The National Memo – A Trusted Website for American Politics News
If you are interested in US politics and related news, then The National Memo (NationalMemo.com) is the website you were looking for. It is a website and e-newsletter that provides the latest American political news to its readers. This e-newsletter aims to combine the spirit of investigative journalism with the latest technology in order to provide tech-savvy readers the latest news in their inbox. This political news website covers a wide range of US politics’ topics such as the White House, Congress, campaigns, and elections. NationalMemo.com provides the smartest stories to its readers with a clear perspective. For all these topics, this website provides the latest updates along with the insights from the best-informed sources. Readers can get the littlest details about US politics on this news website. This e-newsletter focuses on avoiding propaganda and ultra-partisanship that surrounds the US political discourse today. It has expanded its coverage to other topics too such as world events and news. It also provides coverage on national news, consumer finance and lifestyle, in which it covers health, travel, books and entertainment. The website provides news coverage on the issues related to education, infrastructure and environment in the country. Along with exclusive interviews, it provides commentary on the latest news. NationalMemo.com is an e-newsletter that has earned the trust of its readers in just a few years. This is why it reaches more than 800,000 readers every morning. It is the flagship publication of Eastern Harbor Media, which is a growing digital news publisher. Founded in 2011 in New York, this digital news publisher is building digital media to drive the social change in readers. This publisher is known to develop relationships with its audience. Eastern Harbor Media works with high profile advertisers with the intentions of reaching out to the decision makers, activists, and avid consumers in America. Sign up for the e-newsletter at www.nationalmemo.com.
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Eastern Harbor Media – A Rising Digital News Publisher
Ways of providing the latest news have changed over the years. From newspapers to now websites, publishers are trying to stay on the top of their game by combining the technology and news publishing. Eastern Harbor Media, LLC, is one of the leading digital news publishers that have successfully achieved the trust of readers with their efforts of combining technology with ideas. Eastern Harbor Media, LLC has grown rapidly since it was established in the year of 2011. This company follows the aim of building digital media with the purpose of driving a social change in the country. This digital news publisher intends to develop strong and sturdy relationships with its audience. And to accomplish this, the company works with the high-profile advertisers. Eastern Harbor Media is a rapidly growing digital news publisher. Over the years, this publisher has worked hard to reach activists, decision makers, and avid consumers. The National Memo (nationalmemo.com) is the flagship publication of this digital news publisher. It is a progressive website and e-newsletter that provides news related to politics in America. This e-newsletter reaches more than 800,000 readers each morning, which shows the level of faith readers have in it. When it comes to US politics, this website covers a variety of topics including campaigns, elections, the White House, and the Congress. Along with political topics, this e-newsletter also covers news related to the national and international events with a fresh outlook. In addition, nationalmemo.com covers the money matters, health, travel, lifestyle and entertainment. This e-newsletter tries to provide the smartest stories to its readers with sharp reporting a new outlook while trying to keep away from the propaganda and overwrought ideology that surround the American political discourse. Sign up for nationalmemo.com’s e-newsletter with just your email id and zip code. Get the latest and most detailed political stories from the US politics delivered in your inbox every day.
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One key question of the Trump presidency in its first week is: who is actually going to perform the tasks associated with the job?
