dxstructivechaos · 2 years
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Finally remembered my login. Fttt--thought Tumblr was going to lock me out of another blog. Once I update some things I can start havoc and chaos on this blog once more.
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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❝ How can it be Sinday if the lot of you don’t even acknowledge the other sins? That’s no fun~
Wrath is always a favorite of mine with some nice combinations of others with it. 
Though one hardly needs a day dedicated to sin when you have the whole week to partake in it.  ❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
Now there’s a foreboding, kindred presence she hadn’t in quite sometime. It really did bring a sense of comfort whenever he came that sated her need for destruction. Therapeutic really. Lips quipped up into a smile at her name being hissed out carried in the air.
❝ I see someone still doesn’t knock... My, my---look who’s come all the way down to my boudoir from Hell itself.    Have we’ve been busy? It’s been awhile since any souls have been exiled here to be      TORTURED for all eternity.❞
Vapors of smoke swirled around her ethereal form as body slithered in the air and snaked over his shoulders from behind him.
❝ Now, Luci...what brings you here?        Business or pleasure?  Both maybe?  ❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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Disguise Headcanon
There has been various times where Eris has disguised herself as a mortal while on earth. None the wiser that the goddess of Strife was walking among them. As much fun as it was pulling the threads and viewing the instantaneous destruction, sometimes it was far more fun scheme while under the guise of human female. Various periods of time through the decades. Ruining lives to just baiting those to give into their darker desires through temptations of what they wanted most. It made it all too easy to urge those into deals without fully knowing what they were getting into until it is too late. Though never to prey on the obvious weak minded the ones with strong wills are always a good challenge in testing their overall morale. Humanity could be all too gullible in being swayed to give into their vices. All for the sake of keeping herself entertained and feeding her desire to see the futile struggles of man.
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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Just spent the last hour trying to get a baby possum out of my kitchen and conflicted in what to do with it because BABY, but also it’s a POSSUM which most likely has rabies, but it was pretty chill af just not sure where it was?
He bounced out the way he came in thankfully so he was spared from my brother coming over with a shovel in hand. OTL
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
Where exactly is Tartarus?
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❝ FAR below Hell itself. A distance far as the earth to the heavens.   Not a place where anyone should go, be it mortal or otherwise.
Hell just didn’t cut it for those that excelled at being wrathful sinners in    their previous life.   Keeping the most horrendous monsters there to banished criminals or exiled.  Amusing enough where Zeus banished the titans after the war went in his favor...                  Atlas, Crius, Cronus...so many other titans.
So, it is quite the honor when you gain entry to my every changing boudoir.  ❞
Thinking about the eternity of TORTURE that was deal at her hands or otherwise to those that were trapped there just filled her little black heart with such contentment as well as coming to the peak of nirvana.
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❝  Home sweet home... ❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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❝ Looking for an opinion. What do you think would be better?
   Causing a devastating wildfire in a city, humanity fighting against their fellow man...        ...or a epidemic? The black death was always a favorite on the charts for              a few years.
...asking for a friend. ❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
In the process of making icons and manage to find a frame that pretty much sums of Eris’ blood lust as well as when watching complete chaos unfold as well as people talking about it. WHY are you like this???
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
Beel liked this lady. Whereas his very human parent had those normal opposing thoughts about the mess. (She literally ripped them out of their dimension for a brief interval.) A natural part of his being could related to Eris’s desire
A gentle coo eases from him, contently closing his eyes for a second once at that singular harmless scratch, now here she was peppering this occasion with compliments too? It hadn’t taken a second further for him to just release a proud ‘Dah!’ then jump over to her, cradling  himself upon her shoulder as those bright, big ol’ eyes peered up to this goddess with a sense of welcome.
As for Oga’s case? ..Partly not surprised, partly can’t believe his damn eyes. Once the instant of smoke passed as she switches her size, disbelief reigns on his face as he squints at the view.
Beel just looked utterly content right there.
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”So that just means you’re the damn type to just into TV to take care of it yourself!?” At this point he could believe it! That moronic father of a Demon Lord wound up wanting to destroy humanity, just to go and forget he made that other the next day!
He’s starting to see a running theme with these people.
“Lemme guess. Does that mean I can expect you to just hit up an Ishiyama outfit and be at our damn school too? Isn’t you just being here gonna make weird as hell stuff happen?”
To think there’s a day where he needed to be the beacon of possible sense.
❝ Now...what makes you think that I haven’t before?
