whumporama · 25 days
Blindfolds in whump!
A Whumpee who is blindfolded and held in a room for a while, tied to a chair. They can't move, and can't see. All they have is their hearing, and they don't even know if anyone is in the room with them. They don't think so, they heard them leave, and are pretty sure nobody stayed... but... can they be sure?
They're in a constant loop between just waiting, and tensing up, their mind making up scenarios of someone being there. Someone standing in the corner, watching. Someone being right in front of them, just out of reach. A gust of wind on their cheek, did someone just walk by? Did they imagine that sound?
They're freaking themselves out, and nothing is even happening yet.
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
64 with ler Fjord & either Caleb or Molly? 🥺 dealers choice, but as soon as I saw that one I immediately thought of Fjord being a bully
Prompt 64 - “Relax, I’m not gonna kill ya, I’m just gonna make you wish you were dead.”
A/N: i love this for fjord. OMG. also, so… there’s this 6k ler!fjord lee!molly slightly fjolly decently mean interrogation fic im working on for tickletober and this line fit into it reaaaally well for a part where molly is in the stocks and… well… consider this my fic preview hehe (I’ll tag it here eventually when it’s posted in oct.)
“EheheHEHEHEHEEHEE- YOHOHOU’RE KILLIN’ MEEHEHEHEHE!” Molly whines through frantic laughter.
“Oh relax, don’t be so dramatic. I’m not gonna kill you.” Fjord speaks calmly, as though soothing a child. “I’m just gonna make you really, really wish you were dead.” His voice is sweet as the words drip out like honey, and Molly shivers from more than just the tickling sensations lighting up his soles.
“PFFFAHHAAHFUCK!” Molly cries — both in the sense of crying out aloud during his cackling, and in the other—more literal—sense, as tears bleed into the cloth tied over his eyes. He clasps and unclasps his fingers. He presses deeply into the seat and strains uselessly against the stocks — all for nothing. His laughter rings out boisterously as Fjord continues to scrub the brush up and down his foot, then switch to the other. Back and forth. Back and forth. Overwhelming, but never enough to get desensitized to in any one place.
“PLEHEEHHEEASE!” Molly shrieks.
“What happened to that attitude of yours?” Fjord snickers, looking up from his feet to take in Mollymauk’s squirming, desperate form.
“Don’t knohohohHOOW! I dohOHON’T know wHERE—” Molly babbles incoherently, still trying to bargain with his captor.
“You don’t know where your attitude went?” Fjord laughs, pulling the brush away from his soles for the first time in far, far too long.
Molly heaves in deep, shaky breaths. “I- heh- I… What?”
Fjord hums, sounding amused. They sit in the ‘silence’ of Molly deliriously catching his breath.
“Maybe I should believe you…” Fjord says after a little time passes and Molly sounds less frenetic.
Molly tries to give his best hopeful, honest smile. It’s hard without the eyes.
Molly picks up the sound of Fjord getting up from his seat, a little relief washes over him.
Then the brush is back, and Mollymauk is wailing out a surprised bark of laughter. “WAITHAHAHA— WAIT!”
“But, on the other hand..” Fjord sighs, bringing his other hand to tickle along the sole of Molly’s right foot as he brushes up and down his left. Mollymauk almost wishes for a gag with how loudly he shouts and shrieks through desperate laughter. The hand and brush switch. They switch back a little while later.
“Hmm.” Fjord says, stopping again after a few minutes. “What do you think?”
“I thihihink I am going to die here.” Molly whimpers, smiling defeatedly.
“Not if you tell me the truth.”
“I am telling yohohohou the truth.”
“Well, I have to make sure you’re not lying.” Fjord says, and then the terrible brushing starts up again.
“Whyhyhyhyhy would I still behehehe lying- hehee?! Plehehehehease!” Molly argues as much as he can get out as he’s laughing.
“You tell me.” Fjord replies, not letting up. “Maybe you’re just a masochist.”
Molly definitely does not hate being on the receiving end of an evening like this, it’s true. He would take a moment to consider that if he had a brain cell that could focus on anything other than the incessant scrubbing of the hairbrush along his soles. It scrapes across the balls, the arches, the heel, up and down, up and down, over and over. The slick oily liquid covering his feet lets it glide with almost no resistance. All tickles, no resistance — yeah, Molly is probably going to die here.
He’s wheezing by the time Fjord stops again. He hesitates, half-pleading through his laughter, wondering when it’s going to start up again.
It doesn’t… And Fjord doesn’t say anything.
It still doesn’t… And then, finally, Fjord’s pulling down the blindfold. “Hey, there.”
Molly’s eyes adjust weakly to the light, the blindfold is damp with his tears. He mutters some kind of reply before closing his eyes again. “Fjord…”
“Mollymauk.” Fjord says, leaving the blindfold down around his neck and standing back up.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read further CR drabbles on ao3]
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Whump Prompt #1169
Anon asked: 
Anything for an oracle whumpee who has uncontrollable visions of the future when stressed? Poor caretaker tries to rub their back to help ground them but idk what else.
