durablewill-blog · 6 years
RUFFLE from dai !
mess up three hours of work   //   accepting   !@falchics
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                   ❝   h   -   hey   !   ❞
         laughter   vibrated  from   his   chest,  though   he   would  give   a   weak  swing   toward   the   offending   hand.  spikes   starting   to   droop   from  the   QUICK   movement.  
         ❝   why   the   attack  on   the   locks  ?   ❞   laughter  restrained,   lips   pressing  closed.
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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          ❝   i’m   on   it   !   LISTEN,   i’m   a   master   of   dying   hair.   ❞   hands   sway,   gesturing   him   forward.  
❛ AW, MAN ! my roots are showing ! help me re-dye my hair ! ❜
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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Keep reading
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
mess up three hours of work   //   accepting   !@negatiiv
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         hair   now   OFFICIALLY  been   removed   from  it’s   spiked   persona,  kirishima   would   raise  a   hand   to   touch   the   LOCKS   that  now   officially   were  lowered   to   his   shoulders.   a   VAGUE   mumble  of   displeasure.  
          ❝   heeey  !   it   takes  a   lot   of   time   to   get   this  fixed.   ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
          eyes   flicker   upward   when   he   hears   his   name,   &   glancing   back   at   her.   question   would   be   answered   without   hesitance,   hands   moving   to   confidently   move   upward.  
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          ❝    it’s   NOT   gross   at   all   !   it’s   actually   super   awesome   !   i   don’t   see   what’s   wrong   with   a   girl   being   SUPER   strong   !   ❞
hands   move   &   harden,   slamming   fists   together   as   he   gives   a   single   chuckle.  
          ❝    there’s   no   DIFFERENCE   between   a   girl   being   strong   &   a   guy   being   strong   !   strength   is   ADMIRABLE   !   ❞
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❛❛ kiri   -   kun   ?   hypothetically speaking  ,  what would you think about a girl who’s really  ,  really strong   ?   you wouldn’t think it’s gross  ,  right    ? ❜❜       fingers fidget with one another  ,  picking at the frayed skin around her nails  ,  careful not to pick too much so she doesn’t make it worse . emi’s not normally so diffident  ,  doesn’t normally seek others out for a boost of confidence . but today   …   she just needs it . even if he has no clue as to why she’d ask a question like this . but he seems like the type to idolizes strength and maybe that’s why she sought him out first .       ❛❛ what’s your opinion on it   ? ❜❜   
@durablewill liked for a starter .
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
Green eyes bore into him for a while, huffing and considering his options. He could use One for All to take his pencil, but…that would be rude. Besides, he found he really couldn’t be bothered.
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Instead; a light groan - in complete and utter defeat - as he put his head down onto his papers and closed his eyes, wishing to whatever was out there to help him out right here and now. “….I don’t want to worry anyone about me.” He murmured softly, words quiet in the stillness of the evening. A sigh.
“…Okay, fine. Deal. Just….if you can’t get me to sleep, I don’t want to be left alone - but I also do not want you loosing sleep over me, Kirishima. If…you start getting tired. Please.” He didn’t want to cause anymore trouble than he already had for his friend.
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          eyes   would   stare   RIGHT   back   at   the   other   --   waiting   for   the   other’s   answer.   however,   as   soon   as   the   groan   of   DEFEAT   surrounded   the   air,   kirishima’s   FEATURES   beamed.  
          fingers   move   to   hand   the   other   back   the   pencil,   knowing   that   midoriya   was   a   MAN   of   his   word.   something   that   he   dearly   respected.  
          ❝    sounds   like   a   fair   deal   to   me.   ❞    excited   smile   showing   sharp   teeth   as   he   offers   the   other   his   hand.  
                    ❝    cmon,   cmon.   ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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“I…want to keep working on this.” Blinking down at the work. “You know me. I gotta work a lot- hey!” His ramble was completely cut off by the pencil being taken from his hand. It was one of his All Might ones, being rather fond of it.
