dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
{Event o12} Motherlode, Pt. I.
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
You deserve 10 stars for your portrayal of Grell! Hope we can interact sometime.
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
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tfw smo follows u and ur muse is just "hottie spotted!” like grell pls sit down
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
☂ - giving them their jumper to keep warm
first the earthquake had laid ruin to the entire city around her, littering the streets with broken glass and pieces of debris from the building that had fallen due to the tremors-- and to top it off, a heavy rain was now falling from the sky and onto the streets below.
the bright side of this would have to be that it was helping extinguish the multiple fires that had arose from the disaster.
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however, on the other hand-- now grell was only left with the option of huddling under what remained of a sheltered bus stop, her hair sticking to her face unpleasantly from the sudden downpour; her soaked jacket left on the bench beside her, the heavy material doing nothing to keep her warm.
looking up at the dark sky, without the street lamps or general light pollution from hive city’s many buildings left her with a sense of foreboding. it was a heavy weight on her shoulders, a warning that rang distressingly in the back corners of her mind. it was apparently also a new moon tonight, as not even the soft glow of the moon was provided to the city below.
it was starting to get cold, enough so that she could see her breath in front of her when she exhaled. for once, she thanked the creator that she was incapable of getting physically ill. in a situation like this, it would be like adding insult to injury. 
literal injuries, too. her hands were still scrapped to hell from her escape from the cafe, and while the gash on her brow had long since stopped it’s bleeding-- she could still feel the stiff skin there whenever she changed her expression, a silent reminder of just how powerless she was currently.
it was a scarier thought that she had been prepared for. imagine, death itself being scared of powerlessness. how quaint.
she was so absorbed in her thoughts that she hadn’t heard the man approach, even though he made no effort whatsoever in hiding his presence-- and she started slightly when a rather tall man with an umbrella hovering over his head suddenly came to a stop directly in front of her, seemingly looking down at her wordlessly.
however, his face was hidden by the deep shadows that the city-wide blackout helped provide now that night had fallen. she couldn’t see his expression, and could only get the vaguest of impression about his person-- only enough to note that he seemed to be wearing some sort of foreign uniform. almost like a butler’s suit, but not quite.
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she blinked up at him owlishly, a pout working its’ way onto her lips as she looked up at him-- her body leaning away from the stranger slightly, her mouth opening to ask him if he wanted something.
but before she could utter the words on the tip of her tongue, the man’s arm raised slightly-- and soft, dry material suddenly dropped onto her head.
she blinked in confusion as she raised a hand, pulling whatever the man had just given her off her dripping hair-- turning it over in her hands. it felt like a jumper, but it was hard to see without any source of light.
the man still didn’t say anything as he turned away from her and started back down the empty street, only the sound of a lighter flicking to life and his own footfalls over the gravel and glass filling the silence between the two.
grell poked her head out of the bus stop, watching him go.
when he disappeared from eyesight, his form once again disappearing into the deep shadows that cast themselves around her-- she looked back at the article of clothing in her lap, just... looking at it in confusion.
what had prompted him to lend this to her, exactly?
a faint blush raised to her cheeks, heating her cheeks as her hands gently separated the material-- her arms raising above her head as they wormed their way into the warm material. the jumper was a bit large on her, surprisingly enough. enough so that the sleeves half-covered her hands, and if she stood up it would undoubtedly fall to her mid-thigh.
bunching the material under her fingers, she tucked her chin into the warm collar; hiding her chilled face behind it as she tucked herself into a tight ball in what remained of the sweater, being careful to not allow herself to be under any of the broken ceiling.
“how unnecessary.”
she muttered the words under her breath, but a small smile had found itself on her lips as she looked up at the sky again. once this whole mess was fixed up, she would be sure to return the jumper to the man if she could find him. washed, of course.
she might even thank him, despite how ridiculously unneeded the gentlemanly gesture was. after all, she couldn’t even get sick-- the cold didn’t bother her much.
but as she sat there, resting her head against the cold plastic that had somehow remained upright during the earthquake-- she tucked herself a bit tighter into the jumper.