While the liberal comedians and right-wing pundits agitate themselves about crowd sizes, odd tweets, and imaginary voter fraud, Politico and The Hill supply some data points about the all-important paper flow in Washington. Steve Bannon, the former Goldman Sachs executive-turned-Breitbart News chief, is running the government, while the president argues with actresses. Politico reports that the executive orders Trump has been signing were prepared and coordinated by Bannon. Various Cabinet secretaries and congressional leaders were not consulted, according to the story. Such procedural corner-cutting is not inconsequential when it comes to spending $25 billion of taxpayer funds or running the CIA. Jefferson Morley The Puppet Presidency Begins As Bannon Takes The Reins January 27, 2017 3:16 pm / 2 Comments / Campaign 2016, Media, Politics, Top News, US, White House The Puppet Presidency Begins As Bannon Takes The Reins Share this on Facebook0Tweet about this0Share this on Google+0Share this on Linkedin0Share this on Reddit0Print this pageEmail this page TAGS BREITBART CONGRESS DONALD TRUMP ELECTIONS EXECUTIVE ORDERS MIKE PENCE POLITICS REPUBLICANS RONALD REAGAN STEVE BANNON Republish Reprint Reprinted with permission from AlterNet. One key question of the Trump presidency in its first week is: who is actually going to perform the tasks associated with the job? While the liberal comedians and right-wing pundits agitate themselves about crowd sizes, odd tweets, and imaginary voter fraud, Politico and The Hill supply some data points about the all-important paper flow in Washington. Steve Bannon, the former Goldman Sachs executive-turned-Breitbart News chief, is running the government, while the president argues with actresses. Politico reports that the executive orders Trump has been signing were prepared and coordinated by Bannon. Various Cabinet secretaries and congressional leaders were not consulted, according to the story. Such procedural corner-cutting is not inconsequential when it comes to spending $25 billion of taxpayer funds or running the CIA. But whatever the eventual costs, the current reality seems to be that Bannon—not his White House rivals, chief of staff Reince Priebus or Vice President Mike Pence—decides what piece of paper gets put in front of Donald Trump’s pen. The “Breitbartization” of the White House comes as no surprise to people at the conservative news site. “I’m surprised it took this long,” one Breitbart reporter told The Hill. “There are a number of people on staff who clearly have resumes that would lend themselves to the administration. These two are ideologically in line with Bannon. They’re people he can trust. It makes sense.” The two are Breitbart immigration operative Julia Hahn and Breitbart’s national security propagandist, Sebastian Gorka. Hahn is expected to join the White House as an aide to Bannon. Gorka will also relocate to the White House, likely with a spot on the president’s National Security Council, according to Business Insider. Neither has much relevant experience. So far Trump is rubber-stamping the agenda of a radical Congress on Capitol Hill. But that is not the most distinctive feature of the Trump interregnum. An “interregnum” is a period when normal government is suspended. That is clearly the case in Washington. The Trump administration is not normal American government, not in its ethos or allegiance to democratic norms; it is an interruption. And Bannon is the interruptor. The Republican congressional leaders may be radical; they are also spineless. When House Speaker Paul Ryan was asked about the president’s bogus claims about electoral fraud, he shrugged and said, “I’m a policy guy.” As Trump wobbles and wheezes, Bannon is stepping forward. On the fifth day of Trump’s presidency he called a reporter to denounce The New York Times as “the opposition” who, he emphasized, deserved “humiliation.” Bannon projects the image of a strong, if flabby man. He’s a winner in the mold of Trump but perhaps more intelligent, an ordinary guy, a Seinfeld fan. He is also a self-proclaimed revolutionary from Wall Street, imbued with the animal spirits of capitalism and the racial chauvinism of the so-called alt-right. Compared to Bannon, Pence and Priebus are out of his league. They want to play with piety and politics. Bannon wants to remake the globe. Pence worries about the morals of gay people. Bannon wants to depose German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Bannon’s unsurprising emergence as first among equals in the White House is a signal moment in the Trump interregnum. Compared to Trump, he looks presidential. As the citizenry starts to pierce the smokescreen of Bannon’s taunting and Trump’s fibs, they will have to pay attention to how the White House actually works. Traditionally, the American presidency has two leadership functions, neatly summarized in a sign I saw in a friend’s kitchen: “El hombre reina; la mujer gobierna.” The man reigns; the woman governs. The message is gendered (as they say), but the wisdom it expresses is common sense. Leadership of a household or a nation-state has two dimensions: the ceremonial function of embodying a functioning collective and the practical function of getting things done. As performed by the last four presidents, the position of the chief executive of the U.S. government was akin to that of the CEO of the world’s largest non-profit. While their politics varied widely, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Bush Sr. all did the same basic job. These presidents presented themselves as the embodiment of the nation while presiding over a vast network of executive branch agencies. They reported to a fractious board of directors (Congress) and a vast service audience (the American people). Whether Republican or Democrat, these presidents organized their staff to receive, screen, and distill information and policy choices coming in from Cabinet agencies, the armed services, and scores of independent federal agencies. These presidents used the information to direct the governmental actions according to their political calculations and beliefs, and to negotiate with Congress and the courts for money and legitimacy. This executive aspect of the Oval Office job does not much interest Trump. He is a marketer by trade, with some genius for developing and executing dubious real estate deals. His attention span is legendarily short. He is passionate about a few issues (immigration, regulation, murder in Chicago) but has no interest in public policy as a daily task. Trump