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Decorative Armour Set by Bard Baitman
Personal work + research sketches ✦~✦~✦~✦ This is the portrait of a legendary mercenary and folk hero. Centuries ago, she was hired by a small town to end its subjugation to the local princeship. The prince’s yearly tournament included a grand cash prize for the winner, and along with the town’s pool of money - they intended to buy their independence from their inept and disinterested ruler. The whole town came together to assemble the warrior’s armour: the veteran smith created a simple armour set for her; the craftspeople decorated it with meaningful drawings in the local decorative style, telling the story of the townsfolk’s escalation from peace with the authorities, to the aggressive sentiments that lead to their quest for independence. ✦~✦~✦~✦
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We’re getting closer to having the full set of Pride Knights assembled!! I cannot get over how amazing everyone is looking. Boris Woloszyn of Westfalia Miniatures most definitely knows how to capture a good power pose. I can barely wait to see the whole crew together. ^^
Shout out as well to Rae and Abbie Eke for being such wonderful teammates!!
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Lovable npc alert!!!
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crying bc I’ll never be able to buy giant bagels off a kentrosaurus
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The Viking ship “Draken Harald Harfagre” wintered in the Mystic Seaport in Connecticut. They are getting the Draken ready for sailing again but where will he go!!!!! photo from Mystic Seaport on Faceboook
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Battlefield Props is up on patreon!
This week I wanted to put together some props for a battlefield, though many of these tokens will be equally useful for an armory, jousting tournament, or roadside ambush. These pair well with many of my maps and are designed to be added to existing maps or used to create your own battlefield encounters. I hope you all enjoy and find some use for them in your games, even if it’s just a dead horse token for when you roll a nat 1 on a Ride check (yes I did that and no, I’m not happy about it).
Patrons have access to hi res, ungridded versions of a large library of maps, variants, and $2 patrons gain access to photoshop documents.
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Download the free version here. My maps are paid for by patrons who have access to hi res, ungridded, unwatermarked, and lineart versions and PSD files.
The road ahead is bound by snow, a winter flurry that has left it all but impassable. The inn bustles with merchants and travelers forced to take a well-deserved break from the elements, and weather the storm indoors, yet while the time is lost, much more is gained in camaraderie, drink, food, and gifts that have mysteriously appeared beneath the non-denominational Candlenights tree at the center of the inn. Gifts for worshippers of all faiths, and those with no faith at all, regulars, and some still awaiting lodgers that have not yet arrived. Such is the serendipitous nature of the holiday, celebrated at different times by different people in different ways. Is it a jovial ruse by a crafty Innkeep, or are they indeed given by the names on the tags? The Star King, and Terry the Non-Denominational Gift Delivery Dragon.
None can be certain, but each recipient always finds a fitting gift awaits, just what they needed, whether they realized it or not.
Hey guys, I decided to create an interior for the Roadside Rest Inn from earlier this month, inspired by the holiday season. In my game, we celebrate Candlenights of My Brother My Brother and Me and The Adventure Zone fame, and I wanted to create a place for our DnD characters to celebrate the holiday spirit in a map that could be slipped into any game for a welcome change of pace. After all, adventurers rarely get a decent break, so why not have one forced upon them by fate.
I hope you all enjoy. Happy Holidays,
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I made an awful little tag-yourself meme in MS Paint instead of planning for my one-shot that’s in an hour. Tag your DMs and call them out on how cool they are!
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chocolate box village of Great Budworth in Cheshire
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Dwarven Tide-Me-Overs
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Reading little Dragonlance tidbits in Mordenkainen’s Tome of Foes suddenly made me remember the Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home. This was a worldbook from the 80s that included no game stats but all kinds of details like constellations, history, sheet music, and recipes.
As a young geek, I was eager to delve into anything that connected my world with that of my games. My parents were fairly tolerant and willing to eat what I was making. With this recipe, it was a complete win. The meatballs are fantastic, and the sauce is incredible. It’s a ton of work, but it’s worth it. I have successfully pleased crowds by using frozen meatballs and just making the sauce from scratch, too, but it’s not as good.
- 2 lb ground beef
- 1 lb ground veal
- 2 lb ground pork
- 12oz can evaporated milk
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 3 cups dried breadcrumbs
- 3 eggs
- 2 tsp dehydrated onions
- 1 tsp dried parsley flakes
- 2 tsp sugar
- ¼ tsp paprika
- ½ tsp white pepper
- 1 ½ tsp salt
- 12 oz water or milk
- 2 cups flour
- 2 cups dried breadcrumbs
- 16 oz commercial gravy
- 20 oz cream of mushroom soup
- 1 pint sour cream
- 3 oz sherry
In a large bowl, mix all meatball ingredients thoroughly. Add milk or water to empty evaporated milk can to rinse it out; add enough of this liquid to meat mixture to make it sticky.
Form mixture into walnut-size balls. Roll balls into blended coating mixture. Place coated balls on lightly greased cookie trays. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min.
Combine gravy mix and mushroom soup together, and heat until boiling. Turn heat low, and add sour cream a little at a time, blending completely with a whisk. Add sherry last. Simmer until hot.
Arrange meatballs in a chafing dish, and pour gravy over them; spear with toothpicks. Makes approx. 200 meatballs.
I imagine this would be a great recipe to serve at a party in a crockpot.
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A fun prop Jillian and I designed for my Pathfinder campaign. The PCs were trying to navigate a labyrinthine tomb and came across pottery fragments marked with strange symbols. Ten minutes, a roll of duct tape and a lot of excitement later, and they found themselves with a completed map! But what could those mysterious dots mean…?
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Three excerpts from my forest battlemap project. 
The first one is a mountain track with a small brook. I wanted to focus on adding minor elements that could be used by the DM to engage his players. The largest of them all is the split rock, which can be used as a story element (maybe your players are chasing something big and they make camp in the wake of the monster they have been chasing). There is also a fairy circle in the top left corner and as mentioned before a campsite that could either be used by NPC’s or by the players themselves.
The second one is based on a druidic stone circle, similar as the one in Stonehenge. It is 3 points of entry at the bottom of the circle, a stone altar surrounded by four stone pillars and an entrance that might lead players deeper into a dungeon beyond. Making it a very adaptable map.
Third is a simple bridge over a river map. One of those maps that can come in very handy when you are doing an encounter during a travelling sequence.
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This is absolutely incredible!
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