The first thing that came to mind is them smoking some ‘herbal remedies’ to give them more of an ‘what happens, happens’ mentality. Of course it doesn’t always work. 
Alot of the time they throw up/pass out/sob uncontrollably. 
Maybe they isolate themselves from others. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” The oracle sobs. 
“It’s not your fault. It’s never your fault.” The caretaker says. 
“But I could've warned them!”
“What happens, happens. What shall be, will be. You cannot change what is to come.”
The oracle often grinds their palms into their eyes to ‘stop seeing’ - maybe they cause themselves harm doing this. 
If the visions aren’t ‘mental’ and purely based on sight, maybe the caretaker offers a blindfold/hood to stop them from seeing. 
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loudlystrangemagazine · 4 months
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Is someone there?
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
whats a whump thing you love that you dont usually get to talk about?
Hmm...not quite the question you asked, but I think blindfolds are extremely underappreciated. Whumpee can feel the air move and hear Whumper's movements and voice and they're more sensitive to pain and smell and sound becuase their bodies are overcompensating and I think it just really ups the ante on the fear factor in almost any scene.
And it's just underappreciated.
People use blindfolds in scenes so Whumpee doesn't have facts. Like their location or Whumper's face. But there's SO MUCH MORE that comes with it when a body can't see and I think that's really underappreciated and there's not discourse about it the way there should be.
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immeasurable-depths · 9 months
Merry Christmas everyone- have some smut!
Idk where this came from, I think I was possessed by the spirit of the purple-haired lesbian. This is… quite explicit. It also became MUCH longer than expected so here’s an excerpt, the rest is on AO3. Hope you enjoy!
Then Imogen’s tongue is on her, rough and warm and wet, and all coherent thought is gone from Laudna’s mind in an instant. Imogen starts at the base of her spine, tongue wide and flat as she traces firmly up, up past her core, mapping over the vertebrae that protrude there, and Laudna can’t help but arch her back into the touch. Imogen continues up, leaving a trail of searing heat against the cold expanse of Laudna’s skin, and as she reaches the base of her neck, Laudna can’t suppress the feral moan that tears out of her throat.
Imogen stops. She withdraws her tongue and the effect is immediate; Laudna cranes her neck back almost involuntarily with a frown, desperate to keep up the contact as a petulant whine escapes her lips.
“Shh, Laudna,” she chides. Gently, oh, so gently. “We’re bein’ quiet, remember, hun?” Laudna nods frantically, desperately trying to focus on her breathing, to regain her composure as she draws breath in, out, in, out, but it’s so hard to concentrate when Imogen’s lips are ghosting against the nape of her neck. She clenches her fingers to stop herself releasing another cry, her nails digging into her thighs with the effort.
Immediately, Imogen’s hands are on top of hers, smoothing down Laudna’s curled claws, cradling her from behind. Gentle, soothing - but oh , so firm, too.
“Don’t hurt yourself, sweetheart.” A deep kiss is pressed to the base of Laudna’s neck, and Imogen curls her arms protectively around Laudna for a moment as her legs bracket her from behind on either side. With them both in a kneeling position like this, Imogen forms a protective embrace around Laudna's porcelain frame.
“I know you’ve got the control for this, don’t you, sweetheart?”
Yes. For Imogen, yes, she does, she can - she nods and focuses on flattening her palms. Imogen’s fingers brush gently over Laudna’s knuckles, and when she retracts them, the faintest trace of fingernails scrape against Laudna’s thighs. This time, Laudna manages to suppress the whine.
Imogen’s touch is maddening. Laudna can feel her pulse pounding in her ears, and her skin is incandescent where Imogen caresses her. How the sorcerer can touch her with such care, and control, is beyond Laudna: Imogen is so deliberate and sure in her movements, tracing fascinating patterns across Laudna’s skin and marvelling at the flush her touch brings to the surface. Meanwhile Laudna trembles and shakes, so wound up that her body follows its own instincts. She squirms her legs together, desperate for some friction, any relief she can find.
Imogen freezes again.
“I didn’t say you could do that, did I?” Her voice is soft, but a threatening edge creeps in that makes ichor pool all the more between Laudna’s legs. She has never been this turned on, never in life or unlife or however she exists now, and she doesn’t know how she can bear it. Her shoulders quake as they contract inwards, another pathetic whine escaping her lips.
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sunshiline-writes · 1 year
Drabble: A Glass Meal
Cw: MOUTH GORE (apparently it’s a theme with me), Blood, choking on blood, sadistic Whumper, starvation, blindfold, I think that’s it but extra warning for MOUTH GORE
Gnawing hunger made whumpee ache. An ache that settled deep in their bones. Spread through their body. They’d been stuck in the cellar for days. Time moved so slowly in the darkness. They had no idea how long it had been. But they had been drinking droplets of water from the leaky pipe.