delights in the ceremonial presidency, as demonstrated by his ramblings about crowd size, popular vote margins, and standing ovations. Trump may be losing his mind in public, but he is a master of the ceremonial presidency. Or he is an emperor with no clothes. Or both. Masha Gessen notes that Trump, like his friend Vladimir Putin, understands the “lie is the message“; Trump’s false statements serve as true messages to his supporters. His lies disrupt and distract his opponents and burnish his image as the reigning power. While his opponents bicker about facts, he floats higher: El hombre reina. It is a tragedy. It is a farce. It is, according to the Washington Post, a story of backbiting, ego contests, and confusion. Yet there is no doubt Trump and Bannon are projecting a strong and clear message to their supporters: The president is on the job. He’s a break from the liberal past. His critics are contemptible and petty. You can read all about it on Breitbart News: America is in control of its borders. … Voter fraud is under investigation. … Madonna has been banned from a Texas radio station. … Milo is courageously fending off oppressive gay leftists. … America is getting greater, one Border Wall Construction Co. T-shirt at a time. One would have to go back to Ronald Reagan to find a president as disinterested in daily decision-making as Trump is likely to be. Trump resembles Reagan in key ways, both in his appeal and his politics. The difference is that Reagan was conservative, not radical. The Reagan team sought to capture the existing federal government structure on behalf of the conservative movement. The Trump team is seeking to dismantle the existing government structure and traditions of government in a way that is not normal. When Reagan came to Washington, the top management team of the State Department did not resign en masse. Under Trump, they just did. They are not partisans but public servants. They would be glad to hand off to a new administration. They want no part of Trump. Bannon can claim a victory of sorts. The Washington establishment is being routed. And indeed it is. The normal administration of the American government has ended. The interregnum has begun. Jefferson Morley is AlterNet’s Washington correspondent. IMAGE: Senior staff at the White House Kellyanne Conway, Jared Kushner and Steve Bannon (L-R) applaud before being sworn in by Vice President Mike Pence in Washington, DC January 22, 2017.  REUTERS/Carlos Barria
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Eastern Harbor Media – Developing Relationships with Audience
New York based Eastern Harbor Media, LLC is a digital news publisher that was founded in 2011. This publisher focuses on building strong and long lasting relationships with the readers. It works with the high profile advertisers with the aim to reach avid consumers, decision makers and activists. This publisher specializes in the political news coverage in the United States. The National Memo (NationalMemo.com) is the flagship publication of this publisher. It is an online news site and e-newsletter, trusted by thousands of readers for its political news stories. This e-newsletter covers campaigns and elections in the country. In addition, it covers news and events related to the White House and Congress. Recently, it covered the presidential campaign 2016 with sharp reporting. This online news site and e-newsletter is known for providing insightful stories with a fresh outlook and without any propaganda to the readers. In addition to the US politics related stories, this website also covers the world and national events. Furthermore, readers can read the latest news related to the consumer finance, money matters as well as health, travel, books and entertainment in this website’s lifestyle section. To take readers inside the day’s important stories, this e-newsletter offers its readers insights provided by the best-informed sources. In addition, this website provides exclusive interviews. It also offers commentary on top news from the Washington. Analysis from the USA's top progressive thinkers is also offered on this website. More than 800,000 readers read this e-newsletter every morning. Eastern Harbor Media, LLC has grown rapidly in the past few years with its dedication to political discourse related journalism. With its flagship publication, it is reaching out to more and more readers in the country. Sign up for their daily newsletter with email address and zip code and get the latest political news stories.
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The National Memo – Website for Latest Political Stories
Keeping up with the latest political stories can turn out to be a lot of work if you have to go through various newspapers and websites to read news or get relevant insights. But, your struggle ends with the political newsletter and website – The National Memo (NationalMemo.com). Founded in 2011, this online news site presents its readers the latest updates related to the US politics with a fresh outlook. Combining investigative journalism with new technology is the idea that works behind this website. Whether it is related to elections or Congress, readers can find every latest news story in one place now. On this website, readers can find sections like campaign 2016, politics, national, world, money, opinion and lifestyle. These sections cover stories from different areas of life including health, American politics, consumer finance, travel and entertainment. The lack of propaganda and overwrought ideology make this online news site a reliable name for readers, when it comes to getting the latest US politics related stories. In addition, readers can also see exclusive interviews on this website. Insights from the best-informed sources are also available on this site, so that readers can get inside the day’s most important stories. And, it is not limited to just website. NationalMemo.com also provides an e-newsletter that delivers the latest stories in readers’ inbox every day. It reaches more than 800,000 dedicated readers every morning. The idea behind this e-newsletter was to provide readers the most interesting, powerful and moving stories, as they usually have too much to read but lack the time to do so. This political website and e-newsletter are the flagship publication of Eastern Harbor Media, LLC. This growing digital news publisher was founded in 2011 with the purpose of driving a social reform through the digital media. Sign up for NationalMemo.com’s daily newsletter and get the most up-to-date news stories.
