dxesung · 6 years
she grinned, holding up her basket of cookies with a little shrug. 
     “i just.. i got bored !! and i baked !! and then i wanted to see you.. so i thought i would bring you some ! but then i remembered you have a lot of work friends.. so then i made more !! and..and– yeah!!” 
as far as he was concerned, she was always welcome there. not only that, but he always welcomed an opportunity to show her off to everyone. how he had gotten so lucky, he would never know. with a thankful grin, he approached her, cupping her cheeks lightly as he leaned down to press his lips to hers in a quick peck. 
“that’s so sweet of you, darling, thank you so much. let’s go see everyone- I’m sure they’re going to love it!”
he reached down to grab her free hand, intertwining their fingers.
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dxesung · 6 years
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she quickly slipped into his workplace, sneaking around as though she was a spy with her little basket of cookies. 
    she peeked quietly into one of the rooms, curious to see if she would spot tyler. 
he looked up when he noticed the door opening, his initial confusion being replaced with an expression of delight as he saw aimi peering around it. 
“sweetheart, what are you doing here?” he asked with a light, amused chuckle.
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dxesung · 6 years
[txt: Dear Prince ♥] nope!! i was just wondering !!! have fun at work, i love you !! 
she definitely, definitely isn’t making her way to where he works with a bunch of cookies she made for him and his co-workers, not at all! 
[ text: Angel 💝] okay sweetheart I’ll try!! I love you too 😘
with that, he slid his phone back into his back pocket and returned his attention to what was happening around him, completely unaware that aimi might have been on her way there.
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dxesung · 6 years
Character Stats
tagged by: @lxtent
$   financial.  //  wealthy  / moderate /  poor  /  in poverty ✚  medical.  // fit /  moderate  /  unfit  /  sickly  /  disadvantaged  /  disabled  /  not applicable ✪  class.  //  upper  /  middle-working  /  poor  /  slave  /  unsure ✔  higher education.  //  qualified  /  unqualified  /  studying  /  other  /  none ✖  criminal record.  //  yes, for major crimes  /  yes, for minor crimes  /  no  /  has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
◒  children.  //  has one or more children  /  has no children  /  wants children ◑  relationship with family.  //  close with sibling(s) /  not close with sibling(s)  / has no sibling(s)  /  siblings are deceased ◔  affiliation.  //  orphaned  /  adopted  /  disowned (runaway)  /  raised by birth parent(s) /  not applicable
♦  extrovert  // introvert //  in between ♦  disorganized  // organized  //  in between ♦  close-minded  //  open-minded  // in between ♦  calm  //  anxious // in between ♦  disagreeable  //  agreeable  //  in between ♦  cautious //  reckless  //  in between ♦  patient  //  impatient  //  in between ♦  outspoken  //  reserved  //  in between ♦  leader //  follower  //  in between ♦  empathetic  //  indifferent //  in between ♦ optimistic //  pessimistic  //  in between ♦  traditional  //  modern  // in between ♦  hardworking  //  lazy  //  in between ♦  cultured  //  uncultured  // in between ♦  loyal  //  disloyal  //  in between ♦  faithful  //  unfaithful  //  in between
★  faith.  //  monotheist  /  polytheist  /  atheist /  agnostic /  it’s complicated  /  N/A ☆  belief in ghosts or spirits.  //  yes  /  no  /  don’t know  /  don’t care ✮  belief in an afterlife.  //  yes  /  no  /  don’t know  / don’t care  /  it’s complicated ✯  belief in reincarnation.  //  yes  /  no  /  don’t know / don’t care  /  it’s complicated ❃  belief in aliens.  //  yes  /  no  /  don’t know  /  don’t care ❀  philosophical.  //  yes  /  no  /  sometimes
♦  sexuality.  //  heterosexual  /  homosexual  / bisexual /  asexual  /  pansexual  /  demisexual  /  graysexual / questioning ❥  sex.  //  sex repulsed  / sex neutral /  sex favorable ♥  romance.  // romance repulsed  / romance neutral  /  romance favorable ❣  sexually.  //  adventurous  /  experienced  /  naive  /  inexperienced  / curious /  inhibited / adds another ‘it’s complicated’ in here? ⚧  potential sexual partners.  //  male  / female  /  other  /  none  /  all ⚧  potential romantic partners.  //  male  / female /  other  /  none  /  all
