easilyaroused · 2 years
A new piece of erotic fiction is available now, exclusively on my Patreon. Sign up today to get access to all of my new fiction and my entire back catalogue of work.
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easilyaroused · 2 years
If you like quality erotic fiction (he said with a complete lack of modesty), you can find some here:
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easilyaroused · 2 years
www.easilyaroused.co.uk was ‘live’ on the web from 2005 to 2017, and then it went dark…
But EA is back.
On Patreon.
At least one new piece of erotic fiction every month, plus access to my entire back catalogue.
Why not join me at www.patreon.com/easilyaroused?
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easilyaroused · 8 years
Risqué Abstracts #47
Brand new #EroticFiction to read on the website: 'Risqué Abstracts #47' #Erotica
I’ve finally gotten rid of everyone who could want me for the next hour or so. So if you still want me… ~You know I still want you. I’d forgive you if you’d given up on me today. ~That hasn’t happened. What are you doing? Lying back on my bed. ~With your laptop, I presume? My Macbook, yes. ~And what are you wearing? I still have on my black work dress. Would you like me to remove it? ~Not yet. Is…
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easilyaroused · 8 years
Lines of Communication
Brand new #EroticFiction to read on the website: 'Lines of Communication'
He pulls into the driveway, relieved to see that it’s empty. He lets himself into the silent house, drops his briefcase in the cool hallway, grabs an ice-cold Michelob from the kitchen on his way to the small study at the rear of the property. He sits down at his laptop, sipping the beer while he listens to the hard drive whirring into life, idly thinking about switching to a solid state drive.…
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easilyaroused · 8 years
Brand new #EroticFiction: 'Invocation' #Erotica
Think of my hands, caressing your body as you stand naked before me. Think of my gaze, drinking in your nakedness, your vulnerability. Think of my cock, growing harder and harder at the sight of you, at the promise of you; reaching out to you, greedy for your touch, for the heat of your flesh. Is that a thought that excites you? Is it a prospect that sends pulses of electricity running through…
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easilyaroused · 8 years
A brand new piece of #EroticFiction for you to read: 'Audible' #Erotica #FFM
She picks up her iPad from atop the bedside cabinet and turns it on. The red circle in the top-right corner of the mail icon contains the number ‘one’. She touches the glass over the graphical envelope and the application opens for her. A single new email, from the address that she has come to associate with him. There is nothing in the subject line, but she sees that the message has brought her…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
Red Lights
The bulbs in the bedside lamps glow red. They can produce a kaleidoscope of colours, can transition effortlessly from one hue to another. Tonight, though, they are locked to scarlet. Red was the one colour he had in mind the day he purchased them. Before him, she writhes nakedly along a diagonal of the big bed. Egyptian cotton burns around her, its once starched crispness obliterated by her…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
Brand new #EroticFiction: 'Countenance'
Which of my fantasies am I permitted to confess to you? Are there scenarios you refuse to countenance? Is there a line beyond which I must never, ever go? What about the fantasy where my lips and the tip of my tongue toy with one of your taut nipples while I watch my wife’s mouth paying the same deference to the crown of your other breast? While our palms glide over your arms and your belly and…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
Wet Dreams
I’ve never made love in a swimming pool, never coaxed a woman to climax as she floats luxuriantly in balmy waters, never experienced the thrill of a weightless orgasm. But I want to. I crave the eroticism of the experience. Long ago when I was travelling, I met a woman staying at a villa with a pool. She swam as well as I did, and we frolicked in the water together … but it was the most delicate…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
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copyright eespurrier
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easilyaroused · 9 years
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copyright eespurrier
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easilyaroused · 9 years
Brand new #EroticFiction: 'Transpiration'
At the last minute, he decides to take the day off work. He has no intention of wasting the day curled beneath the duvet like a contented sloth, or lounging before a stream of mind-numbing television. He’s going to work up a sweat, tend to the chores he’s neglected for months. The office has devoured his home and social lives, tilted his work-life balance so far from equilibrium he’s begun to…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
The Wrong Idea
The writer Erica Jong once said: Fame means millions of people have the wrong idea of who you are. Now I’m not famous, and there are billions of people out there who have no idea who I am. But the very nice people over at Kinkly kindly invited me to be their sex blogger of the month for July, which meant publicly answering ten questions about my time as a writer of erotic fiction. If you’re…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
Joy Be The Consequence
New website post: 'Joy Be The Consequence'
It’s audience participation time! Quite a few years ago (it’s still slightly unsettling to be in a position to say that with a straight face), I posted a poll consisting of five photographs, and asked readers to choose the image they wanted to be the inspiration for a new piece of erotica. ‘Concessions’, and the winning image that inspired that particular tale, can both be found right here. Given…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
Brand new #EroticFiction to read at my website. 'Nocturnal' #Erotica
He is here.
He stares up into the darkness. Remembers where he is.
He hears her say something.
“I asked, ‘Are you ok?'”
“Yes. Did I wake you? Was I snoring?”
“No.” Her voice is sleepy. “You started suddenly. As though you’d been surprised in a nightmare.”
He scans his memory, but it’s blank, like the pitch-black room.
“If I was dreaming, I don’t remember what it was about.”
“Go back to…
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easilyaroused · 9 years
10th anniversary erotic fiction. "Ripper" http://wp.me/pdUEV-V4
She tells him what she wants him to buy for her: the size, the shade, the denier. She even specifies a make, and a particular product within the brand.
He considers departing from the script at that point. He wants to exhibit a degree of independence, of control. But in the end, he acquiesces. She has exquisite taste in lingerie, and a knowledge that goes far beyond the surface aesthetic.
Why fly…
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