“Give me my pencil, please, Kirishima.” An eyelid actually twitched. “I’m not tired, at least right now.” Being stubborn until the bitter end, as usual. Writing kept him awake. Yes, it was a case of simply being unable to sleep, but he figured he might as well keep doing work. “I’ve tried everything. Warm milk, herbal teas, all that stuff. Didn’t work.”
          eyes   flicker   toward   the   other,   raising   the   pencil   higher   than   the   other   could   reach   from   his   SEATED   position.  
          ❝   i   DO   know   you,   midoriya   –   &   i   know,   that   you’re   going   to   work   yourself   to   the   BONE.   i   can’t   in   good   conscience   let   you   continue   doing   this.   ❞   hand   settles   around   the   pencil,   flickering   between   two   of   his   fingers   as   he   huffs.  
          ❝   i’ll   give   you   your   pencil   when   you   promise   to   stop   working   for   a   little   bit.   everyone   in   this   class   cares   a   TON   about   you,   if   you   pass   out   on   us   –   well,   i   guess   you’ll   have   more   than   just   me   to   deal   with.   ❞   not   a   threat,   just   a   way   of   telling   the   other   of   how   many   REALLY   cared   about   him.  
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          ❝   give   me   a   shot.   I’m   used   to   sleepless   nights,   if   i   try   –   &   i   can’t   get   you   to   sleep,   then   I’ll   leave   you   alone.   ❞   hands   upward   in   a   pacifying   position.  
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
Send RUFFLE to  mess up my muse’s hair
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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                   ❝    BAKUGO   !   ❞
         voice   rips   out   of   his   throat   as   he   watches   the   other   go   down.  
                                                        he   wasn’t   close   enough.                                                           he   wasn’t   able   to   grab   him.                                                           he   hadn’t   been   there   for   him.  
         he   moves   FASTER   than   he   ever   believes   he   has   --   or   maybe   it’s   just   the   adrenaline.   he   isn’t   sure.   kirishima   almost   SLIDES   beside   the   other   to   stare   the   villain   down,   features   already   beginning   to   SHOW   the   effects   of   his   quirk.   the   side   beside   bakugo   was   SOFT   as   to   not   hurt   his   friend.  
         the   side   facing   the   villain   was   HARSH   &   hard,   to   deflect   any   further   blows.   hand   moves   over   the   other   as   if   a   LOYAL   guard   dog   would   as   the   exclamation   ripped   from   him.  
                  ❝   GET   AWAY   FROM   HIM.   ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
A light, tired noise at the forehead poke. He…wasn’t sure what came out - it sounded like a mixture between a groan and a hiss, honestly.
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“I’m okay, Kirishima….” Takes a long sip at his coffee, straight black at this point. “If I lay down, I wouldn’t sleep anyway, so..napping is a no. But thank you.”
Another gulp and a quick discard of his cup, going back to scribbling away. “I thought it would be a good chance to catch up on stuff…or ahead, I guess.”
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         worried   gaze   flickers   back   toward   the   other,   hands   settling   at   his   hips.   the   other   was   running   himself   RAGGED,   for   some   UNKNOWN   reason.  
         or,   he   was   just   unable   to   sleep.   kirishima   could   understand   that,   but   that   didn’t   mean   that   he   was   just   going   to   let   the   other   sit   here   &   exhaust   himself   even   more.  
         head   lulls   to   the   look   at   the   papers,   &   hisses,   ❝    BRO,   you’re   already   so   far   ahead   !  you   do   not   need   to   continue   working   on   this,   or   i   think   you’ll   graduate   tomorrow.   ❞    a   slight   joke   to   lighten   the   tenseness   in   the   air,   however   fingers   brush   at   the   pencil   &   snag   it   away.  
         ❝    no,   no.   i’m   intervening.   this   is   not   healthy.   let   me   try   to   help   &   get   you   to   sleep,   ok.   i   can   not   in   good   mind   let   you   just   SIT   here,   dude.  ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
grin forms on his features , brows furrowing. ' BRO , ARE YOU A BROMOSEXUAL ? ' he dabs and then plants his hands on his kneecaps , legs bent at the knees , putting his free hand to his ear. ' if you are , you gotta let out a victory yell ! '
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          eyes   stare   at   the   other,  laughter   bubbling   from  him.   the   quiet  moments   of   just  PURE   silliness   when  they   aren’t   fighting  for   their   lives.  
