drshefalibansal01 · 9 months
7 Foods That Can Boost Testosterone Production
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Testosterone is one of the key hormones that are crucial for fertility health in both men and women. It is also a major hormone that is important for our bone health and muscle mass. The level of Testosterone in the body can vary based on age, lifestyle choices and medical condition.
Even though Testosterone levels can decline with age, following a nutritional diet can help to maintain optimum Testerone levels. Consulting with an IVF specialist in Siliguri may help you with information regarding healthy foods and nutrition that are essential for healthy Testosterone levels.
In the following, there are discussion regarding 7 foods that can boost Testerone production.
-Fatty Fish
Fatty fishes such as trout and salmon are high in nutrients enriched with Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids which are a healthy food option for your hormonal health. These nutrients are important to maintain healthy testosterone levels in the body.
- Green Leafy Vegetables
Green leafy vegetables are considered to be one of the most balanced foods to add to your diet. Enriched with iron and magnesium, green vegetables can also be a possible option to boost testosterone in your body. Another good source of magnesium includes whole grains and lentils.
-Eggs Yolks
Among various foods, egg yolks are among one of the major sources of Protein and Vitamin D that help to boost Testerone production in the body. Even egg whites are a good source of Vitamin D and it also helps to reduce risk related to cholesterol-induced diseases.
Some of the best IVF specialists in Siliguri recommend eggs as a major source of protein and Vitamin D and to have properties that boost testosterone levels in the body. 
-Cocoa Products
Some of the cocoa products are a high source of magnesium and antioxidants that are essential for your health as well as help to boost Testosterone levels in the body. Cocoa powder and low-sugar dark chocolate are some of the common cocoa products with impressive health benefits. 
-Citrus Fruits
Citrus fruits such as orange and lemons are regarded as some of the best fruits when it comes to maintaining healthy testosterone levels. These fruits are enriched with vitamin that lowers the estrogen levels helping towards the production and effectiveness of testosterone hormones in the body.
Banana is regarded as one of the healthiest fruits that possess various health benefits. It contains bromelain, an enzyme that is known to boost testosterone levels while maintaining energy levels in the body.
Almonds are one of the healthy foods that you must add to your diet due to their various health benefits. Almonds contain high levels of zinc mineral which is known to increase the levels of testosterone in the body. It also helps to increase the production of testosterone hormones in the body.
Lack of testosterone levels in the body may lead to various health complications such as erectile dysfunction, Decrease in muscle strength, Low stamina, low sperm count and many more. This can be treated with Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) which can be availed from the best IVF specialist in Siliguri.
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drshefalibansal01 · 11 months
Endometritis: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment
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Most people often confuse endometritis with endometriosis but both of them are different. Both of these disorders impact the uterine lining, where endometritis mostly leads to inflammation of the endometrium or uterine lining due to an ongoing infection. This health condition can be acute as well as chronic which may cause various serious health complications. 
The chances of getting affected by endometritis are higher among the women who have recently given birth. Chorioamnionitis is a complication during pregnancy that can further progress to become endometritis. If this disorder is affecting your fertility rate, then you may consider taking the assistance of IVF in Siliguri. 
Here is a brief outline of the common symptoms, causes, and treatments of endometritis that you may experience. 
In certain cases, there are no significant symptoms of endometritis and this is why most women become unaware of the fact that they have this disorder. This issue makes it more difficult to treat the disorder as it progresses towards chronic endometritis. Some of the common symptoms include- 
Sudden chills and fever 
Abdominal discomfort 
Pelvic pain 
Extreme fatigue 
Vaginal bleeding or abnormal discharge 
Swelling in the abdominal areas
Pain during bowel movements 
1. Infection: The main cause of endometritis is a severe infection developed due to bacteria that are usually found in the vaginal areas. 
2. Childbirth: In most cases, the cervix helps create a barrier between the bacteria and the uterus but when the cervix is open the bacteria can travel through the uterus. This issue can happen due to various reasons including surgery and childbirth. This is why miscarriage and childbirth especially caesarean delivery are considered as another prominent reason for endometritis. 
