear glasses or contact lenses, a regular eye exam at least once a year is vital.
Eye specialists inspect if your eyes are fit if you need eyeglasses, or if changes in eyeglass power, etc. Talk to the top eye doctor in Siliguri for all types of eye concerns and routine checkups.
Use Proper Lighting
While not having proper lighting affects your eye health, using proper lighting can reduce eye strain. Make sure you avoid working in dim light more often and reduce glare by setting up the screen away from direct light sources.
Wear Sunglasses Outdoors
You can wear sunglasses outdoors to protect your eyes from the effects of UV rays. Prolonged exposure to UV rays can damage your eyes over time. Try wearing sunglasses with proper UVA and UVB protection outdoors.
Taking care of your eye health is no big task. All these tips are practical, requiring little effort. Besides these tips, another essential tip would be avoiding screen time at least once an hour before going to bed. For comprehensive eye care, you can visit Dr. Sangeeta Goswami, one of the reputed ophthalmologists in Siliguri.
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drsangeetagowswami · 4 months
Top 7 Foods That Improve Your Eye Health
Hardly people bother about their eye health until discomforts take place. Maintaining routine eye care is vital to vision and prevents eye-related diseases. Here, your lifestyle and a balanced diet are important. You can talk to the leading eye specialist in Siliguri for advanced eye care. 
Vitamins A, C, E, zinc, antioxidants like lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids are essential for your eye health. With a balanced (nutrient-rich diet) you might reduce the risk of cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, dry eyes, poor night vision, glaucoma, etc. 
Here are the top seven foods that can benefit your eye health:
Leafy Green Vegetables
Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and collard greens boast vital nutrients your eyes need. These veggies are packed with lutein, zeaxanthin, and other nutrients that nourish the central vision, reducing the risk of oxidative stress, cataracts, and age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Carrots have high beta-carotene content, ideal for your eye health. Beta-carotene, a type of vitamin A, is a vital nutrient that helps maintain good vision. Vitamin A boosts the production of rhodopsin which helps with low-light vision. It prevents night blindness, good for your overall health.
Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits contain excellent amounts of antioxidants, including oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes. They are high in vitamin C, a powerful antioxidant, that protects damage from free radicals. These nutrients are vital to the health of blood vessels in your eyes. Vitamin C in citrus fruits lowers your risk of developing cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.
Sweet Potatoes
Sweet potatoes are loaded with beta-carotene, vitamins A and C, potassium, and manganese. Sweet potatoes also contain vitamin E, iron, copper, calcium, etc. that not only nourish your eye health but also boost your overall health. Vitamin A in sweet potatoes helps improve your vision, minimizing the chance of dry eyes, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. You might visit the best eye specialist in Siliguri for routine eye checkups. 
Nuts and Seeds
When it comes to eye health care through diet, nuts, and seeds play a crucial role. Among nuts and seeds, you can include almonds, chia seeds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and flaxseeds in your diet in the proper amount. No matter how healthy they are, excessive consumption can affect your well-being. These nuts and seeds are excellent sources of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, good for your eye health.
Fatty Fish
Fatty fish, including salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, etc., are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is an essential structural component of your retina. With the right intake of fatty fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, you can keep your retinal health in a good state. Also, these nutrients reduce the risk of dry eye syndrome and macular degeneration.
Eggs contain a wide range of nutrients, like iron, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, lutein, zinc, zeaxanthin, etc. These essential nutrients are ideal for your retinal health, especially lutein, zeaxanthin, and zinc. 
All these seven food items are good for the eyes and overall health. Do skip foods mentioned that you’re allergic to. You can speak to your eye specialist for regular checkups and comprehensive support. While a healthy diet is vital, routine consultation with your eye doctor is essential. Consult one of the top rental specialists in Siliguri, Dr. Sangeeta D Goswami. 
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