dyzie7754 · 2 years
!!! I'm so glad to see you're back!!! I'm honestly so proud of you for wanting to try and pick back up with writing, it's a hard thing to do and you can very easily burn yourself out so please take care of yourself and don't feel pressured to produce anything huge, lovely <3 saying that, I eagerly await read the next installment of the king's omega, I've only recently gotten back into reading fanfic and was thinking about yours :) love ya, can't wait to see what you produce next <3
This was Soo incredibly awesome to log in and see thank you so much. I'm literally so close to tears.
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dyzie7754 · 3 years
I'm going to repost this so that I can fix it and find it more easily. It is not updated!
Since I have a little more variety of stories on my page, here is a Master-List thus far. Everything that has a * I am currently writing or adding to and should be out shortly. Otherwise, check out my Supernatural Smut on Wattpad, or send me requests. I write a lot, so check back often!
   My Wayward Sons: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6
   Damaged Goods****
  For the love of pie *****
  Don’t Stop My Rock N’ Roll ****
  Bruises *****
  All This Time: Part 1, Part 2
   The Demons In Me ****
   Sex-Mas Eve *****
   A Bad Idea ****
   Lean On Me ****
Sam and Dean
          Mini- series:
         Solutions (sequel to Decisions-Sam)***
          Avoidance (sequel to Decisions-Dean)***
     Our Princess****
      The King’s Omega: Part 1, Part 2,  Part 3, Part 4
  The Devil’s in the Details
   Little Freak
   My Virgin Sacrifice
   My Tattered Wings*****
       Spread Your Wings …and Your Legs
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dyzie7754 · 3 years
I'd still like to
I will add you then! (:
0 notes
dyzie7754 · 3 years
I just recently found your The King's Omega series and I am obsessed!! May I be added to the taglist?
Absolutely if you still would want to
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dyzie7754 · 3 years
Hi, I'm really enjoying the King's Omega series. I was wondering if I could be added to the tag list? Thank you for all the stories you write.
Yes if you'd still like to be
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dyzie7754 · 3 years
Can you add me to the king's omega taglist?
Yes if you'd still like
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dyzie7754 · 3 years
Hi guys! Geez I haven't been on Tumblr in a hot minute. To catch you all up. My health has been really bad for a long time. Something I don't want to get into, and I haven't had the energy or the want to keep up with my story-telling. But recently I have decided to try.
I hope to be welcomed back and to slowly start to build back my fans. I hope you all can understand. I wish you all much love ❤️
That being said..
If you like my writing and just want to read more of that, I have two other series on Wattpad, 'The Alphas' Rules' and 'Panther Bait' that are not SPN related that could use support.
If you are here for 'The King's Omega' or other SPN related content- that should be picking up once I update my master list and re edit some of the grammar.
The Alphas' Rules Extract: (Also available on ireader)
Years of captivity and experimentation could do so much to one's soul. It could leave them broken, it could kill everything human in them leaving only...a monster.
Kaptyre and Kreatyre have managed to kept their lives living by four rules, so they're not exactly keen on dropping them.
1. The only people they can trust is each other.
2. The enemy of your enemy is still your enemy.
3. A cold bed is better than a bleeding back.
4. The experiments didn't change them.
Their scars were proof of this.Their life stories etched into their skin as a breathing reminder. Their coyote spirits broken, constantly aggressive, and often times barely hidden behind false smiles and pleasantries. That was until they sat down in front of a certain little journalist, for the first time in years, their beasts were almost unbearable, itching to be closer, to see her, sniff her, burrow deep inside her until she couldn't do anything but whimper in please their teeth in her throat as they rutted out their orgasms.
Harper was all too interested to sit and interview these mysterious Alpha Shifters. News had just broke that a new Shifter pack was settling near Spokane, her hometown, and she was all too ready for the challenge the story would give her. Her boss at Speaking for Spokane was finally relenting and letting her do a story on her own. That's what she was nervous about. Not the two dangerously delicious men in front of her. Absolutely not.
