earthfulme · 2 years
Age gracefully with Skin Boost Collagen Builder
Too lazy to undergo hours of skin care regime in order to get glowing skin? Too cramped up with work to spare hours a day for skincare? Well, we have got you covered. Say bye to long hours in front of the mirror just to get that glowing look.
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Try out our Skin Boost Collagen Builder and get healthy skin by spending only a minute every day. Formulated with the best of skincare ingredients from the warmth of plants.
Let us introduce you to our skincare heroes and see what power they hold.
Pea Protein powder
Collagen is a most abundant protein that makes up the structural framework of cells and tissue.
When we age collagen synthesis decreases thereby leading to dry and wrinkled skin. Collagen is the main superhero for your skin. Pea protein is a hypoallergen and a perfect alternative to milk protein. It is a high quality protein which is easily digestible. When you give an extra protein it in turn makes collagen. An extra protein to build your collagen.
Omega - 3  from Flaxseed powder
Meet omega-3 sourced from flaxseed powder. Flaxseed is a rich source of omega-3 which performs several health benefits. If you have been facing the problems of acne and dry skin call omega-3 and you shall be rescued. Omega - 3 exerts good barrier properties by protecting against sun damage and improving the skin hydration. UV rays are the villain troubling your beautiful skin and therefore you need omega-3 to protect your skin against this villain.
Biotin from Sesbania grandiflora
Biotin is a versatile ingredient to be added to your skin care routine. This superhero helps in hydrating your skin and improves skin elasticity. Biotin helps in the production of fatty acids that nourish the skin and  maintain smooth complexion. All the red rashes and scaly skin maybe due to deficiency of this vitamin. We have sourced your biotin from Sesbania grandiflora a.k.a agathi leaves.
Silica from Bamboo shoot
Bamboo shoot is an important delicacy of the North Eastern regions of India. Rich in Silica, this delicate bamboo shoot is a friend to your delicate skin. As discussed earlier collagen is an important ingredient for our skin. Silica helps in collagen synthesis thereby giving you a smooth, elastic skin. Studies have shown that silica from Bamboo shoot can be an important ingredient for cosmetic industries as an anti aging nutrient.
Sea buckthorn
Here is another superhero with collagen builder and UV protector.Apart from this sea buckthorn helps in moisturizing our skin and helps in maintaining skin tone. We introduce to you a skincare ingredient we never knew we needed.
Resveratrol from Japanese knotweed
Our habits have aged our body a lot, don’t let your skin age early. Japanese knotweed houses a very large amount of resveratrol. Our skin acts as an external barrier to radiation, dirt and pollution. While it battles these enemies everyday, this leads to oxidative stress. Resveratrol reduces the oxidative stress and fights against aging and UV radiation. Resveratrol an important antioxidant fights against the free radicals and delays aging.
Green Tea
We are well versed with its role in shedding kilos but green tea can be your accomplice in beautifying your skin as well. Green tea is packed with antioxidants which help scavenge the free radicals thereby delaying aging. Studies have shown that green tea has been effective in delaying photoaging i.e. aging due to UV exposure.
Vitamin C from Amla
Vitamin C serum is taking the cosmetic industry by storm as when applied topically it has proved to be helpful for skin. Amla, the sweet and sour experience of childhood, is a rich source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C is one of the collagen builders and therefore plays an important role in skin health. Along with this like resveratrol and green tea vitamin C is also helpful in reducing skin damage due to UV radiation.
Like how Avengers has got all your favourite superheroes together, in the same way Earthful has got all your skin superheroes in this formulation.
From your collagen builders to anti agers Earthful has picked them all and packed it safely to give you Skin Boost Collagen Builder. This neither cost a fortune nor your precious time wasted on all the skin care steps.
Say No to quick fixes ! Instead, say Yes to Earthful's Skin Boost Collagen Builder to have healthy skin inside out.
Be abundant and glow differently.
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earthfulme · 2 years
What good will a sound sleep do?
“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together.”
                                 –  Thomas Dekker
The battle that's been taking place outside as well as inside our head deprives us of our beauty sleep. Good sleep plays a vital role in shaping our health. Unfortunately modern society has interfered with our sleep patterns. From being an early bird to a night owl, we have carelessly disturbed our sleep clock. Sleep ‘is a restorative process of the brain, by the brain, and for the brain’.
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Here are 6 health conditions associated with sleep deprivation .
Are you obsessed over late night snacking? Does your hunger bell rings during midnight?  
Sleep being an important modulator of neuroendocrine function and glucose metabolism and sleep loss has been linked to an increase in ghrelin levels which increases hunger and appetite. All these alterations leads to increase risk to obesity.
You blame it on your genes but now blame it on your sleep habits too. Sleep curtailment increases insulin sensitivity thereby increasing the risk of diabetes. A study conducted on healthy individuals who were experimentally sleep deprived showed increased glucose intolerance and high risk of diabetes.
Cardiovascular diseases
You may be a travel addict, travelling to different time zones or a shift worker.  Studies have shown that this kind of lifestyle often disrupts our circadian rhythm i.e. your sleep wake cycle. When your body is supposed to sleep it is awake and when it's supposed to be active you sleep.
This kind of error in your body changes the way your body functions. Studies have shown that disruption in your circadian rhythm depletes your cardiovascular health.
Cognitive decline
Older adults often face problems with getting a good quality sleep. As we age, quality sleep is important for the brain. Several studies have reported an association between sleep and cognitive decline and its role in preventing Alzheimer’s disease. Maintaining a good sleep pattern is a stepping stone in preventing Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline in the future.
Athletic performance
Along with years of hard work and focus you need a sound sleep  to ace your game. Sleep deprivation has been found to be linked with poor athletic performance.
Clear negative effects of sleep deprivation have been seen on athlete’s performance, including reaction time, accuracy, vigour, submaximal strength, and endurance. Therefore for better performance quality sleep is a must.
