artycreative-blog · 5 years
May Roundup
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Shazam (2019) 8/10
An enjoyable DC superhero movie? :O
More proof that they really shouldn't take themselves so seriously!
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Dead to Me (S1) 8/10
A really well-rounded drama with great, flawed characters. I liked the way they kept the tension going, it subverted the usual methods and gave more depth to everything, but particularly Jen and Judy's relationship. Definitely worth a watch.
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Detective Pikachu (2019) 8.5/10
I'm happy to say that eight year old me would have also really enjoyed that movie! Oh my gosh. They were able to blend the Pokemon into the human world and a live action film so well. The time flew by. Would watch again.
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Lucifer (S4) 8/10
I've liked Lucifer since the beginning, so I'm glad it's still going strong. The reduced number of episodes made it feeler tighter, while also benefitting it visually. Also, the freedom that Netflix provides for other... aspects is also good.
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Rocketman (2019) 7.5/10
While I'm not particularly interested in Elton John, I thought it was a good biopic. Taron Egerton was sensational, as always. It was also an interesting insight into how you can be influenced by those around you and how that doesn't have to define you.
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Aladdin (2019) 8/10
The animated Aladdin was one of my favourite films as a kid, so I was a little wary, but it turned out to be good! The core story remained the same, but they updated some stuff which really needed it. It was bright, funny and easy to watch. 👏 Guy Ritchie.
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artycreative-blog · 5 years
March and April Roundup
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Isn't it Romantic (2019) 7
An amusing movie about the importance of love, and not just the romantic sort.
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The Aftermath (2019) 8/10
Understated, poignant and beautiful.
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On the Basis of Sex (2019) 7/10
Empowering and informative, but didn't pack the same emotional punch as other films from its genre.
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Fighting with my Family (2019) 8.5/10
I really loved this film. It had all the right stuff, the humour, the emotion, someone to really root for -- really fantastic.
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Hampstead (2017) 7/10
Sweet and endearing; a quintissentially British film.
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Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald (2018) 3/10
It would have been much simpler, and less boring, if I'd simply read a Wikipedia page telling me who Credence was, because the whole film was a big filler for a two minute revelation which will lead into a different movie.
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Captain Marvel (2019) 8/10
There are plenty of things I could say about this movie, but instead, I simply want to say this:
As a person who has been knocked down and has had to pick herself back up many a time, and fight on, I salute you Carol.
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Instant Family (2019) 8/10
I'm just... I'm going to be over here, just... *BAWLING*
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Burden of Truth (S1-2) 7.5/10
A good, diverse, law drama. The second season was a little shakier than the first, I don't know whether that's because they had two episodes less. However, I love the characters, all different and flawed, and I hope there is a season three!
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Triple Frontier (2019) 6.5/10
I'm not sure I'd call this a thriller. The actors were good and it had a decent plot, but it was slooooow. I can do slow, but a slow action film feels a tad redundant to me, particularly when it lessens the tension.
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Hanna (S1) 7.5/10
Slow and dark, but with enough intrigue that I watched it all in just over 24 hours. Mireille Enos and Joel Kinnaman's great acting and chemistry helped a lot.
(You bet your butt I'm going to go continue to watch The Killing now.)
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Life Itself (2018) 8/10
I let critics bad reviews put me off seeing this film and I'm so sorry I did. Please forgive me Dan Fogelman. He crafts stories so well, and has the ability to make you feel so deeply for his characters. This was a good one.
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Star Trek Discovery (S2) 9/10
Everything about this show has been phenomenal going into season two; the acting, the story, the writing, the graphics and cinematography. It all makes for damn good sci-fi and DAMN good television. Bring on season three!
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China Rich Girlfriend & Rich People Problems 8/10
Since I've had time to read this week, I devoured the two Crazy Rich Asians sequels. I haven't been so invested in a book series in so long. They made me howl with laughter many times, as well as having a perfect conclusion.
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Avengers Endgame 8/10
A fitting end to an incredible journey.
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Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar's Revenge (2017) 6.5/10
While it wasn't terrible, these films have got weaker the longer they've been allowed to go on.
I won't lie, though, when Will and Elizabeth were finally reunited, I did get a little emotional.
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Office Uprising (2018) 6/10
... Oh dear.
I feel like Mayhem did it better.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
February Roundup
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How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World (2019) 7.5/10
*crying emojis*
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Green Book (2019) 8/10
As good as I hoped it would be :3 Mahershala and Viggo were brilliant <3
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Burning (2019) 8/10
Unconventional, with a low key tension running throughout, I'm a little disappointed about the ending, but looking back at the way the events of the film unfolded I can't say I'm surprised.
However, Steven Yeun's character was *disturbed*, so *applause* to him.
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Titans (S1) 8/10
I haven't been addicted to a show in a little while, so I'm happy it was good enough that I felt I had to devour it. I love the dark and gritty aspect which they've made work really well here, and Dick and Rachel's bond. Excited for season two!
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The Giver (2014) 7/10
An intriguing film which has a similar sort of vibe to The Host. I think it was unfairly reviewed because people were comparing it to the other YA type films that were out at the time.
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Operation Finale (2018) 7/10
Stellar acting, but I didn't feel the tension and emotion as strongly as I thought I would based on the subject matter.
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The Spy Who Dumped Me (2018) 6/10
I appreciate what the film was trying to do, but honestly, it looked a lot funnier in the trailer.
