drstevengabriel · 5 years
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What are 4 things we can all do to stay young?, and counter the disease called aging. There is little doubt that diet and exercise are the foundation of keeping your body, and mind as young as it can be. Of course there are all kinds of exotic peptides, and supplements which are amazing. But the foundation is diet and exercise. Unfortunately, the media describes low fat, low sugar, high protein, Mediterranean, Paleo, strength training, Interval training, yoga, long distance training among other techniques to keep your body at it’s peak performance. The good news is that what to do has been fairly well studied, and we even have some historical studies by looking at “blue-zone” (areas with the longest lifespan and the healthiest people on the planet) communities and what they did. What are the benefits of doing this? A stronger immune system, a reduced chance of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and autoimmune disease. It also improves sports performance, reduces brain fog, improves sleep, and increases energy, and sexual function. Weight loss and brighter skin-are just an added bonus. Here are a four4️⃣ tricks that have an enormous impact-and can actually fight disease and make you look and feel younger. 1) Eat a mostly vegan diet with some fish-Fish should be 2-3 meals a week. Your entire diet should be plant based except for the fish. 2) Eat twice a day plus a snack-You should not be eating for 12-14 hours per day. It’s just too hard on your cells. Eating and digesting are very stressful activities. 3) Periodic fasting periods of 3-5 days. This should be done about every 3 months. It can be done with a low caloric intake diet of under 800 calories per day-with no animal protein and healthy fats (has the same effect of not eating at all in terms of cellular regeneration and stem cell release) 4) Do Cardio every other day-and, at least 1/2 of that should be high intensity. This is the foundation of anti-aging. 🙂I’m on my 5th day of a 5 day fast as we speak, and I must say that I feel amazing. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2JDVfJi
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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It’s time to REFORM healthcare from creating drugs that just mask symptoms to finding nutrients that actually regenerate our cells and heal our bodies.  #FourthofJuly This Mark Twain quote is so true in all aspects of life.  It’s as true in healthcare as it is in politics and social reform. There are so many examples of this all over #medicine.  Here are just a few to ponder. When we are #overwhelmed and #anxious-Does our body have a deficiency in #Prozac, or...Is it deficient in healthy, organic nutrients, #exercise, #water, #breathing, #sleep, and #love? When we have clogged blood vessels leading to heart attacks and strokes-is our body screaming for #Lipitor (which wipes out our #cholesterol that is necessary to make the majority of vital hormones)...or, Does it really need sleep, plant based foods, exercise, and #meditation? When we have an upset stomach from eating too much fatty food and alcohol-Is our stomach screaming for Prilosec (which stops our stomach from making acid that is vital to break down food), or...Does our body want us to stop eating and drinking and just neutralize our stomachs with fruits, vegetables, and water? Why is healthcare done this way? Because companies can’t patent water, or healthy food.  But, they can patent drugs. It’s time to think about healthcare in a new way.  It’s time to ponder, reflect, and reform.  Well said Mark. 🇱🇷Happy 4th of July-it’s always been about #Freedom. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2XoNhxr
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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What Americans Die From; What they search for on Google, and what the Media reports on The world is boring, but the news is exciting. In your quest for optimizing you...to feel good, have more energy, perform better, think faster, sleep deeper, and love more- make sure to check your source of information. The idea that the news is empowering is just a bunch of rattling, chattering talk. Everything you read from news sources has been “optimized” to make you dependent on it. The content has been processed and engineered (a lot like packaged food) to be consumed rapidly. It’s designed to bait you, distract you, and capture you- and steal your time. It’s not designed to help you. The health/medical field is one of the biggest areas for modifying info because it plays on fear. Just had to share this infographic that demonstrated this so well. Focus on #truth. — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2YiXQOT
