dumbhours-mx · 5 years
Could I ask for two reactions, please? How would Monsta X react to seeing their female doppelgänger? Would they react any differently to seeing their male doppelgänger?
Could I ask for two reactions, please? You can try, but you will fail. :)
Shownu - Doesn’t notice his doppelgänger at all until it’s pointed out to him by someone else. Neither he nor his doppelganger feel compelled to speak to each other, so they don’t.
Wonho - Sees his doppelgänger and asks them about their nutrition, workout regimen, carb cycling, and other things buff people talk about. They compare Gains.
Minhyuk - He is One of a Kind and therefore must kill the doppelgänger.
Kihyun - Tries to see if he’s taller than his doppelgänger (he’s not).
Hyungwon - Doesn’t really care about seeing his doppelgänger at all until later that night. At that point, he cannot stop thinking about it, making him restless for the next 3-5 business days.
Jooheon - Immediately engages his doppelgänger in a rap battle.
Changkyun - Spends the entire time trying not to fall in love with his doppelgänger (keyword: trying).
This applies to doppelgängers of every gender and sex.
-Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 5 years
come back thot
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In the words of Monsta X themselves, We are here thot
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
why aren't you active anymore 😔🤙
Because we’re both bottoms 😔🤙
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-Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
Monsta X reacting to their ears being touched by their sleeping s/o? Ever since I was a kid I would always in my sleep touch the earlobes of whomever was closest to me, so I'm curious to know how the members would react to that!
- Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
Monsta X React to Their Sleeping S/O Touching Their Ears
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Even though you were in the deepest sleep, your apparently haunted hands reach over and start rubbing Shownu’s earlobes. In response, he wakes up confused. Why the hell are you touching his ears? Blinking for a moment, Shownu tries to look at your eyes but cannot make out your features in the dark. He shrugs and hesitantly starts rubbing your earlobes back.
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After an exhausting day, you and Wongle decide to call it an early night, and he invites you to spend the night. How sweet of him! About an hour after you two had passed out for the night, your phantom-driven fingers reach out for Wimbledon’s iconic ears. Moments after you start rubbing his ears, they fuckin’ pop right off. Holy shit...
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The two of you were cuddling on the couch, having both fallen asleep during a rerun, when your fingers make their dream journey towards Minhyuk’s earlobes and start rubbing them. He springs up and reflexively smacks you, producing a loud “YAAH!” You fall onto the floor as he stands up and calmly walks towards the door. Just before exiting, Minhyuk stops and looks back at your body on the floor, proclaiming loudly to no one in particular but also directly to you, “I’m not even worried about it.” 
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You were sleeping, perhaps snoring gently, while Kihyun lounged beside you. He wasn’t tired quite yet, but decided to lay next to you because you always complained that you never share a bed, much less cuddle at night. Ugh, you really were a needy fool. Just as he was about to fall asleep, however, your creepy ass ghost inspired hands reach up towards his head and start rubbing his earlobes. He immediately gets up and leaves. You never see him again.
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Unsurprisingly, Hyungwon had gone to sleep long before you. So when you finally decided to join him you fell asleep surprisingly quickly. Except for your creepy ass fingers. Your small phantom limbs made their way to his exposed lobes and gently started to rub them. Still asleep, Hyungwon dragged his own lengthy limbs from the bed. He returned with a trapper hat, to protect his sensitive lobes. Still sleeping, he swung his mile-long leg up to get into the bed, knocking you, and your fingers, out in the process. Let him sleep.
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When the time inevitably comes during your slumber for your limbs to develop sentience, and your cold ass fingers start rubbing Jooheon’s unsuspecting earlobes, he wakes up and just cannot stop screaming. It’s been 45 minutes and he won’t even let you near the bed, much less in it. Every time you take a step towards him, he lets out a horrified, “aaAAHhh, DEMON! DEMON!!!” How could you do this to Joohoney?
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Although the two of you were known to be night owls, the both of you staying up late playing video games and hanging out, for some reason this night the both of you were in bed, sound asleep by midnight. Hmm, weird. Anyway, your totally normal sleepwalking fingers reach out for Changkyun’s soft, irresistible earlobes and start rubbing them in little circles. Still sound asleep, Changkyun starts purring. 
