Answer to Your Home Inspection Questions
Are you looking for more information about home inspections? You’ve come to the right place. Home inspections are an independent visual examination of a home’s systems and structure for the purpose of assessing overall safety and integrity. The inspection typically takes 2-4 hours to complete, depending on the size and condition of the home, and the inspector provides a comprehensive written report detailing their findings and recommendations.
Here are answers to the most commonly asked questions about home inspections:
What’s included in a home inspection?
Standard inspections include a review of the following:
●        Roof. Note: this is not a professional roof inspection. If there are problems with the roof, you will want to schedule a dedicated professional roof inspection.
●        Plumbing
●        Electrical
●        Insulation
●        Foundation and structure
●        Windows and doors
●        Basement
●        Major appliances
Inspectors will not inspect locked areas or areas that are unsafe to access. Septic systems are not inspected, nor do inspectors conduct termite or other pest inspections.
Why is an inspection a good idea?
The most common reason for a home inspection is upon the purchase of a new home. Buying a home is a big investment, and an inspection provides a reasonable amount of assurance that the home is safe and sound. Home inspectors alert buyers to potential problems and give them an outline of the home’s maintenance needs in the coming years.
Outside of a home purchase, home inspections can be used by homeowners at any time to assess the condition of their home so they can plan and budget for repairs and replacements.
Is failure an option?
Home inspections aren’t pass or fail tests, and they don’t determine whether or not a house is up to current codes. They are simply a description, good or bad, of the current condition of the house.
What if the inspector finds problems?
The inspector will probably always find a problem; homes are complicated and no house is perfect, not even a new one. It’s really a question of severity. Prospective buyers and homeowners need good, reliable information about the condition of the home and an inspection provides that. Buyers can use the information to negotiate price concessions or to help them in the decision to walk away from a deal.
Always a Good Idea
A home inspection is always a good idea. If you’re buying a home, you can avoid unpleasant surprises and evaluate the true cost of owning the home with the help of a professional home check inspection in Philadelphia, PA . Plus, you can sleep easy and buy with confidence. Schedule your inspection today.
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