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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How does your Circadian Rhythm affect your mood, energy level, weight, brain fog, metabolism, and chances for cancer and colds? It’s becoming increasingly obvious in the medical literature that the 24 hour circadian rhythm is hardwired into every cell in your body.  And, the cells like being on this clock.  When the clock is disrupted-your cells are stressed and prone to aging and age related diseases.  That’s why we find it’s hard to think when we’ve disrupted our sleep schedule, or that we get a cold, a cold sore, or a headache. Interestingly, in the human population it looks like about 80% of us (our cells) like going to sleep about when it gets dark and waking up a bit after sunrise.  About 10% of us, are truly night owls, and about 10% of us are larks and really like getting up pre-dawn.  This would only make sense from a population standpoint-that we would need a few people to be up late, and a few people to be up early for preparations, protection, etc-while the population as a whole slept. Modern society has truly disrupted this rhythm with alarm clocks and artificial light. Here are the effects of not following your natural circadian rhythm (you generally know what time your body like to sleep and wake). 🙂METABOLISM:SLOWS, insulin sensitivity drops by about 25% (causing increased weight, slugishness, brain fog, heart disease risk, and cancer risk). 😡ENERGY LEVEL: You change the balance of neurotransmitters, which creates irritibility.  Hormones are disrupted, and you have high energy levels-and extreme bouts of tiredness. 🤧IMMUNE SYSTEM: Severely affected, with lower surveillance of cancer and viruses, increased rates of bacterial infection-and difficulty with clearing toxins from your body which cause impaired liver, kidney, heart, and brain function. It takes roughly 3 days of sleep on “circadian” rhythm to start fixing these issues. Summer is starting-often schedules can be a little lighter.  One of the most important things you can do is go to bed and wake up-when your body wants to.  Just doing this for 3 days in a row-has tremendous effects on aging, weight, infections, heart disease, cancer, mood, and memory.  Very cool. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2FpIXD4
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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5 biohacks that will make you burn fat and lose weight fast. Here’s a few biohacks that will cause you to lose weight quickly and put your body back in to hormonal balance and make you more insulin sensitive (which is what you want to lose weight). The real key to achieving a healthy weight is to boost your leptin (a hormone) levels, and increase your insulin sensitivity. These 2 things are why it’s easy to keep weight off when we are young-yet these same 2 issues are what cause us to gain more weight when we are older. 🏋️‍♀️EXERCISE TWICE IN 1 DAY-this trick increases insulin sensitivity and leptin sensitivity quicker than exercising 1x per day. Try doing 1 15 minute HIIT exercise, and do the second workout as longer cardio or strength. For an added bonus do your workout without eating for 2 hours before-this supercharges your insulin sensitivity. ❤️IMPROVE INSULIN SENSITIVITY with chromium/magnesium and omega-3. This combination causes your body to have less of a fat storage reaction to food. I like the gluco-optimizer supplement from rejuvenation-science (if you call and say my name they will give you 10% off). I like Omega-3 from Frezzor (link in bio where you can get it). 🤞CONTROL THE RATE OF SUGAR/INSULIN SPIKES-The faster your insulin spikes (in response to eating) the more fat you store vs. burn. Research suggests that by taking just 5 grams of soluble fiber before or with each meal-you can significantly blunt the glucose-insulin surge causing your meal to add less inches to your waste. 🧘‍♀️RESTORE BRAIN SEROTONIN-Serotonin deficiency has been associated with carbohydrate binging which causes increased body fat. Serotonin is associated with well-being and happiness and the opposite of stress. This improves with exercise, meditation, sleep, and laughing-happy people eat less because serotonin makes them feel less hungry and more satiated -and stress makes you feel always hungry. 🍵INCREASE YOUR METABOLISM-EGCG in Matcha (link in bio for mine)-enhances 24 hour energy expenditure in human test subjects. Omega-3’s increase fat burning as heat rather than storing the fat. Ginger increases fat burning as well even after you’ve eaten it. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2I9eY3X
