dshebby · 11 years
This originally appeared on LinkedIn. You can follow Penelope Trunk here  Now that I'm not the CEO of Brazen Careerist, I don't have to be the national cheerleader for Generation Y. I fantasized about this moment for years: the moment when I'd write the post titled, 10 Things I Hate about Generation Y. But it's hard to...
"Millennials hate competition, love recognition and aren’t as revolutionary as they think"
Love the caption on the photo: "Just because they talk the talk doesn't mean they walk the walk." 
Not true for all of them but from what I've seen this is a pretty good analysis of the Gen Y, or Gen Millennials...If they can't learn how to work and put forth the effort needed to be successful, then this generation may be doomed to live out of the bedroom they grew up in for the rest of their lives.  
"The only place 'success' comes before work is in the 'dictionary'."
Let's GO! Prove me wrong.  
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dshebby · 12 years
Aaron, RIP
There is no way to express the sadness of this day. There will be many words, eventually, to express its anger. This story will infuriate you. For now, to the co-creator of RSS, of the Creative Commons architecture, of part of Reddit, and of endless love and inspiration and friendships, rest. We are all incredibly sorry to have let you down.
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dshebby · 12 years
SO sad to hear this
(Some will say this is not the time. I disagree. This is the time when every mixed emotion needs to find voice.)
Since his arresting the early morning of January 11, 2011 — two years to the day before Aaron Swartz ended his life — I have known more about the events that began this...
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dshebby · 12 years
An Article That I Can't Stop You From Reading, Tragically
You do this to yourself, everyday, hundreds of times. You know about everything (to some extent) and you’ve seen and heard about most everything. Yet you’re still here, somehow hoping for something new from an article just like this. You’re trapped in a recursive loop with diminishing returns and increasing cost, your expiring time.
   The Diagnosis
 Your day is split between trying to perform a job for which you’re overqualified and consuming random information through one or more devices that are electronically interconnected  You’re probably at most 3ft away from a cellphone and you’re at work right now. 
Read More
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dshebby · 12 years
What Twitter started, Quora will finish
Hi, I'm a quoraholic.  Have you heard of this website?  www.quora.com
Quora connects you to everything you want to know about. Quora aims to be the easiest place to write new content and share content from the web. We organize people and their interests so you can find, collect and share the information most valuable to you.
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In a nutshell, it's a question & answer website.  Like the old school Yahoo Answers or WikiAnswers that were the common search results on Google.  
It was started by two geniuses, Adam D'Angelo & Charlie Cheever.  Adam was Facebook's first CTO and Charlie was a well known Einstein from Harvard University.  Adam left Facebook with a ton of shares (being one of the first employees) to start up Quora.  
This website is extremely addicting.  I compare it to how hooked I was about Twitter over the past few years.  
When I was using Twitter, it was interested to get involved in the conversations of what certain people were having.  It was almost like eavesdropping on what the "movers and shakers" of the world were talking about.  This is fun to do if you are learning something along the way.  Still, you could follow anyone you want and listen in on any conversation around.   
To me, Quora addresses the lack of substance around the responses on Twitter.  The little text message tweets (limited to 142 characters or whatever it is) leave much to be desired.  Quora allows those same individuals that I would follow on Twitter a medium where they could answer and debate the responses to questions that are active in the world today.  That's where I get hooked.  I am stuck reading the collected thoughts and arguments of those who's opinions I find most interesting.  Twitter starts the thought, asks the question and/or begins the debate.  Quora is where you go to finish it and settle it once and for all.    The Quora community will shower the best answer with their votes.  The highest number of votes wins!
There are so many things to do on the site besides following common questions.  One of my favorite things to do is follow the topic "Movies."  In doing this, the site becomes an place where people can discuss their interpretation of the meanings of certain films.   I would be doing the same thing with a friend in person (as long as they've seen the movie). Of course I would have to wait until I found someone that watched the film and wanted to discuss it further.  On Quora, I can feed that need instantly.
 Check this one out about the movie Gladiator:
Whether it's following a Topic, Question, or Person, Quora is like being in a room of philosophers discussing the world.  Kinda reminds me of Socrates and his endless questioning the status quo.  
I wonder what questions Socrates would ask if he were alive today?
Well what are you waiting for?  Try it out and ask some questions you've always wanted to know.  Oh, and when you get brave enough, try answering a question or two! :)
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dshebby · 13 years
Are Facebook and Path on a collision course?
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"I skate to where the puck is going to be.  Not where it has been." - Wayne Gretsky
Just last week, Facebook launched their "Timeline" to the world and people are excited about it.  Now your profile becomes more than just a moment in time.  It now is a timeline including milestones with photos, videos, and special moments from your entire history.  It really changes the game for what your profile is as well as how you share information with those you are friends with.  The online profile is reborn.
The only problem with Facebook, including their Timeline, is that it's only effective when you are on your computer or tablet.  Facebook's mobile application (speaking from the iPhone perspective) is horrible.  It was made for the profiles of the past as well as it's buggy and extremely slow.  What's the next step for Facebook mobile?  
