ds9tumblzine · 2 years
Yoooooo this is @bmouse who used to run this… sorry about that ::checks notes:: 5 year dry spell? anyone wanna do another weekly challenge?
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
::chirp chirp:: ::chirp::
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
How's everyone doing? Just a reminder the Week 7 Prompt Masterpost is up and ready to rumble!
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Are you ready to make someone tap dance for joy? Are little sparkles ready to come out of your tablet pen or your typing fingers?
It's the Make Someone’s Day Week at the tumblzine!
For the past two weeks people have been sending in what prompts they'd like to see come alive(and I basically love all of them) and it is now up to you all to make it happen!
Deadline: November 2nd! 
Min word count: 1000 words!
And remember prompt OP's, if your prompt is filled send in a note of appreciation for the person who made it happen and we'll post it on the tumblzine for all to see!
Prompts live in the 'ds9tumblzine week7 prompts' tag though here is a recap of all our prompts below the cut. Pick one and boldly go!
Asked by the-lady-general:
Are you still taking prompts for week 6? Cause Alpha Vision. It's like Eurovision, but for the Alpha Quadrant. Aggressive 0 points from Bajor to Cardassia every year. Unreciprocated buddy-buddy points from Earth to Vulcan. Klingons winning 5 years in a row with opera songs. The Ferengi win occasionally because of their spectacular outfits. A quadrant-wide scandal when both Vic Fontaine and Dukat cover Sinatra's 'My Way' in the same year and score first and last place respectively.
Asked by solo-by-choice:
I've got a prompt! More stories about Odo's time as a solid. Literally any topic so long as he stays as asexual as he was on the show.
Asked by cosmictuesdays:
Prompt four: Nog at Starfleet Academy. Does he need special accommodations? How does he deal with the culture shift? Does he find the climate of San Francisco pleasant or unreasonable?
Asked by amango-tea:
Kira and Lupaza. Anything with Kira and Lupaza would be AWESOME.
Asked by cosmictuesdays:
Prompt three: Jadzia/Worf exploring the fact that they're two fairly awkward, somewhat socially inept individuals that both hide behind carefully constructed public personae. Worf is an outsider both with Klingons and Starfleet, Jadzia still remembering how alone and awkward she was before she was joined, and when they're together they can drop all of that and just be themselves.
Asked by amango-tea:
A Kira/Keiko/Miles poly triad would also be really fantastic. Extra love from me if the fic focuses on the Kira/Keiko part!
Asked by skeledax:
I'd really really like an exploration of a Nerys/Keiko/Miles poly relationship and how that relates to their parenting of Yoshi and Molly.
Asked by bmouse:
Garak and Bashir crash-landing on some out-of-the-way planet while on a mission and being stuck there for a fairly long time( at least a couple of months), giving them a chance to work through their recent prison camp experience and their ‘will they, won’t they’ sexual tension. Bonus points for both of them being super resourceful so instead of a grim survival adventure it turns out more like a tropical vacation :)
Asked by the-lady-general:
(Spoiler for What You Leave Behind) AU in which Garak dies storming the Dominion HQ and Damar survives the final confrontation with Weyoun and the Founder.
Asked by amango-tea:
Anything involving Kira and Dax's friendship/romance/any sort of positive relationship at all. I really feel as though they got shafted in the main series and would absolutely LOVE to see them interacting more in a way that passes the Bechdel Test. Whoever writes this will make my LIFE.
Asked by cosmictuesdays:
Prompt two: Bashir, fed up with preventable injuries and diseases, hosts a galactic-style safe sex lecture, compete with diagrams and moving pictures, and doesn't blush or stutter once. Because for all his social ineptitude and evidence to the contrary, Bashir is a skilled and competent doctor who can walk through a war zone without losing his cool or throwing up, and it'd be nice if fandom remembered that from time to time.
queenix06 submitted to ds9tumblzine:
OK, here’s a weird one. I’ve read plenty of fics that reimagine the characters of DS9 placed in our past or present rather than our future. Even canon played with some of that. I thought about trying my hand at it, and had a prompt, but I’m not sure I have the skill to pull it off. What if DS9 was reimagined in Japan during the Edo period? The long history and culture of the era gives a writer plenty to draw from- romance, political intrigue, war, and of course, samurai sword fighting awesomeness. I think it could work for a DS9 fic. Complete immersion of the characters into the era, plots where they are stranded by time travel, or even a parody in the style of an over-the-top anime are all things I thought of. Anyone wanna take a crack at it?
