e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“A–Alright.” she stubbornly rubbed over her eyes before mumbling something that sounded a lot like “…was just one drop.” at his question she simply shrugs her little shoulders.
“I don’t know where else to go - if I am allowed to stay, I would but I don’t want to stay at the costs of people feeling bad - And I got feelings too, so isn’t it fine if I don’t want people — And I can help. It’s not like I am useless as a family member, I can sew and cook a little, and I can use magic quite well.” With that the dark haired girl made a curtsy towards the other one “Nice to meet you, Lord Eochaidh.”
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“Th’n stay. M;always doin’ things th’make people mad, s’just go for it. Pa won’ turn y’away, n’Druime’s pretty much always mean.” Not like there’s really gonna be anything different except he might get ignored more.
“Eochaidh’s fine. If we’re s’posed t’be fam’ly, there’s no need fer formalities.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
“Fionnuala …but Nuala is just fine. And I just want to know, I… Mother doesn’t have any other children and I was just curious.” By now the petite girl has formed tight fists that cling to her dress, as she tries her best not to cry.
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“…I am sorry. I am sorry I didn’t mean to… If I could go home to Mama, I would, then you all could go back to being happy. I just thought I should know your name since… you are my brother. I don’t have fami— relatives besides that.”
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“As sad's that is, I didn’t ask fer yer sob story. I don’t do well with tears, so y’get like, two more drops b’fore y’gotta cut th’waterworks.” Eochaidh sighs. 
“Make a decision, aye? D’ya wanna stay, r’go? If y’stay, we c’n get t’know each other n’maybe be siblin’s r’whatever. If not, don’ call me ‘brother’. Either way, name’s Eochaidh.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“… I don’t want to fight her. I don’t want to fight anyone, you’d lose anyway.” she mumbles and looks towards the boy. “of course I am bland, I look human. you look bland to me too!” it isn’t meant as an insult, but rather that the fomor usually have a more ‘hideous’ appearance, such as animal heads or simply missing eyes and what not. “…which one of the boys are you? I was never told any names.”
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“It’s rude t’ask fer a name without tellin’ yer own, y’know. What’s it t’you, though? Y’said y’d just stay outta th’way n’disappear, so what’s th’point in talkin’? M’not gonna bother investin’ time w’someone m’never gonna see again. If y’wanna stay n’talk, get t’know each other, M’fine w’that. If not, we c’n go our sep’rate ways now.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“I did not mean the word hag, but rather the description of her bottom appearance !” she looks at the other one and turns away, shrugging as well. “I cannot show you how she looked like as the loathly lady, I can only show things that I have seen. all I could do is show you how she looks like now but I don’t want you to make such crude remarks about her. she is not here to defend herself. and you do not need to trust me, I won’t stay long, I know when I am unwelcome. I’ll wait for good weather and leave !”
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“Yer choice, do r’don’t, I don’ care. Honest, I won’t notice ya since yer kinda bland, aye? Just try not t’butt heads w’Druime too much. It’d be real annoyin’ t’have two women whinin’ n’arguin’ t’gether.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“… no. she was ugly. she was so ugly, none of the fianna let her sleep in their bed besides lord diarmuid. with that act of kindness he broke the curse on her and by morning she was a beautiful woman. and… please do not use such words to describe my mother, she is a princess and a deity - she should be respected as such.”
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"Yer th’one who called her a hag first, m’just repeatin’. N’to be honest, I don’t just take th’word o’strangers. Don’t know ‘er, don’t know you, so I ain’t just gonna trust ya.” Eochaidh shrugs. “Bring me proof.” Although proof most likely wouldn’t even change anything.
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
chiiiliad replied to your post: “At least Pa got some what I assume to be Good...
“… actually my mother looked like an ugly hag when they first met”
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“Yo, good booty’s good booty. Hag’r not.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“At least Pa got some what I assume to be Good Booty.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
bowofbenbulben replied to your post: “Oh, how scandalous.”
do you want to have some bonding time by ignoring her together
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“Yeah, sounds cool--”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“Oh, how scandalous.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“do you speak the truth, boy? if you do, know that I will speak to your father about this - such words should not even be uttered as a joke. but it does not sound like him, I might call him a brat but your father is an honorable and kind man. at least I like to believe that is how I raised him to be.”
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“Yeah, but I play a lot o’pranks, so I guess I c’n see why they’d be wan’ting t’leave. Not th’most graceful r’respect’ble guy.  M’siblings r’much more reputable.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“what do you mean? did someone else say the opposite? was it your father? you know, he acts all good and nice now, but he was such a brat as a child, I could tell you stories about the things he did…”
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“Th’whole fam’ly thinks m’terrible. Ma n’Pa were ev’n jokin’ ‘bout takin’ th’others n’leaving me behind. Well, I heard was a joke but, stills rude t’say..” Eochaidh huffs. “I bet. Pa’s a goody goody now.”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“… you are a better child than your father.” he sighs and wraps his arms around the boy, lifting him up from the ground while hugging him.
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It’s like being hugged by an entire family all at once. Not that he’d know because it never happens. “At least you think so..” Hugs him tight/
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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                “do you want hugs? I would not force you.”
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“I want one!”
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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The real question: when does Eochaidh get hugs from granpa
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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gives  him  the  hair  ruffles  &  the  cheek  smooches  .   “   what  ,  no  kisses  or  hugs  for  yer  father  ?  after  all  this  time  ?   “
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“S’embarrassin’, yeah?” Not that i stops him from giving out a smooch on the cheek. Just one, though.
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e-ochaidh-blog · 7 years
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“Where’s m'weird sister at?”
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