3. STIs: If you’re suffering from any STIs such as gonorrhea and Chlamydia then also it can cause endometritis due to an infection in the bacterium. 
4. Pelvic Procedures: Certain pelvic procedures can also be a significant cause of endometritis as it makes it easier for the bacteria to travel to the internal organs and uterus. Some of such procedures include the insertion of an intrauterine device, dilation and curettage, hysteroscopy, and endometrial biopsy. 
5. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Another health condition that can cause endometritis is PID. This is a disorder that causes serious infection in the pelvis that can also spread to the endometrium and lead to endometritis. Early diagnosis and treatment of PID are necessary to reduce the risk of endometritis. 
Before determining an effective treatment option, the doctor will first diagnose your condition with certain tests. Some of the potential tests include laparoscopy, blood tests to check infection, wet mount, cervical cultures, and endometrial biopsy. After getting the report, the treatment plan will include measures to reduce the infection. 
The doctor will first prescribe you antibiotics to kill the bacteria causing the inflammation. In some chronic situations, intravenous antibiotics can also be recommended. Surgery to remove the affected tissues, treating the abscess in the abdomen, and antibiotic treatment of the partner with STIs can also be used. 
To prevent the issues of permanent infertility, you must contact an infertility specialist immediately to avail of the treatments of IVF in Siliguri for achieving a successful pregnancy. If left untreated, endometritis can also cause various complications such as septic shock, pelvic peritonitis, and septicaemia. 
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drshefalibansal01 · 1 year
5 Importance Of Antenatal Care
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Antenatal or prenatal care is the healthcare that you receive during your pregnancy. Proper antenatal care improves the health condition of the mother and the fetus. It can be a combination of fetal monitoring, ultrasound, screening, education, and diagnostic tests. 
For having a healthy pregnancy, it is important to start antenatal care in the first trimester. However, if you’re facing any issues to conceive, then you can avail the best infertility treatments in Siliguri. The doctor will assist you throughout the treatment and will also provide you the essential antenatal care. 
Here are some of the importance that you can receive from effective antenatal care. 
1. Appropriate Nutrition
Proper nutrition is the most essential factor that contributes to the development of the baby. By availing of antenatal care, you can understand the nutritional needs of the baby so that you can incorporate them into your diet. 
There are also certain foods that you must avoid during pregnancy such as undercooked eggs, and raw fish. This guidance will also be provided by the doctor. You will also be recommended to intake more vitamins, iron, calcium, and fish oil. 
2. Proper Screening 
Antenatal care is also important because it gives the opportunity to properly screen the baby and the mother. This reduces the risks of pregnancy complications and early diagnosis of health conditions. 
The screening procedure may include effective monitoring of diabetes and blood pressure. If the mother is diagnosed with high blood pressure then it may enhance the risks of developing pre-eclampsia, which is harmful for the baby and the mother. 
3. Health Education 
Pregnancy can be considered a complex phase, where the mother goes through various changes. This is why, antenatal care is important because it includes proper health education for mother and father both. 
Herein, the mother is educated regarding the importance of breastfeeding and how to take care of an infant properly. After the third trimester, the mother needs to be educated about the ways through which she can overcome pregnancy complications.  
4. Right Immunization Process 
Antenatal care is important for understanding the vaccines that you should give for ensuring the proper health of the baby. Flu shots and tetanus toxoid vaccine are the two important vaccines that are provided to mothers. 
The tetanus vaccine helps mothers in reducing the risks of infections during delivery. Additionally, flu shots help in ensuring that the fetus receives the necessary antibodies for fighting any form of infection. 
5. Effective Scheduling Of Tests 
Antenatal care helps the doctor in identifying any form of health conditions present in the mother that can create pregnancy complications. The doctor may recommend tests for Hepatitis B, STDs, diabetes, and HIV infection. This process also helps the doctor in deciding the best delivery option for the mother and the baby.