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BlacKkKlansman (2018) 7/10
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Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001) 5/10
I don't feel like I missed out on much not seeing this film when it came out. Spotty plotting, interesting side characters (even main characters) not getting their due, unimaginative bad guy... Could have been so much more.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
January Roundup
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Hellboy (2004) 6/10
I get the feeling I would have liked this film better when it first came out, but some aspects of it might have made my 14 year old self freak. Makes me interested to see what they do with the version coming out this year.
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Emma (2009) 7/10
I like the film adaptation with Gywneth Paltrow, and Clueless, so I'm happy to report that I enjoyed the TV version too. Its good when they have more time to go into the story and look at the characters with more depth. The ending was better too!
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Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates (2016) 6.5/10
Objectively, not a great movie, but some bits made me laugh SO loudly.
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Every Day (2018) 7/10
This is one of my favourite books and I've wondered for a while how it could be made into a film. I think, sadly, the loss of A's thought process is felt here as its not as poignant as I hoped. It was still a pretty decent film, though :)
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Lady Bird (2017) 7/10
Typical indie movie fare, although the complicated relationship between mother and daughter was what really held this film together.
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Colette (2019) 8/10
Ravishing is the perfect word for this film, I think, rampant with desire in all forms. However, it's also an important story about believing in your own voice and the tale you have to tell, without letting yourself be controlled by others.
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The Man in the High Castle (S1-3) 7/10
While it is dark and depressing the vast majority of the time, its also weirdly addictive. I think its the almost supernatural element to it, as it keeps you guessing as to what is going to happen next. Compelling actors help.
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Stan and Ollie (2019) 7/10
Fine acting and a charming film, but not as much substance as I was hoping.
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The Kominsky Method (S1) 8/10
This show is presented as a comedy, but it has heart too. The most important thing is how well Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin play off each other, their love/hate friendship rivals Grace and Frankie's.
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The Punisher (S2) 7/10
One of the great things about S1 was how it weaved all the threads of its story into a single cloth. S2 was frayed by comparison, splitting Frank's attention. There were good aspects, sure, but it would have been better if they had saved Billy for S3.
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Tumbledown (2015) 7/10
I love films that are a small slice of life, telling a short, personal story about the characters within them. Exactly what I needed on a sleepy Tuesday afternoon.
Also, Maine and Massachusetts look beautiful.
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Viceroy's House (2017) 7/10
I came, I learned, and I am better off now knowledge wise than I was two hours ago.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
December Roundup
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Dumplin' (2018) 8/10
An all-around good film that hit the right notes for the story it was trying to tell. All the lovely ladies in it were great too.
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Sorry to Bother You (2018) ?/10
I was totally on board and ready to give this film a 7 or 8 until the film decided to use a ploy that actually left us quite upset when the film ended. It picked a very particular phobia of mine, which made the last twenty-or-so minutes hard to watch, both for me and my friends. I understand the point the film was trying to make, but I learned quite a few years ago now when I took psychology that horrifying people as a mechanism to try and get them to change their habits doesn't work, and I especially didn't appreciate its use here.
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Pokemon Let's Go (2018) 8/10
Yes: Nostalgia! Pikachu on shoulder SO CUTE Following Pokemon <3 The Pokemon Go catching system Gorgeous graphics Playing with friend makes game SO easy
Eh: Grinding aspect wasn't good for me (lack of time) Can't play with friend's actual character
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Voltron S8 7/10
A deeply flawed final season that could have spent more of its time being a lot more meaningful, and personal. This didn't lessen the final blow, but I don't think that they were able to do the amazing characters they created the justice they deserved in the end.
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Spider-man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) 10/10
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Bumblebee (2018) 7/10
A good Transformers film that makes you feel things! Yay!
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Sing (2016) 7/10
Lots of fun, a good film to settle in and watch on a lazy Sunday morning. The singing was pretty great too.
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Mowgli (2018) 7/10
Considering I didn't finish the recent Jungle Book film because I was bored/couldn't hear what the characters were saying, I much preferred this one. It felt like his transition to the village came a little late to have much meaning, but it was a good film.
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Larry Crowne (2011) 6/10
Nothing to write home about for the most part, but it all came together in the end.
0 notes
artycreative-blog · 6 years
Top Films, TV and Games 2018
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Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (10) My one word review for this film was 'Perfection'. I've never in my life see such a perfectly crafted animation film or... film in general, really. Every single shot looked stunning. This, combined with the excellent story and characters, the incredible voice acting, the way they managed to fit seven (SEVEN!) Spider hero characters into it without it feeling crowded, and the amazing Miles Morales origin story means that it has to be my choice for number one film this year.
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Mission Impossible Fallout (10) My second only 10/10 rated film this year, the sixth installment of the series was the best yet, an intense rollercoaster ride that left me barely able to breathe. Of course, the set pieces are the most important factor here; the suspense created by them has never been more thrilling. However, I loved the character moments too, particularly the slow but meaningful development between Ethan and Ilsa. I can't imagine how they're going to top this film next time.
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Bohemian Rhapsody (9) Biopics are some of my favourite films and rank highly on my top films list on a regular basis (think The Theory of Everything, my top film of 2014). Bohemian Rhapsody was a powerful window into Freddie Mercury's public and private life. The Live Aid scene in particular had me in tears the whole way through, I couldn't have stopped them if I wanted to. It was the perfect culmination to the film. The cast was also amazing, but particularly Rami Malek at Freddie. The way he embodied every aspect of Freddie's personality was amazing to watch and I hope that he gets recognition past the great reviews about his performance.