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“... warm.”
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
☆ !!
☆ - What made you start playing your muse?
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i actually started reading kuroshitsuji when i was still a kid, around? 13 or so, when i was really getting into anime and manga like the weeb i was born to be. anyway the jack the ripper arc really stuck with me bc well, ive always been into horror and gore and that sorta thing so i just absorbed it all like it was nbd, and when i read it i immediately fell in love with grell and even watched the anime solely so i could see her animated even if the anime is a giant disappointment in the portrayal area for her. im biased im sorry i hate the anime.
anyway, it wasn’t until i joined tumblr about... 4 or 5 years ago that i started rping after a while, and grell was my first canon muse that i’ve rped-- since before tumblr i was in oc forum rp groups and even used to rp on facebook back in the say as my shitty oc that i had that still brings me embarrassment to this day to think about
ive rped grell on and off since then, but this is the first time in a long time that ive felt her muse so strongly it’s such a nice sense of nostalgia my god.
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
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shout out to tumblr notifications for not showing up on my dash and not letting me know i had stuff in my inbox like yeah you’re not broken at all i hate this hellsite
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
Mun-Day Thingy
☆ : What made you start playing your muse?
♠ : What is the hardest thing about playing this muse?
☻ : What do you find easiest about playing this muse?
◊ : What's your favourite thing about your muse?
☺ : Favourite canon scene/chapter involving your muse?
Ψ : Canon scenes/chapters you can't stand to watch/read (because it's sad)?
♤ : Canon scenes/chapters you can't stand to watch/read (because it's badly written)?
Ж : What do you like best about RPing, in general?
▽ : Any RP pet peeves?
✿ : Anything you want to say about your muse's faceclaim?
פ : Any characters you'd like to RP with that are currently played by no one?
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
send one for my muse’s reaction to your muse ---
alternatively send ‘ + ‘ after the symbol for the roles to be reversed where possible !
✘ = hugging them . Δ = playing with their hair .  ❤ = kissing them .  ₪ = asking them out for dinner . ☀ = giving them a gift of ___ ( asker’s choice ) . ♘ = stabbing them . ♕ = bowing down before them . ♒ = lying to them .   ✿ = buying them flowers . ☾ = being found shirtless . ♢ = reading them a story . ☂ = giving them their jumper to keep warm . ✎ = speaking in a different language . ✏ = teaching them a different language . ▄ = telling them a joke . ♬ = singing to them . ☹ = insulting a loved one . ஐ = slapping them . ✂ = threatening them . ❃ = dancing with them . ▤ = falling asleep on them . ☮ = waking them up after a nightmare .  ♣ = discovering them crying .  回 = patching a wound .  ✮ = stargazing . ▓ = caught stealing their belongings . ☽ = wandering alone at night . ♡ = complimenting them . ≡ = offering a place to stay overnight . ☢ = falling over . ✦ = being well-dressed . ❂ = wiping blood off their face . ◎ = taking care of them while ill . ☁ = being caught in the middle a storm with them . ⇕ = holding their hand . ↱ = being lost with them . ☠ = pushing them against a wall .
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
Sᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ “Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ (...)”s. Tʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ‘ʏᴇs’ ᴏʀ ‘ɴᴏ’.
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
How's my portrayal? Leave an opinion in my inbox.
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
the life of a shinigami was a rather dull one, for the most part.
