Cant wait to try this out
Job Search & Securing Ritual
As some of you may have noticed, I have been posting a lot of spells attempting to aid the job search and relocation process (Spell for Job Search & Relocation [x], and Job Search & Relocation Recharge & Charm Bag [x]). As many of you who have gone through this search yourselves already know, it can be taxing and difficult. This spell is the third in a series (of sorts), and is intended to help secure either an invitation to interview, a job offer, or both, after applications or resumes have been submitted. You can adapt accordingly, of course.
Click the cut to read the full process.
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Got my tomato cages up and finally fertilized all my babies. We also got up the greenhouse if you can see the the left. I was completely covered in dirt because what's better than being barefoot in the garden but my poor body is covered in bug bites now! It's almost time to get ready to harvest my garlic and our broccoli looks like it'll be ready soon as well. I harvested some of the Swiss chard yesterday and it was so delicious to just add into to our sausage and vegetables. What are some of the bug bite remedies you use?? #gardening #gardengirl #gardenlife #garden #gardenwitch #gardenwitchery #witchesofig #greenwitch #greenlife #greenwitchcraft #greenwitchesofinstagram #witchesofinstagram🔮🌙 #witchythings #witchyvibes #witchy #bugbites #herbalremedies #herbalist https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYSxaBnnt_/?igshid=akh8725ge2j3
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Last night, I asked you to choose a card for this week's Oracle cards and it looks like the going theme is stick to your passions and goals 🔮 #rosequartz new moon in ♐ luck is on your side #greenaventurine full moon in ♓ balance spirituality and practicality #rhodonite had two messages for you this week Full moon in ♉ your dreams need a practical plan and full moon in ♎ a win-win outcome is forecast 🔮 There's so much positivity to take away for this week! Blessed be my lovely witches and enjoy your week. I'll be doing a monthly pull a little later on 🔮 #moonoracle #moonologyoraclecards #tarotscopes #tarotofinstagram #taroteveryday #tarotreader #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotreadersofig #tarottribe #weeklyforecast #weeklytarot #pullbytheweek #letthemoonbeyourguide #crystals #tarotandcrystals #crystaltarot #witchesofinstagram #witchesofig #witchery #witchythings #greenwitch #greenlife #intuitive #witchyvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/BzYRxNNngc0/?igshid=1hwfecypq5rtd
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It's thirsty Thursday so I thought I'd share my dream tea blend! I try not to drink this tea too late or i won't wake up the next day. It has mugwort, rose, Valerian, hibiscus and passion flower. It doesn't knock me out right away but it definitely does the trick. Sometimes if it's too late I'll smoke the mugwort instead to help with dreams but won't have the effects from the Valerian 🍵 🍵 🍵 🍵 #tea #herbaltea #teatime #witchythings #witchybrew #dream #dreams #dreamtea #dreampotion #witchcraft #witch #witchesofinstagram #witchery #witchy #greenwitch #kitchenwitch #greenwitchcraft #greenwitchery https://www.instagram.com/p/Byq4_bXnerD/?igshid=n5dtpbnpt8gg
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Just sharing a shot from my trip last month. Pollinators are so beautiful 🦋 🦋 🦋 🦋 #pollinators #butterfly #butterflies #naturephotography #nature #greenwitch #greenwitchery #gardenwitch (at Red Rock Canyon Las Vegas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byr8KNDnPXF/?igshid=l3eo3op6r1g0
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The red Rock canyon was just breathtaking. All the different cacti and beautiful flowers were amazing 🦋 💐 💐 💐 #nature #naturephotography #photography #naturephotographer #greenwitch #greenwitchcraft #witchesofinstagram #travelphotography #photographersofinstagram (at Red Rock Canyon Las Vegas) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byr8rsAHx1s/?igshid=13nzk3fjdmhay
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What exactly would this mean by charging a sigil with a phone charger?  
Could I charge a sigil with a plugged in cell phone charger?
I’m still pretty new to understanding this practice, but from my knowledge of it, charging is an energy that really comes from within you.  So whatever you feel is the best physical way to channel that inner energy is the way that works best. 
I say go for it!  
Anyone else who’s more of an expert on charging want to weigh in?