☠  combat skills.  //  excellent  /  good  /  moderate  /  poor  /  none ≡  literacy skills.  //  excellent  /  good /  moderate  /  poor  /  none ✍  artistic skills.  //  excellent  /  good  /  moderate  /  poor  /  none ✂  technical skills.  //  excellent  /  good  /  moderate  /  poor  /  none
❣ drinking alcohol.  //  never  /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ✖ smoking.  //  never /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ✿ other narcotics.  //  never  /  sometimes /  frequently  /  to excess ≡ medicinal drugs.  //  never  /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ☻ indulgent in food.  //  never  /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess $  splurge spending.  //  never  / sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess ♣  gambling.  //  never  /  sometimes  /  frequently  /  to excess
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dxesung · 6 years
🌹 — Starter for @noxwrites
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“I feel as though I should be nervous.” This appeared too normal, too quiet for time spent with Daesung. Perhaps that was a good thing. Perhaps not. Either way, Leo followed at his heels with little question. Except one. “There are no more, uh… surprises I should be prepared for?” he asked quietly.
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“What? Why should you be nervous?” Daesung threw a questioning glance over his shoulder at Leo as he slowed just enough so they could walk side by side as they made their way to the elevator. “Are you accusing me of something?” The hostility that might have been interpreted from the remark was canceled out by his light tone and goofy grin. Of course he was accusing him of something, and honestly, given their past, Dae couldn’t blame him. But he was much too exhausted to even plan anything mischevious, let alone follow through with it. “I can’t just invite my friend over to have lunch and hang out? Maybe destroy our friendship momentarily with a round of Mario Kart? I’m just craving some normalcy!” he chuckled in lightheartedness.
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dxesung · 7 years
Daesung’s plea cut through Leo until the pain of it made him numb. It was fast but Leo felt every word. Don’t be like me. How could he ask that? What wrong did he do, acting on his fears and trying to run from them? It had not given him the life he once had, no. But he was alive. He was here, in Leo’s arms and holding onto him as though Leo might keep his head above water. That Leo was grateful for. Another selfish need that he could not ever hope to justify. 
His hand rubbed circles against Daesung’s back as Leo tried to comfort him. It was instinct, however unusual it felt to be acting upon it. “You were scared of judgement yet you’ll judge yourself harder than anyone else might have done.” It rang true for Leo too. Except these words… he could block them out. Leo could insist that they did not apply to him - that he should not receive the same acceptance he permitted others. “Don’t. Don’t hurt yourself anymore than you have to, Daesung. Please. It- I can’t see you like that.” 
The sobs had eased somewhat. Relief rushed through Leo steadily. Seeing Daesung so broken, so worried about telling the truth was more than Leo could bare. He took a slow breath and knew Daesung felt it. He could other a small piece of his own truth back to him. He owed Daesung that much after… this. “When my time comes,” he murmured, “I will have no doubt that I am meant to die. I will not question it. That does not mean that you were weak to run from it.” Leo smiled sadly, grateful that Daesung could not see him. “Death has been chasing me for a long time.”
But his smile slipped as Daesung thanked him. His stomach dropped. Leo pulled away from the other’s embrace just a fraction, enough to steady his face carefully. His heart gave another lurch seeing his reddened eyes, his cheeks still damp from tears. A best friend… that was what Daesung saw him as? Leo froze. No matter what Daesung though of himself, there was a reason he was meant to protect others. He saved Leo. Just in being here, in saying those words… Leo didn’t want to run away. Perhaps there was nothing he could offer in return, but if Daesung saw him as his best friend…
Swallowing, Leo took hold of Daesung’s wrists. He looked down at their hands - similar hands, long fingers - and wondered just how he had been allowed to be so close to him. The questions could wait until later. “Don’t apologise for anything. I am… so lucky to know you. So lucky. I don’t know what I have done to deserve your friendship…”  He broke off to swallow again, to push past the lump in his throat. “I don’t wish to lose it. Truth or no truth.”