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born from the souls of humans who commit the ultimate act of betrayal against the creator who once breathed life into their bodies, they were reacted as immortal beings of death itself as punishment– forced to live out eternity watching the records of humans who pass by mostly normal means, and watch and review the pain and struggles that humans go through. until they are forgiven by the creator, they are forced to work hard to amend for their actions– forced to stay neutral between god and humans all the while.
a minority of shinigami struggled with it, but most shinigami did not– grell was no exception to the latter.
grell didn’t remember how she chose to kill herself in her past life, in fact she barely had any recollection of her days as a human. she just remembered that she had been born in the early sixteen hundreds, and her current form lead her to believe that she had taken her life somewhere in her twenties– but the reason behind it was lost to her.
it might just be because she chose not to remember, more than anything. after all, she felt no need to bring any memories from her past to the surface. some shinigami chose to remember, to commit the reason to memory for reasons that possibly only made sense to them. however, from what she had seen, doing this only ever brought pain to those who chose to do it.
she remembered alan, a rather solemn and calm boy that seemed to put the rules of being a shinigami above all else. but he had made a mistake during one of his retrieval missions– he had sympathized with the soul of a human he had been sent to collect. due to this, when the souls cinematic record had turned vengeful and fought against him; alan had been unable to remain neutral, allowing the soul to turn into thorns and take ahold of his heart– it was known as a disease called the thorns of death.
she had witnessed his frequent attacks multiple times in the office, and had heard about what had happened in the field when the disease overwhelmed him. due to this, he was rarely allowed to take on larger missions– despite his constant reassurance that he could.
she had promised herself to never become like him, to never be swayed by the emotions of a human being when it came time to collect them. and she had stood firm in this case, even when it came down to her beloved angelina– the woman she had risked her reputation as a shinigami on when grell had joined forces with her to become jack the ripper after the woman’s trauma of being left barren after an accident drove her to murdering sex workers who ultimately denied the need or want of a child when they came to the doctor for the termination of their fetus– to rid themselves of children that angelina could no longer have, but desperately wanted.
grell had sympathized with the woman, as she too could not have children with the body she possessed– but in the end, grell had killed the woman with her own hands once the entire situation became too boring for her to continue witnessing.
perhaps she had loved the woman, but grell had had enough of the entire facade when the woman’s nephew– the phantomhive brat– can become involved in investigating the murders under the queen’s order, and bought a demon a long with him for the ride.
it was no longer fun at the very end, and grell couldn’t find it in herself to care.
it was the same now, as she stood witness to what had become of hive city. the cries of those injured in the earthquake, and the screams of onlookers– nothing around her moved her heart.
she felt nothing as she looked around, yellow-green eyes taking in the amount of destruction around her with nothing more than cold indifference.
a familiar voice spoke up, however, and grell’s eyes immediately fell on the figure carefully stepping towards her. a small laugh left her as she sighed, lowering her hand from her brow to push her glasses back up the bridge of her nose– the bleeding had stopped by now, not that it mattered really.
she couldn’t die from blood loss anyway, but she loathed to stain her clothes any further than she already had– it was doing to be a pain in the ass to fix them as it were.
“’ello to you too, love. i take that to mean that things like these are normal around here? how frightening~”
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at the mention of looting a pair of shoes, grell’s gaze immediately fell upon mukuro’s bare feet– and she left out a low whistle. undoubtedly the other’s heels had been damaged during the earthquake, and it was only by luck that grell’s hadn’t suffered the same fate.
she was glad, she rather liked her heels.
however, now that she looked at mukuro without heels on, she was suddenly looking down on him. how cute was that?
“oh please, don’t let my presence stop you. go right ahead, i highly doubt anyone will miss them for a while as it is. however, darling, i must ask– what is one supposed to do in this type of scenario? i’m afraid that i’m not familiar with procedures proceeding an earthquake, london is rarely this exciting, you see.”
Hive City was hell, but that wasn’t new. Mukuro’d known that for quite some time now, actually. 
At the end of the wreckage, everything would be put back to normal. Until then, surviving would be the goal. There was no flood of opponents come to slay them, no vision of another world, so perhaps they didn’t have anything to contest yet. That didn’t mean much, seeing as the city itself was the hazard now.