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A Simple Favor (9) This film was wickedly entertaining and all engrossing. I've never seen a mystery quite like it. The advertising leading up to its release was particularly important, enough to entice you without giving anything away. I wasn't surprised about the ending, hence the nine rather than a ten, but I was satisfied. Anna Kendrick and Blake Lively in particular gave stand out performances, although I fully endorse the use of Henry Golding as the handsome husband/boyfriend at every opportunity -- he's great.
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Crazy Rich Asians (8) Considering I don't have much time to get to the cinema these days, the fact that I saw Crazy Rich Asians three times has to say something! It is without a doubt the most fun film I saw this year. I loved the decadence of it all, from the settings to the grand romance. Of course I appreciated that it was a full Asian cast, as it showed Hollywood that making films based solely around a different culture works, even if it has a Westernized skew to it. But what I really adored was the women in this film, they took center stage, each which different personalities, stories and motives. I'd really love to see more of that in the future.
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Altered Carbon (9) I've watched Altered Carbon three times. In a year where I've been short on time and have struggled to watch/play things, this alone should explain why it has taken my number one spot. Science fiction is one of my favourite genres, it has been since I was a kid. I've watched a lot of different sci-fi over the years, but when something really commits to it, even if it makes it complicated, I really love that, particularly if it is based on believable science (like in the Star Trek review). Altered Carbon was an amazing blend of intelligent writing, fantastic acting and a compelling story. A must watch for anyone who enjoys this genre like I do.
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Star Trek Discovery (9) Star Trek has taken many forms over the years, but this has to be one of my favourites so far. The way it embraces science makes me giddy with excitement, much like the Martian did back in 2015. They then take this science and weave it into an compelling, sometimes heart-rending story which has proven to be a stellar series of the franchise for me. I particularly love the crew and how different they all are, that diversity in terms of personality is what I strive for in my own writing and I'm so happy to see it here.
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Final Space (9) Whew. I did not understand what I was getting myself into when I pressed play on this show on Netflix earlier this year. I watched pretty much the whole season in one day. It was the effed up hilarity of it all that drew me in, but it was the characters and the legitimately emotional journey behind it all that made me stay. I was really impressed with this, I can't wait for more. CHOOKITY!
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One Day at a Time (9) If a show can make you cry every episode, it automatically gets high marks. The great thing about One Day at a Time is that it also backs up the powerful, emotional issues it deals with each time with some of the most hilarious jokes week in, week out. The family dynamic is brilliant, Schneider included, and the way they handle the aforementioned issues in a balanced, sensitive way is wonderful. It makes it feel like their family is real, despite the sitcom style, which is so hard to do. I really love it and I'm so looking forward to season three!
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GLOW S2 (9) I've never been very good at articulating why I love this show. I mow through every episode I'm given with very little thought as to why. It's incredibly watchable; I think a large part of that is down to the characters and cast, but also the quirkiness of it all. I also find the relationship between Ruth and Sam really compelling, whatever form it takes. I'm still very much looking forward to a third season.
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Batman: The Enemy Within (10) I originally gave this game a nine, if memory serves, right after my first play through. However, once I played the other storyline to the game, I saw how damn freakin' good it truly is. For the first time in a Telltale game, I witnessed the devastating effects that my choices could have on the characters, particularly John. Some of the end scenes in both versions are utterly heart wrenching and it shows perfectly the twisted dynamic a hero can have with his villains. I can heartily recommend playing both this game and the first series; if you love Batman, it's so worth your time.
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Detroit: Become Human (8) This game is exactly what I needed this year, totally story driven and no more than 12 hours long for a play through. It kept making me want to go back and play more whenever I had time, which a lot of games haven't been able to do the last 12 months. The graphics are incredible and the plot itself can be really engrossing, particularly when you get behind the characters. I really loved Connor, I totally understand why Bryan Dechart has such a huge following now. He had the most compelling story line for me (helped by his interaction with Hank, who was also amazing) and acted the role so well. I have played through the game a second time and was able to follow as many different paths as possible, sometimes even forsaking my own conscience, which is hard for me to do! But I have no motivation to complete all the different paths, which is where I think it falls down for me. If you like games like Telltale games, then I would say this is a good choice for you.
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Spider-man (8) The thing I loved most about Spider-man was its story. If you can write something that will make grown men cry on stream, without shame, then I think you're onto something. The great thing about games is that they a) have the time to let you delve into the lives of the characters, which is something that movies struggle to do because they simply can't cover everything they want to, and b) really immerse you into the world so you feel like you're actually Peter Parker, soaring through the streets of Manhattan as you thwip your way from Harlem to the Brooklyn Bridge. The web slinging is particularly good and the fighting is fun too, so long as you remember to dodge. There were some things that niggled at me, made the game not as enjoyable to play as it was to watch, but all in all it was a brilliant game and really did Spider-man justice.