Daesung couldn’t help but feel that it was something primitive inside of him that found so much comfort in the gentle feeling of Leo’s hand on his back. There was something about touch that was always so comforting. Maybe that was why, without realizing it, without thinking about it, he himself had become so prone to the temptation to be close to his friends. To be able to be there for them, as a physical being for them to hold on to, to be the person for them to - literally - lean on. And for that to suddenly be turned on him.. He was certain that Leo was helping him more than he even realized.
“I guess that doesn’t matter anymore, since I can’t take my decision back.” There was something firm, but neither joyous nor regretful about his tone. It was his choice, and now he had to live with it. And he was starting to accept that. “But I’m sorry.. Sometimes it’s hard.” He didn’t want to hurt Leo. He didn’t want to make Leo suffer for him. That was neither his intention nor his job. But he was beginning to steady himself, to think more thoroughly about his replies and Leo’s words, not speaking so much based on emotion alone. 
Then it was Daesung’s turn to gently rub Leo’s back. Whatever had caused him to take that slow, deep breath must have been important and had a great weight in his mind. And even though he had no idea what this thought the other must have had was, he was going to get him through it. 
It was a heavy topic, there was no doubt about that. Death, when spoken about in seriousness, was never something that was easy to discuss. But Daesung couldn’t help but admire the ease with which Leo spoke about it. “That’s not something that many people are able to say,” he pointed out in a weak whisper, momentarily disregarding the elder’s comments about himself. “I want you to know that. I honestly admire that you’re able to say that so easily.” But he didn’t want to argue with Leo any longer. No matter what he was told, no matter how close someone pushed him to change his mind, Daesung would still have that one speck of doubt in his mind, that one sliver of belief that despite everything, he had made the weakest decision at the most important time of his life.
But as Leo moved back only slightly to look at him, Daesung couldn’t help the incredulous look on his features as he let the elder take gentle hold of his wrists. He couldn’t wrap his head around Leo’s comment. Death had been chasing him.. What on earth did that mean? Certainly, there were several ways in which to take the comment, but he couldn’t be sure which was correct. And he was certain that it would not be appropriate to ask. “You didn’t have to do anything.” Finally he spoke, his voice gentle, his head cocking to the side in it’s usual manner. “Sometimes you don’t have to do anything to deserve something. Sometimes things happen by happy coincidence. And there’s too many horrible things that happen to question it. And anyways, I think I’m the lucky one to have gotten a friend as good as you. I mean.. What I just told you, most people would have called me crazy, but you believe me.”
It was thickly that Daesung swallowed, Leo’s words from moments earlier still ringing in his ears. ‘Death has been chasing me for a long time’. It was those words that prompted his request. “You can feel free to say no,” he began, looking his friend in the eyes, “But if you would let me.. Would you allow me to give you an angel’s blessing?”
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dxesung · 7 years
Brows knitted together in suspicion as Tyler looked over the other. He himself was no stranger to exhaustion and knew the signs well. No matter how well one tried to hide it from him, he was able to sniff it out. It was his job to protect and watch over, after all. “And just why do you keep stumbling over words?” he asked sternly - a stark difference from his lighthearted tone just a moment before, “Exactly how long has it been since you’ve slept?”
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dxesung · 7 years
Daesung is 332% sin.
tagged by: @lxtent
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dxesung · 7 years
repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
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ANIMAL: Dove COLOR: Light blue MONTH: August SONG: Missing you - All Time Low NUMBER: 19 DAY OR NIGHT: Day PLANT: Weeping Willow SMELL: Vanilla GEMSTONE: Tiger’s eye SEASON: Winter PLACE: Theater FOOD: Ice cream ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Leo ELEMENT: Air DRINK: Bubble tea
tagged by: @lxtent​ [[ thank you! 😘😘 some of these were really hard tf ]]
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dxesung · 7 years
Whatever he was expecting, it was not this.