Effective antenatal care helps the doctor to identify risk factors and complications during pregnancy. It also assesses the previous obstetric history for developing a personalized plan and health education for the mother. You can avail infertility treatments in Siliguri if you have a history of recurrent pregnancy losses or other health conditions such as PCOS and endometriosis. 
You must adopt good health behaviors during your pregnancy for proper development and growth of the baby. It will also help in ensuring that you are capable of coping with the ongoing changes happening during the trimesters. 
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drshefalibansal01 · 1 year
Possible Medical Causes Of Male Infertility
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Male infertility is marked by an inability to impregnate a female partner. If you’ve been trying to conceive for more than 12 months through unprotected sexual intercourse with no successful results, it is best to consult a fertility doctor. In many cases, lifestyle modifications help heal fertility complications. In other instances, medical care is required.
Treatments are available and given based on your health condition. In some cases, signs are not noticeable, there, the only sign is an inability to conceive. Expert guidance can help to a great extent. Basic and natural things that you can incorporate into your lifestyle are eating a balanced diet, practicing moderate exercise, avoiding tobacco consumption, alcohol, managing stress, etc.
Knowing some medical conditions of male infertility
Below are the potential causes:
Ejaculation problems can interfere with fertility. Retrograde ejaculation is when semen approaches the bladder and is stored instead of leaving the body through the penis. Also known as dry orgasm, retrograde ejaculation is a potential reason for male infertility
Varicocele is the swelling of the veins in the scrotum, which might lead to swollen testes, dull, and ongoing testicular pain, and shrunken testicles. This medical condition is responsible for both primary and secondary infertility in men.
Epididymitis is an inflammatory condition of the coiled tube at the back of the testicle (known as epididymis) that holds and carries sperm. This inflammation can reduce your fertility, cause scrotum abscess, hydrocele, etc.
Sexually transmitted infections that transfer to the body through sexual contact via the vagina, mouth, or anus can interfere with fertility. Gonorrhea, chlamydia, or HIV may account for infertility.
Hormonal imbalance is definitely a potential cause of fertility issues, such as low testosterone. Low-T or male hypogonadism is responsible for depressed mood, fatigue, low libido, and erectile dysfunction.
An undescended testicle is when a testicle has not passed down into the bag of skin below the penis. It causes genital malfunction and complications may include low sperm quality, poor sperm count, reduced fertility, etc. However, surgery can treat this condition successfully.
At the same time, exposure to heavy metals, industrial chemicals, overheating the testicles, low sperm motility, poor sperm count, chromosome defects, celiac disease, substance use disorder, and obesity equally contributes to fertility concerns in men.
For more queries you can always consult with the best Fertility Specialist in Siliguri.
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drshefalibansal01 · 1 year
4 Health Situations Where IVF Is The Best Option
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In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), an assisted reproductive technology helped many couples who failed to achieve a normal pregnancy. IVF involves taking fertility medicine to release more eggs than usual. Thereafter the doctor removes this egg after ovulation and fertilizes it with sperm. Once they form an embryo, it is implanted back into the uterus.
It is one of the most effective processes and the demand for this medical procedure has increased a lot in recent years. However, despite the high demand, success depends on age and embryos produced along with other health conditions. The procedure can take about 6-8 weeks. People often opt for IVF when other methods fail.
Below are health conditions where IVF might help you achieve successful pregnancy:
Endometriosis is a medical condition where the endometrium grows outside the womb or pelvic organs. Here the endometrial-like tissue thickens, breaks, and flows along with the menstrual blood.
This tissue has no way to exit thus it gets trapped, resulting in the formation of cysts on the ovary. It causes pain during menstruation or intercourse. It can affect your menstrual cycle and arise fertility issues. Hence, in this case, women might choose to conceive through IVF.
Symptoms of endometriosis may include:
• Painful menstrual cramps
• Back pain during periods
• Infertility
• Heavy bleeding or spotting
• Painful bowel movement
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
PCOS is a hormonal condition where the female body produces a high level of androgen which is present in a small amount. This can lead to an irregular monthly cycle, missed periods, and ovulation disorder.
