✧・゚continued from HERE with @lxtent
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"I didn't but I wanted to. Idiots like that bother me to no end. And you definitely did not deserve this so I only gave them back what they sowed." Matthew had helped Nayoung with all the stuff the woman needed to carry as her inquiry reached his ears, coaxing laughter out of his mouth. "Well, I thought we were? Or were you just friendly to me for other reasons? Ulterior motives?" He nudged her in a playful manner, eyebrows wiggled to underline his words. Yet, the young man also had a serious side, hidden underneath the arrogance and flirtatious behavior. "You really don't need to hear it, trust me. Such things aren't even worth your time."
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latibulx · 3 years
“I’m not easily scared, but right now I’m terrified.” ~From Nayoung to Hana
A deep breath is taken. Humid air fills her lungs and it's uncomfortable, almost as if it's attempting to drown her from the insideㅡ that kind of thoughts is gloomy though, even for someone like Hana who's not the most joyful person around. Instead of lingering on such dark thoughts, she glances over her shoulder at the other woman seemingly clinging to her back; this is completely ridiculous. It is but it doesn't stop her from putting her fists up, definitely ready to punch the living hell out of whoever is planning to scare them.
"You're the one who chose to go to a "haunted house" for Halloween," Hana hisses between her teeth, reminding herself to never trust Nayoung's ideas ever again, "so we're going all the way to the end of this damn thing and thenㅡ" a creaking sound makes Hana freeze. She's not scared, nope. She's not. Nayoung pushes her forward and if she wasn't already busy trying not to get jumped on by an idiot in a poor disguise, she'd give her friend a piece of her mind.
Said idiot falls from the ceiling right in front of her, growling, and Hana all but punches them square in the face. Look, she has been fighting for many years now, she has lots of reflexes and when something startles her, she punches. "Fucking hell," she mutters when she's all but being insulted by the comedian who's clutching his bleeding nose (she hasn't even punched him that hard!) then turns around when she hears Nayoung snickeringㅡ she doesn't even have the strength to glare at her, "let's go before we're getting sued for assaulting an innocent guy."
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pcsitivibee · 3 years
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positivity for lxtent : I want to send a shoutout to @lxtent / @ityasaarii ! They've not been around much because of real life stuff, but they will always and forever have a special place in my heart~ Mun is an angel and their muses are always so well written and created, I'm almost envious of their talent, to be honest! I miss writing with you and I hope you're doing well :)
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x-wearethefuture-x · 4 years
{ityasaarii} 🍽️ In which Lina asks Chloe to go to dinner with her and is far more awkward the whole evening than she has any right to be :)
There was no doubt that Chloe’s heart had practically leapt out of her chest when Lina had asked her out to dinner. She’d been quietly waiting for it for a while, hoping that the other girl would ask her out. Sometimes, Chloe thought that Lina wasn’t interested, or that maybe she was trying to keep a distance because she was afraid of forming a relationship with her. Other times, she thought that maybe Lina was just a bit shy about the whole thing. Then again, Chloe wasn’t much better, really- every time she thought she had gotten up the nerve to ask Lina out, she backed down at the last second and “We should go on a date to the movies” turned into and awkward “Should we go see a movie? Or, like, we don’t have to. It’s fine.” It didn’t matter how much they had done together already, Chloe still wasn’t used to this, and she was still worried about messing up whatever it was that they had currently- somewhere between friends and more than friends? but maybe not quite dating? Ah, she didn’t know.
But tonight, she knew what she wanted it to be. She wanted it to be eating dinner in soft lighting, and holding hands as the snow fell on them both, and stealing a kiss in a parked car, not wanting to be apart just yet. She wanted Lina to know that she wanted her, that even amidst awkward moments and shy silences, she thought Lina was breathtaking, incredible, beautiful. It didn’t matter that they spent part of dinner tripping over words and blushing in embarrassment over stupid things. Hell, she hardly even noticed when a bit of wine splashed onto the table and soaked the edges of her white, linen, gloves (which she promptly took off despite her usual concerns). She was having fun with the conversation. She was having fun holding her fork out so Lina could try her food when she asked if it was good. And she was having fun letting her foot brush against Lina’s leg under the table- accidentally the first time, then intentionally the two times after that. it didn’t matter if things were going perfectly or not- what mattered is that she was spending the evening with someone she adored, someone whose smile lit up the whole room, and whose laugh was sweeter and richer than the decadent slice of chocolate cake they shared for dessert. 
