dustinjameson · 9 years
rowan; row row rowan the boat⛵
rowan: okay so we're in the same boat
rowan: do you ever wonder what its like to kiss a boy??
dustin: um
dustin: i'm going to have to say no?
dustin: but that doesnt really count because i dont wonder what it's like to kiss anyone
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dustinjameson · 9 years
“I brought those example essays you asked me to wri─” he started as he waltzed into the room, one ear bud hanging from his ear freely as it swung to the rhythm of his steps on the floor, before pausing at the scene before him. Resisting the urge to coo at the small boy in his teacher’s hands, he instead cleared his throat and continued, “Sorry, I can come back at a different time. I didn’t mean to disturb you, sir.” It was awkward, and in the dead silence that stood between these two statements all you could hear was the loud riff of a guitar through his tiny speaker.
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“—-Hey there, buddy! Did you miss me?” He asked his son, who nodded and smiled. The school wasn’t really the best place to have him dropped off, but it was the best solution he and his ex could come up with, especially if Thomas wanted to spend the week with his son. Besides, there was only an hour left in the day.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
rowan; all contracts
rowan: is it bad that actually never kissed a boy??
rowan: wait why am i telling you this??
rowan: you won't tell anyone will you?
dustin: if it makes you feel any better i've never kissed a boy either
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dustinjameson · 9 years
Not really, actually. I’m just wandering, mostly. I tend to do that because I finish my homework early. Did you want something?
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“— — Did you want something or?”
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dustinjameson · 9 years
Zayn Malik / I wont mind (remix)
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dustinjameson · 9 years
You sure? I mean, you helped me when things were bad, the least I can do is return the favor.
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Hmm? No. Dustin I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. It’s not worth it.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
me: *texting georgia*
me: *misses mustin*
me: i crave mustin like i crave that mineral
dont look at me and my obsessive memeing
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dustinjameson · 9 years
The real question is, are you better? You look like the walking dead. What’s going on, speak to me, babe. Tell me everything I missed.
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Yeah… No… Don’t worry about it Dustin. You’re better… That’s all that matters.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
Wow. Was that what I sounded like when I’d stutter?
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“Oh, yeah, I was wondering wh – Oh, no it’s okay, you’re not.. – Wait, what? Shit, I for — wait, what? Dude, n ———- Wait.”
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dustinjameson · 9 years
I’ve been... somewhere. Somewhere that doesn’t matter, instead let’s focus on the fact I’m here now?...You’re not going to let me get away with that, are you.
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“Wait, no, — Lem’me help ya’, kid. You’re not bothering me at all, really. —– But thank you for reindin’ me that my shoe is untied and —–…. Where the hell where you?”
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dustinjameson · 9 years
Handsome? Why, I’m flattered. I don’t know if that’s quite the word I’d use, to each their own however. Dustin Jameson, which sounds odd now that I’ve said it seeing as they’re two very similar sounding names.
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Pleasure to meet you too, despite the urine-related circumstance. Thank you very much, tall dark and handsome stranger. M’James, by the way.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
Wren, it’s okay. Also, I’ve been meaning to tell you, I’m really sorry about leaving so... abruptly. I really didn’t want to at first, but I think it really turned out for the better! Forgive me?
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Dustin… You’re back. I want to help.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
N-no. You really don’t have to. I mean, I’d hate to bother you during our first meeting. I’d rather not be known as the boy who made you carry his suitcase.
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          “Hey, it’s not a problem. Let me help !” The boy leans down, quickly tying his shoe before grabbing the strangers suitcase.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
I think─ I think I’ve got it. You really, don’t have to. I mean, the probability you’ll actually trip over them changes based on certain aspects, like shoe design, shoelace design, shoelace length, etc. and maybe you have the combination that gives you the least possible outcome of falling over?
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“It’s cool– - I get it. Too much to carry and all.. uh, do you need any help or something? Probably would go by faster if you had another set of hands to carry the rest. – - It is? Oh thanks, seriously feel like one day I’m going to trip over these things and smash my face. That’d be a ugly picture to see.”
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dustinjameson · 9 years
Oh, that’s─ that’s my suitcase. I left it in the middle of the hallway and I can come back and get it, but my hands are kinda full and I really wouldn’t want to drop anything and… just, sorry for bothering you. I’ll leave now. Bye. Oh, and your shoe is untied. Just thought I’d let you know. Bye.
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dustinjameson · 9 years
D-down the hall, and to the right. Nice to meet you, I g-guess, even if this isn’t the most pleasurable of circumstances to make your acquaintance.
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“Hey, hey, uh,excuse me — do you know where the bathroom is? Uncomfortable new kid who needs to pee, nice to meet you.”
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dustinjameson · 9 years
I mean, I d-did know that, but kudos on the random f-factoid, nonetheless. It’s because the brain and nervous system work together so you feel pain, and your brain is trained to associate p-pain with negative connotation, and therefore stop you. I’m not going to question why you would know that, but─ yeah, I’ll stop t-talking now.
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“Did you know that it’s possible for pigs teeth to bite through a human bone like it’s butter? And, theoretically, you could bite through your own finger, but your brain stops you. As if that wasn’t bad enough for ya, over the course of your lifetime, you’ll shed about 40lbs of skin.”
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