Many talk about the importance of mental health. Everyone focuses on the problem, very few focus on the solution. Insomnia or inability to sleep is often linked with depression. Someone had rightly suggested to sleep our problems away.
We just got an idea as to how adequate sleep is a must for overall health. Traditionally only food and exercise were considered important to good health, now we must consider sleep as well. If you have trouble getting sleep you can choose Earthful’s Sleep Aid. Falling asleep is as easy as falling in love with Earthful's "Sleep Aid".
It contains melatonin, a sleep hormone, derived from Tart Cherry which helps you sleep. In addition to melatonin, we have added several plant ingredients such Chamomile, Ashwagandha, Passion Flower, 5-HTP which work synergistically to help you have a good night sleep and wake up feeling fresh and healthy.
Sleep well and strive for betterment!
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earthfulme · 2 years
Are you getting enough Vitamin D
Have you got Sunshine?
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I can vividly recall myself singing "Have you got a Sunshine SMILE" during my nursery rhymes classes to my heart's content. Unintentionally this rhyme has been a reminder to get enough sunshine or to be more precise the "Sunshine Vitamin".
Sunshine Vitamin aka Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is well known for its role in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus.
Why is there a need for Vitamin D?
Bone health
Vitamin D plays an important role in maintaining bone health. This is because vitamin D aids in the absorption of calcium which is an important nutrient for bone health. It reduces the risk of rickets in children and osteoporosis in adults.
It has been found that supplementation of vitamin D to elderly people reduces the risk of hip and any nonvertebral fracture.
Cardiovascular health
Apart from playing a role in bone health, studies have shown that its deficiency increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Therefore vitamin D also plays an important role in decreasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamin D possesses an antiproliferative effect that helps reduce the incidence of cancer. Clinical trials have shown that there was a reduced risk of all types of cancer in postmenopausal women with adequate vitamin D levels.
Vitamin D is said to be an immunomodulatory hormone. Low levels of vitamin D is said to increase the risk of various immune-related diseases like tuberculosis, viral infections, rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis and respiratory infection. The possible role of vitamin D in the prevention and management of Covid 19 has been pointed out by various scholars which need further research.
Why the name "Sunshine Vitamin"?
On exposure to the sun, our body produces vitamin D. The mechanism includes the formation of provitamin D from cholesterol on exposure to solar ultraviolet B (UVB).
It is then converted to calcidiol (storage form) in the liver and further changed to form calcitriol in the kidneys. The formation of vitamin D through adequate exposure to the sun is considered to meet around 80% of the needs.
This information should be a reason to motivate you to enjoy sunbathing for 10-30 min twice a week. While enjoying the sun, do keep in mind that prolonged exposure to UV radiation can cause skin cancer. Hence, moderate the time spent in the sun.
Best  sources of vitamin D ( Apart from sunshine)
A limited number of foods naturally contain vitamin D. Vegan sources of vitamin D include mushroom and lichens. 100gm of mushroom will give you around 450 IU of vitamin D.  Some of the commercially sold mushrooms are intentionally exposed to UV light to increase the vitamin D content. Including one of these in your daily diet can help you maintain your daily dose of vitamin D.
Know your Vitamin D needs
One must consume 400IU of vitamin D on daily basis.
When does the need increase?
If you think that you get enough vitamin D because you live in the tropics or consume a balanced diet then you may be wrong. In some cases, diet and exposure to sunlight may not necessarily be adequate to meet the demand of the body. In such cases, supplementation plays an important role. The various groups who are at the risk of being deficient in vitamin D levels are as follows:
Breastfed infants - Mother's milk is not enough to meet the needs of the infant. At the same time, vitamin D in breast milk depends on the vitamin D status of the mother. Therefore supplementation is necessary in such cases.
People with limited exposure to the sun - If you are a person who hardly comes out in the sun then you may need a vitamin D supplement.
People with dark skin- Melanin is responsible for our skin complexion. People with darker skin complexion have more melanin and this reduces the production of vitamin D.
People with fat malabsorption, kidney and liver damage and who have undergone bypass surgery may also need supplementation.
Aged individuals - During the process of ageing the skin loses its capacity to produce vitamin D. It is then a dietary form of the vitamin and supplementation becomes necessary. [4]
Increased need for vitamin D can also be observed in case of low sun intensity, usage of body coverings, magnesium deficiency and old age.
If you ever feel you come under the aforementioned category then you must surely check your vitamin D status. Apart from these, people who apply sunscreen, wear fully covered clothes and consume a vitamin D deficient diet may have low levels in the body.
Signs you are low in vitamin D
Vitamin D helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus therefore its deficiency can lead to disruption in bone metabolism. Check out for these signs and symptoms -
Muscle weakness
Difficulty in walking
Increased swaying in elderly people
Susceptible to fall and fracture
Low bone mineral density
Prolonged deficiency of vitamin D can cause rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.
Vitamin D deficiency affects 50% of the world’s population. Even if you spend ample time in the sun, adequate vitamin D might not be produced due to multiple factors.
Therefore in order to avoid any deficiency, one must consume mushrooms or 400 IU of vitamin D supplement from Lichens.
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earthfulme · 2 years
How Gut Reset is essential to reset your digestive system?
Your gut is a bustling city with millions of inhabitants thriving and functioning. The inhabitants are none other than several microorganisms. Don’t be scared, they aren’t harmful. Not all bacteria are bad, you know. They are actually our true friends who work day and night in order to make us healthy.  
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Did you know a healthy gut ensures a healthy body and mind? The microorganisms in our gut perform several functions.  We have listed down a few.
Provides immunity- It may be a bit overwhelming but  70-80% of our body’s immune system lies in the gut. Microorganisms in our gut ensure that our immune system functions well. Incase of the changes in the gut microbiome there is an increase in the chances of developing several illnesses.
Synthesize Vitamin K2- Vitamin K1 is found in certain green leafy vegetables but K2 is synthesized by certain intestinal bacteria.
Mental health- Several studies have shown an association between gut microbiota and mental health. It has been found that dysbiosis (loss of good bacteria)  and inflammation in the gut is often linked with depression and anxiety.
