dubbidubbida · 2 months
I feel like because Grimmer is older and mature he'd be less prone to be jealous but even if he is, he could just wrap his arm around you and keep you close without saying much because the solution would be to just show others where he stands. His jealousy may be more on the passive side while hoping the other person takes the hint.
Tenma strikes me as someone a teensy bit 'needier'. While he doesn't mind you being around others at all, he could feel jealous easier than Grimmer, and he would show it more if he trusts you. A little bit of fidgeting, looking to the side instead of eye contact, and directly asking you about the person he worries about, seeking reassurance. Or idk
I'll illustrate what I mean rq
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dubbidubbida · 3 months
He's our little meow meow🥺💝
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dubbidubbida · 3 months
My ray of sunshine 🥺💝
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dubbidubbida · 3 months
Waiter waiter! More Guriten please!
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I got some things done today so more fluff sketches as a treat
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dubbidubbida · 3 months
OMG hear this request please 🙏🏻. Tenma and Grimmer getting interrupted in the middle of a sloppy kissing session, like, I’d love to see them getting all flustered and annoyed that somebody interrupted them lol
Alright, bear with me... If you want to skip to the part where the prompt kicks in it's on page 4+5. I was once again possessed by something and couldn't shake this lead up into it~
(In my head this is in an alternate timeline where everything is fine but Tenma still goes to work for MSF and ends up being gone on long trips)
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dubbidubbida · 3 months
He's like a delicate flower 💕🌺
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dubbidubbida · 3 months
Gorgeous 😍💋💕💕💕
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Nurse Tenma ❤
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dubbidubbida · 4 months
My head must be sandwiched by Tenma's thighs porfavor
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An old LungTen sketch that I was too embarrassed to post on X (idk why)
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dubbidubbida · 4 months
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I love how feminine his side profile was drawn in the manga
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dubbidubbida · 4 months
Beautiful 💋💕
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dubbidubbida · 5 months
i'm happy to find fellow tenma fan
I don't know why I was never notified of this !!🤬
Yes we need more Tenma fans in the world 💝 He's criminally underrated...
Here's Tenma receiving chiropractic treatment for lower back pain yeah
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dubbidubbida · 5 months
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Edo Period (do not fact check me) Kenzo Tenma
I was reading some stuff about the Edo period and just wanted to draw a portrait of Kenzo in something similar to their style painting style.
Tbh this is just my vision of concubine Kenzo🤭 Hence the pretty looks 🥰
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dubbidubbida · 6 months
🥺🥺🥺💕 I love seeing him eat 💖 He needs to be nourished 😞💕💕💕
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Tenma gifs
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dubbidubbida · 6 months
I shamelessly request someone to make a fanfic with these two lmao
Single father ex-soldier x motherly doctor who makes the little girl happy and cooks for them🤗
except lunge, grimmer and rudi, with which man he met do you think tenma could have had/had a something going on ?
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he couldve literally just lived with them for the rest of the series...hes such a magnet for single fathers😭
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dubbidubbida · 6 months
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Another one
I KNOW this chart is for OCs but I had to make one for Belial.
There is severe scarcity of Belial content on Tumblr.
Elaborating on my choices below 👇
⚠️Huge wall of text incoming!!⚠️
For aesthetics, I chose a picture of someone's back with those black hand markings. I interpret it as the taking of Belial's wings (I headcanon he originally had angel wings 🪽 but were ripped off by Lucilius🤬) and I also interpret it as sexual abuse. Just think about it bro. Like almost every aspect of a primal beast is chosen by its creator, at least the prominent aspects.
Belial was made to be a seductress, which is a charming part of himself imo but the bad part about it is that during the beginning of his existence, it was also his job to be one, for who? I'm thinking for the Astrals.
My impression of the astrals so far is that they're all psychopathic dipshits, which was even confirmed in Heart of the Sun ( GBF anniversary event), that they don't see primal beasts as anything other than tools (according to Raziel). Belial had a purpose that couldn't be shared with anybody else, which was to incite a rebellion. To cover up for it, he had to have another purpose. Which was 1) being Lucifer's adjunctant, and 2) being the Astrals' sex toy.
Belial was an exquisite creation, like a demo of Lucifer (cause they both are similar regarding power). And of course, a primal beast needs to be approved by the council of astrals before usage. Lucilius could've proposed both the functions of being Lucifer's adjunctant and tracking machine, and to make it more appealing, a toy with endless stamina that won't break after being used 😂👎👎 (I imagine the astrals like Greek gods who plucked humans and 'used' them, given their sadistic nature). So Belial, both visually appealing and with an alluring personality, would be the perfect unbreakable toy. A tool and a toy, 2 in 1! Approved!! Awful. A toy who won't fight back, a toy who can't say no, a toy who won't break... ughhh. Primal beasts are obviously sentient, despite their inability to reach human complexity. He was literally built to be unable to connect with others, to be sincere, or to just live a normal life like the other archangels have adapted to. That's cruel 😭
So yeah, I don't care if Belial was made to enjoy what they do to him no matter what, I still consider it sexual abuse because Belial is sentient.
Lmao ok that was for aesthetic picture #1 ☠️ Let's proceed with the rest. For the second aesthetic picture, I selected a white snake wrapped around an arm. The snake represents Belial, the serpent. And the arm represents Lucilius. If you're familiar with WMTSB, you are well aware of how tightly Belial is wrapped around Lucilius' finger, and only hangs on tighter and tighter to the man who named him "worthless" lol. (One of the meanings of "Belial" is worthless).