Asked by cosmictuesdays:
Prompt one: in a complete reverse of the disappointing trends of the late 1990s, Bashir/O'Brien fic which includes Keiko in the relationship and considers what 24th-century social mores regarding sexuality and marital fidelity would be instead of imposing late-20th century ones onto the characters.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Are you still taking prompts for week 6? Cause Alpha Vision. It's like Eurovision, but for the Alpha Quadrant. Aggressive 0 points from Bajor to Cardassia every year. Unreciprocated buddy-buddy points from Earth to Vulcan. Klingons winning 5 years in a row with opera songs. The Ferengi win occasionally because of their spectacular outfits. A quadrant-wide scandal when both Vic Fontaine and Dukat cover Sinatra's 'My Way' in the same year and score first and last place respectively.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Larsa Niska Returns To The Homeland (pt1)
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG 
Summary: So, what happens to the forgotten children of Bajor after the Dominion War? 
Author’s Notes: Well this is uncharacteristic for me because there is nary a Bashir or Garak in sight. No romance(yet). past tense, female OC as a POV character and the story itself got super long so here is the first coherent chunk of it, the rest to be published on AO3 as soon as I wrestle it into shape. Hope you enjoy! 
After she was released from house arrest Niska Larsa walked slowly to the Cardassian Embassy, keeping her head down against the hard afternoon light. It had been restful, honestly, and though she was still bitter over the lost pay overall she knew it was intended less as a punishment and more as something to mark down on the forms. The constables hadn’t really known what else to do with her.
There was no marked borderline between the rest of Bajor and this lone piece of lost, negotiated-for land but it was clear all the same. A geometrically paved, even sidewalk emerged from the old stone slabs of the town road. Narrow foreign-looking trees stood in neat rows, tall as a sentinel army, the hedges were weaved into strange knots, it was all a little forbidding. The Cultural Exchange and Embassy Building itself was unabashedly Cardassian: sharp spires, a high, oval entranceway, triangular windows and a ground floor buttressed like a fortress.
  Larsa also wanted to be unabashedly something, she supposed, and that’s why she was here. The woman at the reception counter didn’t look up when she entered, though they were both immediately aware of each other. She let Larsa examine the paintings on the wall, let her crane her neck up to look at the mosaic of the ceiling until she felt embarrassed. Parts of Cardassia were still being rebuilt but these embassy buildings were new and well made.
  The woman only ‘noticed’ her when Larsa stopped gawking and stood in front of her desk.
“Beg pardon…” 
The idiomatic phrase sounded odd, too deferential for this setting but she didn’t know any other way to talk to a stranger-Cardassian.
The other woman’s face was aggressively neutral. She was shorter than Larsa but she seemed taller with the way her hair was piled atop her head and elaborately coiled around five hairpins. Larsa tried to project the same ‘neutral’ face back, even though she felt inadequate with her own black hair in plain braid down her back. A wisp of it had even escaped to dangle by her jaw and she curled her hands inside her sleeves so she wouldn’t adjust it and admit untidiness. At least she doesn’t expect me to smile…
"I would like to register for the next language class. Please."
The woman pulled out a drawer and handed her a PADD, unlocked and opened to a form.  She seemed profoundly indifferent as Larsa filled out the application, her face stayed still as a carving. Of course she must have seen the same thing quite a bit lately. Unlike Larsa’s mother or her neighbors or her few friends the woman didn’t say ‘this is the right thing for you?’, or ‘please be careful’ or demand to know ‘why?’ Instead her polite distance suggested that she thought Larsa knew what she was doing and that her actions were her own business. That alone was very welcome, like shade after too much sun.
Still, she was very nervous on the day of the first class. With long sleeves and a shawl thrown over her head she left her block before sunrise and took a different set of streets to the Embassy building. Every time someone looked at her (and she was sure people were looking more than usual) her toes flexed inside her shoes and she thought everyone could see her plans on her face. Where is my supposed inscrutability, Papa? Where is our vaunted knack for keeping secrets?
The room was half-full when she got there and took a seat towards the middle as more and more people kept coming in. A moment after she looked out the window the desk next to her seemed to grow a thin, short girl about Larsa’s age, also in a shawl. Aha, this one’s been hogging all the sneaking-genes in the province. Not being an absurd nineteen hands tall probably helped.