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Forza Horizon 4 (8) I remember the showcase for this game at E3 and boy, did it look good. Driving games were something I loved as a kid, albeit they were the likes of Mario Kart and Diddy Kong Racing. So far as 'adult' racing games go, this one is pretty great. It looks spectacular on a 4K screen using the XBox One X and the racing itself is exhilarating and challenging enough to make you want to work for those wins. I wish that it covered more of Britain, being limited to the countryside and Edinburgh was a bit of a let down, but I understand why they did. This is definitely a game that has more longevity if you play it with friends, although a quick jaunt down the motorway at 200mph every now and again never hurt anyone.
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Destiny 2: Forsaken (7.5) Ah, Destiny. I've been playing the game since Vanilla and I can't explain how good it felt back in the beginning. I could grind for hours by myself without a care in the world. Forsaken hasn't quite recaptured this for me, as I still find it hard to play the game by myself. With friends, though, it's a great experience now. We love picking up all the bounties and working towards long-term quests in the evenings and on the weekends, there's plenty of content now like the players wanted. Personally, I wasn't a fan of the story, but that's a personal thing as revenge has never been a thrilling plot line for me, so I lacked the drive to get behind hunting down Uldren. However, the game is still by far the best shooter I own from the point of view of the way it handles and the characters you encounter. I'm very glad I've been able to get back into it with this expansion.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
November Roundup
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Stronger (2017) 7/10
Finally watched it. My review is eh, despite the acting. I thought for sure there would be tears from me because of the trailer, but I was fine. Might have nightmares, though. Kudos to the departments involved in making the amputee aspect look realistic.
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Destiny 2: Forsaken 7.5/10
Pros: - It's recaptured the magic of the grind for me, which lacked when it came out - Recent changes have made it easier to level up gear/guns
Cons: - I can't play alone without getting bored - I didn't engage with the story past the first mission
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Widows (2018) 6/10
When I see a film, I want to feel something, whether it's sadness, anger, happiness. There was something about this film that left me alienated. I didn't feel anything, the whole time, which was strange for a Steve McQueen film. I wanted so much more.
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The Star (2017) 7/10
I watched this because some of my favourite actors voice the main characters, but I ended up getting serious nostalgia from school and the nativity we did every year. Overall, the film was cute and cheesy, with a few good laughs.
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Bohemian Rhapsody (2018) 9/10
I'd write a proper review about how good this film was but I'm still a mess from the last fifteen minutes where I cried non-stop. One of the best films I've seen this year.
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The Princess Switch (2018) 7/10
It was exactly the sort of cheese that I'm coming to expect from Netflix Christmas movies, in that its quite fun with a bit of cringe. A good choice if you need something lighthearted and fluffy to cheer you up this holiday season.
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A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding (2018) 4/10
In the words of my sister: "WHY IS IT TEN TIMES WORSE THAN THE FIRST ONE?!"
Or, as this person put it: "Netflix's Follow-Up to 'A Christmas Prince' Is Beautiful, Royal Garbage" (Thrillist)
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
October Roundup
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Bodyguard (2018) 8/10
Talk about being on the edge of your seat. The slow burning intensity is only amplified by Richard Madden's performance and the rest of the cast. A very good series by the BBC, but not for the faint of heart.
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When Harry Met Sally (1989) 7/10
That SCENE though.
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Killjoys (S4) 7/10
I wasn't enamored with S3, so I'm glad that S4 brought back some of the team dynamic we know and love while expanding other characters as well. Zeph had been a great addition cast wise. The plot is crazy as always, but there is clear method now in the madness.
Forza Horizon 4 8/10
I'm not sure what the longevity of a game like this is without friends, but it's stunning and the cars handle really well. You can feel the speed when you're zipping about in a Porsche and the bumps when you're bouncing around in a Land Rover. Lots of fun.
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The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society 8/10
A lovely, heartfelt story with rich characterisation and emotion. Period drama at its most wonderful.
WoW: Before the Storm
I haven't read a lot since I started my job 18 months ago, so getting to listen to the audiobook was really great. All I know about WoW is what my sister tells me, so it was good to delve into the story properly and learn more without having to play.
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A Simple Favour (2018) 9/10
I didn't know what to expect based on the trailers and I now understand why. Very impressive is all I will say. I loved it.
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A Star is Born (2018) 7/10
While the film got off to a great start, I felt like it dragged in places later on. Bradley Cooper was brilliant as an actor, singer and director, then Lady Gaga... my gosh. Her rendition of the final song brought me to tears. What an incredible debut.
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Daredevil (S3) 7/10
I don't know. I feel like a lot of the Marvel TV I've watched this year has had its moments, but overall has been pretty average. Daredevil was the same. The darkness was oppressive, stifling the good, while lacking in terms of intensity and fight scenes. Loved Ray Nadeem though.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
September Roundup
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Kubo and the Two Strings (2016) 8/10
This is one of the most stunning animated films I've seen in a long time, its visuals regularly gave me chills. It was affecting as well, emphasising the importance and power of your memories of someone, even after they're gone.
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Luke Cage (S2) 7/10
I appreciate the complexity of the characters, the shades of grey and how interesting that makes the interactions throughout the show. However, I think the slow burn pace was a little too slow for me this time. Give me more kickass Misty and I'll be happy.
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Destination Wedding (2018) 7/10
A very simple, dry concept for a movie that had to be carried solely by Keanu and Winona's dialogue and chemistry. If you enjoy something out of the ordinary every now and again, try this.
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Crazy Rich Asians (2018) 8/10
I'm really glad that this movie got made, that it was so fun, and that it championed a diverse range of female characters too. Would definitely see it again.
