piper-reid · 1 year
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Somebun please take the clock away from my dum. He knows exactly when my partners alarm is so everyday precisely 15 minutes before he will come to lick me, jump on my head and scare me. Even on the weekend after the closing shift at 6.30 in the morning ☹️ And even being so very tired I can’t say no
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piper-reid · 1 year
Saturday April 15.
Celebrating not just the weekend, but the weekend of National Librarian Day 2023, with some bookish, scholarly content.
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piper-reid · 1 year
Any doubts? Look around you. Look at our politics. Our systems and infrastructure. Look at history. Ignorance is expensive.
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piper-reid · 2 years
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piper-reid · 2 years
Posting faggot and queer like 2am gunshots to keep property values on my blog low and scare away assimilationist LGBTs who want to replace my empty lot full of native wildflowers with a 5-over-1 because they're too traumatized by their upbringing to accept the reality of our diverse marginalized community
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piper-reid · 2 years
best thing i ever accepted about people is that most people are just kind of gross like, physically
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piper-reid · 2 years
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The Thief
I like to think he has no concept of value and no need to measure time. He just likes how shiny it is. This piece was inspired by prompt one from the Draw All The Things challenge. However I suffer a high rate of burnout and will not be tackling the challenge daily, just using it for inspiration :D
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piper-reid · 2 years
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Flammable Solid + Spontaneously Combustible 😊
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piper-reid · 2 years
Also, “Try supplements.” Allistics. Ffs.
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piper-reid · 2 years
"Walkable city" is not "City where to have to walk everywhere."
"Walkable city" is.
Sidewalks big enough to fit you, your stroller, your wheelchair, your guide dog, or anything else you need when you're getting from one place to another.
Safe crosswalks frequent enough so you don't need to walk in traffic.
Bike lanes to keep bikes out of foot traffic and car traffic.
Accessible and affordable public transit.
Cities where the essentials are close enough you can travel on foot (or in wheelchair)
Cities where it's reasonable to be able to get from point a to point b without requiring you, yourself, to drive
People get so caught up in the "Walkable" part of the term and like to spout "Walkable cities are abelist because not everyone can walk".
Bitch. The modern city structure is abelist because not everyone can drive. And classist because not everyone can afford a car and it's pretty damn impossible to get a job if you don't have a car.
Walkable cities are cities where people can reasonably get from pointA to pointB without requiring a motor vehicle.
"But fae. Disabled people have issues using the paths in modern cities." Bitch abled people can barely use the paths in modern cities. That's kind of the fucking problem.
Also walkable cities have fucking benches. Not only for disabled people. But sometimes you just twist your ankle and need to sit for a moment.
"Put fae. If you have benches, homeless people will sleep on them."
Then get fucking housing for the homeless. Problem solved. They'll sleep in their nice warm homes instead of on the benches.
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piper-reid · 2 years
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piper-reid · 2 years
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piper-reid · 2 years
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The French really don’t fuck around.
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piper-reid · 2 years
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piper-reid · 2 years
I’m not trying to say my relationship is better than yours but my partner and I have opposite fighting styles to combine into a third, more deadly, fighting style in the event of any street fights
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piper-reid · 2 years
In terms of like, Please For The Love Of God Get Hobbies That Aren’t Scrolling Through An App For Six Hours A Day, I understand and experience completely the argument of like. with the stressors of modern work, you don’t have the energy at the end of the day to do anything but mindlessly watch Netflix and scroll through your phone. but like I would like to gently encourage you to simply force yourself for a time to do something instead of pick up your phone, bc the phone is literally designed to light up your brain with no effort from you whatsoever and it does in fact rot your brain. It makes literally anything but scrolling on your phone seem difficult and joyless. But if you stop scrolling on your phone all the time, and start like, reading or embroidering or gardening or going for walks, you will eventually find the joy in them once more
I understand and it is true that it is hard to have a life outside work and scrolling but there is not a near future where that won’t be the case and you should still live a life. And you won’t create a future where that isn’t the case if you don’t have the confidence and experience and drive to fight for it
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piper-reid · 2 years
You mean it isn’t just my milkshake bringing all the bots to the yard? 😯 😔
Ladies, ladies, not all at once [blocking pornbots left and right]
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