e-------c · 2 years
Eduard Neuenschwander – Einfamilienhaus Im Binzen
1969, Gockhausen (CH)
via #1, #2
© Heinrich Helfenstein
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e-------c · 2 years
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e-------c · 3 years
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Words matter. Framing matters. Hold the media accountable. Don’t repeat their talking points.
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e-------c · 3 years
Dear friends,
As many of you know, I live in Kyiv, which is the capital of Ukraine.
8 years ago, my country was invaded by Russia. They annexed part of our territory and have been de-facto controlling another part. Thousands of people have been killed. Around 1,5 million became internally displaced - i.e. had to flee their homes to other parts of Ukraine.
For all these 8 years, other countries have mostly led the policy of appeasement. Turning the blind eye to these actions, sometimes pressuring Ukraine to keep quiet and not disrupt their comfort.
Now russia has gathered an unprecedented military force along its and Belarus's border with Ukraine. They are threatening a full scale outright invasion. In case with Russia, that usually includes deliberate strikes on civilian targets as well. They want to have their "sphere of influence" in Eastern Europe and do not tolerate our real sovereignty and democracy. It is caused by russian fascist imperialism and nothing else, no matter what "arguments" they come up with to excuse their actions.
The situation is getting increasingly more and more dire every hour.
I have receieved a few messages offering some kind of help. I ask, urge you all to spread the awareness of what is happening. Look into ways to pressure your governments into sanctioning russia/its oligarchs, officials and those close to them. THIS is what is needed the most. This is what can potentially save millions of lives.
Thank you for reading. I have made some great friends on this platform, so thank you guys for all the great time we have had talking to each other.
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e-------c · 3 years
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Cover art for Vrauss's "Jungle City: instrumentals" by Eduardo Caballero
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e-------c · 4 years
Positioning gayness as white is literally classic homophobia and racism and yet this website does it all the damn time
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e-------c · 4 years
i’ve been neglecting my blog for the past couple weeks because of introspection (due to the lockdown) and the social movements happening atm. i’ve been more active on instagram (@vrauss) sharing info and updates on these two topics, so go ahead and give me a follow if you’re interested.
i will not be coming back on tumblr for a moment - everything popping up on my feed i’ve already seen or is a regurgitation of things that have been presented before. i think the newest, boldest, most ambitious, and most important things are happening right now in front of our eyes and come in the form of social awakening and reform.
here’s more info on BLM and other movements worldwide: https://blacklivesmatters.carrd.co/
one can also research, learn, speak up about problems happening locally, in one’s own country or city.
don’t just keep it online. speak up. there’s power in our voices and in the interactions outside of the virtual realm.
stay safe.
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e-------c · 4 years
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New York City, 1959
Vivian Maier
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e-------c · 4 years
reminder that this blog, while not politically focused, supports BLM. bootlickers and racists aren’t welcome here, and never will be.
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e-------c · 4 years
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Alek Wek at Betsey Johnson FW 1998
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e-------c · 4 years
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the marshes.
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e-------c · 4 years
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Huaxiang Church Hero
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e-------c · 4 years
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WayV ‘Awaken The World - The 1st Album’ — Lucas
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e-------c · 4 years
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萩原 卓哉/Hagihara Takuya
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e-------c · 4 years
if you ever feel lonely just remember there are thousands of algorithms tracking your every move and collecting data on every one of your likes and dislikes so.. somebody cares <3 
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e-------c · 4 years
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Kyle Vu-Dunn, In the Garden
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e-------c · 4 years
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Clamshell compact e-reader, It Follows. 
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