Decreases risk of obesity- There has been several pieces of evidence which show an association between a healthy gut and decreased risk of obesity. It has been observed that there is an alteration in the gut microbiota in case of obesity. 
Apart from the aforementioned functions gut bacteria plays an important role in supplying essential nutrients, aiding in the digestion of cellulose, and promoting angiogenesis and enteric nerve function. Dysbiosis can cause many diseases like inflammatory bowel disease, obesity, cancer, and autism.
For all these reasons you need a healthy gut. And to meet your needs Earthful has formulated a plant based supplement for your gut.
What's inside Gut reset?
This age-old herb is known to treat several bowel problems. Acidity troubles everyone and triphala has been used to reduce acidity. Studies have also shown that triphala is helpful in reducing inflammatory bowel syndrome. You have just found out your solution for all your gastrointestinal troubles.
 Licorice aka Mulethi is nothing new to us . Did you know that they help in tackling severe indigestion? Apart from that mulethi has been found helpful in relieving gastric discomfort and helps in detoxification. Studies have shown that it is effective against peptic ulcers too.
Psyllium husk
Trouble relieving yourself in the morning? Well psyllium husk may help you poop well because of its laxative effect. Along with this it helps in the management of IBS and increases gastric motility. It also increases gut microbiota therefore ensuring a healthy gut.
You have been going on the right track if you're munching on ajwain for gastric comfort. Ajwain acts as a digestive stimulant and also helps in treating peptic ulcers.
Fennel has been found to restore gastric motility in patients who have undergone abdominal surgery. Fennel relaxes muscle in the intestine which can help relieve constipation. This traditional herb exerts many gastro protective functions and is helpful in promoting gastric health.
Cumin is a household condiment that has been widely used as an ancient home made remedy for digestion. Cumin helps in digestion by improving digestion enzymes activity.
Cumin has been shown to exert anti ulcerative properties and also helps in treating IBS.
Coriander, your garnish for every dish is said to improve appetite. Don’t feel like eating? Try out coriander. It helps relieve abdominal pain and bloating.  Coriander is also said to provide a protective effect on the colon.
Ginger performs a wide range of functions and helps treat constipation, diarrhea, dyspepsia, belching, bloating, gastritis, epigastric discomfort, gastric ulcerations, indigestion, nausea, and vomiting. It also helps in increasing the gut microbiota and also shows therapeutic action against ulcerative colitis.
Strive towards a healthy gut.
A healthy gut for a healthy body and mind
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earthfulme · 2 years
What do you need for Rapunzel-like hair?
Every time I see any Disney character, the first thing I notice is the protagonist's beautiful and voluminous hair. The shiny hair of Anna and Elsa, the red hair of Merida , long dark curly hair of Moana and not to forget the long and strong hair of Rapunzel. I bet we have all been awed by their character as well as their hair.
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If we ever ask them about their secret of beautiful hair, they will praise the animator. Getting those gorgeous locks will then be like building castles in the air . Though we are not animators we can help you get the hair you adore. Yes, you heard it right. We will make your dream into reality by letting you know about these secrets to beautiful hair.
Brace yourself and be ready for some good amount of nutrition download. Here are our special ingredients, a secret to beautiful long hair.
Grape seed extract
Yummy for tummy and great for hair. Studies have shown that grape seed extract helps in hair growth. Studies have shown that it helps in the development of the hair follicle and thereby increasing hair growth.
Vitamin A
It is one of the main vitamins needed for hair health. Apart from playing a role in vision, vitamin A helps in hair growth. Deficiency in this vitamin leads to hair fall. Vitamin A helps to make sebum, an oily substance that helps keep hair healthy.
Biotin deficiency is associated with hair loss. Biotin is an important ingredient that helps maintain hair, skin and nail health. Biotin stimulates the keratin production and can stimulate the follicle growth. It is said to make your hair stronger and healthier. This is the reason why biotin is widely prescribed as a hair growth supplement.
There is a growing interest regarding the efficacy of using silica supplements for hair. It has been found that higher silicon content in hair results in lower rate of hair loss and increases in the brightness of the hair. A study was conducted wherein 48 women with thin hair were given silica supplements. After a period of 9 months it was found that their hair was stronger and thicker than before.
Pumpkin seed extract
Several studies suggest that pumpkin seed extract can be an effective means to prevent hair loss. A study conducted on 76 men having alopecia (hair loss disorder) showed that when pumpkin seed was given and there was an increase in scalp hair count and thickness.
Quercetin stimulates hair growth and therefore can be used to prevent hair loss. Like pumpkin seed extract, the efficacy of quercetin as a treatment for alopecia was assessed and it was found that it helps in preventing alopecia. Alopecia areata is an autoimmune non-scarring hair loss disorder.
Saw Palmetto
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT )is a hormone which is said to cause hair fall in men and women. Saw palmetto has been found to block DHT and thereby prevents hair loss. Saw palmetto is used as an oral hair growth supplement and was to be effective in improving hair growth. It is one among many naturally occurring 5 alpha reductase inhibitors which has gained popularity as a remedy for androgenetic alopecia.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C a.k.a ascorbic acid is known for its antioxidant activity. It also plays an important role by helping in the absorption of iron from the intestinal because of its chelating and reducing effect. By helping in the absorption of iron it helps in reducing the incidence of hair loss due to iron deficiency.
Nettle leaves
Nettle leaves have sharp hair and at the same time it's good for your hair too. Like saw palmetto it also inhibits 5 alpha reductase and ensures decreased hair loss. It not only helps in combating hair loss but helps in regrowth too. Nettle leaves have been found to enhance follicle generation and promote hair growth.
Now that you have known about these secrets  you have just taken a step towards beautiful and gorgeous hair.
May all your day be a good hair day.
May your hair be longer and stronger like Rapunzle.
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earthfulme · 2 years
The Multi-talented Zinc
When God was gifting virtues to all the nutrients, zinc must have been first in the line. Let me tell you why.