They couldn’t see a thing, the blindfold still wrapped tightly around their head. Pressing into their eyes. They couldn’t even try to take it off if they wanted too. With their hands cuffed to the pipe awkwardly behind them. Whumpee whimpered. They had given up calling out for someone to come get them. But someone had to come right? Right?
Whumpee heard the creaking of the cellar door and the wooden steps. “Please.. please..” they immediately begged. “I’m so hungry.”
“Shut up. I brought you something to eat..” came the voice, standing right in front of them now. Whumpee could smell it. The smell of chicken flooded their senses and their mouth filled with saliva. They were so hungry, their stomach cramped painfully and they brought their legs to their stomach. Trying to quell the pain.
“Please..” they whispered again. “I can’t take it anymore..”
A hand smoothed over whumpees hair, then moved to ensure the blindfold was tight. “I know. Open your mouth.”
Whumpee opened their mouth immediately. Almost drooling at the promise of something.. something to eat. They wanted to beg again. But they were afraid that if they closed their mouth Whumper wouldn’t feed them. They flinched when something cold and smooth was placed on their tongue and Whumper tapped their chin to signal for them to close their mouth.
Whumpee moved the mystery object in their mouth and it clacked against their teeth. Glass.. Whumper had placed a piece of glass in their mouth. Shaking their head they moved to spit out the glass. Whumper moved quickly, slamming a hand over their mouth, shoving them backward.
“No no.. this is a gift. Fúcking chew.”
Whumpee had tears streaming down their face. Shaking their head. Whumper growled and slammed Whumpees head against the wall, causing Whumpee to cut their tongue on the glass. Blood filled their mouth and they choked on it. Sobbing through Whumpers hand.
“I won’t tell you again. Fucking chew.”
Whumpee sobbed and moved the glass to the side of their mouth. They felt the glass crack under their teeth. At the sound, Whumper made a hum of approval. They didn’t remove the hand from over their mouth though.
As they chewed, blood filled their mouth. Pain was in every crevice, as was glass. They chewed slowly, whimpering at every crack of glass under their teeth. Every movement of their tongue, made the glass cut deeper, it was everywhere. Under their molars, in their gums, under their tongue, in their pallet. Their mouth was filled with blood and they choked on blood and glass.
When Whumper was satisfied they released their hand from over their mouth. “You can spit it out now..” there was a cruel lilt to their words as Whumpee threw themselves foward, letting their mouth fall open. Blood and glass dripped slowly. They coughed and tried to spit. Every movement made their mouth light up with pain. Glass cut up their mouth even more as they spit and coughed. It was never going to all come out. It cut their dry, cracked lips and dripped on their chin.
“Here..” Whumper said, putting a cup to their lips. “Water, rinse,” was all they said as tilted it, making Whumpee fill their mouth rinse, and spit out more blood and glass. It all tasted metallic. Whumper allowed Whumpee to rinse their mouth a few more times. “There is food to your left… chicken and rice.. if you can chew it after that little snack.” Whumper said with a cruel laugh.
Whumpee didn’t even hear them leave over their own choked sobs.
They still tasted blood.
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link-sans-specs · 1 year
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You're making me feel a little weird.
Can You Smell With Your Tongue?
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certkidwhocantdomath · 7 months
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Back from Beyond: Johnny Cage's Return
Additional tags: Blind Character, Blindfolds, Referenced Character Injury, Referenced Character Death, Healing, Resurrection, Johnny Cage-centric, OP Johnny Cage(I mean- he defeated a fallen elder god and destroyed a cityscape!)
Johnny had woken up alone and warm.
Sure, Bi-Han was an early riser but they usually get up together so they can walk around the academy, enjoy the sun rise and talk to eachother.
And warm? Bi-Han was practically a human air conditioner so he kept the bed nice and cold.
He heard a quiet gasp come from his right.
"Oh, oh dear. You've woken up quite early.." Said a shy, quiet and feminine voice.
It was a voice he did not recognize.
"Where am I?"
"Oh uh... You are in the infirmary."
"Infirmary of?"
"Of the Order of Light.."
Order of Light? He heard Ashrah mention that clan before.. It was the one she joined after she left the Brotherhood of Shadow.
"Who are you?" Johnny asked the girl.
"Okay, Meditrina, can you tell what happened and why I'm here?"
"Well my boss, Raphael, found you while she was out for a walk. You were grievously injuries so we struggled to get you back alive."
Johnny stayed silent.
"It was at that point we drew several sigils around your body to keep the healing magic stable."
"Trina, who are you talking to?" Another voice, feminine but deeper than Meditrina's.
"I.. Uhm... Mr. Cage meet my boss, Raphael." She quietly introduced.
"You are up quite early, Mr. Cage."
"Yeah, I guess.."
"I may have a spell that can restore your eye sight. To an extent."
"To an extent?"
"Yes. You will be able to see that outline of something of something but you will not be able to see color as everything else will be pitch black."
"Hey, outlines is better than seeing nothing."
"Very well then. Lay down."
Johnny lies back down on the bed.