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Iron Fist (S2) 7/10
I'm not sure how I feel about Iron Fist this season. It sort of felt like the second part of a trilogy. There were elements in there that were great - Mary, Danny and Ward's relationship, Colleen and Misty - but it didn't feel as good as it could have been.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
August Roundup
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One Day at a Time (S1) 9/10
A wonderful -- laugh out loud and cry your heart out every episode -- sitcom that handles real issues with grace as well as humour. Also, I love Penelope. She's one of my favourite characters on TV right now.
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Good Girls (S1) 7/10
While I can appreciate the premise and the three leading ladies, I think fatigue from watching the likes of Weeds and OITNB has turned me off the sort of drama where people actively get themselves in trouble when tAnt-man and the Wasp (2018)
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Ant-man and the Wasp (2018) 8/10
A great follow up to one of Marvel's most fun franchises. As well as the usual laughs, it brought a tear to my eye a couple of times. Also, they made three antagonists work because of the style of the film. Nice!
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Voltron (S7) 7/10
There were some truly epic action moments throughout, and the first three episodes showed real promise character wise, but then it went mostly downhill from there, not providing nearly enough big relationship moments which I hoped for in a penultimate season.
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Molly's Game (2017) 7/10
I put off watching this film because, despite my love of Aaron Sorkin, it didn't get amazing reviews. I can understand why. The humour and heart behind his usual intelligent volumes of dialogue lacked by comparison. An intriguing story nonetheless.
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Christopher Robin (2018) 8/10
A lovely, funny trip down memory lane. Wonderful nostalgic whimsy designed to remind you to have fun and relax every now and again.
It was great that we were in a cinema full of adults too, as they were all enjoying themselves.
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Yardie (2018) 7/10
Saw the preview of Idris Elba's directorial debut this evening and thought it was a great first outing for him behind the camera. A tight, personal film about family, violence and Jamaican culture, with a side of bass busting Reggae music.
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American Assassin (2017) 6/10
Good actors could not salvage this boring story, which is a shame because I was hoping that it would be a good one for Dylan's sake. Hopefully he'll get to showcase his abilities elsewhere.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
July Roundup
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The Punisher (S1) 9/10
WOW. Started off slow, as most Marvel shows do, but once it got into the story it got INTENSE. Very few shows make me cover my eyes and cower in the corner of my chair, in a good way. Loved the characters, loved the plot, loved the relationships. Loved it.
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The Expanse (S3) 6/10
Honestly, for me, the season stepped a little too close to crazy for my liking. I like intelligent sci-fi, I don't like not knowing what's going on or what the point is to all of it. Hopefully they'll bring it back to the stuff we love next season.
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GLOW (S2) 9/10
I find it very difficult to put into words why exactly I love this show so much, but the realness of the characters in such a crazy setting makes it stand out for me. I binge watched it all in just over 24 hours, which speaks volumes. S3 now please!
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Ordeal by Innocence (2018) 5/10
I know that it was supposed to be a riveting who done it, but I actually found it boring for the most part. The only reason I watched until the end was because I wanted to know who the murderer was; at least the scumbag got their comeuppance.
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Stardew Valley (2016) 9/10
I'M ADDICTED. SEND HELP, PLEASE. (Don't send help.)
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Tomb Raider (2018) 7/10
A fun, action flick, which benefitted from being different from the game and using more realism. Daniel Wu was wasted on this movie, though. We don't need men to fill typically female cast roles, we need better roles.
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The Incredibles 2 (2018) 8/10
A+ animation as always, which has only improved with time. Brad Bird knows how to write a sequel.
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Final Space (S1) 9/10
I wasn't sure how the show was going to sustain the high levels of zany humour from the first couple of episodes, but it didn't have to. It was an all round great story with fantastic voice acting. Would recommend.
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Mission Impossible: Fallout 10/10
I have NEVER cried with relief at the end of a movie before. I am shaking, the action scenes, particularly the final sequence, were so unbelievably intense. Hats off to the cast and crew for making an incredible action thriller.
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Supergirl (S3) 7/10
While it lost me in parts, the latter half of the season was an emotional roller-coaster. I couldn't go an episode without crying. I'm also constantly amazed and elated at the number of different, complex female characters on the show. It's wonderful ❤️
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Set It Up (2018) 8/10
Romantic comedies can be quite generic these days, so I love how much and how loud this film made me laugh. Zoey and Glenn were really great together. A good watch if you enjoy the genre.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
11 Shows to Watch on Netflix
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Altered Carbon Seasons: 1 Genre: Science Fiction
Set in a future where consciousness is digitized and stored, a prisoner returns to life in a new body and must solve a mind-bending murder to win his freedom.
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Jane the Virgin Seasons: 4 Genre: Comedy, Drama (Telenovela)
A young, devout Catholic woman discovers that she was accidentally artificially inseminated.
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Voltron: Legendary Defender Seasons: 6 Genre: Animation, Science Fiction
Five teenagers become the last line of defense for the galaxy in an intergalactic battle against the evil alien force led by King Zarkon.
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GLOW Seasons: 2 Genre: Comedy, Drama
A look at the personal and professional lives of a group of women who perform for a wrestling organization in Los Angeles.
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The Punisher Seasons: 1 Genre: Comic Book, Drama, Action
After the murder of his family, Marine veteran Frank Castle became a vigilante known as "The Punisher" with only one goal in mind, to avenge them.
