Brayflox’s Longstop, The Navel, The Stone Vigil & The Howling Eye
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In Brayflox’s Longstop, The Navel, The Stone Vigil and The Howling Eye the Scion Conjurer is equipped with:
Weapon: Oak Radical
Head: Dated Silver Spectacles*
Body: Velveteen Robe
Hands: Dated Linen Shortgloves*
Legs: Velveteen Gaskins
Feet: Dated Sheepskin Duckbills*
Ears: Dated Lapis Lazuli Earrings*
*The “Dated” items can be substituted with Silver Spectacles, Linen Shortgloves, Leather Duckbills and Lapis Lazuli Earrings
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The Bowl of Embers, The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak & Haukke Manor
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In The Bowl of Embers, The Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak and Haukke Manor the Scion Conjurer is equipped with:
Weapon: Dated Ash Cane*
Head: None
Body: Storm Private’s Dalmatica
Hands: Dated Canvas Shortgloves*
Legs: Acolyte’s Skirt
Feet: Dated Padded Leather Duckbills*
*Once again- anything “Dated” is unavailable in game but tends to have a non-dated version. In this case you can use the Ash Cane and the Cotton Dress Gloves but the closet you’ll get for shoes is probably the Torturer's Duckbills, although they are not a perfect match.
I find it interesting that he’s wearing the Storm Private’s Dalmatica even though he joins the Twin Adders later.
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Sastasha, The Tam-Tara Deepcroft & Copperbell Mines
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In Sastasha, The Tama-Tara Deepcroft and Copperbell Mines the Eager Conjurer is equipped with:
Weapon: Dated Elm Cane*
Head: Plundered Cavalier's Hat
Body: Plundered Bliaud
Hands: Leather Ringbands
Legs: Dated Hempen Tights*
Feet: Dated Leather Duckbills*
*Anything “Dated” is no longer available but most items have a non-dated version. I would recommend using Plundered Duckbills instead of Leather Duckbills as I feel they are more visually accurate.
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Made this blog to catalogue the Eager/Scion/Serpent Conjurer’s outfits in Final Fantasy XIV. Let’s go!
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