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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There is really good sleep, and there is bad sleep. Deep Sleep will make you feel less hungry, happier, brighten your skin, increase your energy, and ward off disease. When you look at someone sleeping-it may look as though nothing is going on, but in actuality...your mind and body are frantically working to copy cells, repair damage, heal sickness, injuries, and dump waste. To start de-aging, to feel light, happy, social, spiritual, productive, and move- The place to start is to create good sleep. As we get older, anxiety, snoring, and insomnia start to take over. Rather than run the next day on good sleep, people run it on coffee and stimulants. The real way to solve this low energy, sickness epidemic-is to improve sleep. Here’s what steals most people’s sleep: 🤧SNORING AND OBSTRUCTIVE SLEEP APNEA affects about 50% of people-this disrupts deep sleep dramatically. Some tricks to fix this are weight loss and sleeping on your side with a pillow between the legs. 🥺ANXIETY-this problem has become pervasive for everyone in all age groups. Everyone seems to be ruminating about money, career, love, family, and anything else that is going on. Best trick for this is exercise, meditation, and some bedtime rituals (see below). 🤪DRUGS (ambien, alcohol, benzo’s)-These commonly prescribed (except alcohol which is most people’s drug of choice)-literally fool you into thinking you are sleeping, but really just make you unconscious and often cause you to wake up in the night. 🎬ALARM CLOCK- The trick here is that sleep cycles are about 90 minutes each. You have to try and get to bed so that you can have 5 cycles of 90 minute sleep-at least 7.5 hours. Here’s a few hacks that will vastly improve your sleep. 😌SPEND 5 MINUTES IN TRANSITION BEFORE YOU SLEEP-Breathing, meditation, reading, or soothing music. (not phone, TV, or computer). 🍵WARM HERBAL TEA-Actually has shown some benefit-Best is chamomile, lavender, and rose petals. 🧘‍♀️BEDTIME STRETCHES-The easiest to do right in bed are a neck role, and then child’s pose. Do these for about 3-5 minutes and it releases a wave of neurotransmitters that are relaxing and help you fall asleep quicker and sleep deeper. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2HQMVpV
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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There is nothing more selfless than risking your life so that others may have a better life. 🙏🏼💐#memorialday #memorialdayweekend #remember #thankyou #thankful #health #drsg #practicelife — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2W5Ugeb
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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Immunosenescence: Our immune systems weaken as we age, and is key source of our aging in every way. What can we do about it? Exercise strengthens the immune system in a big way-What do you need to do that works? Immunosenescence is a critical process as we age-it causes sickness in every form including chronic infections, inability to deal with toxins resulting in inflammation (inflammaging), and cancers. As your immune system ages (immunosenescence)-you get higher and higher levels of pro-inflammatory molecules constantly attacking your cells all over your body. Think of how bad this is-just when you can least handle stress-you have more damaging molecules working against you. That’s why aging is a logarithmic process-you are literally getting older faster as you get older. Your immune system in balance protects against stress, cancer, infection, toxins, low energy, poor skin, poor gut function, auto-immune diseases, and cancer. You have to take care of your immune system. One of the easiest ways I have found (besides eating blueberries everyday-which by the way doubles your T-cell immunity) is to exercise. As a matter of fact-people who exercise may be able to delay a lot of their immunosenescence until the end of their life. Habitual exercise is capable of regulating the immune system and delaying the onset of immunosenescence. Now...what kind of exercise is best to maintain your healthy immune system? Cardio or Strength for instance. Here’s the answer. Moderate aerobic endurance exercise performed at least 3x per week for 45 minutes or more at a time did the trick. And….High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) at least 3x per week did just as well for 15 minutes. Strength-although beneficial did not show the cellular benefits that cardio did. Cardio showed improved immune function, longer telomeres, lower inflammation, and decreased oxidative stress. Consider this -the cheapest and most effective thing you can do for immunosenescence is exercise. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2XSavaO
