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        ✿ — ‘ I’M WITH MY friends, ma’am. they’re a little further back, but they’ll catch up soon. ’         ✿ — HOLDING THE LONG bow she’d made out of a stick and elastic from her dress, fran stood on her tiptoes to try and see the woman better. she hadn’t been scared when the other approached, since she’d been though much worse at this point.         ✿ — ‘ ARE YOU WITH anyone, miss? ’
@duotineoverdose liked for a GROUP VERSE starter
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          adelaide had seen the child from not too away, and was trying so hard to get her attention – without making any type of noise. that was proving to be difficult. so, with elliot’s hand- -gun clutched tightly in her small hands, she would rush over to the young girl. ` there’s no way you’re by yourself. who are you w- -ith ? ` because – that also meant SUPPLIES.
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        ✿ — ‘ I GOT LOST because i was in the forest and went down the wrong path to get here. ’         ✿ — FRAN KNELT DOWN and picked up her cat, mr. midnight, who began to lick her face. once he’d stopped, fran held him gently, stroking his back.         ✿ — ‘ MY PARENTS WERE killed, miss nikki. i’m going home to my aunt grace, now. she’s going to care for me. ’
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–✗ { ♠ ✞ ♠ } ❝ Fran Bow, hmm? It fits you, to say in the least. ❞ Nikki replied with a grin down at the little girl. ❝ Well Fran, I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but how exactly did you get lost? And where are your parents? ❞
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        ✿ — ‘ HIS NAME IS itward, sir, not edward. and the other is palontras. they both told me to wait here and not wander off, so i’m going to stay right here. ’         ✿ — FRAN CROSSED HER arms and gave a small, firm nod. she wasn’t going to disobey her friends. especially since her darling mr. midnight was with them.
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          elliot was trying, SO HARD, to keep up with the nonsense coming out of this yougn girl’s mouth. but the more she spoke, the more he believed that she should be with someone. he would glance around – but there was no one in sight. ` look – you need to, then, find a safe place to wait for – edward … ? palan … pollen … ? `           oh man …
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        ✿ — ‘ YES, HE’S VERY magical! maybe you can’t see him because you’re not in tune with the other realities. if i can get palontras to take us to ithersta, maybe then you’ll be able to see itward! you’ll love ithersta, enis. it’s bright and colorful, just like you! ’
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“…I don’t understand either, but I can’t see him. Maybe he’s magical?”
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        ✿ — ‘ RAVEN. YOUR NAME is beautiful as well! ’         ✿ — WITHOUT QUESTION OR resistance, fran gently took the woman’s hand, holding onto it lightly.         ✿ — ‘ YOU THINK I’M pretty? my mommy used to tell me that. you’re MUCH prettier than me, though. it’s a good thing you’re royalty, because you look like a queen already. ’
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           ‘ THAT IS QUITE the name, Fran, beautiful as well. I’m Jay Senire Verena Queen of Miolea, but you can call me Raven if you’d like, it’s easier on the tongue. ‘  Jay held out her hand to the younger girl and gestured her to take it, or at least follow her while she walked.  ‘ YOU ARE VERY pretty you know, like a baby star in the sky ‘ 
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most people when fnaf world came out
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the masks that we wear, pretend they aren’t there.
MINIMUMWAGEBULLSHIT ind. original charcater from the horror game franchise five nights at freddy’s.
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the masks that we wear, pretend they aren’t there.
MINIMUMWAGEBULLSHIT ind. original charcater from the horror game franchise five nights at freddy’s.
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when you’re minding your own business on the internet and suddenly a scam ad pops up with one of your worst fears and biggest triggers as the thumbnail
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i yell because i care, harry.
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remember that huge gap that happened between two of the harry potter movies releasing now we get to feel that all over again thanks, newt scamander
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so when i get home, i'm remaking my fnaf oc that's over a fuckin' year old. his name is devon, he's fifteen, mike schmidt's son, is a waiter and a guard, and this babe is his face claim:
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>never actually played fnaf4 >downloaded it last christmas >why the fuck am i stalling
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        ✿ — ‘ I’LL MAKE SURE i’m careful. i’m very careful. oh! i forgot to mention. i’m looking for my darling cat. he’s got fur as black as night and eyes as yellow as the sun. have you seen him? ’
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     “ I can look atcha and tell you’re smarter than the average kid.  Maybe I’m jus’ bad at explainin’ stuff– either way, just be c a r e f u l with pills, aight? “
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( finally sees end of fran bow ) ( cries loudly when mr. midnight is dropped ) ( sobbing and screaming when fran is shot ) ( loud cheering when itward uses the force ) ( excited shouting when palontras revives fran ) ( fuck you, dr. oswald and a big fuck you to aunt grace, as well )
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        ✿ — ‘ I’M NOT THAT young, miss! i’m almost eleven. and i understand quite a bit. more than most my age. that’s what my aunt grace said, anyway. ’
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     “ You’re too young to understand, I suppose…if you use them long enough, your body will crave them. It’s just a whole mess a’ bad, kiddo. “
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