Leo had believed in unexplainable things for far longer than he liked to admit. He’d prayed for them to be real more than enough times to convince himself of their existence. He wished for ghosts and pinned hopes on the dead. And whilst it may not have been exactly what Daesung was hoping for, suspending belief followed on from these hopes very naturally.
He listened, the promise held in his hands like a fragile bird with broken wings. Daesung… was murdered. It poured over Leo like ice cold water. He paled. Who had decided to take his life? The question sat on the tip of Leo’s tongue but he did not dare ask it. How could he with Daesung being so open with him already? How could he sit here, telling Leo all of this, whilst knowing he was beside a murderer. Leo’s hands clenched into fists. The promise did not break.
Leo ached for him. For the scared, young Daesung that had reached out with hope and received an eternity in return. “A guardian,” he repeated, trying to understand. A guardian of what? Of people? It suddenly occurred to Leo that perhaps this was why he had always felt so comfortable with the other; they were not so different. All Leo had ever been seeking was protection and perhaps… 
No more questions were asked. Dismissing his own rules, Leo slowly knelt on the floor in front of Daesung, taking his wrists in his long fingers. They could wrap around them without a break in the circle. “Daesung,” he said, barely perceptible next to the sobs that began to wrack through the other. Leo swallowed, tipped his head forward until his forehead met the top of Daesung’s head still buried in his hands. “You are not a coward. Do you hear me?” It was all he could say. He closed his eyes and waited until the sobs died down.
At some point, one he could not quite remember, Leo broke himself part enough to let his arms encircle Daesung’s shoulders and pull him in to rest against Leo’s. Guardian though he might have been, at this moment Leo would take the burden from him.
A bombshell. That was nothing short of what he had just dropped on Leo. But really, had there been any other way to do it? Was there really any gentle way of telling someone that the person they had been becoming closer with over the months - over the years - was nothing short of a.. ghost? A person that had had their life snatched away from them at the peak of their youth? 
If there was indeed another way.. It was obvious that Daesung didn’t know of it.
But at the same time, it was something that he needed to say, that he had to be blunt about - if only for his own sake. Though it was obvious from the warm tears that were flowing down his cheeks that he was hurting, there was also something healing hidden within the admittance. Like he was finally freeing a caged creature that had been slumped in the shadows for all those years. Like he was actually starting to come to terms with what had happened - refusing to merely tolerate it any longer.
Like - despite everything - he was still maturing.
But in the moment, had it not been for his large, lanky physique, one might have written him off as only a frightened and upset child as he wept under the weight of his own reality. 
And what he expected from Leo in the situation he found himself in was.. absolutely nothing. This was not Leo’s burden to bear. And Daesung would not blame him in the least if he wanted nothing more to do with it - or him. That was why when he felt the gentle presence of his friend close to him - coming in contact with him, even - he gave the smallest start of surprise as he crumpled in on himself further. He didn’t deserve a friend like Leo. He really didn’t. Anyone else might have written him off as a lunatic, but here was Leo, comforting him and offering him words of kindness. Even if he didn’t exactly agree with those words. And at his embrace, Daesung found himself hooking his arms around Leo as if it were automatic, his hold strong and firm around the elder as he wept quietly into his shoulder. “But I was a coward-” he argued quietly once he had calmed enough to allow, “I was too afraid to let somebody else judge my life so I ran away and took the easy route.. Please don’t be like me, hyung.” The last sentence came out almost a plea. “Whenever the time comes please be a better man than I was-” He didn’t want this for him. This existence was the last thing he wanted for Leo.