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The Good Place Seasons: 2 Genre: Comedy
A woman struggles to define what it means to be good when she is mistakenly sent to Heaven.
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Stranger Things Seasons: 2 Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
When a young boy disappears, his mother, a police chief, and his friends, must confront terrifying forces in order to get him back.
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Star Trek Discovery Seasons: 1 Genre: Science Fiction
Ten years before Kirk, Spock and the Enterprise, the USS Discovery discovers new worlds and lifeforms as one Starfleet officer learns to understand all things alien.
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The Alienist Seasons: 1 Genre: Mystery, Horror, Drama
Newspaper illustrator John Moore meets with criminal psychologist (alienist) Dr. Laszlo Kreizler to investigate a serial killer in New York during the late 19th century.
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Final Space Seasons: 1 Genre: Animation, Comedy, Science Fiction
An astronaut named Gary and his planet-destroying sidekick called Mooncake embark on serialized journeys through space in order to unlock the mystery of where the universe actually ends and if it actually does exist.
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One Day at a Time Seasons: 2 Genre: Family, Comedy, Drama
Follows three generations of the same Cuban-American family living in the same house: a newly divorced former military mother, her teenage daughter and tween son, and her old-school mother.
*Descriptions from IMDb
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
June Roundup
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Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
An all around good film, with fun action scenes and a cool story, it just didn't bring the Star Wars magic for me.
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Ratchet and Clank (2016)
I had fun for the first couple of hours, then the controls and camera angles became a real pain in the neck. As did the fact that your weapons miss 25% of the time because you autofire at nothing. Not the most enjoyable experience.
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Voltron Season 6
Another season dealing more with world shattering issues rather than character development, but the return of Keith and his progression was most welcome, as were the lessons that Lance and Allura learned too.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
May Roundup
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The Alienist (S1) 4/5
A dark show, set in the late 1800's in NY, Sherlockesque in nature; Dr Kreisler is ahead of his time, but tends to alienate those around him. He also has a John. The cast is great and the story ticks along nicely, building suspense as it goes.
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Hunt for the Wilderpeople (2016) 4/5
A sweet, laugh out loud film about how when the going gets tough, the Kiwis get bat shit crazy.
Friends With Money (2006) 2/5
Talking. Lots and lots of talking and little to no resolution. Can I has my last ninety minutes back please?
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The Durrells (S1) 4/5
Refreshingly British. The characters, which are brash and wonderfully real, had me hooked from the start. I would love to know how true to life it all is and I can't wait to get season two.
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Professor Marston and the Wonder Women (2017) 4/5
While there is an undercurrent to do with Wonder Woman, the film is actually a thought provoking exploration of sexuality, desire, power, and relationships, the good and the bad.
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Designated Survivor (S1-2) 4/5
The show was such a great concept. Its idealist approach to politics was a breath of fresh air after the likes of Scandal. With a range of wonderful characters, headed up by one of the best Presidents on TV, I'm going to miss it a lot.
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Deadpool 2 (2018) 4/5
Now THAT was entertaining.
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A Christmas Prince (2017) 3/5
Princess Diaries 2 meets Never Been Kissed. Cheesy and cute, carried mostly by some strong central performances and the chemistry between Rose and Ben.
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The Hitman's Bodyguard (2017) 4/5
Once I shook off my expectations based on the trailers I saw last year, I actually really enjoyed it. A fun action movie with enough quips in between fight scenes to keep you amused.
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Our Souls at Night (2017) 3/5
A slow, sweet film about two lonely hearts looking to find a connection again.
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Detroit: Become Human (2018) 4/5
I haven't been this addicted to a game in a while. Overall, the story was good, but not perfect. Some characters were more compelling than others. I'm a little devastated by a couple of outcomes, but I did all right. Might play it again. Maybe.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
April Roundup
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Love, Simon (2018) 3/5
A very sweet, if predictable, film about the trials and tribulations involved in figuring out who you are.
Alternatively, my sister's reaction was: "I'M NOT CRYING, YOU'RE CRYING."
I was crying.
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Batman: The Enemy Within 4/5
A great second season to a game series that gives both the characters of Batman and Bruce so much depth. The final episode was a 5/5 gut punch which showed just how much your choices and actions affect the story's characters, for better or worse.
EDIT: I take it back, I'm giving Batman: The Enemy Within 5/5 having played the other storyline through.
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Miss Sloane (2016) 2-ish/5
A very slick, stylish political drama about lobbying, with Jessica Chastain providing a strong lead to a great cast. However, the lack of care taken when it comes to relationships, making them believable, leaves much wanting beneath the surface.
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Into the Badlands (S1) 3/5
Visually breathtaking at times, its fight scenes are some of the best on TV. I say this knowing that I have a weakness for sword fights. The story leaves something to be desired, but the addition of Nick Frost appears to be a good choice in S2.
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Avengers: Infinity War (2018) 3/5
Good + Action scenes + Thanos
Not so good - Too many characters leads to no development and don't feel the gravity of certain events, among other issues - Tone in some places, cracking jokes literally 60 seconds after a gut punch.