Meditrina held his hair back as Raphael started drawing a sigil with ash. She mumble a quick chant and the sigil glowed gold before turning black and is tattooed to his forehead.
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Now, Johnny saw a lot.
He finally saw what Raphael and Meditrina looked like.
Raphael has tight twin Dutch braids and is wearing something both an adventurer and healer would. She stood poised with confidence, arms crossed.
Meditrina has a loose French braid and is wearing something mainly a healer would. She stood slouched with shyness, arms wrapped around a pieces of paper that are clutched to her chest.
Johnny sat up and noticed something. His blindfold is gone, the one Kenshi wrapped so tenderly and so gently around his head.
"My blindfold, where is it?"
"Ah, it was ripped in your battle"
"Battle? What battle?"
"You.. Do not remember?"
"Uh, no. What battle?"
"Oh! Uhh, I sewed a purple blindfold for you as a replacement! Let me go get it!" Meditrina changed the subject and scurried off to an ornate box.
There she pulled a, assumingly, purple blindfold with a dragon scale design.
"It's purple with a black dragon scale design, by the way." Meditrina explained as she walked back to him and gently tied the blindfold over his scarred sockets.
"Good? Not that tight?"
"Nope, all good."
Johnny attempted to get up but his back hurt like hell. He groaned and was eventually helped by the ladies.
"Ugh.. Damn, my body hurts like hell. I feel like an old man with full gray hair..."
"Probably because you do...." Meditrina mumble under her breath.
"Mr. Cage, most of your hair has turned gray. Most likely from your incident." Raphael answered for her assistant.
"What incident?"
"I will admit, Mr. Cage, you look quite dashing with gray hair." Meditrina admitted.
"I have sent for our best chiropractor. He will help with the ache in your bones." Raphael butted in.
"Okay, thanks."
The ladies eventually left and a few minutes later the outline of a man made itself known.
"Good morning, Mr. Cage. I am Galen."
(Pronunciation: Gay-len)
"Good morning, it's nice to meet you, Galen."
"Likewise, Mr. Cage. Ms. Raphael and Lady Meditrina said you are feeling sore, so they sent for me."
"Yeah, my bones have been hurting for quite a while now."
"I can help with that. Please lay down on your stomach."
Johnny does as he is told and he feels a satin cloth drape over his legs and ass.
Galen started off with simple massages, adding several times of ointments and amenities to skins. Then he started cracking the knots in bones away.
After, Johnny felt anew.
"Wow, I feel like refreshed. Thank you, Galen."
"No problem, Mr. Cage." Just as Galen was about to walk out, he suddenly remembered something and turned back to him.
"Ah! Ms. Raphael said that you may go to the library if you wish. It is the next room to the next"
"Okay. Thanks for telling me."
Galen nodded and walked out.
Johnny stretched once more and cracked his knuckles. The star just then noticed he was wearing just shorts.
He looked at his legs and he saw more sigils. And scars.
How'd he get those?
Johnny shook his head and looked around. He saw a pair of black casual baggy drawstring boho pants. He grabbed it and put it on, it fit him perfectly.
Johnny walked to the library and entered and then he realized another thing. What the fuck is he gonna do here?
Outworld doesn't have the Titanic or Twilight. Not even Green Eggs and Ham!
So Johnny simply looked around the shelves, hoping to find something interesting.
And so he.
That's promising.
The cover was of a woman in a toga with long hair, wings, a bow and arrow with the quiver on her back. The woman was seemingly flying in the clouds
Johnny pulled out the generally small book and opened to the first page.
The Karlatun initially started off as a small village in Greece, located in the outskirts of Edenia. Though poor in money, they were rich in luck; they have been loyally devoted to their goddess, Bia, for several years through their devotion came fortune.
When they asked rain for their crops, Bia gave rain, when they asked for warmth in the cold hard winter, Bia gave them warmth. They had a large shrine built just for her in the middle of their small village, the statue smelt of incense and different types of grasses, roots, cereal grains, fruits, cheese, oils, honeys and milk surrounded it.
Unknowingly to Johnny, as he continued reading, two magical objects incased in strong glass was shaking and glowing purple.
The tyrant king of Edenia, KING ARGUS, heard about this and he grew envious. "How could such a small village with no gold or jewels be so blessed?!" Argus thought. Having had enough of this blasphemy, King Argus sent his army to kill the villagers, destroy the village and their statue. Zeus, the god the Edenians were loyal to, heard of this and told his loyal companion, Bia. She was not happy.
Bia went down to Edenia herself and spoke to her loyal devotees by possessing the very statue they created. Argus had planned to attack them at their weakest, as the Karlatun were having a supper.
As she possessed the statue, the eyes glowed white. "My children. The King of Edenia plans to eradicate you all. Hide your children and elder hide them within the farthest cave you can find, for they cannot know what shall happen". The Karlatun were afraid but they listened their goddess' instructions. They hid their children and elders within a cave returned to the village.
The magical objects were now shaking violently and glowing brighter.
As the rest of villagers returned they got their knees and bowed before Bia. "O great goddess of force, what shall we do to protect our village?" A villager asked.