They would need an update to show the timeline on a mobile device.  How would something like that look on your phone?  
Enter Path 2.0.  Dave Morin's creation, PATH is beginning to appear more like his vision for Facebook mobile.  I wasn't a big fan of the first version of Path for reasons I spoke of on The High D, but their new version is a work of art.  The design appears to be flawless. The app is set up for you to record everything you do into a timeline or the "path" you take.  Sounds like they reached the same place Facebook was headed with Timeline.  The only difference is they reached it from the mobile app side. You can read more about it here.  Dave Morin may be setting his company up for a nice acquisition by Facebook.  
Take a look at some of these screen shots.  
Facebook Timeline:
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Path on iPhone mobile:
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Just imagine the Facebook mobile app being the Path app. 
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What are your thoughts?  
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dshebby · 13 years
This is incredible.
(via NASA)
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dshebby · 13 years
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Apple vs Samsung
Pictures from minimally minimal via Daring Fireball
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dshebby · 13 years
Jonathon Ive says good bye to Steve
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dshebby · 13 years
Why I dont care that the iPhone 5 wasn't released
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OK people...enough.  I keep hearing all about how disappointed people are in Apple and in that they did not release the iPhone 5 in October.  I heard the rumor-ville that Cook was holding off on the new phone roll out because of the poor health of Steve Jobs and as a result they kept that ace-in-the-hole to improve the stock price down the road.  
My thoughts?  I disagree.  Everything they were talking about rolling out in the iPhone 5 they rolled out in the iPhone 4S.  The same features.  What that tells me is someone got carried away that there was the 5 coming out and assumed that meant the new iPhone 5. Anyone who's been paying attention knows the real exciting part of Apple's October launch was the new iOS5 operating system for the iPad, and iPhone devices.    
I got the update a few weeks early thanks to this article from Lifehacker.com.  So far, it's awesome and the best part is it's free and works amazing on the iPhone 4.  Here are the features I already cant live without:
The Notification Center - so so so so cool.  The way the notifications show up on the screen and then disappear is slick.  
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       2.  iCloud - if you have not heard about this then you may only be an iPhone user.  
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In addition to your music, you can also sync your photos, your contacts, your emails, and your work, between your Apple devices (iPad, iMac, Macbook, or iPhone) without a thought.  Apple just makes it work.  I love the idea of iCloud and I will explain why in a follow up post.  
         3.  Reminders - with locations
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Give yourself reminders for when you get to a particular location.  Sounds fantastic, doesn't it.  
I could keep going as there are over 200 new features released in iOS5.  These are just the ones that I use most often.  Did I forget to mention the new camera update? What about the Safari update?  So many exciting features.  
So, what's up with the new phone then?  Why the iPhone 4S?  Well, if you remember back to one of the first Apple phones, the iPhone 3G, the phone they released afterwards was the iPhone 3GS.  I didn't search Wikipedia like I should but if I had to guess, the "S" stands for "software" update.  Why wouldn't they do that after the iPhone 4 as well? That's exactly what they did.  They are milking that iPhone 4 hardware design.  
Should you buy an iPhone if you dont have one?  Yes.  
Should you get the iPhone 4S? Yes, you will benefit from the Siri Assistant which merges with Wolfram Alpha.  
Should you wait for the iPhone 5? No.  
Should you get an iPhone 4S, iPad2, and a MacBook Air 11"? Only if you want to live a happy life with your technology in the clouds
Do I care that the iPhone 5 wasn't released?  Not in the slightest.  I was waiting for the new software.  I downloaded the free update.  I smiled.  I am happy.  
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dshebby · 13 years
The Irreplaceable One, Steve Jobs
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When Steve Jobs retired in August from Apple, I had mixed emotions.  I was happy for him in that he could spend more time with his loved ones but I was worried that his illness was taking over.  I then reflected on the mark he has left on the world.  
When the news came to me tonight about his passing I felt conflict once again.  On one side, I am happy that he doesn't have to feel pain anymore.  He was able to accomplish so much in his life and impact more lives that I could even imagine and he did this with perfection.  He held on to make sure his empire would continue on without him and I hope he didn't suffer while the world benefited.  He has become larger than life.  He has become a legend and an icon.  
The other side of the coin is I feel like there is a void that can not be filled.  To me he represents success in life.  He was a leader.  He was the creator of the technology that we cant live without.  While companies were trying to catch up or copy him, he was trying to figure out how he could create something new for the rest of us.  His passion was creating a better world for us to live in.  It just seems like everyone else was following his lead one way or another.  Who wasn't affected in some way by his technology?  Be it from computers, technology, apps, music, or even the laughter coming from Pixar...who hasn't been affected by Steve Jobs?  
I look around and I wonder who are the real leaders out there.  Who is still innovating? Who is still creating a better world out of thin air?  Who is making the impossible, a reality?  Who can dream that big?  I dont know.  