The way they looked at her, made her quiver. The oxygen in the room non-existent as she sits across from them. They looked comically large in her little office chairs, but if they growled at her one more time, she wouldn't be responsible for her actions. Story be damned.
Panther Bait Extract: (Wattpad exclusive atm)
Niva Brax lay curled in her bed, way after her alarm went off. Snuggling herself deeper into her covers and closer to sleep was the only goal she had set in her mind this morning. After all, it had been a rough couple of days.
Training had increased in both length and technique, the instructors were readying the trainee soldiers for the upcoming days. Trainee placement missions were coming up, and all instructors were busy trying to figure out where everyone belonged and ways they needed to prove themselves. The obvious choice was simple in a shifters mind: train them until they crack, soothe them a bit, and ship 'em where they belong. It wasn't as unforgiving as it seemed. Panthers held high regards for their fellow pack members, but everything had a place, an order, and a reason. The world could be quite cruel otherwise, especially where shifters were concerned.
The High Council of shifters, a group that had united to help ease the differences between different species of shifters a few hundred years ago, had finally in recent years announced the official existence of shifters. News that had taken the human world by storm. One minute everyone was human, then next there was tigers, lions, and bears everywhere you looked.
Niva honestly couldn't blame the humans for being scared originally, no body wants to see your family and friends become a animal. The thought alone would have probably been a nightmare for the average person.
The human government and the Council quickly got to work trying to smooth over the tension between species. Obviously suspecting an outbreak of war, a treaty was drafted and peace made among the wary groups. The Outreach to Humans and Shifters, or OHS movement was launched shortly thereafter, rumored to be the brilliant thinking of some Councilman's daughter.
The group fought laws that segregated against humans or shifters rights, gave forward thinking to pack laws, and even listed local connection numbers for questions on shifters, packs, etc. The group had been a huge success in more ways than one, having succeeded in bringing together shifters in general.
It's not that shifters were out for each other's throats, really. But between all the groups held tension, thick and heavy. Whose claws were sharpest, whose women were prettiest, whose lands were greener or more abundant? These were the questions that tore groups apart.
Niva could have scoffed at the idea, all animals were beyond beautiful to the Goddess, so why did it matter if they were coyote, wolf, bear, panther, lion, or tiger? Why did the differences make deep caverns of hurt that should have been the glue to hold their kinds together?
Regardless of these ill thoughts, she was beyond sore and tired. Her mind steadily trying to reach for the sleep that was just beyond her grasp, a feat that was proving all but impossible. If she could only turn her brain off, Niva was certain she could have slept for a year or two easy, but alas, Panthers didn't hibernate. She almost laughed at her stupid joke, but in that next second she heard footsteps from the hallway that were rapidly approaching her room.
No, not yet. Please, not yet, She thought through a sleep deprived haze.
"Niva! Get your lazy, inconsiderate butt up before you miss training!" Her mother yelled at her, burreling into her room with force and feline grace. Ripping the covers from her body, her mother leaned over Niva's stretched out form.
Her mother stood tall, peering over her in the dim morning light. Although Niva's mother was lanky, she was still a force to be reckoned with. Long brown hair that cascaded down her shoulders, fierce blue eyes that seemed to hold electricity, and tan skin that could make the Goddess jealous. All these features may have made Niva's mother a beautiful woman, but they also made her incredibly dangerous. Her looks were merely camouflage for the animal under her skin.
Niva groaned, rubbing her eyes half-heartedly, "I think every solider deserves a birthday break, Mom."
"Not on their sixteenth birthday they don't! And most certainly not on the day a certain someone's group is going on their placement missions!" She growled down at Niva, but continued when Niva didn't move, "Your father, brothers, and I have all been trainee soldiers, Niva. It is a privilege to go on any mission, especially your first. Now up!" Her mother said sternly, and proceeded to roll her out if her bed. Literally.
Niva barely had enough time and reflex skills to land on her hands and knees and not her face. She starred up at her mom with disbelief, "Mom!" she screeched.
Her mother just laughed. "Go before you're any later, and I would suggest you shift so it's faster."
