dulciet · 8 years
"Aniki, where have you been? Hm...well, I guess it doesn't matter. Happy Birthday...♪"
    “Yuta-kun, you were worried about me~? Ah, your onii-chan is soooo touched!” Hinata sings with the brightest of smiles present on his face as he pulls his twin close to him and begins to hug him tightly. “Happy birthday to you~♪”
      Releasing his brother from his (death) grip, he winks as he signals for Yuta to follow his lead.
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      “Come on, come on! We got a whole day of fun ahead of us! Ah, a live in the evening as well! It’ll be a super fun day– we need to make sure to go to the Chinese restaurant too, okay?” He rattles on about their day’s agenda– for some reason he has them all booked for today! Eyes widen at a sudden realization, and he even lets out a small gasp of surprise. His shoulders slouch, and his demeanor grows more sheepish. “Ooh~ looks like I left your present elsewhereeee! It’s okay, the best for last after all, right?”
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dulciet · 8 years
          Quickly checking the time, Tetora was alert. Hinata would be here any minute now, right? School started in a bit, after all. It was his friend’s birthday…! Now, the twin might aggravate him at times, but Tetora has grown to really care about him. So this was very important! 
     Naturally, he’d gotten Hinata a couple of gifts, that Taishou had helped him wrap and everything. Tetora was an expert gift giver, he’d like to say. Of course he’d know exactly what his friend would want- or, rather, he just remembered what Hinata had displayed interest in when they’d hang out on occasion ( Once again, when did they become this close of friends anyways? ) Ever since the Christmas Live during break, he’d began being around Hinata more and more often. 
     A prideful smirk surfaced at the thought of blowing Hinata away with this. It surely would, he believed, surprise the other boy-and that was definitely the goal! There was always some unspoken contest between the two regarding the element of surprise, and Tetora wouldn’t lose that game! Something about being able to provoke emotions aside from Hinata’s usual playful happy show felt great. Even if he wasn’t sure why. 
     Gazing at the time again, Tetora grew impatient. He had expected Hinata to show up earlier than this! He didn’t want to be left waiting any longer. The boy whipped out his phone, preparing to send the other boy a text to ask where he was, but then realized that it might give away part of what he was doing. After all, it was rather difficult to get past Hinata. 
     He settled for a slight pout and a stare at the gifts in front of him, resting his face in one of his hands. Tetora noted to himself that Ryuseitai didn’t have practice today-so perhaps he’d offer to hang out with Hinata and Yuta for awhile. He did know a surprising amount of things they’re struggling with, and surprisingly enough wanted to everything in his power to make sure it was a good day for them both. Maybe a few others could tag along too… 
     Suddenly, hearing somebody enter the room, Tetora swept around immediately, and had no patience to wait.
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     “ Hinata-kun! Happy Birthday! ” There had been little to no time for anybody to react, really. Even Tetora’s own eagerness was alarming to him. Way to keep it cool, huh? Oh well-he could let it slide just once. The boy quickly turned to grab the presents and quickly offered them out to his friend, wide smirk present on his face. 
     “ Y’won’t hear me say it a lot, but thank you…y’know, for bein’ born! Sometimes you’re frustrating, and hard to keep up with-but I can look past it! You’re actually really great, and I wanna let ya know I’m proud to call you my friend! I’m glad we got a chance to meet! ” 
@dulciet !! happy birthday, hinata-kun! 
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dulciet · 8 years
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A giraffe’s story. From Setsubun Festival Event’s story. I just want to say Its okay If you don’t love yourself because I will love you instead. Hinata you are loved, by so many.
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dulciet · 8 years
[2/2] Enstars: B’s-Log November 2016
Released in September 2016.
Unit Song CD 2nd Series Vol.2: 2wink Cast Interview
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[General note] Lyrics shown in my posts are translated right away and usually I just leave it at that, but this time I’m adding notes like the romaji lyrics for reference, since the translation for some songs is not up on the wiki yet.
Keep reading
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dulciet · 8 years
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dulciet · 8 years
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this is now a hinata aoi blog!!!! i have sbed everyone who was following xiaoqiao before, sorry... i don’t think i’ll return to being her anyways so!
anyways this is a tag dump!
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