Outside on the sidewalk had probably been the safest place when the earthquake hit. Mukuro’s gloves were scuffed and the palms torn by clawing zir way out of the chasm that had opened beneath zir feet and, wrestling with a zipper on zir broken boot that seemed determined to stick, ze wondered vaguely how many other surprises a quake like that had caused. Sector two was probably a nightmare. If one of the reactors leaked, it would mean death for the entire city.
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After a deep breath and a final jerk, the zipper gave. Ze pulled off the boot, eyed the broken shard where the heel had been, and tossed it bitterly down the opened chasm. So much for that. It would be hell to traverse this wreck barefoot, but the boutique was nearby, and ze doubted that it mattered if ze borrowed a pair of shoes after this.
The sudden darkness felt claustrophobic and Mukuro’s head throbbed. Ze managed to avoid broken glass while ze stood and maneuvered around the edge of the chasm, careful for any crumbling cement, and made zir way closer to the shops that lined the road. They seemed to have been hit the worst, which only made the thought of other sectors more foreboding–the skyscrapers in the first, the chemical holdings in the second? The packed, crumbling buildings of the third? The fifth was probably the least of the damage. 
Ze ached for a cigarette suddenly. Might as well drown out the toxins with more pleasant poison, right? The idea of lighting a spark seemed a little too risky, though, so instead ze reached for zir gum to wash the taste of blood and grit out of zir mouth.
While ze stood, contemplating zir next move, one of the shops swayed and a tenement collapsed, taking half of the roof with it. It was days like these that Mukuro was glad ze didn’t have a heroic bone in zir body.
At least there was one familiar figure. Moving gingerly to avoid debris, Mukuro limped across the road towards Grell. “Welcome to Hive City,” ze drawled. “Pardon me while I loot myself a pair of shoes.”
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
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so ima set the non-event threads on the back burner for now since im kinda drawing a blank on them atm but once the event is over ill get on them right away
please feel free to nag my ass about it bc i will forget
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
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“If we’re gonna die, might as well go with some mood music.”
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
grell was making her way out a cafe after having just finished her dinner when the tremors hit, knocking her back several feet from the door as the floor beneath her shook violently-- causing her to stumble, her hand slamming down on one of the tables nearest to her to steady herself.
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displays and plates toppling to the ground all around her as the tremors roared through the shopping district-- the sound of glass shattering barely reached her ears as the ceiling cracked loudly in warning-- it was going to collapse.
spitting out a curse, grell moved from her spot-- her momentum carrying her through the now ruined door, the material of her gloves and pants tearing as she skidded over broken glass and pieces of debris before being able to finally find her balance again-- her heels scrapping against the pavement as she came to a stop before entering the street itself, balanced precariously on the edge of the curb. 
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there was so much screaming, it was hard to think. however, she cursed again as she felt blood dripping from her fingers, and several places on her body-- there was a deafening crash behind her as the roof of the small cafe finally gave, concrete all crashing to the ground in what seemed to be a single moment.
there were people inside still, but she couldn’t do anything about that as she was now. instead, she stumbled away from the edge of the curb, grimacing at the mess her palms had become.
but, i’ve had wor-
the thought was short lived as a building directly across the narrow street exploded into flames, and she whipped around in surprise just as the explosion sent debris and glass shooting out from the inferno-- and grell wasn’t fast enough to evade this time, and a piece of debris slammed into her head-- knocking her onto her back as people around her started screaming all over again, scattering in their panic.
she felt feet slam into her back and legs as people tripped over her, and grunted at each blow-- curling into a ball and putting her hands over her head to protect it from potential damage.
there was a voice coming from... somewhere, but grell could barely hear it over the noise of the mob above her.
