drsudiphaldar · 1 month
What Women Need to Know About Lung Cancer
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The symptoms of lung cancer shown in men and women are not noticeably different. Lung cancers unrelated to tobacco smoking are more common in women than in men. Regardless of sex, everyone has the same risk factors for lung cancer.
Did you know long-term tobacco smoke exposure is responsible for 85% of all lung cancer diagnoses? Book an appointment with your doctor if you have symptoms of lung cancer. Receive lung cancer treatment in oncology in Siliguri from the best cancer doctor.
Let’s understand the symptoms of lung cancer in women.
Both men and women have similar lung cancer signs and symptoms, such as:
Shortness of breath/ dyspnea
Hoarseness and wheezing
Unusual fatigue/tiredness
Anongoing cough or wheezing without improvement
Blood in cough
Chest pain and trouble swallowing
Unintended weight loss
Lung infections that come and go
Having excessively low or loss of appetite
If you have any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor for diagnosis without delay.
Lung cancer starts in the lung cells because of DNA mutations. The abnormal cells in the lungs grow rapidly and divide and form a mass or tumors that affect the normal functioning of the lung.
There are two main types of this disease: non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which is the most common, and small cell lung cancer (SCLC), which is less commonbut spreads quickly.
Compared to men, women are more likely to get an adenocarcinoma when they develop lung cancer. Here men aremore likely to develop squamous cell lung cancer, which is the most common form of lung cancer among smokers.
Men are more likely to have lung cancers that involve the main lung airways. Thus,coughing and breathing issues are more commonly seen in them.
Women may have unexplained fatigue and shoulder-back pain if they develop cancer in other parts of the lungs. Medical care in oncology in Siliguri helps treat cancer under the top doctors.
Understanding the risk factors for lung cancer in women
Here are the factors that contribute to lung cancer in women:
Cigarette smoking
Long-term exposure tosecondhand smoke
Industrial or environmental exposure to materials like asbestos, smoke, or radon
A personal record of lung disease, or lung cancer
Genetics or family history of lung cancer/ KARS, EGFR, and GRPR genes.
Adiet low in nutrients and high in processed foods, highly refined foods alcoholic beverages, etc.
Prolonged exposure to estrogen
Lung cancer risks in women are similar to men’s. If you have lung cancer risks like tobacco smoking, family history, poor diet, or a personal history of a lung condition/cancer, consult your doctor for screening or diagnosis.
Treatment of lung cancer and accurate diagnosis help improve the success rate, especially when diagnosed earlier.
Surgery: This removes the tumor or nearby affected lung tissue.
Radiation Therapy: Using powerful energy beams or rays to kill cancer cells present in the lungs.
Chemotherapy: Using drugs or strong medicines to destroy cancer cells in the lungs.
Targeted Therapy: Using medicines to target specific chemicals present in cancer cells.
Immunotherapy: This uses medicines to enable the body’s immune system to fight cancer effectively. Lifestyle changes, awareness of lung cancer symptoms, and seeking fast medical care are vital to lung cancer healing. Reach out to the top oncologists in Siliguri for advanced lung cancer treatment.
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drsudiphaldar · 3 months
Effective Tips to Prevent Uro-Oncological Problems in Older Adults
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As we age, our bodies facemany common changes. These changes make us more vulnerable to certain health problems, like heart disease, high blood pressure, bone diseases, eye health issues, and urological issues.
Also, the risk of uro-oncological problems can increase with age. By definition, uro-oncological conditions mean cancers of the urinary system and the male reproductive system. Generally, these are more common in older adults. These can include cancer of the bladder, kidney, prostate, and testicular cancer. For oncology surgery Siliguri, visits the leading cancer surgeon in town.
With proactive measures, it is possible to reduce the risk of urological cancers. Here are some effective tips that can help prevent uro-oncological problems.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
Staying well-hydrated is essential for your urinary system, which helps flush toxins from your urinary tract. Proper hydration reduces your risk of bladder and kidney problems in older adults.
While hydration is vital, don’t drink too much water or more than your body can take. Otherwise, it might affect the kidneys and bladder in anyone, including older adults.
Balanced Diet
Consume a diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins to keep urological problems at bay. Foods high in antioxidants, like citrus fruits, berries, and leafy greens, help combat oxidative stress, which can prevent the risk of urologcal cancers.
