e-communist · 4 years
The Time is Ripe for Revolution
As of April 3rd, 2020, when I am writing this, the United States is ripe for revolution. What the world needs, what america needs, and what the common man and woman of everyday america needs in this time of turmoil, is solidarity, companionship, comradery. I could list a hundred reasons as to why President Trump, the elected official of the rich, is as idiotic and clueless as a four year old, but that would prove redundant. What i intend to accomplish is bigger than criticizing the wildly incompetent regime of the Trump Administration, but is to call the common person to a cause; to rise against the rich, the fascist overlords, who prey on the weak, the poor, and the common. 
10 Million unemployed, in two weeks. One of the greatest stock market crashes in the history of the United States. Nearly 300,000 infected with the new pandemic in the U.S. alone, overtaking all other majorly infected countries in a matter of days. In New York City, 50,000+ infected, more than a thousand dead. Hospitals refusing to accept patients. Schools are closed, all events cancelled, from sporting events to weddings, the United States civilian life has come to a stand still. The government’s utter mismanagement is but one example of the rotting and collapsing system laid down by our forefathers. I am calling for the end of this regime of endlessly complicated and pointless bureaucracy, created to keep the common man and woman from advancing or benefiting. Billionaires are seen fleeing the scene of their own disastrous creation, hiding on the sea in their own mega yachts, watching as we are fired from our jobs, watching as we die of a pandemic that could’ve been stopped. The disastrous state of the world is entirely due to the rich. Watch as they benefit from our demise. There is one answer to this conflict; revolution. Down with the regime of the wealthy elite! Down with the bourgeoisie. 
It is a phrase belonging to the past, one used during the October revolution, one used when the Soviets exiled the rich, incompetent, insane and inane monarchy and banished the weak, bourgeois Provisional Government. One may cite any array of puerile propagandized sources proclaiming the diabolical and fiendish implications of the Soviet Union, but i do not mean to entertain the idea that the Soviet Union was in any way perfect or ideal, merely to represent the sentiment, and how it should, nay, must be implemented today. Once again, I say, down with the bourgeoisie! 
The american electoral college, a club for the rich to cast their vote with 20 times the power of
any working man, is a sin and a mockery of the idea of democracy. For those who may not be informed, (as the U.S. school system is horrible at informing their students of their own government,) the U.S. Constitution, in Article II, Section I,  states that “Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.” Meaning that the electors are appointed, without any public approval, by the Congressmen of a state. This often takes the shape of congressmen appointing their own friends and family, or whoever is the highest bidder, as the elector. This leads to voting by party lines, or whoever will benefit the rich the most. Not to mention, as we all know, the popular vote does nothing. The only vote that matters is that of the 538 rich friends of the congressmen, not that of the 327 million citizens, or even the 209-odd million eligible to vote. 
To conclude, what this country needs is a swift and powerful revolution, to the benefit of the proletariat. In the immortal words of Pete Seeger, “Keep your eyes on the prize, hold on.” The prize being meteoric retribution for the bourgeoisie, and the inevitable revolution to achieve equality and equity for all.
“United States Demographic Statistics.” Infoplease, Infoplease, www.infoplease.com/us/comprehensive-census-data-state/demographic-statistics-342.
“2019–20 Coronavirus Pandemic by Country and Territory.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 2 Apr. 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019%E2%80%9320_coronavirus_pandemic_by_country_and_territory.
Amadeo, Kimberly. “Worst Stock Market Crash in U.S. History.” The Balance, The Balance, 17 Mar. 2020, www.thebalance.com/stock-market-crash-of-1929-causes-effects-and-facts-3305891.
Barkan, Ross. “The Vacant Comfort Hospital Ship Is a Symbol of Our Coronavirus Failure | Ross Barkan.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 3 Apr. 2020, www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/apr/03/comfort-ship-new-york-coronavirus-failure-symbol.
Davis, Dominic-Madori. “Billionaires Are Chartering Superyachts for Months at a Time to Ride out the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 27 Mar. 2020, www.businessinsider.com/billionaires-escaping-to-chartered-superyachts-amid-coronavirus-2020-3.
Levitz, Eric. “10 Million Americans Lost Their Jobs in the Past Two Weeks.” Intelligencer, Intelligencer, 2 Apr. 2020, nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/04/unemployment-jobless-claims-hit-record-6-65-million.html.
Segall, Bob. “Voices from the Frontline: Nurse Describes 'Scary' Conditions Working inside Indianapolis Coronavirus Unit.” 13 WTHR Indianapolis, 3 Apr. 2020, www.wthr.com/article/voices-frontline-nurse-describes-scary-conditions-working-inside-indianapolis-coronavirus.
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