dunbars · 8 years
Opening: 16th of November at 7PM Exhibition duration: 17th of November - 23rd of December 2016 Location: AAA - Gallery Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art Vienna Link: http://www.galerie-mam.com/index/index.php?id=11&subid=1&nr=643
A project by Dunbar’s Number and AAA Mario Mauroner Contemporary Art / Design + Projects
Works by Sonja Bäumel, Maarten De Ceulaer, Commonplace Studio, Officina Corpuscoli, David Derksen, Studio Formafantasma, Marlène Huissoud, mischer’traxler and Martin Robitsch.
The exhibition „The Living Room“ created by „Dunbar’s Number“ – an association existing of the studios Sonja Bäumel, mischer’traxler, Martin Robitsch, Konstantin Schmölzer as well as the curator Judith Radlegger – focuses on the processes of transformations of the natural and cultural.
The line between the artificial and the nature gets dissolved while the formation process becomes more decisive for creations and the concept of design is fortified with the emphasis on processuality. The exhibited objects describe an ephemeral condition, are subject to continual change or a snapshot of a natural process.
Already the first exhibition of „Dunbar’s Number“ concentrated on constant changes of states and „mutation“ became a self-reflexion. Now in the third exhibition project of the collective, the participating designers and artists go even further by conceiving the macro- and microcosm „Living Room“ as place where life happens and by emphasizing the experience of the selected projects. 
Besides works by Sonja Bäumel, mischer’traxler and Martin Robitsch also invited projects that have the idea of formation process in common, will be exhibited.
Event Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1841272469421451/
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dunbars · 8 years
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dunbars · 10 years
Documentary by Gina Hsu (Hsu Ching-Ting)
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dunbars · 10 years
Dunbar's Number - SAGENHAFT
In 2014 Dunbar’s Number invites four design studios from Asia to Vienna for an inter­cultural exchange. Each studio has a regional saga in its baggage as anchorage point for regional culture and develops this and a saga from each other cultural sphere. The resulting interpretations by designers who have been shaped by other cultures aim to build a bridge between Asia and Europe.
Designers: Ama Hung Pin Hsueh, Sonja Bäumel, Chester Chuang, Gina Hsu Ching-Ting, Hoko Studio, mischer’traxler, Martin Robitsch, Konstantin Schmölzer
Concept: Judith Radlegger
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dunbars · 10 years
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Sonja Bäumel (AT/NL)
mischer’traxler (AT)
Martin Robitsch (AT)
Gina Hsu Ching-ting (TW)
Hsiang Ching Chuang (TW/NL)
Hoko Studio (SG)
Ama Hung Pin Hsueh (TW)
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von
Kindly supported by
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dunbars · 10 years
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Cocktail: Sa 27.9., 18–22 Uhr (https://www.facebook.com/events/1520076284891387)
Diskussion „in dialogue“: So 28.9., 16 Uhr (englisch)
Finissage: So 5.10., 17–20 Uhr
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dunbars · 10 years
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dunbars · 10 years
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Welcome Martin Robitsch!
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dunbars · 10 years
exhibition 2014 - sagenhaft / legendary
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planning the second Dunbar's number exhibition for Vienna Design Week 2014 in September: sagenhaft / legendary  - the saga as an exploration of national identities soon more
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dunbars · 10 years
die Presse Freiraumseite April 13th
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Die Presse am Sonntag: Selbst - Ausfüllrätsel von Dunbar's Number
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dunbars · 12 years
view of Exhibition 2012 - Mutationen
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Drawing Time
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Sedes Cohorresco | Zoetrope
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Expanded Self
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dunbars · 12 years
Katharina, Thomas, Sonja, Judith & Konstantin
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Dunbar's Number was founded as an association in 2011. The collective consists of the studios Sonja Baumel, mischer'traxler, Konstantin Schmölzer & curator Judith Radlegger and presents works that deal with the change of a thought, a realization of a product or an activity in the exhibition "Mutationen" . Mutation is understood in the natural sciences as permanent change in genetic material. For the participating designers the notion of mutation is to be understood as self-reflection. Therefore this topic will be processed under consideration as the modification of existing structures, definitions and schemas. Mutation as a snapshot of visualization is the subject and content of the exhibition.