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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The simplest definition of happiness is a lack of anxiety or chaos. I love to study cellular health. But, the whole point of cellular health is to have a more energetic, passionate, peaceful, vibrant life [period]. I’ve observed and studied youthful, happy people for years--there are 6 things that make a youthful, happy life. I call them the Elements of Life. They are - Sleep, Sex, Social Connections, Spiritual, Movement, and Nourishment. Look at vibrant people-this is what life is. There’s no point in us talking about omega-3’s, if it doesn’t optimize these Elements of #Life. Because today is a Spiritual holiday-I looked at why spirituality and #mediation are so critical at the cellular level and the #life level. Ultimately, the quality of our life is the quality of our feelings-nothing more. We all are keenly aware of the importance of the #food and fuel we put in our bodies, and why #exercise is important. But, if the source of our feelings is coming from the organ, called the brain-what are we doing there? There’s no doubt that clean food, clean water, and exercise all support our brains peripherally, but spirituality-the sense that there is something outside of ourselves, and we can quiet it all down-is what ultimately heals #feelings, and the mind. Our brain cells to do not touch. They release molecules and the neighboring brain cells pick up those molecules which creates feelings. Those molecules are called neurotransmitters. Just like everything in our bodies, there is only a finite amount and then must be constantly created. And...just like everything in our bodies, when we are younger-we have more of them and we make them (neurotransmitters) faster. It is very hard to keep things calm and peaceful. Think-it is harder to keep your home organized and at peace-then it is for it to fall in to chaos. It is the same with our minds and feelings. We slip into stress, anxiety, and sadness so easily. Bliss, peace, and contentment-seem to move further away as we age. This is because of the decreasing quality and amount of neurotransmitters in our brains. When we are in a spiritual state-so many things happen. Cortisol-the stress hormone — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2IOh2PF
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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How Can We Get Our Body to Lose Fat for Us? I am always curious about how my 20 year old self could burn fat like a furnace, but, as we age that seems harder and harder. The science is clear that the accumulation of fat, particularly visceral (abdominal fat) and liver fat (both white fat) over time contributes significantly to aging. It is directly linked to oxidation, inflammation, cardiovascular disease, sluggishness, and diabetes. None of us like the way it looks. It is truly a sign of aging. I think of this fat that we can see on our bodies as a tumor in itself. It does not belong there, it is growing, and it is killing us. So...how can we get rid of it. We've all heard diet and exercise (which will work). But, to get your body to start burning it off FOR YOU-is a little trickier. After all, that's the way it worked when we were younger. The key may be in a body reset (I was discussing this with another doc while on this call). It looks like fasting (less than 1100 calories a day and limiting animal proteins as well) for 5 days straight has dramatic effects on turning back on our bodies ability to burn through this dangerous white, visceral and liver fat itself. It turns back on your bodies innate ability to get rid of this toxic fat (think tumor). In just 5 days of low calorie (less than 1100 calories and no animal protein) your body becomes a new fat burning machine which will have profound fat burning effects even after you fast. 1) Significantly reduces abdominal/visceral fat and liver fat-pushes your body into a high fat-burning mode. Mice that did 2 cycles of this "fasting" continued losing weight well after the "fasting." 2) Promotes fat loss without muscle loss 3) Flushes out "bad cells" and spurs generation of "new cells" through stem cell activation It seems that over time this “bad” visceral fat has a life of it's own and it wants to be fed-making you hungry and continue to put on more and more weight. If you can reverse it by starving it out-your body can become a fat burning, youthful, high energy machine again. — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2ZeZFNG
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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This is my simplest and clearest definition of aging. The health of our bodies equals the health of our cells, and we have trillions of cells. Each cell is undergoing millions of damaging mutations each day that all cumulatively add up to diseases of aging including infections, heart disease, cancer, auto-immune disease as well as brain fog, tiredness, and aches and pains. That damage becomes cumulative. For instance, once the cell is damaged-it has a harder time dealing with the next damage. The way our bodies deal with this is with repair systems. The faster we repair, the less cumulative damage we sustain. Think of a wall with graffiti...if graffiti goes up and then it’s erased quickly-no real problem, if the graffiti goes up and then more goes up, and then more before anyone gets to cleaning it off-it stacks and pretty soon the whole wall is covered with graffiti (damage). The idea is that you want to support your body to repair as fast as your cells get damaged. When we are young we do this very well. Think if you get injured, cut or a cold when you are 15 years old--your body recovers quick. That slows down over time because of a variety of reasons. During our youth, we have more natural antioxidants, growth hormone (I like to call it repair hormone), thymosins, and a host of other peptide systems. As we grow older these systems are slower and deplete quicker. The main way to speed up the repair as we get older is to support it. Most damage results from some level of oxidation. 