                               ❝   BRO,   YOU   KNOW   IT.   ❞
         watching   the   dab,   laughter  bubbles   again,   and   without   a   moment’s   hesitation,   he   pulls   back  and   lets   out   a   small  yell.   leaning   back  in   his   chair  precariously   in   a   way   that  almost   tips   him   out   of   it.  
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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     lips   curl   slightly  into   a   smile,  
           ❝   BRO   !   BROZILLA  !   BROSLICE   !   BROMIE   !   ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
' bro. bro. bro. bro. bro. '
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               ❝  BRO.   BRO.   BRO.  BRO.   BRO.   WHAT  ?   ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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                              ‘ QUIT DISSIN’ MY MATES , DAMN IT !! ’                                                   zapped by jay / personals , do not touch .
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
❛ bro. bro. can you hold my hand ? real quick ? please ? bro ? ❜
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          how   could   he   DENY   such  a   request   ?   especially   with  the   request   being  made   so   EAGERLY   ?
         hand   immediately  grasps   the   other’s  tight,   shaking   it   once   as   he   nods.  
                             ❝   OF   COURSE,   BRO   !   ❞
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durablewill-blog · 6 years
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                         A shove from something hard knocked him out of the way, the force of another body pushing against him was all he could process until he heard a sharp sound that would cause his gut to TWIST.  What happened?
         “—Kiri-” crimson eyes, wide and burning with uncertainty and PANIC stare toward the other hero-in-training.  The hint of red trailing down his shoulder did not go unnoticed.  
   “Kirishima!” face contorted with a mixture of worry and fury, blood boiled seeing his FRIEND, realizing what he had done.  Pushed him out of the way of a projectile – a bullet.  Something he’d done before. But under different circumstances. 
                                      He glances away from his friend for a moment, hair BRISTLING as he turns his head to look toward where the assailant had been.  Something inside of him was telling him to chase after him.  Kick his ass.  Beat him to a pulp, but Kirishima was hurt. And why didn’t he want to stay and fight?
                                          Something was WRONG.  
    “KIRISHIMA, ARE YOU OKAY?” his quirk crackles in his palms, feeling heat from the explosive pops BURN his rough and calloused skin.  “—Why is he running!? I’ll go after him, you stay there!”
          it   wasn’t   hard   to   push   the   other   out   of   the   way.   DESPITE   the   other’s   tough   exterior,   kirishima   knew   that   bakugo   trusted   him   enough   so   he   WOULDN’T   expect   a   blow   from   his   side.   thankfully,   the   move   was   not   in   any   way   sent   in   the   other’s   direction   in   an   effort   to   harm.   DONE   in   a   way   to   do   the   opposite,   in   fact.  
          partial   name   slipping   from   the   other’s   lips,   his   eyes   would   flicker   toward   the   other.   hands   brush   against   the   small   wound,   hissing   at   the   sharp   TINGE   of   pain   that   settled   there.  
          weak   flickering   smile   in   an   attempt   to   convince   the   other   that   he   was   FINE,   that   the   other   should   focus   on   the   fight.   well,   that   was   until   he   felt   his   quirk   acting   up.   hand   hardening   &   unhardening,   the   quickness   that   it   was   doing   so   making   him   --   PAINED.  
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          &   his   breathing   was   slowing,   he   couldn’t   get   ENOUGH   AIR.   his   BREATHING   refusing   to   go,   his   LUNGS   refusing   to   expand   --   staying   firmly   in   place.  
          he’d   fall   to   his   knees,   gasping   in   an   attempt   to   get   air   as   coughs   attempted   to   BE   KNOWN,   but   muscles   seizing   with   the   effort   &   unmoving.  
                              don’t   leave.  
          eyes   flickered   toward   the   other,   unintentionally   sending   the   message   as   the   edges   of   his   vision   started   to   dim.   though   was   able   to   REGAIN   some   light   with   a   shake   of   his   head,   skin   ALREADY   hard   to   the   touch.  
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