Opening Hours: 28. September 2012 - 07. October, 12-19 Clock
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dunbars · 12 years
Mutationen Workshop
Experiment: 2 days workshop A photosynthesis workshop as a test assembly for the whole
Dunbar’s Number realised a collective workshop which was inspired by the title of the exhibition „Mutations“ and dealt with photosynthesis as a process that is creating reality. Photosynthesis – that creative power in nature which is converting low-energy substances into energy-rich substances – was given as a buzzword to the participants. The starting point for the attendants was to bring along four identical materials or products that could be associated with photosynthesis. The material, respectively the initial object, was handed over to the next participant, declined, changed and brought into a new condition. Finally everybody was involved in the creating process of each product, which in turn questioned authorship and made it somehow obsolete.  In course of the metamorphosis of the initial product the archaic parchment deformed into packaging, the solar-powered garden light mutated into a light switch, the honeycomb struture became a model of a ceramic plaster stool and the wooden sugar molecule disintergrated after unsuccessful experimental setups. The process and the common creative act was the focus of the workshop and became the breeding ground for future projects and ideas. Moreover, the workshop led Dunbar’s Number to its beginning – the joint and interdisciplinary discourse.
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dunbars · 12 years
Thema - Austellung 2012: Mutationen
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Unter Mutation versteht man in den Naturwissenschaften eine dauerhafte Veränderung des Erbgutes – in den Kunstwissenschaften definiert sich Mutation jedoch als gedankliche Weiterentwicklung, die für die Kunst- und Kulturproduktion unabdingbar ist. Die Veränderung und der Progress eines Gedanken, einer Erkenntnis, eines Produktes oder einer Tätigkeit ist der Antrieb ein jeder Forschung und die Mutation als solche ein erklärtes Ziel. Die Deklination bestehender Produkte unter Einbeziehen anderer Wissenschaften veranlasste mischer’traxler beispielsweise eine Partizipations-Maschine zu entwickeln, die nur vollständig funktioniert, wenn sich der Betrachter aufmerksam dieser nähert oder ließ Sonja Bäumel den Begriff der „Haut“ neu überdenken und mit Hilfe von Wissenschaftern eine „second skin“ aus Bakterien kreieren.
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Der Begriff der Mutation soll für die teilnehmenden Designer demnach als Selbstreflexion verstanden werden und unter Betracht der Veränderung bestehender Strukturen, Definitionen und Schemata fortgeführt werden. Die Mutation als Visualisierung einer Momentaufnahme ist Thema und Inhalt der ersten Ausstellung von „Dunbar’s Number“, dessen Vereinsname bereits Programm ist: die kognitive Grenze der Anzahl an Menschen mit man dauerhafte soziale Beziehungen aufrechterhalten kann.
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dunbars · 12 years
Vienna Design Week 2012 & Das Gschwandner
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Die Vienna Design Week 2012 wird im ‘Gschwandner’ eröffnet. Neben “designing the future mobility”, diversen Ausstellungen und einem Pop-Up Café präsentiert Dunbar’s Number in den Räumlichkeiten des Gschwandners eine Ausstellung mit Objekten zum Thema ‘Mutationen’.
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dunbars · 12 years
Verein: Dunbar’s Number
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Ziel und Antrieb unseres Vereins „Dunbar’s Number“ ist es, die interdisziplinäre Kommunikation zu stärken, Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Kultur-, Geistes-, Ingenieur-, Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Naturwissenschaften auf zu zeigen und zu fördern und mit ihren Alteregos zusammen zu führen.
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dunbars · 12 years
"Mutationen" exhibition was kindly supported by
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