Limit Processed Foods
Regardless of the age, reducing the intake of processed and red meats is a must. These food choices have been linked to higher risks of certain cancers, such as prostate cancer, and bladder cancer. Go for healthier choices like fish, poultry, whole grains, and plant-based proteins.
Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Testing
For men, regular PSA testing can be of help for early detection of prostate cancer. Feel free to ask your doctor for this test (PSA). See one of the leading cancer surgeons in Siliguri.
Urinalysis and Imaging
Routine urinalysis can effectively detect abnormalities in the urinary system. On the other hand, imaging tests like ultrasounds, CT scans, or MRIs can also be beneficial for people who are at risk, especially people witha family history of uro-oncological cancers.
Regular Exercise
Engage in regular physical activity at your convenience to reduce the risk of urinary system-related issues. A healthy weight can reduce the risk of urologic cancer. Try moderate-intensity workouts if you can, and don’t force yourself against your health.
Pelvic Floor Exercises
Pelvic floor exercises are known to improve bladder control and reduce the risk of urinary system-related problems.
For oncology surgery Siliguri, make an appointment with the top cancer surgeon in Siliguri.
Avoiding Smoking and Alcohol
While smoking is a major risk factor for lung cancer, tobacco smoking is a major risk factor for bladder and kidney cancer. Best if you completely stop alcohol intake, as alcohol drinking can increase the risk of certain cancers, such as bladder cancer, kidney cancer, and prostate cancer.
Knowing the symptoms
Please keep in mind the symptoms of urological cancers. These include blood in the urine or dark urine, unexplained weight loss, low appetite, frequent urination, pain during urination, lower abdominal and back pain, urine leakage, and urinary retention. Consult your doctor if you have such symptoms and regular checkups are necessary for the elderly. Additionally, chronic health issues like diabetes and obesity can affect urinary health. Could you talk to your medical expert to better understand health risks and prevention?
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drsudiphaldar · 5 months
What is surgical oncology? - Dr. Sudip Haldar
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Surgical oncology uses surgery to treat cancer and precancerous conditions. It helps remove harmful tumors in your body. Doctors in surgical oncology are capable of diagnosing cancer in patients as well. They can find out whether the illness has spread to other body parts. Oncologists are cancer doctors who treat cancer patients. You might see the best doctor in oncology in Siliguri.
These doctors work with surgical oncologists. They together develop a plan for the surgical removal of a cancerous tumor. This field of oncology uses surgery to improve your condition. They remove tumors and nearby tissue that has cancer cells.
Some cancer surgeries need minimally invasive techniques. Others might need traditional surgery. Some procedures can be done outpatient, while others need a hospital stay.
Conditions that require surgical intervention:
Breast cancer
Uterus cancer
Kidney cancer
Lung cancer
Thyroid cancer
Skin cancer
Colon cancer
Bone cancer
Primary and metastatic liver cancer
Gastrointestinal cancer
Stomach Surgery
Neuroendocrine tumors
Esophageal cancer
Pancreatic cancer
Endocrine tumors
Surgical oncology in the early stages of cancer is more effective. However, it’s also effective when the condition is more advanced. Here are some of the causes of why you might need this:
To detect cancer, a surgical oncologist may removea portion of the tissue from that body part.Then, doctors will examine it under a microscope to check for cancerous cells – known as a biopsy.
If you’re at a high risk of cancer in a certain part of your body, a surgical oncologist may performsurgery to prevent it. Surgical oncologists remove tissue that is likely to become cancer.
Many women witha family history of breast, endometrial cancer, or ovarian cancer.Here, a surgical oncologist may remove the breasts before cancer develops.
To determine how severe the disease is, a surgical oncologist may perform surgery. Surgery helps assess the stage, location, type, and size of cancer. It helps the doctor know about how far the cancer has reached.
Surgical oncologists take out malignant tumors. So that your body gets rid of your cancer cells. See the best doctor in oncology in Siliguri North Bengal.
Here arethe different types of surgeries for cancer:
Surgeons use curative surgery to remove localized cancerous tumors from the body.Patients may need chemotherapy or radiation therapy before or after surgery.
In debulking surgery, doctors remove a portion of a cancerous tumor. There are situations when removing the entire tumor may damage an organ or the body. Oncologists, now, treat the rest with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
The goal of supportive surgery is to make your cancer treatment more effective.
Surgical oncologists are actively involved in clinical trials.
Consult your healthcare provider to better understand your cancer treatment. Visit the leading oncologist in Siliguri city.
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