duniaghomo · 2 years
Pakistan’s currency has fallen by 40% in a year, reaching 279.30 Pakistani rupees. Pakistan’s GDP has fallen by up to 4% as a result of power outages alone. Power outages have completely disrupted Pakistan’s textile and manufacturing sectors, and the country’s currency has fallen below $3 billion, the equivalent of Sri Lanka. Bangladesh was trailing Pakistan but is now catching up, but what will happen to Pakistan? Despite receiving the most foreign aid from all over the world, it continues to fall behind. Many poorer countries in the world are in worse shape than Pakistan, so why does Pakistan receive more financial assistance than others? It is critical to comprehend the underlying causes of this entire situation. When India and Pakistan were partitioned, Pakistan received one-third of the military and 17% of total resources. Hussain Haqqani, a Pakistani author, confirmed this information. Only 34 of the totals of 921 major industries were allocated to Pakistan
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