Niva finally sighed, giving up. She hugged her mother tightly, breathing in her smell and feeling her heart tightened at the mother-daughter bond of their panthers.
These were the bonds that held shifters together. Whether by blood, love, or faith in the Goddess. Every shifter was connected through this magical unseen forces that held their spirits together. Mates, families, all individual bonds, all individual stories, and all equally as important. These bonds were especially a core element of packs, all bonded to the members and the members to the Akú and Konta, the panther equivalent to Alpha and Luna that the wolves loved to use.
Rogues were different though. They had for whatever reason cute ties with their packs, whether they be feline or canine, wolf or bear, they had turned their backs to their origin. Sometimes it was enough to make a shifter feral, lethal. Other times, it made them weaker, and even fewer than that lived happily.
How lonely they must be.
Finally Niva reached down to grab her bag of extra clothes, and training supplies, shaking these thoughts from her head. Running down the stairs, she headed for the door. When she hit the doorway, she shifted, feeling the magic overtake her.
When her body had settled, she was in her panther form. She took a couple seconds to steady herself then rose to start shaking off the scraps of clothes around her. Finished she clutched the bag of clothes in her teeth, and jumped off the porch with panther grace.
Landing softly on her paws,Niva began to run into the forest, towards the training grounds. Her black, shiny fur glistening in a blur at her fast pace. The dark leaves of the trees were a moving green wall to her sides.
It was nice to run in the forest. It was nice to feel free and be at one with her inner animal. Climbing trees and hurdling fallen logs with ease, was just what nature intended.
Laughing in her mind, Niva hopped from branch to branch. Her panther making it easy to hop from each tree as she felt the joy of just being one with the woods.
She finally made it to the large meadow in the middle of the thick forest where pack held their training sessions. The meadow was far enough from Pack house and civilians so there were no "accidents".
Large workout equipment, obstacle courses, and various ends of training materials littered the field. All of which were designed to blend in mostly to the surrounding scenery. The field looked as if someone has sculpted equipment from natural wood and rock. All members of Pack, dominant or submissive, alpha, beta, omega had to have at least basic training. But it was the solider training field where blood was shed, where limits were pushed.
This is where Niva belonged. Her heart strings tugging at the pride she felt as a solider, to protect those around her.
Soldiers of the pack had to push themselves to their breaking points and back again. Pack was love and life, the very heart of a solider. Every member, mate, woman, child, and man needed and deserved protection.
Niva skidded to a halt in front of the teacher. Gregory Edwards-Brax, or Greg, as he preferred to be called, the training coordinator and her brother's mate, looked down at her with amusement in his green eyes.
"Alarm clock malfunction, Niva?" He chuckled.
Niva made a noise in her throat to sound her agreement, but stood still, waiting for her orders.
Greg nodded, and his voice went stern. "Go change. Then you can go on your mission," he added a bit of humor to that last bit, probably realizing how excited she was.
Niva nodded and bounced off happily towards a tree to shift and change. Nudity wasn't frowned upon by shifters as a general rule. When you were constantly shifting from a very young age, you kind of got used to the shredding of clothes and showing off your private bits. Especially a solider. Saving a life meant more than slight embarrassment.
Even still-with raging teenage hormones?
Niva changed behind the trees for now. She didn't want to scratch a Shifter's eyes out if they looked at her wrong. That probably wouldn't look good on her performance scores.
Clinton woke up to a pounding at his door. He tried to ignore it, feeling exhausted after the late patrol and all the paperwork he had done into the wee hours of the morning. One of the least favorable parts of being an alpha was the work that came with it. Running a legitimate business to fund pack needs, running the pack, hell, even being in a pack, was a lot. Not that he didn't enjoy it. But it would be nice to have someone to lessen the burden a bit.
Sure he had his enforcers, who took a big chunk of his work off his plate, but the delicate things they wouldn't touch.
"This is not work for elite warriors, Akú," Nañi had told him as she read out some of the duties he had tried to pawn off to her and her younger sister, Ziba.