[ what would.. do.. strings were cut? one day.. may be able.. experience true free will. ]
she stopped listening as another individual stomped on her legs, causing a fresh flare of pain to ripple through her-- a short cry leaving her lips unintentionally, but was quickly drowned out.
it had been a long time since she had experienced pain from something as simple as this. her invulnerability had clearly been locked away, like she had thought-- or rather, feared.
she truly was almost human at this point, how disgusting.
it felt like forever until people stopped stepping on her in their panic, and she opened her eyes slowly.
her ears were ringing painfully from the explosion, and she groaned as she lowered a hand to the side of her head; feeling the warm sticky liquid dripping from a gash on her forehead through her gloves. she let out another quiet curse as she stumbled to her feet, spitting out the blood that had collected in her mouth at some point onto the ground.
she must have bitten the inside of her cheek.
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she looked around, a hand pressing against the gash on her brow to attempt to slow the bleeding; yellow-green eyes looking around her. all this death and destruction, and she still didn’t see the hint of a single shinigami, which lead to finally come to terms with the thought she had had when that other building-- the schnee one, or whatever-- had gone up in flames.
the individuals that died here, no one was allowed to enter in order to retrieve their souls-- which would explain the accumulation of spirits in gamma. she wasn’t even sure if any branch of the dispatch society was aware of this places’ existence.
and not even grell, one of the only shinigami in this place, was able to do her job. and knowing undertaker, he would only make it worse if he was capable. 
that meant that the souls lost to the earthquake would most likely dim and rot away into nothing but shadows of their previous selves, and turn into vengeful spirits-- and probably just haunt the place until they either disappeared or absorbed each other.
well, that was fine. she hated doing overtime anyway.
getting up from the ground slowly, she dusted her self off the best she could without using her palms-- unwilling to stain her pants with any more blood than what had already seeped into the material. her face was warm from the fires along the streets, and the air around her smelled of toxic smoke.
“ahhh, bloody hell. william is going to scold me if he learns about this.”
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
grell had no idea why she felt the urge to even help the other in the first place, after all she wasn’t really the most caring individual in the first place-- that is, unless someone caught her interest enough. and she had to say, this stranger had.
honestly, as shallow as it sounded it probably had to do with the fact that the other was quite good looking. she always had a weakness for that sort of thing, something that she tended to not think about out of ignorance. she didn’t really care, one way or the other, but the slight clarity in the other’s eyes when she first pressed the grounding stone into his palm made her cheer up a bit.
being here was hard for her, in short. it was a long way from home, and she was surrounded by useless humans and rather undesirable individuals-- or at least that seemed to be how it was, considering the phantomhive brat seemed to be here if sebastian’s presence was any clue to that being true, and even undertaker was here. she was surrounded by demons and traitors, and there was no indication that ronald or even william would be joining her here any time soon.
perhaps she was feeling lonely, and a bit homesick.
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after all, even if the dispatch society was strict beyong all measures regarding it’s employees-- at least she had a bed there. here, she had nothing of any important note. of course she had managed to land herself a job, which was a given considering how talented she was at well-- everything.
but she couldn’t help but feel some sort of absence in her chest-- her heart felt heavy and cold, and she hated it. even if she was death itself, she still liked to feel alive-- as ironic as that was, considering.
she hated feeling this weak, both emotionally and physically.
her attention snapped back to the stranger as he spoke, the shinigami watching as he pulled his jacket a bit closer to him. perhaps he had finally noticed the slight chill of the evening air? it didn’t bother grell in the slightest, though that might be attesting to the fact that she was wearing several layers of warm clothing-- which was mostly due to the cold, dreary weather that often plagued london specifically.
it was never fun to be cold on a retrieval mission, even if she was incapable of actually getting sick from exposure it still wasn’t enjoyable.
she let out a soft giggle at his words, a faint blush dotting her cheeks-- something that wouldn’t be visible in the darkness, which she was glad for. she placed a hand on her hip, cocking it to the side slightly as she pointedly looked him up and down.
