drshellyhealthblog · 1 year
Menstrual cramps – What you should know
Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps are painful cramps that come just before or during the menstrual period . About 50 % of women during their reproductive period have had different degrees of dysmenorrhea ,some time or the other .
What causes menstrual cramps ?
During the menstrual period there is release of some chemicals called prostaglandins which are produced in the lining of the uterus . These cause contractions of the muscle layer of the uterus and its blood vessels causing pain in the abdomen , back or thighs .
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How severe is dysmenorrhea ?
For some women , it is just mild , for others it is so severe that it causes disruption of normal everyday activities and lifestyle .
What are the types of dysmenorrhea?
Technically there are 2 types of dysmenorrhea – primary and secondary . Primary amenorrhea is the uterine spasm that I’ve described above . It recurs in every menstrual period and is not associated with any reproductive organ disease .Secondary dysmenorrhea is secondary to some disease in the reproductive organs like Endometriosis , adenomyosis, fibroids , pelvic inflammatory disease , congenital defects of the uterus , fallopian tubes , vagina or an imperforate hymen .
Secondary dysmenorrhea starts much before a menstrual period , is more intense and lasts much longer than 1 or 2 days from the start of the period .
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drshellyhealthblog · 1 year
Weight gain during pregnancy - Best InfertilityCare
Pregnancy is a time of great changes in the body . One of the requirements of pregnancy is weight gain – this weight is the weight of the growing baby , amniotic fluid around the baby , placenta , uterus , breast tissue and blood volume that increases during pregnancy .
The main gain in weight happens in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy . In the first trimester there may even be a loss of weight up to 1 kg owing to nausea and vomiting . In the second and third trimesters the weight gain is approximately 0.5 -1 kg per week .
Do all pregnant women gain the same kind of weight during pregnancy ?
No .
Weight gain during pregnancy depends on the pre pregnancy weight and BMI of the individual . It also depends on whether you have a singleton pregnancy or twins / higher order pregnancy Read More
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drshellyhealthblog · 1 year
I Pill- No Magic Pill – What Every Woman Should Know
Picture this — patient XYZ reports to the OPD with irregular spotting through out the month . On taking a detailed history ,you find out she’s taken an I pill three times in the course of 35 days ,every time she has unprotected sex . She’s also complaining of nausea and occasional vomiting . We do a urine pregnancy test and to her surprise and horror she tests positive for pregnancy . But how? That’s her constant refrain .
Let me tell you about the I pill or the emergency contraceptive pill .
What exactly is the Emergency contraceptive pill?
As the name suggests , the Emergency contraceptive pill is a hormone containing pill that contains a high dose of the hormone Levonorgestrel ( a progesterone ) . It is to be used only in an emergency , ( within 72 hours of sex) for instance when a condom has slipped , burst , leaked or if you’ve forgotten to take your regular oral contraceptive pill . It can be used if there has been an occasional unprotected , unplanned intercourse or if there’s forced sex . It is never to be used as a regular method of contraception . The success rates are about 90 % and failure rates around 10 % . Success rates are better if taken within 24 hours of intercourse . In comparison , the failure rates of regular low dose oral contraceptive pills are less than 1 % only .
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Is there misuse of this contraceptive pill ? What are the problems that could arise due to indiscriminate use of this I pill?
The answer to the first part of the question sadly , is yes. This pill is available over the counter and with huge publicity around it , most women are using it without thinking twice . If this is popped so frequently there are chances that there will be irresponsible and unsafe sex leading to sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies . This pill also comes with its side effects and is definitely no magic pill .
What are the side effects of the Emergency contraceptive pill ?
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Hence please give up using this commercially easily available pill as the magic cure or prevention of an unwanted pregnancy ; switch to regular methods of contraception some of which even protect you against STDs like gonorrhoea , chlamydia, herpes , HIV , hepatitis B etc .
Take charge of your reproductive health today
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