- Admin DB and Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
Monsta X As Crying Cats
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- Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
How Monsta X would (terribly) talk dirty to you
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“Suck it?” “What??” “..Suck....it”.  “Suck wHAT, Hyunwoo?”. “Dong.”
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“Yeah, you like that?.....Do you? Do you like that? PLeASe...do you like that? I can do something else? Okay, uh..Blink if it’s good for you....Fuck, yeah.”
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(You’re Wonho) Actively choking you, because that’s just the kind of freaky bish he is.
“Stop swallowing. No, wait! Stop swallowing....for now?”
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“How does that taste babe? Hmmm, you take it so well...what’s that? It’s too salty?.... Oh Okay, well, maybe if you helped me with the cooking we wouldn’t have this problem.”
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“You look good on top. You also look good next to me. Oh..WhoA... what if we took a nap instead?” -c*ms-
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“Brrrrraahhhhh skrr skrrr yah Joo Honey One Hunnit yahhh,” then he...you know ;)
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Just a bunch of weird grunting noises during foreplay. Howls when he nuts.
"Now who's hot and who's not? Huh?? ...Still Wonho?"
-Admins DB and BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
What gifts Monsta X would give you for Valentines Day!
 Happy Valentines Day, Dumbebes!
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You were getting ready to leave the house, it was Valentines Day and you had planned to surprise your boyfriend, Hyunwoo. Fool, he’s the leader he’s always going to be one step ahead. You noticed a small piece of crumpled, red paper that had been forcefully shoved under the small space below your door. Picking it up it, you instantly recognized Hyunwoo’s writing. “To my MOST significant other, Your Name x.” Flipping the small card, it read,  “I.O.U. for (1) Valentine.” That’s it, that’s the card.
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“Are you ready for your Valentine surprise?” Wonho asked you winking. You were sat on your shared bed, nodding your head eagerly, excited to see what he had planned. That’s when he whipped it out....a gym pass? What? This wasn’t what you had expected...at all. In answer to your bewildered gaze, Wonho explained, “You’re always saying we need to spend more time together...and I’m always saying you need to dedicate every waking moment to loving monbebe...” It’s true. Whether he was taking selfies for 45 minutes or exercising 5 times a day, he was always off doing something for monbebe. But when you said you and he needed to spend some time together, you had expected him to maybe set aside some...ahem...alone time. “So I figured, what better way for us to spend time together than molding our bodies into peak physical performance for monbebe!” Speechless, you sat gaping at him. Mistaking your silence for unbridled joy, he ran over and hugged you. “This is going to be so much fun!”
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“Close your eyes and put out your hands, babe.” Your boyfriend told you. You excitedly anticipated what he was going to give you, a ring? A necklace? Hah you’re on the wrong blog sweetheart. There was a short pause, and afterwards, you heard a soft “blah” sound as you felt him place something in your hands. Why is it sticky. Unable to feel what it was, you opened your eyes, nervously. There it was. A sticky handful of skittles. I... There’s definitely teeth marks in them... Oh my god did he just...
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You had woken up to a text from your perfect boyfriend, Kihyun. “Happy V Day” it read. God, he really knew how to get you going. You replied to him and got on with your day. However, it had been a week and Kihyun still hadn’t replied or answered any of your calls. You assumed he was busy but began to worry. That’s when a pretty, little, neat package with a dainty bow was delivered to your apartment. You smiled, knowing it was from Kihyun. You carefully unwrapped it. There was a little card with Kihyun’s writing on it. It read “Put this on, sexy ;)” You blushed and smiled to yourself as you reached to hold up the contents. It was a T-shirt. It read “Hi, I’m single.”
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You ran excitedly into the kitchen to wish your boyfriend, Hyungwon, a happy Valentines Day! He stopped you, however, before you had a chance to say anything, handing you a glossy picture of his face that he had just signed with a sharpie. You looked at it, then back at him, then back at it, then back at him. Then he grabbed your hand and gave you a firm handshake before walking directly out of the room. Omg....you got to touch Chae Hyungwon!!1!1!