"Do we look like we know a thing about helping out at the senior quarters?" Ziba chipped in with a grimace, following that expression with a visible wince when she read the next line, "Or the nursery wards?"
Yeah, that wasn't a fond memory. Both women had looked at him as if he had grown six limbs that day. He had to admit, he knew it wouldn't fly, regardless if he ordered it or not. The Marston sisters, even with their tall bodies, hazel eyes and blonde hair, were nothing but brute strength and tactical war planning. They weren't nor probably ever going to be able to do that.
He glanced at the clock and groaned. Five thirty? He sent up a silent prayer at first, hoping that whoever was at his door had ignited into flames...and for about thirty seconds his prayer was heard.
There was that fucking pounding again.
He rolled of his king size bed and crossed the room in a single stride. Throwing open the door with a loud bang, he growled down at his beta, his best friend in the world, his second in command, "What the actual fuck do you want, Maverick?" He said irritably.
The man on the other side of the doorway looked at his state of bed ridden clothes and snickered at him.
The bastard.
Clinton growled warningly at his beta to get on with it. "I mean it, Mav, it better be fucking good."
"Temper, temper, my friend," came his sarcastic reply, but in the next breath he seemed to find his manners, "Akú, there are rogues on the southern border."
Clinton stared at Maverick, he was tall but not as tall as Clinton's six foot six inches. Mav was well-toned for a solider, and had black hair with black eyes to match. Complimented with a very cocky attitude. If they hadn't been friends since diapers, that same attitude would have been extremely irritating. Hell. It still was.
"Rogues? Are they impeding into the territory?" Clinton was skeptical that any rogue would dare enter his territory. He would make any rogue pay if they so much thought about it.
"They're close enough, besides the new soldiers are running missions today," Mav stated crossing his arm.
"Well hell, Mav. They're soldiers, they can handle it," Clinton's voice was unworried. The newbies would have to fight them sooner or later anyways, and he was tired. So damn tired. Just a few more hours before he started his day.
"In human form,Alpha?" Mav asked, sounding skeptical.
Clinton's inner beast's ears flexed. He could fill the other part of him grow wary for the newbies facing these rogues. A fierce wave of protection came over him, and he could almost feel his eyes switch to the bright gold of his panther.
He let out a low growl, "let's go."
The King's Omega: (Tumblr exclusive)
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dyzie7754 · 4 years
AHHHH THE SNEAK PEAK IS SO G O O D. I seriously can't want for some more of my fav Crowley fic ❤
I am humbled haha. If I get done with my school stuff, I will post the chapter. I think it's definitely going to be kind of a unexpected turn so to speak. But with everything I'm just happy it's been as well received. 😊😊
Much love and thank you so much! 💖
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dyzie7754 · 4 years
Just dropping by to shower you in thanks for writing the King’s Omega. Seriously. Like- it gives me warm fuzzy feelings. The amount of thirst I have for that man- I guess you could say it’s supernatural. But I won’t. 😉 bless you for creating it. Be still my fangirl heart. Love!
🙀 thank you so much ❤️❤️ much love!
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dyzie7754 · 4 years
The King’s Omega- *Sneak Peak*
The King's Omega- *Sneak Peak*
Sorry... too much spongebob on quarantine....
Enjoy?  Let me know if your excited!
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As Y/n's scream echoed from behind the closet door, Sam and Dean looked at each other worriedly.
"Fuck," Dean uttered before slamming into the heavy oak door with his body, Sam following suit.
Several minutes passed as the door began to splinter, but wouldn't give at all. Their shoulders were beginning to ache.
"What are these doors even made of. This is not normal!" Sam exclaims, hunched over himself tiredly.
Dean says nothing to focused on getting Y/n out of the closet. Even if he huffed himself into exhaustion, what was more frightening is the thought that-Y/n, an omega in full heat was behind the door possibly sick or ill from the effects. He couldn’t even hear what Sam was going on about as he thrust his body over and over again against the door that just wasn’t breaking.
“Dean!” Sam yelled right into his ear.