Bia took some bread, blessed it and said; "take it, for this my body which is given to you." Bia said as she watched her loyal devotees take apart the bread and share it among themselves.
Bia took glass of wine, blessed it and said; "this is my blood, it is poured out as a sacrifice to forgive the sins of many." Bia said she watched her loyal soldiers take one small sip each to give to the next.
She watched as the eyes of her loyal warriors glowed different colors. Though different colors, every color represented battle and courage.
They heard the sounds of footsteps and horses galloping hearing them but the villagers stood tall as the color their eyes glow now covered their body.
As King Argus' army arrived at the village, several beats went by the soldiers silently stared down at the villagers, underestimating them because they are outnumbered. Then a green orb hit the captain straight in the chest, sending him back several miles. Everyone looked in pure shock as they saw a woman in fighting stance, clearly having sent the orb. The villagers knew this woman as Adira Karlatun.
Then, brutal battle was fought. Many were lost but the casualties to the Karlatun was minimal thanks to Adira's leadership, the true damage was caused on the army. But the damage to their homes, was too much.
The surviving villagers returned to the cave and led their people to a safe haven where they can live in peace, unbothered by the tyranny of King Argus.
The magical objects shook aggressively and glowed even brighter
The Karlatun sought refuge in the very edge of Greece, near the Mediterranean Sea.
There, they built yet another shrine for Bia. Now, every year Bia would bless a child when they are the right age and after they are blessed, they trained how to use their new found powers to protect their god and their home.
They lived there for centuries now going by the name "Karlatun Clan" after the woman who started the battle in village meaning "free man" and settlement". And over the centuries, they have made several alliances with other clans in Earthrealm- the Taira Clan of Japan being their most prominent ally.
But... Everything went awry when King Argus' great-grest grandson, Daegon, found them once more and sought revenge.
The magical objects shook and the glass started to crack.
Emperor Daegon ambushed them and managed to destroy the statue of Bia.
Many of the Karlatun were killed, mainly children and elders, but many still managed to escape Daegon's wrath. They scattered all over Earthrealm; some escaped for America and some for the Czech Republic.
(Damn, would anyone believe me if I said all that came from the top off my head?)
"Wha- that's it? Where's the rest of it?" Johnny asked as he tried looking for the rest.
That when Johnny finally noticed. The magical artifacts.
The sound of glass breaking echoed through the library. Then two flying... Somethings.. Went straight to Johnny, nearly hitting him if he hadn't dodged.
Then the objects stopped and Johnny got a clearer view of whatever the hell it is.
It was a pair of brass knuckles.
(Pretend the blue is purple)
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"What the..."
"Johnny Cage," he heard something call out, "son of Karlatun, descendant of Scandinavia and Greece. You have done well for this timeline's Lord. You are worthy of my blessing."
Then, everything burned.
It felt like he was being cooked from the inside.
"AGH!" Johnny groaned and clutched his chest, suddenly memories started flashing.
Pain in his chest.
Killing a good portion of Shao's army.
Fighting Reiko and winning.
General Shao stabbing him again and snapping his neck.
Now Johnny knew.
Raphael said he had gray hair was because of an 'incident'. That 'incident' being his fucking death. His hair turned gray because it lacked melanin.
Then the brass knuckles floated closer to him, closer to his hands. And when he removed his hands from the floor, the brass knuckles inserted itself into his fingers.
Johnny felt... Powerful, renewed.
"Finally, you realize your true potential." He turned to the library's entrance and the outline of Raphael.
"When I saw you fight. I knew who you are. What you are."
"Why resurrect me?"
"Because you are too powerful to let die. Come, my sister is waiting for you. She will be the one to monitor your training."
As they walked to the exit of the temple, Meditrina had given him a black tank top to cover his scars.
"Ah, Mr. Cage! It is quite an honor to meet you."
"Like wise, Miss?..."
"Ms. Alala."
"Please, call me Alala. After all, we will be spending quite some time together."
"If you say so."
"Has my sister told about your situation?"
"I guess. I just found out I'm a defendant of the Karlatun Clan and Raphael said you would be training me."
"Yes, that is correct." Alala created a portal using a magic symbol. "Come along now, we have a lot to fulfill!"
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oddsconvert · 2 years
Whumper making whumpee traumatised and scared of their own family...
So if by some miracle they manage to escape and go back home: who's going to comfort them? Help them recover? The people Whumpee once loved and cherished but is now petrified of?
Blindfolding Whumpee, playing their families voices through headphones whilst they're being hurt, so they associate pain with the sound of their loved ones. They're so discombobulated... Are they really in the room? Whumpee can't understand why they're here and why they're hurting them.
Wearing their mothers perfume so even the smell triggers them 💔 When they go back home and they're wrapped in loving arms and inhale the scent - they fall apart. Alarm bells ring in their head and they panic but they can't understand why.
The good ol' manipulation 💅 "They're not looking for you", "no-one even knows that you're gone", "they've moved on with their life. Don't even think about you anymore".