Who knew there was so many of us, she thought as she looked around the room. There were even a few full-bloods scattered amidst the back rows - orphans, the abandoned, monastery-charity children in rust-colored temple tunics with too-tight necklines. It seemed very sad to her that there were full bloods who couldn’t speak Cardassian, who had to learn just like she would.
Class lasted three hours and the blink of an eye. The teacher was a full-blood but somehow they had found the most non-threatening looking Cardassian woman on Bajor: gray-haired and dumpy and motherly-looking, like a plump, scaled hyrin. She had an assistant: a teen half-caste boy in black pants and a clean patterned shirt, almost a uniform, who would unobtrusively appear by your shoulder and explain things in a soothing voice if it looked like you were having trouble. 
Her assignment for the night was to phonetically transcribe a children’s picture book. If she was diligent she would be privileged to read it two weeks from now. Pouring over it Larsa understood it was a lot of information to take in, especially on the first day: an alphabet, the wrist strokes to write it down, how to use those sharp triangular edged pens, rules for pronunciation, a few basic words but it had all been fed to her so carefully that it seemed to have found a permanent home in her brain. Everything was waiting there if she went looking for it, like the dozens of drink recipes from work.
It couldn’t have been an accident. Someone on Cardassia Prime had thought about the right ways to break everything down, to account for minds that remembered easily but hadn’t been trained since they were… what age did they start at anyway? six? seven? The rumors said four but that seemed like more propaganda: Cardassians were monsters because they have no childhoods. 
Should I be worried? she wondered, pouring over the slick silver student PADD that stuck out in her cracked-walled little room.  Was it creepy? The idea that someone had tailor-made this class just for her, that someone was thinking about people like her? It was a little like being regarded by a far-off pair of piercing eyes.
At least someone is thinking about us. 
Larsa kicked her dress off, wiped her face with a wet cloth, turned on her heat lamp and went to bed. She decided that she should try to sleep before her shift at the bar and see if all those letters were still in their places afterwards and that after the next class she would try and talk to someone.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
I've got a prompt! More stories about Odo's time as a solid. Literally any topic so long as he stays as asexual as he was on the show.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Prompt four: Nog at Starfleet Academy. Does he need special accommodations? How does he deal with the culture shift? Does he find the climate of San Francisco pleasant or unreasonable?
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Kira and Lupaza. Anything with Kira and Lupaza would be AWESOME.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Prompt three: Jadzia/Worf exploring the fact that they're two fairly awkward, somewhat socially inept individuals that both hide behind carefully constructed public personae. Worf is an outsider both with Klingons and Starfleet, Jadzia still remembering how alone and awkward she was before she was joined, and when they're together they can drop all of that and just be themselves.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Anyone got any more Week 7 prompts? Whatever you want more of in fandom, now's the time to let it out!
Deadline is Sunday Oct 5
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
A Kira/Keiko/Miles poly triad would also be really fantastic. Extra love from me if the fic focuses on the Kira/Keiko part!
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
I'd really really like an exploration of a Nerys/Keiko/Miles poly relationship and how that relates to their parenting of Yoshi and Molly.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Garak and Bashir crash-landing on some out-of-the-way planet while on a mission and being stuck there for a fairly long time( at least a couple of months), giving them a chance to work through their recent prison camp experience and their ‘will they, won’t they’ sexual tension. Bonus points for both of them being super resourceful so instead of a grim survival adventure it turns out more like a tropical vacation :)
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
(Spoiler for What You Leave Behind) AU in which Garak dies storming the Dominion HQ and Damar survives the final confrontation with Weyoun and the Founder.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Anything involving Kira and Dax's friendship/romance/any sort of positive relationship at all. I really feel as though they got shafted in the main series and would absolutely LOVE to see them interacting more in a way that passes the Bechdel Test. Whoever writes this will make my LIFE.
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ds9tumblzine · 10 years
Prompt two: Bashir, fed up with preventable injuries and diseases, hosts a galactic-style safe sex lecture, compete with diagrams and moving pictures, and doesn't blush or stutter once. Because for all his social ineptitude and evidence to the contrary, Bashir is a skilled and competent doctor who can walk through a war zone without losing his cool or throwing up, and it'd be nice if fandom remembered that from time to time.
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