dumpforfunwhump · 13 days
after the whump has ended, either an individual event or ongoing captivity or abuse, the whumpee is carrying a lot of damage. there’s physical damage of course but there’s also the trauma that’s taken away their sense of safety around other people. in their own body.
and they decide they want it back. they’ve found some kind of solid ground with barriers up, and the people who have been helping them recover are careful to respect those boundaries, but whumpee wants to try something different now. they want to try and get something back, at least one thing: the safe, comforting touch that whumper stole from them.
so they start trying to replace the traumatic associations with better ones, asking for caretaker(s) to help (either verbally or by silently, embarrassed, guiding caretaker’s hands to places they had earlier made clear they didn’t want to be touched).
and they start working to dull the traumatic associations with better ones. strong, protective hands cupping the back of their neck where whumper had choked them. gentle fingers stroking hair that whumper had yanked repeatedly. a firm, comforting touch rubbing their back, now scarred from a whip. holding the hand whumper broke. massaging shoulders that carry lingering pain from being kept in stress positions. an arm draped around them keeping them close after they’d been manhandled and physically forced where whumper wanted them to go or stay. sometimes they have to stop abruptly, get space to breathe rapidly and wait for their heart to slow, but it stops when they need it to. caretaker backs off, lets go. and it helps. slowly, it helps.
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dumpforfunwhump · 24 days
kidnapping positions
send one for a starter featuring my muse, your muse or both of our muses (feel free to specify)...
duct taped to a chair
drenched with water & regularly half-drowned to keep them semi-conscious at most
tied somewhere with rising water levels
in the trunk of a car
in the back of a truck
in the back of a police vehicle
in the backseat of a car, trying to draw other drivers' attention
buried alive in a car/other vehicle
buried alive in a coffin (or casket, or burial shroud, etc)
strapped to a table & chemically restrained
strapped to a table & being operated on
strapped to a table & being tortured/injured for information
chained to a wall in a cold room
chained to the ceiling so they have to stand on tip-toes to reach the ground
locked in a small container (fridge, freezer, storage chest)
duct taped & gagged in a cupboard
duct taped & gagged in a bathroom
duct taped & gagged in another part of a house, basement or mansion
dumped in a river (possibly drugged, duct taped, etc)
left in a dumpster (possibly drugged, duct taped, etc)
left for dead in this creative way: (fill in the blank)
having just escaped from their kidnapper and badly needing food/water/medical attention/etc
having just escaped from their kidnapper and making that first phonecall home to say hello, I'm alive
having just escaped from their kidnapper and making the decision to turn back around to help (another muse) escape, as well
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dumpforfunwhump · 24 days
Just saw (and subsequently accidentally reset my feed therefore losing) a post about magical item whump (magic euphoria) and remembered a concept I thought about a while back
Magic ring that gives you some kind of amazing power, be it healing or super strength or something. But every time you use it, it eats a little bit of your body. You put it in your finger, and when you wear it, you’ve got a cool looking fake finger, but when you take it off, it’s gone.
You use it more and it becomes a bracelet, slowly eating more and more of your body with each use. And the magic is so good! So helpful, useful, powerful. Especially if the person using it was burdensome in a fight before, but now they can finally protect their loved ones!
How long before they stop taking it off altogether? Do their loved ones know the effects? Or do they hide it with gloves and long sleeves? At what point is it impossible to remove without severe damage to the user? At what point is their body entirely made of magic?
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dumpforfunwhump · 28 days
A concept I’ve seen many times in the whump community is a story in which the readers act as though they are an audience to a livestream where the whump occurs, donating to cause specific terrible things to happen to the whumpee.
I was thinking about this scenario, the idea of this underground practice where people pay to see a victim be hurt, and I realized that if the people doing this really wanted to maximize profits, they would also let people pay to have the victim not be hurt.
And I think this would result in this underground community where there would not only be people yelling at each other about the obvious horrible immortality of what was happening, there would also be people arguing that there was a moral obligation here to donate towards the option of providing comfort to the victim rather than harm.
I think this would draw in another crowd, a crowd of people who want to be heroes. Rather than donating to cause more torture, these viewers would donate to feed the whumpee, give them a blanket, give them some time to simply rest. For a fee, the whumpee’s life could be made just a bit less terrible.
But, in turn, they would be feeding right back into the system, further incentivizing the existence of the livestreams. But… maybe some of these more benevolent viewers don’t actually want the streams to stop.
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
Ok but what about Whumpee giving Whumper a bath.
Whumpee is a servant of some kind, and Whumper makes them bathe them. They lower themself on the big bathub and order Whumpee to shampoo their hair.
As Whumpee brushes their hair and gets a fancy dush to wash it down, they think. They think about how easy it could be. How easy could it be to knock Whumper with the dush. To pick a weapon while they weren't looking, too caught up in the warm water. To push them down and watch them squirm and drown.
Whumpee picks the dush and raises it up.
The water falls gracefully on Whumper's hair. They smile.
Whumpee's hands grasp the dush firmly. Whumper, with reckless abandon, just gets looser on the water.