Mess with their memories. If Whumper can get hold of old home videos, tapes from their childhood or pictures of Whumpee and their family together - and force them to watch them as they're being tortured. That memory of the water balloon fight with their siblings? Why does it now make them sob and scream and filled with inconceivable fear?
And that has been my angsty/hurty thoughts for today 🫣🥰
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poligraf · 3 months
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« Dinamica Del Potere » (The Dynamics Of Power) by William Girometti
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exquisiteagony · 11 months
whumptober day 18
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link-sans-specs · 7 months
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We could sell these in the parking lot. 😏
Candy vs. Real Food Taste Test
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headcages · 7 months
Do you like being blindfolded?
yes!!! :3c i mean NO!! don’t take away my vision…!!
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📌for Elze’ith? I bet he would look lovely...
📌- Put on display
Soren couldn't help but smile as he walked into the main hall of his castle. Elze'ith was still in his place of honor, kneeling in the center of the open chamber. A blue silk sash tied around his head rendered him unseeing, and another tied around his hands kept them restrained behind his back. Bright red blood trickled slowly from the twin holes in Elze'ith's neck and created a trail down his bare chest. Even from several yards away, Soren could hear the loud pulse of Elze'ith's heart in his chest, driven by apprehension and dread— a beautiful sound.
"A little experiment," he had said, just before feeding from his light, kneeling and unseeing. "Don't move unless someone comes to help you."
Of course, no one would. His servants were well-disciplined. They knew better than to help Elze'ith outside of the explicit capacities of their stations. Besides, the message of this little display was clear to all who saw it. Soren had claimed Elze'ith, and no one would dare encroach on what was rightfully his.
Taking care to mask his aura, Soren strode closer, his footsteps clacking loudly on the stonework. Elze'ith's breathing picked up with a heady mix of hope and fear. When Soren came to stand over him, he was delighted to find him trembling from some mix of cold and emotion. He took a moment to relish in the sight of his light, trembling helplessly and kneeling before him. The feeling of control would have taken his breath away if he had any left.
Later, he might indulge himself further in that feeling. But for now, he simply walked away. Just as he expected, Elze'ith's hopes fell with every step Soren took until his melancholy rang strongly across their mental bond. Good; Elzeith needed to understand that no one in Castle Tergoria would come to his aid.
And when Soren returned, several hours from now, he was sure Elze'ith would be desperate for his company.
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robinrites · 2 years
Nowhere to Go
Day Two of Whumptober!
Prompts: Nowhere to Run, Cornered, Caged, Confronted
Fandom/Blurb: No specific fandom, just good ole' Hero/Villain whump. Villain escapes prison, but with Hero on his tail, he knows its only a matter of time before he gets caught.
PS: I'm also on AO3 (zthewriter108)
Story below the cut:
“Give it up, Villain! You have nowhere to run!” Hero called as he raced down the narrow hallway after Villain. 
“Never!” Villain turned his head for a moment to smirk at Hero, only to run smack dab into Sidekick who had been coming from the other side to corner him. Villain falls to the ground, caught off guard by the arrival of Sidekick. “Fuck.” He mutters as he tries to scoot away and get back to his feet. He hears Hero’s footsteps catch up to him, then finds himself yanked to his feet, power suppressant cuffs are quickly shoved onto his wrists. 
Upon noticing his distaste, Hero smiles slightly, as if he’s trying to comfort him, “Can’t have you escaping again, it’d look back for us.” 
“N-no please don’t take me back there, Hero!” Villain tries to squirm free from Hero’s iron grasp only to fail. “Please you don’t get it, you don’t know what they do people like me there.” 
Hero shakes his head and begins to drag Villain gently back down the hallway, shaking his head, “Always the dramatic one, aren’t you Villain? It’s just a prison, sure the food is probably terrible and it’s probably boring in there, but it keeps guys like you out of trouble.” Hero turns his back on the Villain, holding onto him by his cuffs, trusting Sidekick to follow him and make sure Villain doesn’t try anything. 
“But-but-” Sidekick quietly elbows him in the side, cutting him off from any further protest. 
Hero raises an eyebrow, not bothering to turn back, “But what?” 
Villain lets his head drop, “It’s nothing.” He forces a laugh, “Just me wanting to cause more trouble.” 
As the trio exits the building, they find the stairs flooded with reporters and police officers. The minute the first reporter lays eyes on the trio, they all converge, demanding to know everything about what went down inside the building. Hero puts on his best media face and stands a bit taller than he had been before, Sidekick quickly follows his lead. Villain, on the other hand, acts as one would expect someone in his position to. He shrinks down, as if he can disappear in his oversized prison shirt-- one that hides all the bruises underneath. Villain lets his hair fall in his face and tries to pretend he’s invisible, hoping that’ll make this all go by faster. Numerous reporters and civilians begin to holler questions to no one in particular. 
“How did Villain escape prison?” 
“What changes are you going to make to the prison security system to prevent this from happening again?” 