But it seemed like again and again, Daesung had to remind himself: this was not Leo’s burden to bear. It was not. It was like a mantra, repeating over and over again in his head. “I’m sorry..” he apologized in a soft voice, his eyes squeezed shut as he tried to stop the tears completely. And before he could even think about the words he was about to say, they were already spilling out. “Thank you for being my best friend..”
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dxesung · 7 years
It was an odd feeling, to be following behind someone in a place he would usually lead instead. He would guide whoever entered his house, push them away from the locked door on the furthest wall without so much as a suggestion, keep them away, away, always away. Daesung walked over to the sofa with no obstruction. Leo followed, his head tilted like a cat with its curiosity piqued. Much like a cat, Leo felt the difference in Daesung’s emotions too. And it was worrying him.
He sat down on the chair adjacent to the sofa, his elbows resting on his knees as he leant forward. He wanted to give Daesung the space should he need it. Space to leave if he felt he had to. Perhaps that alone showed how much he had changed since he’d met the other; once, Leo wouldn’t have wanted to let Daesung leave at all. He listened attentively. This… secret. Why was he entrusting this to him? Leo frowned, eyes downcast. He was good at secrets, yes, but Daesung had no way of knowing that. And if Leo were to judge… he laughed, a small thing, derogative towards himself. If he were to judge Daesung for anything, what kind of hypocrite would that make him? 
“I’ll listen,” he affirmed, meeting Daesung’s gaze as if to prove it, “I will not judge. Whatever you wish to tell me… I know the cost of telling someone something. It is like… giving them a piece of you…” He trailed off, tented his fingertips. “N-Not that I am suggesting you are doing so. But I will not betray your trust.”
Leo blinked as Daesung held out his pinky towards him. The gesture was so innocent, so young that Leo felt a pang in his chest. Whatever this secret may be, Daesung was trusting in Leo. The only other person he had told was his girlfriend. Why did Leo deserve to be the second? It was not for him to decide. This was Daesung’s burden. If he wished to share it with Leo, then Leo would carry it without hesitation. Resolve set, he slowly linked his pinky finger with Daesung’s, frowning again as though asking if he was doing it correctly. It had been many years since he’d made such a promise. “Tell me.” 
In that silence, it would have been impossible not to hear that little laugh. Daesung’s eyes lifted curiously as he registered it, finding himself unable to really figure a reason for it.. It must have been the result of something going through the elder’s mind, no? He was too wise to try to act like he hadn’t heard it - no, to do so would have bordered on the absurd. So instead he offered a sad little smile but nothing more.
And the pinky promise.. As he thought more of it, Daesung almost started to feel as if it was motivated by something more than just a childish impulse. Started to feel as though it might be a longing in his time of quiet mourning for the life and people he had left behind to return not only to them, but to that time of innocence and happiness.. But that wasn’t something he should be thinking about in the moment. Carefully, he wet his lips and gave Leo a couple soft nods. “Okay..” 
In his nervousness he seemed to forget to unlink his pinky finger with Leo’s. But with his mind racing, he took a breath and dove in. “I don’t- I don’t know how much you really believe in the supernatural.. If you even do at all-” God. How crazy he was about to sound if he didn’t.. “But.. I’m - I’m not.. a human being anymore.. I was- .. I was-” The last word was practically choked out as he was overcome with his own emotion. It was only in that moment that he truly realized he had never said what he was trying to wrestle out before, not even to himself. The words had never in any form made their way past his lips. And he realized that maybe for all those years he had been trying to convince himself that maybe this wasn’t real, through his own silence... 
But it was. 
And all he had to do was admit one simple fact.
“I was murdered,” Daesung finally managed to choke out, finding it almost as painful to say as it was to remember, the final word leaving weakly. His eyes brimmed with tears as he subconsciously raised his free hand up to his chest, up to the scarring over his heart that would follow him for eternity. “I was just a kid.. I was only nineteen.. And I was so scared, I didn’t know where I was or what was happening to me- and I was such a fucking coward-” The vulgar word left his mouth with an aggressive vehemence as suddenly a feeling of shame washed over him - and the water welling in his eyes threatened to spill over as that heavy weight in his stomach sank further and further down.