This protean nutrient excels in all types of function. Be it brain health or immune health it has got you all covered.
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Immune boosting
In recent years we have seen a spike in immune-boosting foods. When the world was probably focusing on vitamin C, what we missed was this trace element named Zinc. Yes, zinc helps in the production of immune system cells thereby playing a role in building one's immunity.
Various studies have concluded that zinc supplements have helped achieve proper height and weight in infants and children. Zinc deficiency in the growing years often leads to growth retardation.
Ensures taste and smell
Imagine all the flavorful dishes spread across your table and you can taste none. How miserable life would be? Thanks to zinc that activates the area of the brain which processes your taste and smell sensors.
Skincare and healing of wounds
Zinc and its various forms are being used to treat acne, diaper rashes, chapped lips and skin. It also helps in the transportation of Vitamin A, thereby assisting with the protection and repair of body tissue.
Brain health
Zinc plays a very important role in the development and functioning of the brain. On receiving a zinc deficit diet, USDA scientists observed that the subjects developed lower cognition. Studies have concluded that zinc is associated with memory and thinking skills.
Zinc sulfates supplements are used to reduce mood swings and reduce stress. It has also been observed that zinc abnormalities exist in people with mood disorders.
Reproductive health
Zinc also helps in maintaining the lining of reproductive organs. Infertility in men is often associated with zinc deficiency. This can be explained by the fact that zinc plays an important role in maintaining the quality of sperm and also helps in fertilization. Nowadays many women complain of PCOS and post-menopausal symptoms. Studies have shown that zinc helps reduce these symptoms. 
Improves appetite
Do you lose appetite easily or are you anorexic? Zinc can help you relieve your worries. Low levels of zinc influence your appetite and taste preferences. Various studies have concluded that zinc deficiency is linked to the incidence of Bulimia and Anorexia.
Recommended Dietary Allowances
Having heard about its versatility, now the question arises as to how much we must consume.
Adult Men- 12 mg/d
Adult Women- 10mg/d
Pregnant and Lactating Women -12mg/d
When does the need increase?
If you fall under the category below then you may be at risk of suffering from Zinc deficiency:
Infants and children
Pregnant and Lactating women
Patients receiving total parenteral nutrition.
Older adults
Individuals with alcoholic liver disease, inflammatory bowel disease, crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
Individuals with severe or persistent diarrhea
How to get Zinc into your diet?
Zinc can be found in a variety of foods. Vegetarian sources of zinc include legumes ( chickpea, lentils and beans), nuts and seeds (pumpkin seeds, peanuts, cashews) and wholegrains.
Supplements in the form of  zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, and zinc acetate is also available.
Signs that you are low in zinc
Check for these sign to know if you are low in zinc :
Hair loss
Delayed sexual maturation
Hypogonadism in males
Eye and skin lesions
Weight loss
Delayed healing of wounds
Taste abnormalities
Mental lethargy
Take away lesson
Though zinc is a trace element it performs various functions. From the brain to the skin, it is an essential micronutrient.
To take advantage of its versatility, one must consume a diet adequate in zinc.
A life coach after reading this post will surely quote Matt Bevin's words "While it may seem small, the ripple effects of small things is extraordinary".
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earthfulme · 2 years
Pause and know what is best for Menopause
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"What is it to grow old?
Is it to lose the glory of the form,
The lustre of the eye?
Is it for beauty to forgo her wreath?
—Yes, but not this alone.
Is it to feel our strength—
Not our bloom only, but our strength—decay?
Is it to feel each limb
Grow stiffer, every function less exact,
Each nerve more loosely strung?
Yes, this, and more…"
Begins the longer poem by a Victorian poet Matthew Arnold. Changes do occur when we age and it's inevitable. We, being "Phenomenal women"( like how Maya Angelou calls us) need to train ourselves how to accept the changes. We must be prepared to embrace the greatest change of all the period of menopause.
Menopause is the time that marks the end of your menstrual cycle. It usually starts after 12 months from your last period and marks the end of your reproductive years. Let us understand some of the changes that occur during menopause.
Change in period/menstrual cycle – Irregular periods, heavy periods, longer duration of period etc. are some of the common menopausal signs.
Mood swings
Hot flashes- Hot flash is a sudden feeling of heat in the upper part or all of your body.
Disturbed sleep
Vaginal dryness
Weight gain 
Menopausal symptoms is caused due to the changes in the hormonal levels therefore the symptoms will vary from one person to the other.
Cardiovascular disease- Menopause is marked with the decline of estrogen levels. This decrease in the estrogen levels leads to vasoconstriction and changes in the lipid level. This increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Studies have shown that coronary heart disease is usually 2-3 times common in menopausal women that the women of the same agdidho is yet to undergo this phase.
Osteoporosis – Osteoporosis is a condition that results in the decreased skeletal mass that increases the chances of fracture. Menopausal women have higher chances of developing osteoporosis. This is because of the decreased levels of estrogen which enhances bone loss thereby leading to osteoporosis.
Obesity-  During menopause there is a severe decline in the estrogen levels which disrupts the energy balance and leads to accumulation of fat. It is one of the main concern of the menopausal women.
We all learned that how decrease in the estrogen level is responsible for the various complications associated with menopause. Well we do have saviors which mimic the role of estrogen.
Phytoestrogens? What's that?
Every time we discuss about estrogen or menopause, phytoestrogen also comes into the picture. Phytoestrogen are compounds which have properties similar to estrogen. Studies have shown that phytoestrogen administration decreases the symptom of hot flashes in menopausal women.
In the same way it has also been effective in the prevention of  incidence of osteoporosis. Apart from this phytoestrogen administration also decreases other menopausal symptoms like mood swings, insomnia and promotes heart health.