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"I'm sorry I can't be there for Valentine's Day," Jooheon's voiced crackled over the phone. You knew he was busy being ridiculously talented and handsome in a completely different country, but sometimes it was hard to deal with, especially on commercial holidays. Sigh. "It's okay, Jooheo–," "Joohoney. It's Joohoney now," he reminded you. "Yes...It's okay, Joobert. We'll see each other soon." You heard a sniffle from the other side of the phone before he blurted out, "I need you to go outside right now." Confused, you obliged and went over to your front door. You opened it to find a medium sized gift box, weighing approximately .0015 metric tons. It had been out there for over an hour judging from the the temperature of the box. It was wrapped in pink wrapping paper with a red ribbon. Before you could really analyze the package, though, Jooheon cut in, "I got you something to express how I feel about you." Intrigue piqued, you tore open the wrapping to find....a teddy bear? You could hear him breathing heavily before he whispered, "Do you like it?" Your mouth was dry. "It...it says..." "Shit bitch you is fine! Haha, yeeahuhhh. Joohoney one hunnid...blrrrrrah."
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Valentine’s Day: a day that you had been both anticipating and dreading. Why? Well, let’s just say it had something to do with your boyfriend, Changkyun. It all started a couple weeks ago when he began dropping hints that he was getting you something big for Valentine’s Day. As the weeks turned into days, however, you noticed that things seemed to be...shifting. In fact, all of your furniture was moving slightly to the left. When you confronted him about it, Changkyun merely scoffed and said, “I told you, I’m getting you something big.” Fear jingle-jangled your insides for three more days until it was finally The Big Day. In the first blissful moments upon waking, you had forgotten all about your boyfriend’s plans...until you noticed he wasn’t in bed. Jumping out of bed, you blindly ran into the living room. This was your mistake. “Oomffh,” you bellowed as your squiggly human body slammed directly into the back of the couch, limbs flailing helplessly when you tumbled backwards. Since when was the fucking couch in the middle of the hallway? Wait... You winced as you climbed over the couch, turning the corner into the living room. Oh, no. There you were, face to face with Changkyun, as he stood excitedly next to....a leopard print couch. “Ta da! It’s your big thing!” he exclaimed, but you were still disoriented from the previous couch attack. “W....what....I thought...ring..,” you mumbled before grabbing your stomach in pain. “Babe...rings aren’t big. You know that...” he stated, leading you to sit on the couch. You nodded. He was right, you did know that. When you were finally seated, he began smiling again, exclaiming, “So?!” You didn’t know what he was expecting. “Really? Nothing? Don’t notice anything” You shrugged, trying not to heave on the new couch. He was fuming. “You always complain about my spot on the couch and now you don’t even notice when it’s not there!” “What are you ta-” but you cut yourself off. His spot....where he sits his bare ass down on the couch like a mongrel.....His ass print! He got rid of the ass print! You were so happy, you began to sob, “Your ass....your ass is gone....Oh, Changkyun!” You then puked on him and the new couch. Inconsiderate.  
-Admins DB and BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
I just want you to know that the Knock Knocks you out post is one of my favorite kpop posts of all time now bless
.....Of all time??
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That's.....that's too much time. Thank you. We're glad you liked it!
- Admin BB & Admin DB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
assign one to each member: scooby-doo, velma, shaggy, fred, daphne, scrappy-doo, and scooby-dum. Idc if you don't know who they are just base it off the names or a description. pleaSE I nEEd to know!
Oof…okay, anonbebe, this sounds urgent. Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered.
Monsta X - Sugar Ray
Us - Shaggy
- Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
have you watched the scooby doo movie? xx
We both have….
-Admin DB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
hey please assign a nice way for each of the members to knock their s/o unconscious xx
- Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
How Monsta X Accidentally Knock-Knocks You Out
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After spending some time with you, his Most Significant of significant others, Shownu was headed off to somewhere important (as he is an important man with important, very secret plans). Just before he goes out the door, you call out to him. You didn’t get to say goodbye! He turns around when you call his name. The sunlight illuminates his beautiful, albeit human face and he looks so lovely that you conk the fuck out.