“So I sold them my soul,” he finally admitted in barely more than a pained whisper after several long moments, his tone changing completely from the venomous self-loathing just a few moments earlier to that of nothing more than a lost and broken man. “I sold my soul into slavery, because that’s all a guardian is - and I’m never allowed to pass on.” And that was when it became too much for him. His admittance that this was his permanent purgatory - a life in the position of pawn, messenger, and slave. Finally his hand unlinked from Leo’s, and it wasn’t much longer until his head was buried in both of his own, his shoulders that supported his mighty, folded wings hunched and shaking with quiet sobs. 
He hadn’t said everything - in fact, he hadn’t said much at all - but he had said enough.
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dxesung · 7 years
It was a reassurance that ensured the exact opposite; the sound of a lie buried underneath a practised line. Leo wouldn’t have picked it up if he was not so familiar with the sound. He raised a hand to his lips, his teeth nipping at the edges whilst hidden behind his fingertips. “Daesung,” Leo added quickly, right before the phone cut off, “Don’t take too long.”
The longer he took, the longer Leo would worry. He tapped his pencil against the table, the unfinished doodle beneath it littered with tiny dots from where the lead kept hitting. Perhaps… Daesung couldn’t have known anything about him, could he? If that was true, inviting him here was a foolish idea. Leo’s head twisted around the possibilities up to the very second of the tap on the door. Pencil forgotten completely, Leo stood up and went to let his friend in. A bizarre need to hug him came over Leo when he saw Daesung. He pushed it away and stepped back to let him in. “You… You can sit anywhere you like,” he said, forgoing greetings, “The bed, my desk… there’s a sofa over there…” Closing the door, Leo ran his hands over his jeans, tried to keep them still. “Sorry… I’m not- not really used to having people here…”
Given his reaction, one would think that Daesung would have never expected the door to be opened at all. Temporary surprise flitted from his features only to be replaced with a soft smile. But there was something a little off about it. Something a little sad, and something also a little nervous. “I tried to get here as quick as I could,” he commented, referring to the final words the elder had spoken to him on the phone.
“Thank you..” Daesung said softly as he was invited inside, quickly ducking in as he shoved his hands in his pockets. Huh. That had been a habit of his during his teenage years. But thinking of that time in his current state made him sick to his stomach - and so it was just as quickly that his hands were leaving the confines of the fabric. “I’ll try not to take up too much of your time,” he trailed off in a quiet voice. Part of him just wanted to get this over with, and the other part didn’t want to intrude upon the elder. 
It was without looking at Leo that he ambled over to the sofa with his stomach in knots. “I’ve never told anyone what I’m going to tell you.” His voice made it sound more as if he were talking to himself than to Leo. “Except my girlfriend.. My girlfriend always knew.” As he settled into the sofa, his gaze finally locked onto Leo. “But - hyung.. Since no one else knows.. Can I ask you to keep this as our little secret? And also-.. That you’ll hear me out to the end and not judge me or think that I’m losing my mind?” He couldn’t help but add on the last part as his mind raced. Even just thinking over his own story in his head made him wonder if in the circumstance of someone telling it to him whether he would believe it or not. 
It was without even thinking that he extended a bony pinky out to Leo. A pinky promise was something that was probably more than just a little childish given the seriousness of the situation, but Daesung didn’t back down from it once the realization washed over him. He trusted Leo knew his child at heart better than almost anyone.
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dxesung · 7 years
He sounded so sad. So unmistakably unlike the Daesung Leo had become accustomed to. The smiles and the gentle teasing, the easy confidence that Leo lacked completely. The static over the phoned hovered in the moment of silence before Leo replied. “No. No, I don’t mind,” Nerves bundled up in his stomach. These words should be coming from him, not Daesung. What could the other have to tell him that warranted such secrecy? “If you do not mind the journey, I’m at my apartment right now. No one else will come by. Just… are you sure everything is alright?”