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamin D and Calcium
Vitamin D and Calcium are the most important vitamins to be sought for during menopause. The onset of menopause is often associated with the increase risk of osteoporosis. Therefore calcium supplementation plays a very important role in preventing osteoporosis. It increases bone mineral density and reduces risk of fracture during peri and post menopausal women.  Vitamin D supplementation helps in increasing bone mineral density. It also helps in decreasing the risk of hyperglycemia and hypertriglyceridemia.
B Vitamins
Deficiency in B Vitamins can lead to serious health conditions during menopause. This is because B Vitamins play an active role in energy producing metabolic pathways of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.
Low B12 levels were associated with cognitive dysfunction in menopausal and older women. In the same way low levels of B6 was associated with cognitive dysfunction and cognitive decline. 
One of the studies showed that low intake of   Vitamin B2 in menopausal women increased the risk of osteoporotic fractures by 1.8 times and fragility fractures by 2.6 times. 
Vitamin C
Studies conducted on menopausal women of Korean population showed that vitamin C showed improvement in bone health.
Not only this but vitamin C supplementation was found to be superior in reducing cognitive decline in a menopausal population that methylcobalamine. 
Vitamin E
Studies have shown that Vitamin E can help reduce hot flashes symptoms. Some studies have also shown that Vitamin E because of its antioxidant properties can be helpful in subsiding sleep related problems faced during menopause.
Zinc helps in maintaining collagen and tissue health and can relieve vaginal dryness during menopause.
Magnesium plays an important role in cartilage and bone matrix calcification therefore it was found to be helpful in prevention of osteoporosis. Magnesium is also said to be helpful in tackling sleep problems and mood swings.
All the vitamins and minerals play an important role in maintaining good health during menopause therefor we must meet the demands through either diet or supplementation.
A pause to know about menopause can be helpful in making you prepared for the biggest and toughtest change in your life. Change is inevitable, all we can do is to accept it & be prepared for it.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Are you getting enough calcium?
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When our daily hours of cartoons got replaced with the new Netflix series, so did our simple glass of milk with a cup of coffee. Along with the child-like innocence, we lost an important nutrient in our diet, i.e. Calcium, a mineral important for bone health. Even though you might be consuming 2-3 cups of milk tea, you might be deficient in Calcium. Surprising, isn’t it? That is why we need calcium supplements for healthy bones.
Reasons why you may not be consuming enough calcium:
Food choices -  Milk was an important source of calcium in our diet earlier. But increasingly, people are identifying that they are lactose intolerant and also choosing to live a vegan lifestyle, which is great ! But the sad part is that we aren't getting enough calcium from other sources and hence developing low calcium levels in your body. 
Bioavailability - You may be consuming a good amount of calcium but not everything gets absorbed in the body. Only 30% of calcium is absorbed from the milk likewise calcium absorption from plant sources is limited. The reason being plants contain antinutrients like oxalates and phosphates will obstruct calcium absorption. They bind with calcium and form an insoluble salt complex thereby decreasing its absorption. You may think your diet is enough but it isn’t .
Menopausal age – Menopause is the permanent cessation of menses. During this critical time there is a decrease in the estrogen level. Estrogen is a  hormone which helps in bone metabolism and helps in the formation of new bones. Decrease in estrogen level increases the incidence of osteoporosis as the bones become brittle.  Therefore calcium supplementation plays a very important role in maintaining bone health and preventing osteoporosis.
Helper nutrients missing in the diet - Calcium helpers include Vitamin D, K2 and Magnesium. Without them your body will not be able to absorb calcium. When your plate does not include these nutrients then you may be at loss.
Vitamin D- Did you know without vitamin D our body can absorb only 10-15% of calcium? Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium actively through the intestine. A study was conducted wherein the test group was pre treated with vitamin D whereas the control group was not. They were fed 500 mg of calcium everyday. It was found that the calcium absorption was 65% more in the case of the test group who had taken vitamin D than the control group.
Vitamin K2- If you don't consume enough K2 in your diet then your calcium will end up in places you don’t want. In case you have consumed more calcium than the remaining calcium left from what has already been absorbed is taken from the blood vessel with the help of vitamin K2. It then deposits it in the bone tissue. 
Magnesium- Adequate levels of magnesium is helpful in absorption and metabolism of not only Vitamin D but also calcium. 
Medications – Medications such as  phenytoin, phenobarbital, rifampin, corticosteroids etc hinders the calcium absorption from the gut. If you are taking medication containing these compositions then you may need more calcium.
Diet rich in protein and sodium – Studies have shown that a diet rich in protein as well as sodium increases the excretion of calcium. Therefore if you are consuming a high sodium and high protein diet, you will need more calcium too.
Health conditions –  Listed below are some of the medical and health complications which cause calcium deficiency.
Renal failure
Hypoparathyroidism, may occur due to autoimmune disease/genetic conditions
Liver problems
Illnesses that affect the thyroid and parathyroid glands. 
The aforementioned reasons could be the reasons why your body doesn't get enough calcium. Supplementation is said to be one of the effective ways to replenish calcium deficiency in the body. From now on look, pause and ensure that what you eat is the same as what you receive.
A Strong You deserves Strong Bones ! Consume Calcium, D3, K2, Magnesium supplements for Healthy Bones.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Why You Shouldn’t Take Iron And Calcium Together
Why You Shouldn’t Take Iron And Calcium Supplements Together
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Competitors of one, iron and calcium are not to be taken together. Certain studies show that iron and calcium may compete for the same transporters in the small intestine. This means that presence of both together in the intestine can reduce the uptake of the mineral that is less favored by the transporter.
Between iron and calcium, that mineral is iron, the one with low affinity (favored less).
What does this mean for you?
Take care while choosing a multivitamin. If the two minerals are found in one supplement, you may not get the benefit of iron.
If you have separate iron and calcium supplements, make sure you space them out meals. For example, you can take your iron supplements with breakfast and calcium with dinner and vice versa.
Do not worry about iron and calcium rich foods colliding in a single meal. The same studies also concluded that the long-term effect through diet may be minimal. Thus, this is only crucial for supplementation.