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It was an average day for Wonho. He looked sexy, but not like he was trying too hard. He'd just come in from working out, still unbelievably....just incredibly.....muscl/.e....HHh. He's...he's just swole as hell all the time. He spotted you working on something unimportant, as it had nothing to do with monbebe, and decided he needed to share his positivity and love for monbebe with you...by giving you a hug! Unknowing of his strength, however, Wonho hugs you Too Hard with...with his.......Large Mosslc.es..h... It would be stupid for you not to pass out in this situation, so you do, in fact, fall unconscious in his Buff, Beefy arms.
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As he is a nice, well-meaning fellow, he decides to bake you a tasty treat in the kitchen. Unfortunately, he is in the running for world's worst cook and, in the midst of his attempt to make you a delicious dessert, a spoon goes flying and lands on the floor by you. You hit your head on the counter when you bend down to grab it, knocking you unconscious. He made you whale shaped cookies (aww!) and left a note that says, “I whale-y like you! Please wake up, I can’t go back to jail!” How cute!
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He casually serenades you with a love song because that's just the kind of guy he is. His voice is so stunning that your heart rate sky rockets and you pass out from shock. Saddened by this development, he starts singing a melancholy tune. Wow. Much like an idol's hair when it's been bleached too much, it's both beautiful and sad. 10/10
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You were both in the kitchen — you cooking something, him breathing and looking vaguely unamused, but in like a sexy way — when you asked him to get something off a very high shelf because he is a moderately tall male guy thing and you are definitely a human person. He knocks you out when he brings his long man arms down with the item you requested and his elbow thwacks you across the temple. 
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In one of his attempts to prove he is The Coolest Rapper (despite everyone's insistence that he already is), Jooheon decides he must Rap The Fastest. He was rapping SO fast, SO darn quick, SO hella...rap..idly? Whatever, it was awesome!!! That is, of course, until he used up all the oxygen in the immediate area and you both passed out. It was still really cool, though. 
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It had been a long time since you had seen his face (almost two whole hours), so Changkyun decided he needed to do something about that. Without warning, he sends you a selfie. Unsuspectingly, you open your message from him and see his picture. He looks so good, you start hyperventilating. You reply, "I can't breathe skdfjklsdf 😂😂😂," before fainting on the spot. Laughing, Changkyun replies, "Haha, I know, right? 😂"    
- Admin BB (feat. the ceaseless creativity of Admin DB)
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
If y’all are taking requests, I wanna know who is mlt pretend they had a scary dream so they could climb in bed with you?
1. Wonho - Doesn't even pretend. If a monbebe has a nightmare, he wakes up in a cold sweat and needs to be held. It's the least sexy hobby he has.
2. Minhyuk - Says he has a nightmare so he can complete his personal challenge of annoying you for 24 hours straight.
3. Changkyun - Literally just raps his "Lost In The Dream" part. Obviously it works, but when he gets in your bed, he immediately rolls over and steals your blankets. He then tells you to get out of HIS bed. Incredible. Starship let them rest.
4. Kihyun - Sometimes a bad bitch needs a cuddle, but SOMEONE (you) won't let them into their cuddle zone (bed) without a good reason (zombie apocalypse fears).
5. Hyungwon - Doesn't have bad dreams. Actually, it's you trying to get into his bed. Please just let him sleep, thank you!!
6. Jooheon - Doesn't have nightmares because he Knows ghosts Are Out There. He needs you to get up and fight ghosts, not "sleep for more than 4 hours at a time."
7. Shownu - [Robot sleep mode joke here.] ://
- Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
MLT falcon punch you into oblivion for any reason?
1. Minhyuk - Has the biggest hands known to humankind.
2. Shownu - The element of surprise is reason enough.
3. Hyungwon - You. Know. Why.
4. Kihyun - Seems like the kind of guy who settles disputes with fists. At the very least, he has fists.
5. Changkyun - He’s like SO mean, right? And completely humorless. He’d punch you for any reason for sure.
6. Joohoney - Doesn’t falcon punch, he bee kicks.
7. Wonho - Would rather remove his hands.
- Admin BB
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
Keep up the good work bbys 💞
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dumbhours-mx · 6 years
I am not even a monbebe but the level of crackhead going on here has promoted you to my current favourite blog. You have made my entire year with this beautiful mess
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We try our best
-Admins DB and BB
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