She reached her hand across the table, found Lina’s fingers with her own and laced them together- it was subtle, a quiet affection, but she hoped it got her point across, “I’ve had a lot of fun tonight.” She told the other woman. Then, more shyly, she added, “It doesn’t have to stop now though, if you don’t want it to.” She realized, too late, the implications of her words, but it didn’t have to mean that- she’d never been intimate to that degree with someone before, anyway. But what she did mean was that she didn’t want the night to end. Maybe they could go back to her place and snuggle up on the couch to watch a movie? Or share a bottle of champagne under the stars? Or find somewhere to go dancing? Or even just put on some music and dance around her apartment in their pajamas? It didn’t matter what they did- all that mattered was that they spent as much of the night together as possible. And maybe, just maybe, they could wake up together in the morning, too. And Chloe could steal a kiss and 
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starrdew · 5 years
@lxtent mentioned you in a post
@starrdew Inhye will always love Eunbyul too *cries* not so secretly crushing on her too ^^
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serenxdipitous · 5 years
“Was…was that an owl…?” [ To any muse~ ]
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                          Saebyeok glances up into the sky, the first thing he notices is how the street lights of the city prevent him from seeing the stars properly. The artificial light the lamps provided was dull, yellow, and disruptive, he absolutely hated it. The second thing he notices is the owl who seemed to be up rather early for it’s usual nocturnal schedule. It was a rather majestic creature even if it was a bird of prey. As it perched itself on a tree branch the witch takes a good and long look at the owl trying to figure out which species of owl it was. 
The white and brown markings, the frame of the face, and the small black eyes suggested it to be a Ural owl. A good medium sized bird that could catch a decent amount of woodland prey. 
“Well it’s certainly not a bald eagle.” 
The witch says sarcastically. It wasn’t too uncommon to see owls in the wooded area, but it certainly was a bit of a surprise to see one out this early in the evening. Perhaps something had woken it up and it was now hungry. Saebyeok is rather thankful that he had a protective barrier around his cottage that would keep any type of hunter be human or animal away from the animals and other creatures that sought refuge with him.
“It’s a Ural owl, perhaps woke it up and now it’s hungry. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you’re a small woodland creature. You’re a bit too large to fit in his talons.”
He says to the stranger near him. He wasn’t afraid of owls was he?
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repetiita-a · 5 years
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“There have been quite a few incidents in Hongdae as of late...” The child with too much time on her hands. So much time that she’s willing to look into a cold case. A missing woman, her last known location, her connections, relationships and then... A man who had thrived despite losing the love of his life. Lihua had no evidence. She had no leads. She had no idea what happened but she knows that Leo is hiding something. And that’s all she needed.
Lihua loved being messy. 
“Jung Leo. Let’s talk business.”
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thosewhowearmasks · 6 years
@lxtent (x)
“I’m not being ridiculous,” Leo affirmed with a shake of his head. “I owe you my life. For… all that it might be worth, no matter how little. I would not lie to you. Now stay still.” Eyes flickering between the paper and Do Young stood in front of him, Leo continued to sketch. The more he drew, the more he could stand by his statement; Do Young should have considered modelling as a career.
He knew the other man wasn’t lying, of course. He may have settled down and started a family, but his ability to read people hadn’t diminished in the slightest. Nor was he unaware of how he looked, having once been the “nation’s MC”. He knew Leo wasn’t wrong.
That didn’t stop him from feeling, well, ridiculous about the whole thing. It had been some time since he’d had a spotlight on him, and he had become used to flying under the radar. Even though this was only one person studying him so closely, and one whom he trusted more than most, he still felt exposed in a way he hadn’t in a long while. He said nothing of this matter, though, and instead simply scoffed. “I doubt I would have enjoyed it,” he said simply, which wasn’t a lie either. “There isn’t much to do to keep one’s mind occupied while standing and posing.”