They don't fear anything. They know very well what must go through Whumpee's head in these times. But they also know that they have Whumpee on their fingers. They smirk underwater.
Pure, absolute control.
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
What/Whoever is on your lock screen is the whumper, what/whoever's on your home screen is the whumpee. How screwed are they? What would the whump methods be?
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
simon petrikov and simon petrikov. relapsing and putting the crown on again and isolating himself and other passively suicidal “people are better off without me” things
What/Whoever is on your lock screen is the whumper, what/whoever's on your home screen is the whumpee. How screwed are they? What would the whump methods be?
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
caretaker complaining to whumper about whumpee. when whumpee goes missing, whumper asks a lot more questions about whumpee's behavior.
"i fixed them for you," whumper says, dumping whumpee on caretaker's porch a few months later
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
caretaker breaking into whumper's trying to save whumpee, but they find whumpee's corpse and a new whumpee tied up next to it
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
Love zombie stories where being bitten doesn’t automatically mean death.
Like if being bitten means you automatically turn into a zombie in 1d4 days, the moment you’re bitten you know it’s over. Your teammates will kill, or if you hide the bite you might end up killing them. It’s a foregone conclusion.
But if it’s only, say, a 50/50 chance of turning into a zombie? there’s so much more suspense about it. You and your team care for the wound as best you can, but everyone sleeps with one eye open, having no way to know weather or not you’re going to turn until you start trying to eat your teammates’ faces. You have to sleep with one eye open, too, knowing there’s a chance one of your teammates isn’t willing to risk you turning into a zombie and might try to take you out in your sleep. You wouldn’t blame them.
Do your teammates tie you up just in case? Do you request it yourself, not wanting to risk hurting them? Are they afraid to get close to you? Do you end up needing to patch up the wound yourself? Are you crippled by dread? Do your teammates mourn you while your still alive? It’s all just soooooo *bangs head on desk*
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
Whumper who only takes defiant, vicious whumpees full of fighting spirit, constantly starting fights, causing trouble, and being a piece of shit to instigate whumpee to attack them because whumper's low-key masochistic and also crazy.
Queue scene where whumpee whispers something so whumper leans in to hear them repeat it, and whumpee headbutts their nose, breaking it. Instead of whumper recoiling, lashing out, attacking/punishing whumpee, whumper leans back and licks the blood pouring down their face. Whumper chuckles and grins at whumpee, their teeth stained red and blood dripping off their chin.
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
“Human Whumpee and Vampire Whumper” this “Vampire Whumpee and Human Whumper” that, but what about when the vampire and the human are BOTH Whumpees?
What if they’re both captured together? What if the Human is being tortured and the vampire is being starved? And despite their weakness the human still offers themselves to their vampire friend so they can keep up their strength? And the vampire feels SUCH palpable guilt over it but their instincts and blood hunger don’t allow them to say no? They’re both Whumpee-Turned-Caretakers for each other, the human caring for the vampire by sacrificing what little blood they have to spare, and the guilt-ridden vampire doing their best to care for their poor human friend after feeding on them
Do you see my vision?????
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
"You cannot go there. The land is cursed."
"I thought you better than to believe in curses."
"There's no other way to say it. That place is a remnant of our ancient ancestors. They left warnings there themselves, as best they could, knowing that the curse would outlive their civilizations and their languages. Those who ignore those warnings find themselves struck with a sickness that cannot be cured, and that melts the very flesh from their bones."
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
caretaker complaining to whumper about whumpee. when whumpee goes missing, whumper asks a lot more questions about whumpee's behavior.
"i fixed them for you," whumper says, dumping whumpee on caretaker's porch a few months later
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
Fun living weapon stuff on my mind inspired by @lumpywhump
"Any questions?" "No, sir." "Good. Keep it that way."
Living weapon that DOES have a friend group (other, less valuable soldiers?) and they all are a little leery of whumpee
"it's okay, you can relax, the commander isn't around." "I am relaxed." "Oh... So this is just, you, then." Gestures at living weapon, sitting up straight, unmoving.
Or, the moment whumper appears they stiffen as if they're standing at attention
What kind of punishment did living weapon get for not doing the kill/acting submissive? Punching, slapping, whipping? Whenever they do something kind, they cover the old injuries like they're protecting the place.
On that note. I love when the living weapon draws the line. Like "I can't do this. They're just a kid." And goes back terrified, to get their punishment
"he's just a kid." "YOU'RE just a kid, living weapon." "That's different."
"I'm the most powerful weapon you've got."
And the best moment-- "I'm not your asset anymore. I'm a human being."
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
Counting the hours, days, months, years sense they’ve been there.
Counting the amount of marks whumper gave them.
Counting the pools of blood on the floor.
Counting the lashes across their back.
Counting the rotting bodies that have been here before them.
Counting the bricks in the wall
Just to stay sane.
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dumpforfunwhump · 1 month
thinking abt cuteness aggression but like directed towards whumpees from their whumpers. like auahghhb that guy’s so silly and adorable i gotta beat him up rn
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