“What, Sam?” Dean replied with more irritability and volume then he intended.
“You’re going to break your shoulder!”
“It’ll fucking heal!” Dean yelled back, and looked at the door again as the screams stopped. “Hold on, Y/n, I’m coming!”  he called to the door, and started the process of hitting it all again.
 Dean was so preoccupied with the door and Y/n, he completely missed Sam’s look of worry and the knowing sadness behind his eyes. But to be honest, Sam didn’t think Dean gave a damn about what he thought at this point, and as much as he hated it...Dean was right.
They had to get to Y/n.
tags below::
@superheavymetalunicorn​ , @me-han10​ , @ragweed98​ , @gettinjoyful @puddinsgal007​ , @willowtighe, @thefrozencoelacanth​ , @roxydavenport​ , @blog-stephaniewolff-stuff , @ooreginaserpentiumoo , @toxicobsenity , @afanofmanystuffs​ , @the-unicorn-of-potatoes​ , @nifflerandwheretofindit , @kitten-undercover-x​ , @ladyhawk4133​ , @happydog00​ , @thatonegirljessy99​ , @pancakebunny​ @seirensou​ , @penguin-lord​ , @rheawinchester​ , @liamakorn​ , @fuschiarulerinthebluebox​ , @thewildomega, @snow-leopardfetishist , @fangasm202 , @kdfrqqg​ , @fangirlforever​ , @that-theater-techie-from-kc , @latishiante1001​ , @shelbyrose1989​ , @daughterofthebrowncoats , @dragiat414​ , @laneygthememequeen​ , @ethekitchenator​ @meghan-brannon @musicalsharpiewhiskers​ @nerdandthebeauty​ , @fake-text-imagines, @noone-girl1980 , @happyslittlekitten , @lol-you-thought​ , @joyfullyunivsersallycollectorme , @helplessly-nonstop​ , @just-gotta-be-me-blog​ , @everlywriting , @darknessfaerieofmoonlight​ , @legitgirl15​ , @ts4y-4ss-colors , @doewhisper-of-windclan​ , @pinkykayley​
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dyzie7754 · 4 years
So the next King's Omega chapter is in progress, but I wanted some opinions. I think this chapter is speaking to me as a different sort of way. The storybook is switching viewpoints, and I hope this is received well by you guys.
So my question is: do you guys trust this storybook?
As always, Much love! 💖
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dyzie7754 · 5 years
Hi, I love your writing and the kings omega! I was wondering if I could be added in the tags? Please and thank you!!!
Sure will put you in. Much love! 💖
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dyzie7754 · 5 years
hii could i please be added to you tag list for the kings omega? i love you work sm please dont stop writing :)
Well thank you so much for the compliment. Yes, I'll add you to the list. Much love! 💖
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dyzie7754 · 5 years
Hey, hun, just making sure you’re okay. ♥️
Not really... Just going through a lot of mental crap and severe writers block, CAPS ANON. Though I should be back before you know it. Much love! Thanks for checking on me. 💖
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dyzie7754 · 5 years
King's omega taglist!!!
I will be updating the King's Omega taglist in the sneak peak later today! Therefore any account I cannot link to will be cut from the tags. I hope you all understand, the tag list is getting quite long (and although I'm not quite closing it) I do want to make sure it's accurate for those who want to be there and those who have moved on.
If you have changed usernames please let me know.
As always, much love! And I hope you all enjoy! 💖
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dyzie7754 · 5 years
Hey! I was wondering if I could possibly be added to your King's Omega tag list? I found it at 7am and just layed here binge reading the whole thing. Needless to say it's probably my favorite series I've read!
Sure can do! You will be added. Also, happy to hear you enjoyed it so much. Binging sucks though when you gotta wait a bit for the next part. 🙃 Much love! 💖
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dyzie7754 · 5 years
Hey I just discovered your King’s Omega story and I absolutely love it may I please be added to the list I can’t wait to read more
Awe thanks so much. I appreciate the support, also yes I will add you. Much love ! 💖
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