And the third aesthetic picture I've chosen is that of a snake in applussy. The image represents temptation and lust. Pretty much it. You know the drill, Belial serpent, and the apple of temptation.
Now, we have the favorites. By favorites, it means: favorite color, favorite movie/show, and favorite animal.
For his favorite color, I just went with purple cause that's one of his main colors. It's just a headcanon. He changed his white, gold, and red uniform for a black and purple one. He must like purple🤷‍♀️
Next, favorite movie, I didn't know honestly. But he strikes me as someone who'd like the absurdity of 1980s horror films. So I chose the Shining. Maybe he'd like it.
And for his favorite animal, I think he'd like cats. They probably remind him of Cilius. Same gaze, same personalities, meow. And it's just cute to imagine him with cats. 🐈‍⬛
Character inspirations. LMAO. So the first one is that dude Lucifel from El Shaddai. Let's face it, Belial is that guy but with a huge feather boa and huge tits chest and meaty thighs. Massive upgrade tbh
Next up is obviously, Belial the demon. I just put that cuz yk, the name. No need for more explanation.
Then there's the snake of Eden. Belial is the serpent luring others to take a bite out of the apple 🍎 we know this.
The songs are more like what I think of him rather than what I believe applies to him. But at the same time most of those apply to him imo. I don't needa explain just check out the songs yourself, you might like some😁 And that's it.
And finally, there's Lucifer. I know Satan was the snake as well but I'm separating them for the sake of interpretation. By that I mean, Belial is both the serpent and the fallen angel. If you know what I'm saying.
💕Thanks to everyone who read this wall of text💕
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dubbidubbida · 6 months
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I KNOW this was meant for OCs but I couldn't help but make this for Kenzo.
That's why "OC" was crossed out.
I must worship him any chance I get 😩
Elaborating on my choices below 👇
For aesthetics, I added the neurosurgery pic obv. Cloudy weather with rays of sunshine (cause he's a ray of sunshine between all the rain clouds 💗) with birds flying across. And a picnic because our Kenzo likes picnics and I can visualize him all beautiful during a sunny day on a picnic with us 💕
For favorites, that's meant to be favorite color, favorite movie/show, and favorite animal.
I'm not creative so I headcanon his favorite color is blue because idk. Trust me bro.
For his favorite movie, a friend suggested he could've liked Titanic so I added that one, maybe he likes romance/dramas!
And for his favorite animal, I think he'd like birds. We sometimes saw birds appear in the show around Tenma and I view it as a symbol of hope. Like the birds visit him sometimes to remind him to never lose hope and to remember his ways, and honestly that just makes it more beautiful.
Character inspirations are mostly what I analyzed Urasawa could've been inspired by while making Dr Tenma.
We have the archangel Uriel, which is a bit of a stretch but I chose him because someone analyzed Kenzo Tenma's name, and they've concluded that his name means "Light of God", which is the same name meaning that Uriel has.
Then we have, of course, Doctor Tenma from Astroboy. No need to explain why I placed him there.
Next we have Naoki Urasawa himself, I've thought he took a bit about himself in the making of Kenzo. They've shared some physical qualities such as the longer hair and the stubble, they share the same birthday, and often times, authors tend to make characters they can relate to, to some extent.
And finally, I added the protagonist from The Fugitive, since Naoki took inspiration from that 1960s movie when making Monster.
And as for the songs, I probably didn't do it right because I just added the songs that make me think of him, not songs that relate to him lol. So I'm not explaining. I just listen to them and think omg Kenzito🥺💝
💕Thank you to whoever read this wall of text.💕
Here's the original template:
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dubbidubbida · 7 months
Ramblings regarding Dr. Tenma
I was thinking ONE of the reasons why Tenma could've stayed with Eva for so long and put up with it was because he was scared.
Cuz the moment he graduated highschool, he left Japan for a foreign country (according to Another Monster). So of course, he was very young, that's a scary thing for a young person. Sure, it's not like anybody had his back in Japan (cause his family were a bunch of opportunistic rats) but he had people he knew, and knew what to expect, and now he's in a whole other country with people who can be hostile to him for being asian, since at the time they didn't take kindly to foreigners/minorities.
He made friends in college but based on how he is (in Another Monster, it is said he never liked being in groups), he probably didn't feel like it was actually meaningful since none of those friendships lasted. I feel like people were only interested because OMG ITS JACKIE-CHAN!! joined their white-dominated college.
Really, the only person he could rely on was the director Heinemann and Eva.
He put up with it because he needed someone to depend on, he needed someone to guide him and tell him what to do just like Eva did, because in the end that is all he had. So the poor thing, of course, would be scared to be left without the things and people whom he relies on, even if those things harmed him.
He was young... Only when he grew up and was able to live independently, he was able to let go of those things, after he's had enough.
All the people he's depended on wanted nothing but the worst for him tbh </3 maybe that's why Eva's curses never phased him cause he was used to it already due to his bitch mom (unreasonably harsh on him according to Tenma's former colleagues. I'm 100% sure it's worse than they put it cause Tenma is the most patient and forgiving person ever, his family and stupid mom must've been the worst if he literally never went back, never responds to his brother's letters and overall does not wish to speak about them).
I could go in more detail about my headcanons for this but I'll see.
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