Daesung gave a little nod at Leo’s words - more so to steady himself than anything else, completely aware that there was no way for the other to see his actions. “Yes, everything’s alright, don’t worry,” he reassured him, trying his best to make his voice sound easy and even throwing in a soft chuckle. “Okay, I’ll - I’ll see you in a little while. I’ll come by now. Thank you..” As he got off the phone with Leo, it really occurred to him what he was about to do, and he could only hope and pray that the elder wouldn’t think that he was a complete nutjob.
It was a while later that Daesung found himself at Leo’s door, finding himself taking in a few deep breaths to steady himself. He had never told anyone about what he really was in the past - the only person who knew was his girlfriend, and she had always known, considering he was originally her guardian. He was completely lost as to how to approach this, but Leo was admittedly one of his closest friends, so he hoped that he would be able to dive in a play it by ear. It was after another couple minutes of standing outside the door with racing thoughts that he finally raised his hand and rapped his knuckles a couple times against the barrier.
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dxesung · 7 years
Leo blinks drowsiness out of his eyes at the sound of Daesung’s voice. It sounds so different over the phone, so distant. A pang of guilt rests in his chest when he realises it’s been too long since he’s heard it. “Daesungie?” The nickname slips out before Leo has much of a chance to think about it. “I- I’m not busy. Tell me where you want to meet.” He pauses, shifting the phone to his right hand when the pencil that had previously been in his grasp is discarded. “What happened? Is- Is something wrong?”
Daesung couldn’t help the way his lips twitched upwards when he heard what Leo called him - he loved nicknames, whether or not they were simple or silly. But the smile didn’t last for long - and in all honesty, it was partly his own doing that he hadn’t seen Leo in far too long. It was quickly approaching a humbling time for him, and it wasn’t unlike him to hole himself up in heartache. “No, no, nothing’s wrong-” He knew it was a lie just from the pang in his chest as he said the words - but in answer what Leo was asking of him, he was telling the truth. His voice was still the same somber tone as he continued, “It’s just something I feel like you ought to know.. Do you mind if we meet somewhere private? Even just one of our places would be okay. It’s just kind of.. personal - and I’d rather not talk about it with other people around.”
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dxesung · 7 years
DISC Personality Test
TAGGED BY:  @lxtent
Take THIS test and post the results.
The highest percentage is likely to be your most dominant personality factor, the second highest your next most dominant personality factor and so on. As such for you the DISC factors are ordered as: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Compliance.
Dominance: describes the way you deal with problems, assert yourself and control situations. They are usually self-sufficient and individualistic.
Influence: describes the way you deal with people, the way you communicate and relate to others.They are generally optimistic, outgoing, and socially skilled.
Steadiness: describes your temperament - patience, persistence, and thoughtfulness. They are usually patient, calm and controlled.
Compliance: describes how you approach and organize your activity, procedures and responsibilities. They are usually peaceful and adaptable.
Dominance: 22 Influence: 29 Steadiness: 40 Compliance: 11
You enjoy interacting with and helping people. You are open to new ideas and procedures. Although you are calm and controlled you still project enthusiasm and optimism. Your natural supportive, listening and empathetic behavior makes you a good coach. Someone people turn to when they need help or advice.
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dxesung · 7 years
Judging from Daesung’s response to his concern, Leo was sure he had just asked a rather ridiculous question. He should know more about the theatre, he mused. Studying costume design whilst at university had made him aware of how a production was put together of course, but he knew very little of how it was actually performed. When they raised the stage curtain, all he knew was that he would see Daesung standing there eventually. It was a shame that he had not been able to make his costume for this particular performance. He would have to come back… Ah, now this flattery was painfully, obtusely obvious. Leo smirked and almost surprised himself as he did so; a look of confusion clouded his face for a split second, gone before it could cause any trouble. “They might have been concerned that a passing breeze would blow you away if they did not weight you down,” he quipped, still taking the costume for comparison. “Mm. Heavy. The quality is… good.” At this rate, he was doing better at selling these other tailors than deter them. He could help it. The draw of a well-made costume was impossible for Leo to ignore. He glanced at Daesung as though asking silent permission, then raked through the remaining clothes. “Let’s- Let’s not go up on stage just now…” Leo quickly adding and promptly buried his head in between a cascade of lace and an assortment of leather jackets. If he kept going this way, Daesung was bound to jest that Leo join him up there soon. Impossible. Turning his head, his eyes caught sight of a fitted jacket of dark brown leather, soft and worn. “It is a shame you can’t wear another’s costume.”