Calcium is amongst the other dietary components such as tannins and phytates which inhibit iron absorption. One must ensure the two are supplemented separately.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Vitamin A, It’s Functions, Deficiency Symptoms & Food Sources for Vegans
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Vitamin A.
What comes to your mind?
“Good for Eyes”
Yes. But there’s more to the crucial nutrient, read along to learn it all !
FUNCTIONS - Roles it Plays
Vitamin A is crucial for eye health and we all know about it, yet there’s more to vitamin A than just eye health. Vitamin A also regulates thyroid hormone metabolism and much more. Let’s dive into learning about the roles that vitamin A has to play for you!
Role in Thyroid Function
Perhaps the most overlooked role of Vitamin A is its role in thyroid gland’s functioning.[1] [2] This is played by regulating the levels of thyroid hormones and so, alongside selenium and iodine, it’s important to include vitamin A as well in the thyroid gland’s toolbox of nutrients!
Role in Tissue Health
Vitamin A keeps the body’s tissues intact, including everything from the skin, lining of the lungs, the gut, bladder and the eye. Vitamin A also supports rejuvenation of the skin by promoting regular replacement with new skin cells.[3] This is why many topical skin products contain retinol (vitamin A).
Role in Immune Function
Vitamin A is an anti-inflammatory vitamin.[4] It regulates our body’s immune responses and helps fight infection. This is why one of the signs of Vitamin A deficiency is falling sick more often.[5]
Role in Reproductive Health
Vitamin A is important for development of the embryo in pregnant women and the development of sperm in men. This is why another sign of vitamin A deficiency are fertility issues.[6]
Symptoms to Check for Deficiency - Opps! Are you falling short?
Poor vision at night
Dry eyes
White spots in the eyes
Getting Sick Often
Fertility Issues
SOURCES - Where to get it from?
Vitamin A can be obtained from food in two forms -
As its precursor form i.e as carotene. Carotene is found in both plant and animal foods. 6 parts of carotene makes up 1 part of vitamin A in our body. (So next time you spot a sweet potato or pumpkin, think vitamin A!)
As retinol, it’s true form. Retinol is only found in animal foods. Eventually, all retinol will be converted to carotene in your body.
Thus, consuming fruits and vegetables of different colours, especially orange and yellow is crucial to get enough carotene that meets your vitamin A needs. This becomes especially important for vegans as they do not have access to retinol in their diet.
Daily needs of vitamin A for an adult are between 800µg to 1000µg as of ICMR RDA 2020.
Plant Foods:
Sweet potatoes
Yellow Maize
In conclusion:
Vitamin A is an essential vitamin. A diet heavily based on local carbohydrate sources such as  rice, wheat, millet and sorghum is very low in vitamin A. [7] Thus, it's important to add in variety and ensure intake of plenty of fruits and vegetables to avoid deficiency.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Nutrients Proven To Benefit Women With PCOS (Minerals in Diet & Supplementation)
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PCOS is a complex condition with several complications which differ from female to female. The common issues linked with PCOS are obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, high blood pressure and imbalanced hormones (higher than normal male hormone levels).
For all of them collectively, these minerals when added in the diet have shown improvement in several studies. Here’s how they help -
1. Magnesium:
Improves body's response to insulin
Aids in weight management
Reduces inflammation & anxiety
Lowers blood pressure
Is found to be low in women with PCOS & insulin resistance
Sources: green leaves (Spinach), Bananas, Seeds (pumpkin/flax/chia), Beans
2. Chromium:
Improves body’s response to insulin
Helps stimulate ovulation
Helps regulate menstrual cycle
Reduces male hormones in the body such as testosterone
    Sources: Most of fruits & vegetables such as- Apples, Oranges, Grape juice, Tomato, Beans
 3. Iodine:
Helps regulate the hormones by affecting the thyroid gland
    Sources: Prunes, Iodized Salts
4. Selenium:
improves chances of pregnancy
reduces inflammation in the body
Helps normalize hormone levels in the body
  Sources: Brazil nuts, Brown rice, Sunflower seeds, Mushrooms, Spinach
Minerals are to be taken within the required dosage only.
Several researches have supported the effectiveness of the magnesium, chromium, iodine and selenium for PCOS. Thus, including their sources in the diet can be beneficial for you. Keep in mind, PCOS is a condition that must not be dealt with without a doctor’s and dietitian’s assistance.
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earthfulme · 2 years
How To Choose The Right Protein Powder As Per Your Needs
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The nutrition products market is flooded with protein powders.
Ever wondered why?
It’s the need of the hour for us. Due to our eating habits our diets have become more and more deficient in protein, especially Indian diets. The three major research-backed reasons are -
Low Protein Intake: 9/10 Indians consume less protein.
Limited Sources: 60% of protein in our diet comes from cereals.
Diet Patterns: Vegetarian & veganism lacks complete proteins.
Thus, coming to the real question, how to choose the right protein powder as per your needs and individuality?
Watch out for:
1. Lactose Content
Too much can upset the stomach for some.
Tip: Try Pea protein powders instead.
2.Added Sugars
Some protein powders have lots of added sugars.
Tip: Make sure you select one by labels.
3.Watch out for allergies
Check if the protein powder suits you well.
Ensure it has no ingredients which you are allergic to.
4.Choose Between Only Protein / Mix
if you wish to gain only muscle, go for isolated protein
If you need to gain overall weights well, go for the later option
In conclusion:
Choosing a protein powder must always be individualized for your needs. Just take note of the thumb criteria that goes for all -  ease of digestibility.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Effect of Aging On Nutrient Absorption & What It Means
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Aging affects everything. The changes you can see and feel are well known, but did you know there are changes that happen in your gut as well? The impact of aging on uptake of nutrients is far more complex than we can think of. This is why the risk of reduced quality of life increases as we age.
To counter the same, it becomes increasingly crucial to be aware of the changing needs of your body and then, alter your diet, habits and nutritional support practices accordingly.
First, lets learn about the changes in the gut-brain connection -
1. Less Digestion & Absorption:
With age, stomach acid decreases.