I will never forget you, and the bar you've set for me and my life.  I'm happy you're in a better place and you can go knowing the world will never be the same without you. Although your technology and dreams will live on...you are irreplaceable.  
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dshebby · 13 years
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Steve, you have been an inspiration my entire life. Since the moment I touched my original Macintosh Plus in 1984. The moment I started at Apple twenty years later in 2004. The moment we started building the developer ecosystem at Facebook. And, the moment that we started Path.
You led an...
well said
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dshebby · 13 years
The margins for Kindle content are thin. Very thin. Apple runs its content business at break even though it transacts billions of items per month. The amount of content that needs to pass through the Kindle ecosystem (with lower prices than Apple charges) will need to be astronomical to make it profitable on the shortened cycle time the iPhone enjoys.
Horace Dediu on the Kindle Fire’s $199 price and what it means for Amazon and market disruption.  (via parislemon)
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dshebby · 13 years
Facebook Time line is a Game Changer
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I've been writing a lot about the social network wars between Google, Facebook and Twitter and it's been exciting to follow but last week the game changed.  And it changed in a big way.  
Facebook has been hanging in the background adding a few updates here and there to test out things that Google has added.  I've discussed these here, here and here (just to name a few posts).  As they've been doing this I had been speculating that they may have a chink in their armor and open to attack.  I was wrong.  You know you're pretty bad ass when you can change the profile game for 800 million people with one update.  
Timeline is a new way to view your life and turn Facebook into more of a home. It also happens to be your new "Profile" page.  Here are the directions for early access to it.  I have attached a picture of my profile page on Facebook above.  I dont know the details of how it works and I dont really care but this is what I understand of what it does.  
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You can connect to websites all over the internet by signing into it via your Facebook login.  When you do this, Facebook understands what you like and enjoy.  With the new profile design, it can now share with your friends what you are doing, what music you're listening to, what movies you may be watching...anything.  As long as you login via Facebook.  
Timeline also rearranges all photos and videos on your time line by the date that is inside the code of every picture taken from your camera or phone.  You may not realize it but there is a time stamp for each digital photo taken.  Facebook reads that behind the scene and assigns it to the correct year and month on your timeline.   If you uploaded a photo that doesn't have a time stamp then you will be able to add a photo manually to a certain time.  
What do I think?  This is incredible.  This is Apple - Steve Jobs innovation.  Instead of following, they are leading and recreating the standard.  Google can catch up and so can Twitter but in order for that to happen, Facebook needs to get lazy and complacent. I dont see that happening. This update proves that they are looking further into the future then we can even imagine.
Even with these changes, the social network wars will continue and while each company innovates and grows the technology created will change our world and we the user will be the ones who benefit.  
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dshebby · 13 years
Google+ Dumps Huddle for Messenger
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Facebook, you have won another battle in the social media wars and Google wants to move past it with out drawing attention to it.  
In case you didn't notice, Google+ just pivoted in stealth mode and changed the name of their "Huddle" feature to "Messenger."  Messenger, the name of Facebook's new app that does the same thing is a group texting application.  Here is more information about Facebook's solid Messenger app.  This has been changed in their latest update on the app store.  
What does this mean?  In my opinion, it looks like Google realized that their Huddle feature wasn't being used and perhaps people didn't understand what google huddle would be used for.  I can agree that I didn't use google huddle at all and preferred Facebook Messenger to group texting.  It's too early to say if this new update and a name change will make a difference.  
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dshebby · 13 years
Another Fun Data Point
When Apple’s market cap hits $400 billion, they’ll be worth more than Microsoft and Google — combined. 
They’re now less than $20 billion away from that happening. 
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dshebby · 13 years
Facebook [ATTACKS] Google and Twitter with Flattery
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
These past few months, the war has been a little quiet between Facebook, Twitter and Google but lately Facebook has been making moves to show their imitation of their competitors main strengths; Twitter Following and Google Plus Circles
Let's see what Facebook created:
Subscriber Lists: Now you can subscribe to someone's feed on Facebook so you could see their "Public" posts with out having to be their ACCEPTED "Friend".  
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This is a feature that Twitter accomplishes when you "Follow" someone and that Google Plus satisfies when you place someone into one of your "Circles."
Is this going to take off?  I'm not sure.  It's in Twitter and Google Plus's DNA to follow people and the simplicity makes it work.  On Twitter, you click the follow button to follow anyone.  On Google Plus, you assign them to a Circle right from the get-go.  It's just what you do.  In either case, it doesn't matter if they are your friend or not.  On Facebook, there is more left to decide and in the end you have more to do manually.  
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In Facebook's defense, I do have to say this looks good and it could be the best choice of action in their wheel house.  The Subscribe option is pretty smooth but it may only be used by those Facebook fans that want to say something to those Google Plus and Twitter users who prefer that over Facebook.  So right now there are the early adopter Google Plus users, the established Twitters and two groups inside Facebook...the ones who think Facebook is better than everything else and the rest that just dont care.  The next few months will show us how large the latter group is.  
What do you think about the change?  What are you going to do?  
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