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“i’ll have you know that i’m lovely company to keep, darling~”
there was a movement out of the corner of her eyes, and she turned her head towards the source of the movement-- glaring at a grey after image that was several meters away, but seemed to be looking at the pair of them. soon enough, other figures followed the other’s lead-- leaning out of walls and alley’s to eye the two of them.
however, they didn’t approach. not yet, anyway. they simply... hovered, and watched.
it disgusted her. vultures, the lot of them.
looking at the other with a small smile, she gestured to the other in a way that indicated that she wanted to link arms with the other-- figuring that even with the other’s grounding stone, the other probably didn’t have any sort of ward on him-- unlike grell.
she was glad that howlite had a certain range of effectiveness, so to speak. perhaps she would attempt to locate any that may be hiding in the local stores of hive city?
looking up at him, noticing for the first time that he stood a couple of inches taller than her despite her heels-- aaah, it seemed that she was starting to take a liking to this one. how cute.
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“shall we head up then?”
Something felt surreal suddenly about the encounter. The ease with which the stranger spoke, the bright clash of them, all pales and crimsons, against the dark, the crooning drawl of their voice, the chance that a stranger would pass by and take such keen interest and the way they looked at Mukuro as though they were noticing something ze hadn’t meant to display. Ze wished ze’d opted for a cigarette rather than chewing gum.
Their words didn’t feel quite real, either. Mukuro paused, waiting for an echo, but none came; if it was what they’d actually said, then, what an odd remark to make. In Mukuro’s experience, spirits could always hurt you.
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Another day, ze would have given at least a hint of warning at their approach, but rather ze watched, still puzzled. It felt real, but the oddness of their encounter made even that suspect. Sometimes zir mind felt more complicated than it ever ought to be.
Always suspect a stranger’s gift. Never accept a spirit’s. Those were simple rules. Nonetheless, Mukuro peered down at the stone, wondering at how pleasant its smooth weight was in zir palm, and peered through zir lashes back at the stranger’s face. They didn’t exhibit any signs of treachery, not that that was a guarantee that they weren’t actually some sort of malevolent haunting. 
But ze felt at least a little clearer. For the first time, ze noticed that the air was cool on zir face, and tugged zir jacket a little tighter. “Actually…”
Zir fingers played with the stone, rolling it against the leather. It looked as though it was absorbing the faint light that was offered. Ze should have handed it back, but ze liked it. That in itself was probably a warning. 
Mukuro did like to live on the edge. And besides, ze felt better already. Hopefully whatever potency they’d mentioned was a good thing. “That sounds like a wonderful idea for a terrible night, and sector six is always better with company.”
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
when the other didn’t reply to her words after a short moment, grell tilted her head-- peering at him a bit more closely. his eyes seemed somewhat unfocused, and grell considered for a moment that perhaps he was drunk. however, when he spoke, she decided that perhaps there was something a little deeper going on with the stranger.
he seemed spacey, perhaps he was being overwhelmed by the amount of spirits floating about? what a pity.
smiling slightly at his words, she gave a bit of a laugh-- shaking her head as she shrugged. she seemed to be the very definition of ‘at ease’, despite having been completely surrounded by ghosts mere moments before.
“i hold no fear nor pity for spirits, monsieur. they can’t hurt you unless you let them, after all.”
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looking him over again, grell debated with herself for a moment. her gloved hand slipped into her pocket, fingertips gently brushing over the stones inside-- and she gave the other a thoughtful look, a small frown pulling at the corners of her lips.
it was a good thing for him that he was handsome, otherwise grell probably wouldn’t have even bothered to consider what she was about to do.
“tell you what, love.”
she pulled one of the stones from her pocket-- making sure to look it over as she did. it was hematite, something she had picked up at a shop in germany during her short visit there with william to speak with the shinigami stationed here. william had asked her when she had come to be such a fool to believe in such things, but grell gave no mind to his words. the stones worked for her on a number of occasions prior, and even for william-- though he was utterly unaware of it.
she took small, slow steps closer to the other before reaching out-- and gently took his own gloved hand in her own, uncurling his fingers before placing the small gemstone in the center of his palm, putting her hand over his to that his fingers curled back around the grounding stone.