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The Good Doctor (S1) 4/5
Although it is clunky at the start, TGD finds its rhythm after the first few episodes. The show's focus on Shaun's autism, and on innovation, is refreshing. It's diverse cast of personalities is welcome too. It'll be good to see how it develops.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
March Roundup
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Altered Carbon (S1) 4/5
Slow to start, but worth the wait. The story has enough intrigue to reel you in, but the characters are the reason you stay as they are compelling and fun, particularly Tak and Kristen. I'm genuinely sad I don't have anymore to watch.
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Voltron (S1-5) 4/5
If you're looking for something fun and easy to watch, Voltron is your show. It's got a lot of great characters, some fantastic voice acting, and the right amount of ridiculous to make you laugh out loud rather than cringe.
"I say Vol, you say..." "Vol-tron?"
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Star Trek Discovery (S1) 4/5
A delightful fusion of everything Star Trek with an excellent cast, well rounded characterisation, meaningful relationships, a great plot, and plenty of science! Can't wait for season two.
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Coco (2017) 3/5
The animation was spectacular, as always, and it was sweet, but paled in comparison to some of Pixar's older films.
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My Old Lady (2014) 3/5
This film was a lot more frank than I was expecting, particularly for someone travelling at 37,000 feet. Brutal and honest, not for the faint of heart.
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Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011) 3/5
A film about faith and believing in your dreams against all odds. Amusing in parts, teary in others. Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt are great together.
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artycreative-blog · 6 years
March in Malta
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For my Mum's 60th birthday in April, we decided to return to the country of her birth for the first time since she was three years old. We had a lot of expectations of what it was going to be like; we were right about some and so wrong about others! I'm going to talk a little about where we stayed, how we got around, what we visited and where we would recommend restaurant wise.
Mellieha Bay Hotel
Tucked away in the north of the island, Mellieha Bay Hotel is a fair sized resort situated next to the 'best beach on the island'. The beach isn't anything special when you compare it to other countries around the Med, or even some in the UK, but the sea view rooms all have glorious vantages over the bay, which is beautiful. The decor inside is lovely and has clearly been done up at some point over the last few years. It's got a big restaurant, bar/club, two outdoor pools and one indoor, as well as a host of activities available each day that start in the morning and go on into the evening. It seemed more geared up to pensioners than anything else, as that was the majority of the residents that we saw there. There were also some families and younger couples, but there's not as much for them to do. The hotel also had three small shops; one for snacks, one for jewellery, and another for souvenirs, all run by one friendly lady who spoke very good English.
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Our room looked nice at the outset; fresh looking, bath with shower, balcony, all nice things. However, the beds were hard, the air conditioning only blew out hot air no matter what we tried, the TV wasn't set up correctly so it cut off a decent chunk of the picture, and the toilet was broken so you had to slap the flush button to make it stop leaking.
As we wanted to take it as easy as possible while on holiday, we elected to go half board, so we would only have to worry about getting lunches out. Breakfast and dinner were both buffet style all week. Breakfast remained mostly the same, other than they switched potatoes for mushrooms on alternate days, which was a bit of a pain for someone like me who can't eat bread and doesn't like mushrooms. It wasn't very geared up to gluten free eaters, although there was usually one lactose free meal and one vegetarian meal each evening. The evening buffet had four main meals, including a carvery, as well as a host of cold food, and two to three desserts, with jelly and ice cream. Overall, we think that eating at the hotel wasn't the best considering it was supposed to be a four star resort. The buffet style didn't lend itself to a high quality of food because it had to be made in such large portions and it was often left out for a while, which meant that the food could go dry. One example of this was the pork carvery, which was horribly chewy. Their fried eggs were a highlight, as was their lamb shank.
Although the hotel is close to two bus stops (one goes north and the other goes south), which are served by buses that go to Cirkewwa, Buggiba, Sliema, and Valetta, in terms of distance it's so far from everything but the ferry port to Gozo and Comino that journeys end up being very long, compounded by bad roads and busy traffic.
If we ever go back, we'd choose to be much closer to Valetta or stay somewhere on the south of the island.
I'll warn you now, I don't have much good to say about Malta's public transport system! The bus station in Valetta is good, straightforward with good signage, and has sheltered areas with seats. However, people can smoke while they're waiting for the bus, which isn't pleasant for asthmatics. There is also a wide network of buses that go around the island, so you can get pretty much everywhere important without a car. In hindsight, though, we wish we'd rented a car. Our two main buses from Mellieha to Valetta took an hour and a quarter at the very least because they took all the back roads (which are falling to pieces) and stopped at every stop along the way. This meant that buses were often packed to overflowing, the only way to get a seat was to get on at the first stop at Valetta or Cirkewwa. Also, for some reason, the seats were all curved up at the edges (I'm assuming so people are less likely to fall out while the buses rocketed around the twists and turns), which meant you had to have a tiny butt to be comfortable!
Our ExplorePlus Cards were not worth it for the price, the E21 cards would have been fine to cover us for the bus trips that we did. It might be more suitable in the summer when the fares go up by 50 cents. One of our cards also stopped working the second day on the island and their main pass office in Valetta refused to do anything about it, saying that it had expired when it had only been activated the previous the day. Not only were they rude, but the bus drivers were too. I have a certain amount of sympathy because they had to get around quickly and didn't have a lot of time scheduled for each journey considering how bad the traffic was the vast majority of the time. However, this doesn't permit you to yell at your passengers or hit them. I've never been so disgusted with a bus driver in all my life.