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instantlyiconic · 6 years
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It’s been quite a long time since I’ve done a follow forever, and I’ll keep the list short and sweet. I want everyone to know how amazing these people are!! I want to say thank you to everyone that I have a thread with. I’m so entirely humbled knowing that with each thread I make, I also make a friend. You guys make me feel so wonderful, and I love each and every one of you! Please, please look at the people on this list because they’re dear to me ;u;
@jongdayofthedead:                 - NEPSIIIIII! <3 One of two rp partners that I’ve had for 2+ years, we started with my Minseok and her Jongdae, and it has spiraled into a couple dozen muses all in the same universe, with a TON of backstory. I’m so happy I met her, I’m so happy that we talk almost every day! She’s a wonderful writer, and I would heavily suggest checking out her Jongdae muse!! He’s really interesting and Nepsi is just a DOLL. <3
@rosegoldmilktea:                - The other of my two rp partners that I’ve had for 2+ years, rgmt is SO, SO SWEET, and she is an amazing writer. We started with Minseok and Yifan (though I’m not sure if she writes him anymore, and if she does, he’s in a different time), and we became so incredibly dedicated to the thread. I love her so much, and her muses are always well thought out and beautiful. Go check her out, she deserves the love!!
@huntersxhunted:                - Oh, holy hell, what can I say about hh???? She’s SO AWESOME, and we started with Baekhyun and Minseok, but we’ve spread this same universe to include Yixing and Jongin. Not only that, but now even Yoongi and Jihae are talking??? Her writing is really well composed, and her muses have variety from little shits (like Baek) to complete angels (like Yixing), and even to sarcastic, but warm hearts (like Jihae). The fact that she has this much variety in her muses and is flexible with what she can write, I think is her strong suit. HH is such a blessing!
@lxtent:                - Lxtent is so perfect in my eyes. She has the type of writing style that I look up to, that I wouldn’t believe would want to write with me. Every single word is thought out and deliberately put in such a way to where you can feel what Leo feels. The thread between us is Leo and Minseok, and sweet jesus, I screech every single time I see she’s replied to me. I could fangirl over her writing all day if I would be allowed to, but it gets even better that she is literally such a humble, sweet CUTE LIL FAIRY. She enjoys plotting just as much as I do, and becoming her friend has been a highlight of this last year for sure!!
@jeonfox:                - This cute little thing? Her Jimin is so adorable! It doesn’t matter if you’re in the mood for the softest of fluff or the angstiest angst, jeonfox is wonderful at both! I know she has other muses (I also play with her Jungkook), but I especially love her Jimin. She’s someone you should look at, and I am so happy with our story!
@blvexside:                - Yoongi actually got quite attached to bs’ Hoseok very quickly. The way bs writes him, he’s so easy to love and so are they!! I am so happy that I’ve been able to meet them, and I hope that we’re rping for a long time!! Hobi is v interesting (he can hear ghosts, and uses it for his job!) and Yoongi is definitely smitten by this stupid, smiling oaf that he doesn’t really want to step away from. <3
@ohsehunique:                - Hoo boi. osi’s Sehun is SUCH a little shit, and has such a problem with Feelings(tm), but that just makes it so much more of a challenge and therefore so much more fun! Jongin really loves the boy, and Sehun is just so fun to write with. It doesn’t hurt that the mun is just so fucking cool, and incredibly chill. 10/10, would recommend. <3
@fxllxnbx:                -Last, but DEFINITELY not least, fb’s Baekhyun is so cool~~ A tattoo artist (that has a pet bunny!!!) is really cool, and for him and Yoongi to have this love/hate relationship, it’s been a blast writing with them. The mun’s cool asf too, and is awesome at her portrayal of her Baekhyun. It’s just SO well done. <3
Also check out! @bornxidols, @incubus-ravi, @mmxtters, @cxnnibxlyong, @seomxj, @asy-kyuhyun, @n0chanxes, @seoulxsinners, @yoonseok (my favorite gif editor), @yxxm1n (my favorite fanartist), @thesammtimes (a super-amazing idolxreader fanfic author)
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ambitiousxmonsoon · 6 years
{ @lxtent }  Leo & Kane 
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“Which music subscription should I purchase, Spotify or Apple Music?” Kane asked Leo after he plopped down in front of the other male. It was a random question, but that was all he could think of in that moment. “Or are you the type of person that doesn’t listen to music?”