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Adjectives for elements OTHER THAN masculine/feminine
Water: destructive, shaping, cleansing, slaking, tumultuous
Earth: decaying, nurturing, feeding, heavy, wet, hungry
Air: drying, shaping, destructive, light
Fire: cleansing, destructive, shaping, drying, hungry
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cheap, easy ways to decorate your altar for the sabbats
Imbolc/Candlemas: seeds or bulbs, candles, red and white
Ostara: flowers, eggs, milk, honey
Beltane: flowers, ribbons, acorns
Litha: oak leaves, sun symbols, sunflowers
Lammas: bread, wheat, beer, honey, corn dolls, iron
Mabon: fall leaves, cornstalks, grapes and grape vines, pomegranates, apples
Samhain: tarot cards, mirror, food offerings, mulled wine, dark bread
Yule: holly, pine cones, mistletoe, fruits, nuts, bells
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Things to Research as a Beginner Earth Witch
The history of herbal witchcraft
Trees, Trees, Trees
Edible Wild Plants 
Wildflowers ~ harvesting + foraging + drying
Medicinal Plants + Herbs 
Mushroom Identification
Teas, Tinctures, Meads + Smoke Blend recipes 
Crystals + Gems + Stones 
Types of witches
Deities/Archetypal God-desses
Altar building + devotions 
Types of magick 
Types of energy
Types of spells 
Types of divination
Elements + their magick
Moon Phases 
Seasonal Magick 
Cyclical Nature of Earth 
Wheel of the Year 
Wheel of Days (celebrations and feasts)
Native Spirituality 
Animal Medicine + Animal Totem 
Famous Herbal Witches 
Astral Travel + Projection 
The best antidote to the unknown is to learn as much as you can.
Blessed be,
Rosemary Milk 🌹
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A Whopping List of 160 Grimoire Prompts and Ideas
Alrighty, everybody, I’ve been working all day trying to compile this list together and it came out to be a staggering 160 prompts and ideas for your grimoire! Some of these are pretty vague and others are quite specific, but this is only to help you guys more with filling up your grimoires! So buckle up and get ready to go! 
(Btw since this post is SOOOO long it’ll be hidden :’) )
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Grimoire Prompts
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Here’s a few ideas if you’re stuck on what you want to do!
Pendulum board
Crystal grid
Your favourite song, turned into a spell
Pressed flowers
Photographs of nature
Your handprint, with all the things that make you ‘you’ written inside
Pouch to hold incense 
Black mirror page (Using some reflective black material)
Create your own alphabet
A letter to yourself in the future or in the past
Create an altar in your grimoire
Smells of witchcraft you love
Magical moments in your life
Dream diary
Drawings of places you have seen in meditation/ astral travel
Photos of your pets
List of reasons why you are glad to be a witch
Write a letter to a deity, or if you don’t believe in deity, to an ancestor 
Colour palette tabs found from paint shops
A pie chart of significant things in your practise
Unorthodox correspondences; (examples: Socks for protection and comfort, Blue tack for creativity, doritos for enjoyment)
What would your followers leave as offerings for you if you were a deity?
Make a tarot card out of old newspaper pictures 
Write a spell using the most ridiculous objects you can think off
Create a mythical creature that would be your familiar
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Witchcraft is not just an “aesthetic” that you can adopt. Its not about “witchy vibes” and wearing black fishnets with a quartz point around your neck.
(It’s about appreciating the world around you and the energy within yourself and within everything and understanding how to manifest it into the every day. To grasp the beauty of the world and harness it within.)
~ So Get Outta Here With That Sh*t ~
Sorry y'all I’m just mad at a gal who was claiming to be a witch and to read tarot all semester while simultaneously turning her nose up at the concept of my altar and the animal bones/stones/pendulums that adorned it bc that was ‘too weird’ and she just wanted to wear quartz and black clothes and talk about being a witch
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An emoji spell to raise your good luck,
like to charge the spell and reblog to charge ✨🕯️
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Color Correspondences
As an artist I found color correspondences on this site to be so USEFUL, except they’re missing so much! The more I dug the more it seemed that way across the board. I didn’t feel for my practice that bright red and dark red evoked the same reaction, so I opted to make my own correspondence list. 
Every color on this doc was carefully selected to be representative of that “group” of colors, ie. bright pink or neon blue, with each color including an hex code that best sums up that color group. Color correspondences were taken not only from pre-existing materials, but from research (still ongoing) surrounding that color. This includes areas the color is found in nature, art or the world, as well as emotional responses evoked in myself.  Found Here (My Correspondences Doc, which includes many sources used for colors!)
For my practice this list is used across candles, fiber and art. 