This affects absorption of vitamin B12, calcium, iron and magnesium.
Risk of deficiency increases.
2. Food Intake is Lowered:
Sense of thirst and hunger decreases
Hunger hormones decrease
Muscle loss increases
All of this decreases the appetite and makes it more difficult to meet the nutrient needs.
3. Nutrient Needs Increase:
On the other hand where intake and absorption has gone down, need for certain nutrients shoots up.
Skin becomes thinner and so, the ability to synthesize Vitamin D reduces
This affects calcium uptake
Bone health goes down
Medications also interfere with nutrient uptake
In conclusion:
Since aging affects the body, it becomes increasingly difficult to meet your nutritional needs only from food. Thus, to avoid diseases and maintain optimum health, supplements become crucial.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Nutrients To Pamper Your Hair (From Within)
Are you ignoring your diet in your hair care practice?
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Diet plays a key role in nourishing the hair from within. And sometimes, we keep on looking for the correct brush, the correct shampoo when the solution lies right in our kitchen! Thus, let’s nourish our hair with nutrients that are proven to support its growth.
Nutrients To Pamper Your Hair -
Makes up keratin (the basic building block of hair)
Restores damaged hair tissues
Boosts hair growth
Research links biotin deficiency to hair loss
Iron, B6, B12 and folate
Ensure your follicles receive enough oxygen
Reduces hair breakdown chances
Vitamin C
Protects hair from oxidative damage
Helps absorb iron better
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
Form the natural oils of the scalp
Prevent dry scalp and add shine to the hair
Vegan food options to help sneak more of these nutrients in your diet -
Protein - nuts, tofu, more whole grains and dals
Biotin - bananas, nuts, cauliflower, whole grains
Iron - chickpeas, beans, tofu, cashew nuts, chia seeds
B6 - muesli, pistachio nuts, banana, oranges, quinoa, sunflower seeds
B12 - Fortified foods only (supplementation can be useful)
Folate - leafy greens, beans, peas and lentils, oranges, beetroot, quinoa, okra
Vitamin C - citrus fruit, peppers, strawberries, broccoli, sprouts, potatoes
Omega-3 Fatty Acids - flaxseeds, walnuts, canola oil, soybean oil
Diet plays a major role in the health journey of our hair. Thus, increasing intake of certain nutrients in the diet will directly affect your hair health as well. With nutrition, patience is the key.
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earthfulme · 2 years
Decoding Fats: No Fat is all Evil
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FATS. A four-letter word that has the potential to create a love-hate relationship with our favorite foods.
Yet, it doesn't have to be that way. The key to having a healthy relationship with food is to have balance. The same principle applies to fats as well. And no, it's not just a balance in how much you consume but a balance between the different types of fats you consume.
This is what we’ll be talking about today,
Let me give you a quick overview first.
Fats are of three types -
Under PUFA comes two varieties, omega-6 and omega-3.
They are all found in our food. Trans fats are found in small amounts in red meat and dairy, but are mostly formed through processing, and are found in packaged foods.
SFA - Saturated Fatty Acids
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and many other organizations consistently recommend a limitation on intake of saturated fat, typically to <10% of energy.
This is because several studies have found an association between saturated fat and LDL cholesterol levels and thus, increased incidence of CVD.
However, recent studies have brought forth an interesting insight. Sure, we need to limit our saturated fat intake, but what also matters is what we replace it with.
For example, if you reduce your SFA consumption and increase refined carbs, cardiovascular health and obesity can worsen even more.
Instead, what has shown improvement is our next type of fat.
USFA - Unsaturated Fatty Acids
These are the healthy fats which our diets lack in. There are two types of unsaturated fatty acids - MUFA & PUFA.
Several studies have linked replacing saturated fats with MUFA to improved management of diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors.
Results are stronger when it comes to replacing saturated fats with PUFAs, especially Omega-3. For every 1 percent of energy coming from saturated fats replaced with PUFA, CHD risk is cut down by 2-3 percent.
And so, this is where we need to act. Increase your intake of MUFA by adding in foods such as:
Oils such as Olive oil, canola oil
Nuts such as almonds, cashews, peanuts
Seeds such as sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds
Increase your intake of PUFA (Omega-3) by adding in foods such as :
Oils such as soybean oil and canola oil
Seeds such as chia seeds, flax seeds
Nuts such as walnuts and peanuts
Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel
TFA - Trans Fatty Acids
With trans fats, I think you must’ve guessed it already. They are the worst when it comes to affecting your body’s fat composition. They will favour an increase of LDL (the bad cholesterol) and cut down HDL (the good cholesterol). They also increase inflammation in the body. Unfortunately, our diets are full of them as we continue to consume processed and packaged foods, especially when we ignore the labels or eat out too often.
The hidden culprits are hydrogenated oils which are often used in restaurants, street joints, and in packaged as well as junk foods. And so it's important to check both the labels and the ingredients list and avoid anything that mentions “partially hydrogenated oil” or margarine. Best is to consume home-cooked meals as much as possible and limit intake of outside food.
Now you know the fats in your food and can definitely pause before you make a choice. Try replacing sources of saturated fats with those containing unsaturated fats while trans fats must be avoided! Meanwhile, our diets are also primarily high in Omega-6 and low in Omega-3, so to bring in a balance between the two, make sure your daily diet has some sources of omega-3 as well.
Bon Appétit!
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earthfulme · 2 years
Top 7 Vegan Sources of Healthy Fats and Ways to Include Them in Your Diet
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Fats have long been loathed. Diet industry has long been obsessed with cutting down on fat. Although that’s still important, recent studies have shown that replacing unhealthy fats with healthy fats can also be beneficial for overall health. Thus, here’s a list of foods to help you get started and make the switch! 1. Peanuts:
20% saturated fat | 50% monounsaturated fat (MUFA) | 30% polyunsaturated fat (PUFA)
Add them to your poha, dals, salads or pop them straight into your mouth! This is because peanuts are incredibly rich in healthy fats alongside other functional compounds like proteins, fibers, polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.