“How did it feel to get to take down Villain a second time?” 
“Fuck you Villain! You destroyed my home!” 
“Are you going to change Villain’s sentence?” 
Hero passes Villain off to Sidekick and gestures for him to be taken to the car that’s waiting. “Thank you, for all the questions.” Hero smiles, using his best customer service voice. “To answer your questions, we don’t know how he escaped, but now that he’s back we can review the security cameras to ensure this doesn’t happen again. So yes, we can expect some changes to happen around the prison depending on what happened earlier today. As far as his sentence, he might get some time added for escaping, but beyond that it probably won’t change much. I’m terribly sorry to hear that your home was destroyed, please feel free to reach out to my people and we’ll see about rebuilding your house and finding a place for you to stay in the meantime.” He glances to the side and sees that Sidekick and Villain have successfully made it to the car and sighs in relief, “And with that I have to go. Stay safe everyone.” 
Hero darts to the car, dodging everyone he can in the crowd as politely as he can. He hops into the front seat, locks the door, then sighs. “Never gets fucking easier.” Sidekick pats him on the shoulder. 
“You did great Hero!” Sidekick glances back at Villain, who is now cuffed to one of the bars and gagged as well. “Sorry, he was trying to talk his way out of those cuffs, and when that didn’t work he started threatening me and-” 
“It’s okay Sidekick, he can’t hurt you. Especially when he’s all locked up like this, isn’t that right Villain?” Villain nods, hoping it’ll get the gag removed from his mouth, but when it doesn’t happen he can’t help but slump in his seat. “Oh.” Hero says, noticing Villain’s disappointment, “Well if you promise to be nice for the car ride I’ll take it out.” Villain eagerly nods, then tries to hide his flinch when Hero reaches for his face. 
“Thank you.” Villain almost whispers once the gag is removed. 
Hero shrugs then turns back around, “It was nothing. Now let's get you back to prison.” 
The second Hero leaves Villain alone with the prison guards, his stomach starts to fill with dread. They silently drag him down several levels, but he can feel their rage coming off in waves. The guards shove him into a cell, and much to his dismay, they follow him in. Villain falls to the ground, off balance, and quickly tries to stand up. A guard steps on the chain connecting his cuffs and laughs, holding him to the ground. 
“Now, what do you think you’re doing?” One of the guards, that Villain has dubbed Red (yes based on his hair color) sneers as his foot gets dangerously close to his hands. “Y’know me and the boys were talkin’ about what would happen when Hero brought you back, and honestly, I pictured you on the ground for a lot of it. A kick lands in his side, bringing him from being on all fours, to on his side. 
“I- I bet if Hero knew what you guys were doing he’d be very angry-” Another kick lands, knocking the wind out of Villain. 
Another one of the guards, who Villain likes to call Grumpy in his head, laughs viciously. “‘If Hero knew’- who the hell do you think sanctioned all this?” 
“B-but Hero’s not that cruel.” Villain shakes his head, shocked by what Grumpy has said. “You’re lying!” 
Red stomps on his hand, causing him to scream in pain, “Don’t fucking say that. You’re the villain here. Don’t forget that. We are just guards helping make the world a better place. Superhero and Hero both agreed this was the best way to deal with you. Now, are we going to have to gag you or are you going to stop arguing?” 
“N-no please don’t, I’ll stop.” Villain buries his face in the ground as best he can. “I-I just still hurt so much from last time.” 
“Obviously not enough since you thought you’d try and escape.” Grumpy kicks his side, “If we’d beaten you enough you wouldn’t have done that, now would you have?” 
Villain sobs, “That’s not true.” 
“Stop lying!” Grumpy yells, stomping on his ankle so hard Villain feels like he can hear it crack. “Don’t be a fucking liar goddamnit!” 
Villain tries to shrink back until he hits a wall, “I’m sorry I swear!” 
As the pair continue to lay into him, all Villain can do is lie there and sob, hoping that’ll make the session of abuse even a little bit shorter. 
A week passed and Hero was nothing short of frustrated. All week the prison had been giving him the runaround about how Villain had escaped. First it was faulty wiring that resulted in his cell door opening, then it was that he beat up the guards around him, and then he was told Villain had escaped through the laundry shoot when no one was looking. Nothing that really made sense with the way Villain thought and operated. Hero had asked to see footage from the day Villain escaped, but most of the footage just slightly missed his escape. Hero did, however, notice that there was a gap in the recording lasting several hours. At the start of the gap, he noticed several guards entered the cell, then the camera went down for around two hours. When it came back up again, it was to show the guards leaving, and then Hero noticed the cell door was left open. He audibly laughed, shaking his head. Of course some idiots forgot to lock the cell, though the camera shorting out also concerned him. Hero quickly grabbed his keys and phone, heading for the door.
“Hey Sidekick, I have to go run by the prison, I think I figured out how Villain escaped and also noticed a fault in their security system!” Hero calls as he heads out the door, closing it before Sidekick even has a chance to respond. 