2 of my favorite antioxidants are astaxanthin-the strongest antioxidant known, and EGCG from green tea (I like it from Matcha). Sleep is also vital for repair because you release growth hormone and melatonin and proteins activate to do repair work-most people need about about 7-8.5 hours. Cardiovascular exercise speeds repair as well. And...fasting releases stem cells that come in and repair as well. #cellularhealth #biohacking #healthylifestyle #health #wellness #doctor #physician #regenerativemedicine #motivation #hcsm — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2IhhMxo
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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drstevengabriel MOVEMENT- Downstream effects of exercise is a feedback loop to make your cells younger in its own right but there is a natural drive as your cells are functioning at their optimal level. The energy levels and the repair mechanisms and the need to go on as part os the muscoskeletal system. The muskoskeletal system the more active the system is the more you feel comfortable using it and moving. When you are young you naturally want to move but as you get older you want to move less and less. This particular area is an important practice in trying to make you younger. The more youthful your cells are the more you want to move, the more you move the younger your cells become. A younger you moves better. Doing this as a practice has tremendous positive effects on your body. Movement is also a treatment for aging cells. It’s important on so many levels. The fundamental building block of staying youthful. Doing exercising with the other components we are recommending improves their effect multifold. Learn More @ www.drsg.co http://bit.ly/2D8HSyl #wellnesscoach #healthcoach #biohackingsecrets #antiagingtips #workout #healthbrand #antiagingproducts #drstevengabriel #drsg #stevengabrielmd #DRSGmovement⠀ #DoctorsTips #practicelife #agingisoptional #agingisnowoptional #sleep #sex #social #movement #nourish #elementsoflife ELEMENTS OF LIFE sex sleep social spiritual MOVEMENT nourish — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2I6U0nB
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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— view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2YXhvor
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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4 BENEFITS OF DRINKING LEMON WATER Celebrities swear by it, health professionals encourage it, and those who do it on a daily basis boast about the benefits. We are talking about lemon water! *Anti-Aging *Aids in digestion and detoxification *Boosts your immune system *Helps you lose weight visit www.drsg.co to learn more http://bit.ly/2VohnvT drstevengabriel #drstevengabriel #drsg #stevengabrielmd #PracticeLife⠀ #DRSGnourish⠀ #DoctorsTips⠀ #Nutrition⠀ #EatYourMedicine⠀ #hydrate⠀ #friyay #social #weightloss #antiaging #detox — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2CXv5ig
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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Eating your medicine is essential and it begins with choosing whole foods that are nutrient dense to provide fuel, replenish and nourish your body. LEARN MORE www.drsg.co drstevengabriel #drstevengabriel #drsg #stevengabrielmd #PracticeLife⠀ #DRSGmovement⠀ #DoctorsTips⠀ #Nutrition⠀ #EatYourMedicine⠀ #matcha⠀ #Microbiome⠀ #Biohacker — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2HXY21t
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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In order to keep our cells young and constantly regenerating, we must #practice getting optimal rest to rejuvenate our internal structure. drstevengabriel #antiaging #youth #health #wellness #youthful #dna #stayyoung #cells #inspiration #doctor #healthylife #science #wellnessregimen #overallhealth #cellularaging #regenerative #healthyskin #sleep #getmoresleep #deepsleep #restoreyourbody#cbdoil #cbd #sleeppatch — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2WJTnUs
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drstevengabriel · 5 years
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drstevengabriel #antiaging #youth #health #wellness #youthful #inspiration #doctor #healthylife #science #wellnessregimen #overallhealth #regenerative — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2Up8BR7
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