Daesung hadn’t noticed the elder’s look of confusion - had he, he would of course made a comment on it. But instead, his mouth fell open slightly in mock offense at his following words. “Hey, what are you trying to say?” he tried his best to sound annoyed, but the soft and playful smile that was fighting its way onto his lips was betraying him. “Are you saying that I’m a stick? Maybe I’ll get fat and round just for you, hyung.” A firm clap on Leo’s back followed his jest, along with a beaming smile. And he couldn’t stop himself from making a small sound of amusement when Leo practically buried himself in the costumes. “Yeah, we can stay however long you want. Well, at least until we need to actually start changing and getting half naked,” he snickered, “But yeah, it is..” he trailed off as he spotted the jacket that the elder was looking at. “It looks really good on Kyuwon, though. Good, good colors on him.” His words were sincere, and he meant every single one of them. Any chance he got to sing praises for his coworkers for any reason made him more than happy.
“Oh, but there was one in particular that I wanted you to look at-” he claimed just as suddenly as the thought occurred to him, making his way down the line of clothing with swift steps. “This one,” he said, carefully taking a hanger down. “Honestly as soon as I saw this my first thought was ‘Ah, if he ever comes I have to show Leo hyung this’,” Daesung claimed as he carefully held the magnificent champagne colored ballgown up for him to see.
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dxesung · 7 years
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Daesung seemed to catch onto the distraction almost immediately. Leo was thankful. The other was always quick, taking notice of things that might usually slip past others. The enthusiasm he was met with was just another thing Leo knew he could never let himself take for granted. A flickering, fleeting smile crossed his face in response to Daesung’s. “”are you sure? They wouldn’t- they wouldn’t accidentally raise the curtain, would they?” Of all the things to worry about. Leo almost winced at his words. But there was no time to try and take them back. The costume rack that stretched before them was a veritable flame to Leo’s moth. He ran his hands over the shoulders, fingers finding recognisable seams and bringing patterns to mind. Distracting enough it was not, however, to avoid a slight snort. “Flattery shall get you nowhere,” he remarked. “Unless there is a little more. Then I… might be persuaded.” Leo turned his attention to the particular piece Daesung picked out. It was expertly made; whoever had tailored the suit knew their craft. “Oh. They should have written more scenes for you to wear it in. It looks good.”
Daesung wouldn’t have even had the time to try to stop the small chuckle that left him had he wanted to. It was so immediate that he barely even realized that it happened until it was nearly over. It wasn’t a malicious laugh, however, if anything he had found the elder’s uncertain question almost delightful. “Of course they wouldn’t accidentally raise it on us, don’t worry,” he was swift to assure him still. But it wasn’t long before his lips curved into an almost impish smile. “Oh, there’s always more flattery, don’t worry. Like the fact that the costumes hyung made were much more breathable.. and feel this, it feels like 50 kilos!” He made a small “tsk” sound as if in disappointment as he offered the hanger to his companion to show the weight. “Leo hyung definitely treated me better.” He gave a soft chuckle afterwards. He might have passed it off as playful flattery, but there was definite truth in his words as well. “But were there any in particular that you wanted to look at?” he couldn’t be sure whether anything had caught Leo’s eye while he had been talking, and he didn’t want to rush him if so. “Unless you’re so nervous about the curtain going up that you want to just check out the stage and come back to them-” he couldn’t stop from teasing gently.
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