Just make sure you have them in moderation, a handful of peanuts with skin (for fiber) would be good to go. Avoid salted ones and they can contain excessive amounts of sodium.
2. Chia:
Chia seeds are another great source of healthy fats. Infact, if you study the nutritional composition of chia seeds, they have just the right balance of saturated fats versus PUFA & MUFA, and also a good balance between omega-6 and omega-3. If you are unsure of these types of fatty acids, read more about them here: Types of fatty acids.
Chia seeds have adequate content of omega 6, around 18% to 20%, and higher omega 3 fatty acids, around 55% to 60%. Adding them to your diet is easy too, just keep a teaspoon of chia soaked for a few hours and have them with one of your routine meals.
3. Olive Oil:
Olive oil has been famous for quite a while for its health benefits. It’s because olive oil is rich in oleic acid, a primary MUFA. Studies have shown that using olive oil in place of refined oils can have heart and gut benefits. However, before you drizzle that olive oil you just bought from the market, make sure you've picked-on the labels! Always select extra virgin olive oil since that's the one with health benefits. It’s also higher in polyphenol content i.e antioxidants.
4 .Soybean / Edamame Beans:
Soy is another great source of healthy fats as it is abundant in omega-3 fatty acids. Moreover, soyabean is one of the best vegan sources of protein you can find. It has all nine essential amino acids in some amount. To incorporate it in your diet, you can try anything from soybean pulse curry, soybean kebabs / tikkis / seekhs, etc.
5. Tofu:
Just how paneer is made from cow's milk, soymilk can be used to make a cheese-like preparation called tofu. There are two varieties to choose from - soft or firm. Soft tofu has less amount of fat and calories as compared to firm tofu because of the higher water content, yet both provide a considerable amount of healthy fats.
6. Seeds:
Not just low in saturated fat, seeds are also one of the best vegan sources of omega-3 fatty acids. So sprinkle them on your salads, add them to your sabzi preparations, or pop them roasted! They will definitely make a difference in your diet.
The best ones to choose from -
Sesame seeds
Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds
7. Avocado:
Avocado is the most fat-rich plant food, with 77% calories coming from fat. Still, avocados manage to stay in the positive light because of the benefits of the healthy fats they contain i.e MUFAs & PUFAs. Avocados are 71% MUFA. Furthermore, as an avocado ripens, the MUFA content in it increases and saturated fat decreases. Owing to this, studies have found LDL Cholesterol to decrease in the body with consumption of avocados.
Here you go! This gets us to the end of our list of top 7 vegan sources of healthy fats and ways to include them in your diet. Now all you need to do is, make a conscious attempt to give these super healthy foods a little space in your meals!
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earthfulme · 2 years
6 Reasons Why Multivitamins Are The Need Of The Hour
Hustle culture has become the norm, barriers between work and home blurred.
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This one line explains how our lives have gotten busier than before. Whether it's sitting continuously for hours or working around the house for hours, in every case, it's become increasingly difficult to keep up with meals. As a result, our eating habits have also been compromised to a great extent. Overworking blues, increased stress and skipping of meals has reduced the quality of our lives. In such a suboptimal scenario, our body's digestion and absorption abilities can get impaired. So a question arises - Are our diets always enough?
In an ideal scenario, yes.
Yet, our lifestyle is far from an ideal one.
Our lifestyle is only one of the 6 research-backed reasons why multivitamins have become the need of the hour. So in today’s blog, let us run you through the same!
6 Reasons Why Multivitamins Are The Need Of The Hour:
1. Poor Lifestyle:
According to a survey by Franchise India, 34% of the people eat out two to three times a week. The survey also mentioned that the greatest factor we use to buy products is convenience.
Both these findings reflect our increased consumption of processed foods. Therefore, in a state with no time at hand, our diets have become increasingly stripped of micronutrients.
2. Vegan & Vegetarian Diets
3. Veganism and vegetarianism are healthy eating patterns:
However, people having a plant-based diet, particularly vegans, require extra support to meet certain vitamins and minerals.
These include:
* Vitamin B12
* Vitamin D3
* Omega-3 fatty acids like EPA & DHA
* And heme iron from meat, which is better absorbed by the body than from plant sources.
4. Restricted Diets:
Diets which limit certain food groups such as ketogenic diet, paleo diet or intermittent fasting, can lead to micronutrient deficiencies. This is due to a reduced intake and variety of foods consumed.
It’s not just about following a particular diet, but having a poor appetite can also lead to consuming less food than needed by your body.
5. Older Age:
As we age, there are several changes that occur in our body. These affect our ability to extract valuable nutrients from the food we ingest.
Here are the changes that take place in our body with age, there’s -  
1. Less Digestion & Absorption With age, stomach acid decreases. This affects absorption of vitamin B12, calcium, iron and magnesium.
2. Lowered Food Intake
There is a decreased sense of thirst and hunger as hunger hormones decrease. This affects the appetite and makes it more difficult to meet the nutrient needs.
3. Increased Nutrient Needs
On the other hand where intake and absorption has gone down, need for certain nutrients shoot up. Skin becomes thinner and so, the ability to synthesize Vitamin D reduces. This affects calcium uptake and so, bone health also goes down.
6. Needs above RDA:
In certain situations, it might get more difficult to dodge nutrient deficiencies. These are situations when the needs are increased beyond the RDA for a normal, healthy adult. For example, research shows that micronutrient deficiencies worsen during pregnancy due to increased nutritional needs.
Your needs will also be increased if any of the following applies to you:
Prolonged Stress
Chronic Disease
Disorders like Crohn’s Disease or Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Alcohol Consumption
Certain conditions increase the chances of nutritional gaps more than otherwise. Moreover, our habits can also pave the way for nutritional deficiencies. Therefore, while multivitamins are no way a replacement for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle, they can help reduce the likelihood of more problems in the future while we continue to work on improving our lifestyle daily.
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