It can happen due to missed ovulation. Some women with this disorder might not have cysts while some without this disorder can also have a cyst. You may likely develop PCOS if you have insulin resistance or are obese.
Symptoms of PCOS
• Spotting, irregular or missed period
• Weight gain in the abdomen area
• Acne
• Hair thinning
• Excessive growth of body hair
• Infertility
• Skin tag
 Male Infertility
Male infertility is one of the significant reasons that play a role in the failure of conceiving. The medical condition refers to a problem in the male reproductive system. It does not allow the impregnation of a female partner despite several unprotected sexual intercourse. 
Possible reasons for male infertility:
• Obesity
• Age 40 or more
• Alcohol consumption, smoking marijuana or chewing tobacco
• Genetic diseases
• Malformed sperm
• Hormonal disorder
Symptoms of male infertility may include:
• Pain or swelling in the testicle
• Abnormal growth of chest
• Low sex drive, ejaculation, or erection problem
• Hormonal abnormality.
Problems with the fallopian tube
A fallopian tube connects the ovary to the womb, and it is through this tube the egg reaches the uterus. If this tube is blocked, it results in infertility. Conditions like pelvic inflammatory diseases can result in the blockage of this tube. Infection caused by scarring on the tube wall can also block or damage it. Women having untreatable medical conditions of the fallopian tube might opt to get pregnant through IVF. 
Unlike other conditions related to infertility, a blocked fallopian tube hardly shows any symptoms. But if it is broken or damaged, it results in endometriosis, a painful period, heavy bleeding, and pain during intercourse.
Choosing in Vitro Fertilization for conceiving might be a blessing in disguise for you. Yet the possibility factor might differ from woman to woman. There is no guarantee that you will get the same result as the others. Various factors are involved in the success of this procedure. It is necessary to consult your gynecologist or fertility doctor to detect the chances of getting successful pregnancy in your case.
For more queries you can always consult with the best Fertility Specialist in Siliguri.
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drshefalibansal01 · 2 years
Questions Related To Surrogacy
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Why should couples opt for conception through surrogacy? Surrogacy as a medical procedure is gaining massive popularity in several countries across the globe and is considered to be an option that couples can undertake for conception when either or both partners are infertile. This method can be opted for by same-gender couples as well.
What Is The Exact Medical Procedure For Surrogacy?
The procedure of surrogacy is quite simple and easy to understand This leaves no room for any error or confusion between the medical staff and their patients. The easiness and effectiveness of this process are one of the factors that make surrogacy so popular.
In the case of surrogacy, the couple works in conjunction with a woman who will be functioning as a gestational carrier for the child. The woman will either be implanted with the fertilized egg of the mother or the sperm from the father, depending on which partner is more fertile and wants to contribute to the childbearing process.
A Relatively More Expensive Procedure For Conception
Many responsibilities happen to be associated with successful parenting. Taking on these responsibilities is not an easy task. With surrogacy, you are handling the task the initial responsibility of bearing the child to a lady who is going to be a surrogate mother for you. All of the medical expenses of the surrogate mother are borne by the to-be parents.
Surrogacy might be a relatively expensive procedure when it comes to alternative methods of conception. However, this is a procedure that benefits both parties and can be considered by the couple if they are looking forward to becoming parents soon.
Issues To Keep In Mind
Both ethical and legal complications have been associated with surrogacy. However, it does seem to be one of the most convenient alternate methods of reproduction. Besides straight couples, it works well for gay or lesbian couples or even single parents. Hence, barring social obstructions, medically, surrogacy happens to be one of the most effective procedures whose perks should be taken into consideration.
A Decision That Can Change Your Life
There is always the fear of societal judgment when you opt for the choice of surrogacy. However, you must prioritize your happiness, because life is a short journey. If you seek to become a parent, the responsibilities might feel overwhelming, yet it provides you with a strange sense of happiness.
Becoming a parent can truly change your life and give life a much-needed positive turn. Hence, becoming a parent when you have the requisite resources with you, is a wonderful decision to take. It can prove to be truly worthwhile for you.
For more queries you can always consult with the best Fertility Specialist in Siliguri.
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