My final issue with the whole system is their app. It's not a bad app by all means, but when none of the buses run to time and they don't know where half of them are, it makes looking up times, routes and live information pointless. Your best bet is to just go to a bus stop and wait for whatever comes that will get you to your destination.
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On our first full day in Malta, the sun was shining so we decided to take a trip to Comino, which is the smaller of the two islands situated to the north of Malta. We ended up hopping off the bus too early when we saw signs for the 'Comino Ferry' which, uh, was a speed boat. This ended up being a hilarious accident, because we actually got a tour of some of the island’s caves included in our trip, before whizzing round the island at high speed, disco music blaring, and laughing all the way as the choppy waters made the boat bounce. On the way back, even the two elderly people at the front were cackling as they got soaked.
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Comino is almost completely uninhabited, apart from a few farmers and a couple of small hotels, which are closed during the winter months. This means that the land is mostly untouched, apart from a few buildings dotted about and St Mary's Tower, which is a majestic figure up on the hillside. I made my family trail all the way over to it to take pictures because it was featured in one of my favourite films, The Count of Monte Cristo. It's impressive considering it's 400 years old.
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The island is also home to three bays, including the Blue Lagoon. It doesn't disappoint. The water is stunning and clear, the high winds made for some impressive photographs of the sea spray. I loved it.
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Two small things to bear in mind when you visit: there are two toilets on the island, one at Blue Lagoon, which isn't very well kept, and one at Santa Maria Bay, which we didn't visit, so be aware for when you want to take toilet breaks. The paths are also very rocky, so make such you wear appropriate shoes. I got sore knees walking around in Sketchers.
Hagar Qim Temples
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Wednesday was probably our most eventful day because of the bus pass incident, but it was also the day that we had the longest journeys, none of which were particularly pleasant. We did, however, have a very nice lunch in Valetta at the The Pulled Meat Company, which I will talk about later.
After lunch, we headed out to the Hagar Qim Temples on the coast. They're some of the oldest free standing buildings that still exist, built in around 3200 BC, using only stones, balanced on top of each other to create walls, doors, and ceilings. The history of the place is fascinating and the views from the walkway down to the second, larger temple are fantastic. There's a small island out in the water that the British Army used to use for target practice during WWII.
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There isn't much to see at the site, which is a shame considering how long it can take to get there. My recommendation would be to also visit the Blue Grotto down the coast on the same day. It's supposed to be amazing and would have made a nice edition to the day had it not been so late when we left the temples.
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The walled city of Mdina was my favourite day out of the whole trip. It can trace its history back over 4,000 years, with a lot of the current architecture having been built in the 1500's. The whole city has been so well kept that you would think it was built yesterday. It's Catholic cathedral was a highlight for me because of the ornate decorations and the marvelously detailed painted ceilings. The museum opposite was great as well as it housed pieces from the cathedral, as well as old coins dating back to the early Roman era.
I could have taken photographs of the city all day.
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If you head to the far wall from the main gate, you can climb up onto a walkway to look out across the surrounding countryside, all the way to the main city. It's an unbelievable panorama, one of the best views on the island.
There were several places to eat, only a couple that did gluten free food. It was quite pricey because they know that tourists don't really have any other options, but the atmosphere was nice and the food was decent. Just be careful to check the opening times when you're researching places to eat, as some places don't open at lunchtime, only in the evenings. This may be beneficial if you want to be in the city at night. They call it the silent city when darkness falls, which could be an interesting experience!
We didn't eat a lot of great food while we were away, but these three are worth a visit if you're thinking about visiting Malta.
Munchies (in Mellieha)
Munchies can be found on the beach, just down from the Mellieha Bay Hotel. They do plenty of different meals, including Maltese specialties and breakfasts past midday. It was number three out of my top three, as we had food elsewhere that was spectacular, but my chicken tasted awesome and the fries were cooked perfectly.
The Pulled Meat Company (in Valetta)
We tried to visit this restaurant on Monday, but it turns out there are quite a lot of places that are closed all day Monday in Valetta -- another thing to bear in mind! When we came back on Wednesday, it was definitely open, with staff standing in the doorway hoping to entice people inside. It has a TripAdvisor award for its food, which is well deserved. We all decided to have the brisket burger, as it sounded so delicious. Rarely are burgers so tasty. Slow cooked to perfection, we stuffed our faces until there were none left! Would definitely recommend unless you're vegetarian, this is definitely not the place for you.
Vecchia Napoli (at the Airport)
Our best meal on the island was actually our last. I was looking up places to eat at the airport and Vecchia Napoli came highly recommended. A little taste of Naples in Malta, we got a table quickly and ordered a variety of meals, including lasagna and two different types of chicken. My chicken with garlic, honey and seasoning was tremendous and my Mum and sister both thoroughly enjoyed their meals too. If you arrive in Malta starving, this is place to go for lunch. There's also a sushi bar and a place that does English style food (Bert’s) on either side. Vecchia and Berts both label all their food with what contains gluten, lactose, garlic etc and which are vegetarian.
There was also a chef doing pizza tossing at the front of the kitchen! What's not to love about that?
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Overall, our trip was a bit hit and miss. There was stuff that we really enjoyed, like Comino and Mdina, but a lot of stuff we could have done without experiencing, like the bus drivers/rides and how distant the locals and staff could be, among others. We probably wouldn't choose to go back, but that's our personal taste. For someone a little looser, who has lots of energy and isn't picky about what they eat, this could be a fun adventure for you.
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