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ofpearlsxgods · 2 years
( @lxtent​ ) has been dragged into the locker !!
Jaehwan smiled, the familiar warmth of her pressing against him. His right arm, previously occupied with playing the final notes of a higher melody, instinctively dropped to curl about her waist. He was gentle, almost coaxing her along the bench. He'd have no falling from this bench happening on his watch.
"Hi," he said, his smile instantly matching Kyungri's. He was an utter fool for her, he knew it, but what else was there to do? If he was going to be a hopeless case, he was damn well always going to embrace it. And her for that matter. "You know, you just missed her. So we'll have to be quiet lest you incur her wrath." He lowered his head towards her, a quick glance left, then right, as though making sure the coast was clear. A low chord hung in the air about them, soft and major in key, the music now truly forgotten.
"A date? I'll have to make sure my schedule is free." She breathes in with a little frown, enjoying playing with her. "What do you have in mind?"
It was a shame that she just missed his girlfriend. It left her no choice but to invite Jaehwan and Jaehwan only for this date. Kyungri almost wept just from thinking she would have him for herself. But she nodded, agreeing to be quiet, in case his girlfriend returned from gods know where and unleashed her wrath upon them. "Oh no, we wouldn't want that." The mermaid quickly added.
Lowering her head as he did, touching her forehead against his and waiting a second, Kyungri confirmed what had been said. "Yes, a date." She tried not to smile, for this was a very serious matter, but at one point, the mermaid was unable to control the corners of her mouth. It was quick, but not quick enough to go unnoticed. Kyungri cleared her throat and was in character again.
"I'll pick you up from your place and, then, I'll take you out to dinner. I found a nice place with live music, so I think you'll like it there. After that, instead of going home, we'll go for a walk by the river. The weather is nice, and we can stay out for as long as we want." This time, Kyungri didn't care whether she was in control of her features. The image in her mind was just too good to be overlooked. "Then, I'll bring you home before your girlfriend finds out you left." It sounded like a good deal to her. “What do you say?”
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“you’re the worst. i love it.” From Nayoung to a muse of your choice~
* idiots to lovers romantic starters | @lxtent
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"Of course, I am amazing," Matthew shrugged nonchalantly. A part of him still harbored narcissistic tendencies but he played it off with jokes and little acts which are not to be taken too seriously. "What do you expect, that I let this person get off the hook because they said sorry once? They made fun of you behind our backs and spat lies right into my face. They got what they deserve and won't mess with my friends anymore. I can handle that, don't worry."
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latibulx · 3 years
🤍 Love train! Send this to all the people who deserve love! don't forget to spread the love! 🤍
oh god, I didn't expect this, thank you so much :(((( 🤍 this goes right back at you, you lovely person!!
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ofparisisms-blog · 6 years
@lxtent ran into the clairvoyant !
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“There’s a world beyond your comprehension that I’m sure you couldn’t even begin to understand. That’s what I’m keeping from you. To protect you.”
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x-wearethefuture-x · 4 years
{ityasaarii} “There’re billions of people on this planet, and I love you. How incredible is that?" To Hyuk from Nayoung~
Hyuk was trying awfully hard to keep a straight face, but it was impossible when Nayoung said something so cute. It was true- there were billions of other people, and yet, somehow, they had found each other. He ran his fingers through her hair, resisting the urge to make a joke about how it wasn’t that incredible considering how great he was (or something like that). Instead, he leaned down to kiss her forehead, a big, lovestruck, (and probably kind of goofy) smile on his face, “It’s pretty damn incredible.” He replied back honestly. Of all people, she loved him. Of all people, she looked at him and saw his bad habits, his dumb quirks, his insecurities and flaws, and she loved him even with all of that. It was pretty incredible that he was worthy of that kind of love. And it was even more incredible that a girl like her would be the one to give it to him.
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♡ ^_^
– ☯ @lxtent | it is munday! send ‘♡’ for a pointless fact about the mun.
♡ I like to tell people I have a head tattoo bc technically it’s true and I like the shocked look they usually give me but really it’s just a tiny flower behind my ear
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