“So you’re telling me that my guards were sloppy and left a door open which let one of the most powerful villains in the world just walk out?” The warden asks after hearing the story from Hero. 
Hero nods, “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news Warden. Oh! And one other thing, camera 28c went down for several hours on the day of Villain’s escape. I went back to check the camera’s logs to see if this was a regular problem and it looks like it.” 
“Tt, well I guess cameras could always use an upgrade.” The Warden shakes her head, “Though it is strange that only that one camera is failing, they’re all about the same age. But then again, if I just had to stare at a door 24/7, I would also want to die.” She laughs. “Anyways, thanks for coming down to tell me all this. Sorry if you had other things to be doing-” 
Hero smiles charismatically, “Oh please, ever since we arrested Villain, the crime rate has decreased quite a bit. I think the bad guys are finally getting a grasp on what happens if you try to commit crime here.” 
“Took them long enough.” She forces herself to try and match Hero’s smile, “Well can I see you out? Not that I don’t love chatting, but running a prison is not an easy gig.” 
“Absolutely, I’d hate to waste your time Warden.” Hero begins to head towards the door, then pauses. “Though, if you don’t mind, I’d like to check in on Villain if that’s okay. He seemed quite distressed about returning here, so I’d just like to see that he’s settling back in.” 
The Warden glances at her watch, “Please, be my guest. Though you’ll have to forgive me, I have a meeting happening soon, so I have to go take care of that. But I’m sure you’ll find your way to his cell easily. He’s on sublevel 2, in cell 36. I don’t foresee you needing to go inside, but if you do need to, the code to get in is 58484.” Beep Beep! “Oop, I have to go, good talking to you Hero!” The Warden runs off, leaving Hero to his own devices. 
As he rides the elevator down to talk to Villain, he thinks about what he’ll say. He knows prison isn’t supposed to be fun, but the minute he steps off the elevator, he feels his stomach start to twist and fill with dread. As Hero makes his way down the hallway, he can’t help but notice that all of the cells are empty, save for Villain’s at the very end. Once he reaches the cell, he peers inside the window, hoping to see the other man and then call it good. Unfortunately, the lights inside the cell are off, making it impossible to make out anyone inside. 
“Is he sleeping at this time of day?” Hero wonders aloud, quickly inputting the code to let himself into the cell. Hero enters the cell and finds the lightswitch on the wall, quickly turning it on so he can see how Villain is doing. The smell of urine hits his nose just before the light does, accompanied by the sound of whimpering. He takes a second to adjust to the light, then his eyes fall on a cage that looks like it’s meant for a dog in the corner. “Fuck, Villain?” He rushes over to the cage, instantly seeing how cramped Villain is inside of this tiny cage. 
Villain trembles when he hears Hero grab at the bars of his cage, the voice sounding familiar and new at the same time. Hero quickly smashes the lock on the cage, then opens the door. 
“Villain? Do you want to come out of the cage?” Villain nods, thankful he’s gagged so he can’t say anything stupid. He tries to get himself out, but his arms fail to hold his weight. “Can I help you get out?” 
Villain nods, flinching as he feels Hero gently slide his hands under his armpits to pull him out. Hero lays Villain on the floor once he’s out, taking in everything they’ve done to him. A blindfold is tightly wrapped around his eyes, accompanied by a muzzle over his mouth. A collar sits around his throat with a lock on it, and a loop where a leash could go. His wrists and ankles are chained as well, ensuring that even if he did escape the cage he wouldn’t make it very far. Hero goes to take off the muzzle first, knowing that it’ll hurt Villain’s eyes to take the blindfold off if he’s been blindfolded for a while-- which Hero suspects is the case. 
“Hey buddy, I’m going to take the muzzle off okay?” Villain nods eagerly, then lets out a sigh of relief once it’s removed. 
His voice cracks as he tries to talk, but Villain just coughs and tries to push through. “H-hero?” 
Hero gently places his hand on Villain’s, “It’s me, I’ve got you.” 
“I-I’ll be good now I promise.” Hero watches a tear appear from underneath the blindfold. “Can I please just go home?”  
Hero wipes the tear away carefully, “I’m gonna get you out of here, I promise.” He quickly picks the locks on the restraints binding Villain, then does the same for the collar. Villain moves cautiously to pull the blindfold off, only to be stopped by Hero. “I’m really sorry Villain, but that has to stay on for now. I don’t want your eyes to get damaged, but I promise once I get you out of here we can take it off okay?” Villain nods, trying to hide just how badly he is shaking. 
“I-I’m sorry, I won’t try to- try to touch it again. It doesn’t need to come off, Hero, sir.” Villain’s voice continues to crack and shake, “I’ll be good.” 
Hero’s heart breaks, “I know. Now, do you think you can stand, or should I carry you?” 
Villain tries to push himself up, but fails, “I’m sorry, I don’t think I can.” 
“That’s okay, I’ve got you.” Hero gently scoops Villain off the floor and begins to head out of the cell. “Now, let’s get the hell out of here.”
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