earth-wyrms · 8 hours
i feel like the knowledge that there are some medical databases with free-to-use 3D scans of various human organs available for 3D printing would have drastically reduced tumblrs amount of bone stealing scandals. plus you can make ones that glow in the dark.
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look at my glow in the dark humerus boy
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earth-wyrms · 9 hours
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earth-wyrms · 10 hours
One thing you have to remember is that online queer discourse doesn't make a damn bit of difference to systemic queerphobia irl or LGBT rights. No amount of playing respectability politics by identifying the "real freaks" will ever lead to sexual emancipation or prevent sexual violence. No amount of trying to identify and cast out "oppressors" and "infiltrators" will ever make homophobes and transphobes respect the sanctity of your sexual identity. Not letting people have words and flags and colours is absolutely nothing except a weapon for online harrassment and clout-chasing wielded by white and Western weirdos who've drunk the colonizer Kool-Aid.
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earth-wyrms · 11 hours
a Palestinian from my local group of activists is fundraising to bring her family to Canada. Najlaa is currently less than halfway to her goal of $80,000. please consider donating to help her family.
donations will go towards:
1. Covering the expenses of accommodation in Cairo, Egypt, throughout the visa and biometric process.
2. Meeting the cost of flight tickets from Cairo to Canada.
3. Securing affordable and suitable housing.
4. Addressing monthly necessities such as groceries, utilities, clothing, and shoes.
5. Ensuring access to healthcare and therapy, crucial for the well-being of our family members.
6. Providing monthly financial support until they secure employment.
as of April 10, they have been able to start the process of acquiring visas and passports.
currently at $26,630/$80,000
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earth-wyrms · 12 hours
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Teeth mold
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earth-wyrms · 12 hours
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Random snail-themed PNGs, part 1.
(1. Blue glass snail (Lalique?), 2. Chalcedony shell pendant, 3. Silver snail brooch, 4. Labradorite snail carving, 5. 80's glass bowl, 6. Glass snail by Sabino, 7. Opalized snail shell, 8. "Mollusca Bag" by Maison G, 9. Snail shell vase by Lalique.)
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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I bought a pair of fursuit glasses in the dealers den
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
Something I try to keep in mind when making art that looks vintage is keeping a limited color pallette. Digital art gives you a very wide, Crisp scope of colors, whereas traditional art-- especially older traditional art-- had a very limited and sometimes dulled use of color.
This is a modern riso ink swatch, but still you find a similar and limited selection of colors to mix with. (Mixing digitally as to emulate the layering of ink riso would be coloring on Multiply, and layering on top of eachother 👉)
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If you find some old prints, take a closer look and see if you can tell what colors they used and which ones they layered... a lot of the time you'll find yellow as a base!
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Misprints can really reveal what colors were used and where, I love misprints...
Something else I keep in the back of my mind is: how the human eye perceives color on paper vs. a screen. Ink and paint soaks into paper, it bleeds, stains, fades over time, smears, ect... the history of a piece can show in physical wear. What kind of history do you want to emulate? Misprinted? Stained? Kept as clean as possible, but unable to escape the bluing damages of the sun? It's one of my favorite things about making vintage art. Making it imperfect!
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You can see the bleed, the wobble of the lines on the rug, the fading, the dirt... beautiful!!
Thinking in terms of traditional-method art while drawing digital can help open avenues to achieving that genuine, vintage look!
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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Some recent designs!
Customs open if anyone is interested please dm :-)
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
I think I found my new favorite rabbit hole. This voice actor does Shakespeare scenes in a southern accent and I need to see the whole damn play. Absolutely beautiful
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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funky eggs
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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werewolves (???) for ya
these are communal pack-living humanoids who are arguably the least 'punished' of the monsters in this world. they wear the face of their old master as a mask for 27 days out of 28, and on the night of the full moon they can remove it and finally enjoy the use of their own wolfy faces (for a limited period of time). otherwise they look like this all the time.
they are pretty awkward to look at, lacking opposable thumbs and the ability to make most facial expressions, but they do have a small amount of integration with human settlements, and can often be found trading their own produce for items which require opposable thumbs to make, like thread or bowls. they usually bring unprocessed game to trade, as they are excellent hunters. they don't communicate well with humans and it's very rare for them to allow a human into their own dens in the woods/plains/etc.
Back home they can use their strong sense of smell to differentiate between what is essentially a group of identical members, but among humans they will dye their masks with natural pigments so that people can tell them apart. The best way to gain the trust of anyone is to show that you can hunt and kill the crawling beasts of the earth so it's not uncommon to see werewolves dragging their corpses into town to throw on the bonfire, as a show of solidarity.
werewolves are adaptable and not so insular that they disdain the company of others, so it's not unusual to find them working alongside other monsters, forming hunting partnerships with harpies in particular. this isn't universal and some cultures of wolfmen prefer to raid nests and steal eggs.
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earth-wyrms · 1 day
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The party is starting!
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earth-wyrms · 2 days
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earth-wyrms · 2 days
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First day of june
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