   As much as I just L O V E experiencing more of a mortals adolescence I do have things     to do.  Picking which city to crumble to its foundation, bumping off leaders in their        respective countries...You know, the typical Monday.
you can expect some surprise visits from me certainly if you keep doing what you’re doing, kid. Fighting and smiting your enemies is what you and your daddy do best isn’t, cutie?❞
The goddess cooed  letting a finger tap at Beel’s nose. If the child found solace and comfort in the chaos that resonated from her he was more than welcomed to linger.
Her to-do list is pretty on-going. Why it was easier to just have proper visits in this realm than any physical appearance.
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❝ If not for the baby, I’m sure you would have succumb to absolute     MADNESS just being in this realm for too long. ‘Course I wasn’t completely sure       about that, but hey you’re still standing. You wouldn’t believe how hard it is to find         good company these days. ❞
Yeeeeeeah, she pretty much pulled them into Tartarus without thinking about the side effects of him being here for too long. But look he was completely fine~ Then the question to her presence possibly being problematic.
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❝ Short answer, yes.        But WEIRD things should be the norm for you being the adoptive parent of a demon prince.❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
“Welcome back, darlin’.” - (Champa, moved to @sixthangcrd)
❝Oh, the soft large one.     It has been awhile hasn’t it? I hope you have been causing much destruction in my absence.❞
A sharpened fingernail tapped his nose teasingly.
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❝Always so amusing. I could just -- ❞ 
      EAT. YOU. RIGHT. UP.❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
i get this feeling you'd poison the punch bowl at prom if your date stood you up
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❝My, my–             Do I look so petty? S P I T E F U L, but never petty.❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
Ah, demons.
Much like humans, but condemned with being absolute sinners from their previous life with such a need to spread their chaotic nature if they weren’t living in the squalor of various sins with no chains to bind them. Loathsome, yet entertaining, but there was that rarity in finding those that had a particular kindred spirit to s t r i f e harbored. How therapeutic. A sinister atmosphere lingering around the goddess as vapors too shape of her form.
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❝Oh, don’t mind me~             I just really enjoy meeting new souls that align with mine. ❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
Is she talking about his future? Being melt with those eyes that burned with such sinister delight provided more answers than her actual words. Not once ounce of him was bothered in hiding his displeasure, that tinge of infernal heat that steamed up beyond the extents of any flame. Beel on the other hand was the polar opposite, this woman’s disposition caused his eyes to brighten as that instinctive craving for chaos burned bright within him as well!
Oga’s influence had worked wonders in satiating to remain within a more pure degree, a testament to how much of a connection he felt for this rowdy man.
“So got eyes everywhere and nowhere at once? What an annoying as hell ability.”
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So did that mean this woman here was looking for a fight of her own? The interest in Beel typically settled in the lane of ‘bad premonition and potentially wanting his power.’ Just that thought alone causes a utterly crude snort to puff from his nostrils.
“You some long lost relative of his? Cause I’m pretty damn sure his auntie said the exact thing to us once–” Was she that auntie!?
Or was that just some dream?
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“”Ai!” WASTELAND? WHERE? They’re usually treasures around there! At least this is what the TV shows tell him!
❝ It is when I’m bored. It’s like that idiot box      you humans toil away at. Hundreds of channels and nothing to watch. So sometimes you have to get up and find your own fun.❞
Power was certainly nothing she needed. Though, she was more than interested in the little tot’s full potential and how it should be used when that threshold was crossed. Being sheer and utter DESTRUCTION. It’d be such a waste, especially when pesky things like human morale was being in place.  Such a foreboding sinister presence always lingered in the air around her, yet Beel seemed more than attracted to it looking at her so wide eyed.
❝ I wouldn’t say that--but those that harbor chaos within them          I more than welcome into my arms as if they were my own. ❞
Visage dissolve into wisps of smoke that swirled around Oga slithering over his shoulder as her size scaled downward.
❝ Come to Eris, little one. Let me take a look at you~ ❞
Not much in those wastelands unless he liked some bones that been bleached for too long that’s been dissolving into dust with a chalice some greedy loser didn’t get to enjoy for long. A finger came to gently graze a nail across his cheek. Such a innocent looking child--
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❝ Hmm, hmm... Very cute. I’m sure you’ll be a heart breaker when you get bigger.         ...perhaps a literal one.❞
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
I see the porn bots have yet to be erased yet. Good job tumblr with your fool proof purging system. :T
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dxstructivechaos · 4 years
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❝ The human mind is such a fragile thing.      I do stay in awe at times with the ones that haven’t just took their life          from the sheer weight of such a tragedies.
How interesting to see beasts of legends just perish just like ...❞ Snaps her fingers.
❝ ...that.❞
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