Pastel Pink - ffd2da:  for compassion, nurturing, love, youth, good health in children Pink - f3c3ca:  for compassion, vitality, nurturing, femininity, friendship, affection, protection for children, mercy Bright Pink - f4468d:  for youth, joy, social/interpersonal success, high energy Bright Red - ff0000:  for anger, vitality, ego, survival, war, danger, impulse Red - bb0f0f:  for passion, lust, health, strength, love, mercy, stubbornness Dark Red - 5d0707:  for lust, anger, conflict, obsession, courage, burning Maroon - 800000:  for passion, lust, drama, courage Wine - 7d1920:  for lust, conflict, vigor, desire, relationships, creativity Peach - ffdab9:  for vitality, peace, sweet natures/intentions, creativity Salmon - f96b46:  for fertility, survival, healing of emotions
Pastel Orange - f8a654:  for success, rhythm, phases, intellectual matters, overcoming addiction, fun, kindness Copper - b87333:  for money, business success, career goals Orange - ffa500:  for creativity, joy, ambition, intellectual matters, business, vitality, enthusiasm, encouragement, celebration, changes, fire Blood Orange - fa7415:  for good self and emotional expression, joy, adaptability, fun, transitions, warmth Neon Orange - ff9933:  for joy, safety, warnings, action, unexpected/large expenses, vitality, technology Dark Orange - db6414:  for ambition, action, justice, technology, warnings, distractions, fire Burnt Orange - b34a00:  for legal matters, business goals/decisions, disassociation, deceit, aging, wisdom, transitions, burning, warmth  
Pastel Yellow - ffff75:  for happiness, memory, learning, persuasion, inspiration, mornings, new beginnings Yellow - ffff4c:  for intellect, happiness, pleasure, imagination, sun, learning, inspiration, air, communication Neon Yellow - ffff00:  for annoyances, sun, masculinity, lack of control Dark Yellow - fbca1a:  for intellect, memory, learning, monetary success, travel, communication Gold - ffdf00:  for pleasure, luxury, success, persuasion, ego, masculinity, attraction, prosperity, narrow mindedness, sun
Pastel Green - c4fb7a:  for emotional/physical healing, manifestation, fertility, freshness Lime Green - 9cd707:  for luck, ending frustration, manifestation, envy Green - 008000:  for growth, luck, jealousy, earth, plants, fertility, freshness, nature, insight, clarity Dark Green - 113006:  for prosperity, growth, earth, forests, acceptance, nature Olive Green - 535629:  for money, greed, obstacles, earth Neon Green - a3f930:  for obstacles, jealousy, toxicity, obnoxious obstacles, envy, high energy Seafoam Green - 8ae19a:  for fertility, creativity, calmness, acceptance
Pastel Blue - ccf5f5:  for peace, spirituality, tranquility, awareness, cold nature, cleansing, birth, creativity Blue Grey/Slate - 497090:  for tranquility, awareness, clouded judgement, cold nature, nightmares Blue - 0000ff:  for peace, water, wisdom, protection, communication, good fortune, failed technology, creativity Navy Blue - 000035:  for depression, wisdom, dream manipulation, logic, nightmares, order/structure, ambition Neon Blue/Cyan - 00ffff:  for anxiety, clarity, good fortune, Sky Blue - 4cdcdc:  for peace, protection, communication, air, beauty, searching/seeking Teal - 008080:  for spirituality, water, forgiveness, cleansing, calm, creativity
Pastel Purple - d8c8ec:  for spirituality, tension, meditation, hidden knowledge Lavender - cc99cc:  for spirituality, insight, clarity, intuition, sleep/restful sleep Purple - 800080:  for knowledge, royalty/government, independence, intoxication Indigo - 4b0082:  for dignity, divination, ambition, overcoming depression, contacting spirits Deep Purple - 291129:  for royalty, for personal power, intoxication Bruise - 583d6c:  for tension, depression, pain, lack of ambition, grief Magenta - ff00ff:  for driving away evil, anxiety, sleeplessness, spiritual power
Browns - Greys - Neutrals
Cream - f6f5b4:  for sweetness, living things, weakness emotionally/physically Sepia - 704214:  for remembering, forgetting, concentration, unclean/dirty, construction Burnt Umber - 9e3817:  for growth, warmth, grounding, home, animals, trees Brown - 5b200d:  for animals, earth, dirt, growth, stability, grounding Dark Brown - 211306:  for grounding, old things, old growth, forests, mountains, stability Grey - 808080:  for neutrality, security, loneliness, removing negativity, a fogged mind/ memories, balance, contemplation Warm Grey - 9f885c:  for lawful neutral, glamour, stillness, contemplation Cool Grey - 899692:  for chaotic neutral, clouding decisions, hiding truths, restraint Silver - c0c0c0:  for the feminine, moon, communication, intuition, divine, lying, victory Black - 000000:  for removing negativity, protection, wisdom, learning, depression, death, loss, mourning, transforming, banishing White - ffffff:  for purity, blessing, innocence, light, truth, children, hidden evils/dangers, drama, cleansing, rage/fury
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♡ Dill Weed/Dill Seed ♡
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Scientific Name: Peucedanum graveolens
Element: Fire
Hang in doorways to protect your home
Carry with you for protection
Powerful against negative spirits and entities, and for blessings
Money magick
Spell baths to make yourself appear more attractive to your significant other
Place in crib/cot to protect infants
Posted: May 12, 2019
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