“hold onto this for me, will you? i think it might do you some good, especially in this place. oh, but perhaps put it somewhere where it will touch your skin directly-- it’s more potent that way.”
dropping his hand, grell took a step back-- giving the other a small wink.
“and to answer your question regarding following my own advice, i was headed to the park in sector six. it’s a bit more accommodating than here, non?”
there was a pause, as she considered her next words. humming quietly, she tucked her hands behind her back, as if suddenly unsure.
“care to join me for a bit? it might help clear your head, so to speak.”
There was more than one reason that Mukuro didn’t like zir apartment. Between three strangers for roommates and sharing both the kitchen and living area, the fact that the district was haunted (a nightmare in and of itself, though ze refused to admit it–six afterlives in hell had a tendency to leave an impression), and horrible water pressure, it was the last place ze wanted to be. On the bright side, ze could leave in the evening and return in the morning, skipping the haunting hours entirely, but this was quite the hopping criminal area at night and Mukuro did loathe missing anything important.
As a result, ze tried to roam at least now and again, even if it made sweat prickle on zir spine and zir knuckles white under zir gloves to catch the sound or the sense of something not quite alive. This wasn’t a place for the living anymore, which probably was why the scientists had put a district here to begin with. Quite the little experiment, and ze could wring all of their necks for it. 
(They’ll grant the house in the fourth sector soon. Relax.)
It was difficult to relax when every flicker at the corner of zir vision seemed to morph into something monstrous and ze felt as though hell was about to break into the world to reclaim zir at any moment. Another step and ze might be in the clutches of something borne out of death.
Ze really needed to have a drink before walking Gamma at night. Now that was an idea.
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It was perhaps a bad sign that the sight of a corporeal person was in itself suspect, at least for a moment. A hallucination, a spirit, or a fellow cittazen (not that any of these were mutually exclusive, come to think of it)? After a brief moment of checking just how deeply ze might have fallen into zir own mind, ze settled for person. They weren’t wailing or clawing at Mukuro’s good eye, which was a good indication.
“That I’ve noticed,” ze hummed, perhaps a little drily. Had ze waited a beat too late to respond, processing the words and making sure they weren’t imagined? Hoping a little sensation would help solidify reality, ze popped a stick of gum into zir mouth. “It’s the witching hour, after all. Oya, why not take your own advice?”
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dxusmortxm-blog · 9 years
she guessed that having opted to get a job while she stayed in hive city had been a good idea after all-- though that was mostly due to the paycheck she received for her efforts.
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the dispatch society didn’t give out paychecks, so to speak, but the shinigami that resided there did have anything they really needed-- if they sent in a formal request, of course.
that was how grell had started designing clothes in the first place, though it had started as a hobby at first. she had always been gifted when it came to the arts, be it acting or even sewing and drawing. she had discovered this by accident during her first years as a trainee-- having had more downtime in the evening than she had later on, once she was actively a part of the retrieval division. 
of course, the dispatch had a rather strict dress code-- but grell had long since ignored it. she had realized that it was more a guideline than anything, after all she had yet to be punished for violating it. of course, william would lecture her about her attire from time to time-- but he had given up after a while.
she never really considered the possibility that she would be in a boutique, actively creating and making the designs she had started sketching out out of boredom.
now, however, she held a pencil between two perfectly manicured fingers-- the eraser tapping lightly on her bottom lip as she looked down at the design she had been working on for about an hour now-- but there was something missing from it, and she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.
looking around the shop, she spotted a girl she hadn’t really spoken to before-- and even grell had to admit that she was kinda cute, in a way. the pink hair was a nice aesthetic.
making up her mind, she stood up-- going over to where the girl was busy with what grell assumed was her own work-- it was none of her business either way.
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“’cuse me, love. but could i get your opinion on something?”
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