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Eastern Harbor Media – A Digital News Publisher with Reader’s Trust
In the recent months, US politics has gained a lot of attention from all around the world, due to the campaign 2016. In such a situation, people look for a platform, where they can read it all about the latest American political news. Eastern Harbor Media, LLC is that platform. It has made its mission to provide its readers the latest news stories related to the US politics. This New York based online news publisher has been growing rapidly since its establishment in the year of 2011. Building digital media to drive social change is the main objective of this publisher. It is combining the investigative journalism with the latest technology in order to attract more readers and provide them news stories conveniently. Eastern Harbor Media, LLC is known for developing relationships with its audience. To reach the activists, avid consumers and decision makers in America, this news publisher works with the high profile advertisers. It has a flagship publication named The National Memo (NationalMemo.com), which is a political online news site and e-newsletter. It reaches more than 800,000 readers each morning. The National Memo provides the most interesting, insightful and moving stories to its readers without the propaganda and ultra-partisanship. It covers the elections, the White House, and Congress related stories. NationalMemo.com also covered the campaign 2016 with sharp reporting. In addition to the commentary on the latest news from Washington and around the world, this website offers insights related to the top news from the best-informed sources. And, it is not limited to just political news stories. Readers can also get news related to the national and world events on this website. It also covers the consumer finance, money matters, health, entertainment and travel topics on the website. Coverage on the key issues of education, environment and infrastructure is another thing that this e-newsletter emphasizes on. Readers can sign up for NationalMemo.com daily newsletter easily with their email addresses and zip codes.
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NationalMemo.com – Your Trusted Political News Partner
Do you want insights of daily breaking news?
If you want the insights of daily breaking news you see related to politics, campaign 2016, and elections, then NationalMemo.com is your trusted news partner. The flagship publication of Eastern Harbor Media, this e-newsletter has earned the trust of audience with its insightful news gathered by the best-informed sources.
What is the NationalMemo.com?
It is an American political newsletter and online news site, where audience can read about the latest changes in the US politics, elections as well as the world events. This is a progressive website and e-newsletter trusted by the thousands of readers.
Which areas are covered by the NationalMemo.com?
Campaign 2016
Money & Consumer Finance
Lifestyle (Books, Health, Travel and Entertainment)
What else can you read on this online news site?
Along with the daily breaking news and commentary, audience can also read the analysis from the United States' top progressive thinkers.
The National Memo – Serving audience since 2011
Eastern Harbor Media and The National Memo (NationalMemo.com) was established by Joe Conason in 2011. Since its founding, the digital news publisher and e-newsletter has made its mission to provide audience the smartest news stories.
Which lifestyle topics NationalMemo.com covers?
In lifestyle, this online news site covers topics related to books, health, entertainment and travel. Readers can also see different videos related to top news stories and daily breaking news on the website.
Contact Us!
Readers can sign up for the NationalMemo.com newsletter to get interesting news.
For comments, tips and general editorial inquiries, e-mail at [email protected].
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One Last Time: Be Thankful For President Obama
On a holiday when many Americans may feel less thankful as they consider the nation’s future, it is worth recalling again how much we should appreciate the service of Barack Obama. The profound gratitude that we owe him is only underscored by the prospect of the next president, whose name I frankly hesitate to mention on this hallowed occasion. And as he looks forward to leaving the White House, Obama remains keenly focused on how best to serve his country in a moment of unexpected peril. In Hamilton, the hit Broadway musical that recently delighted the incoming vice president, one of the show-stopping numbers is “One Last Time,��� in which George Washington explains why he will step down from the presidency to teach the new America about orderly democratic succession. The spirit of that wonderful song, whose message is essential to our way of life, lives in Obama as he seeks to prepare his woefully unready successor for the rigors of the presidency. Amazingly, the fact that this individual spent years abusing him with calumnies, lies, and disrespect, in an ugly racist style, has not discouraged Obama from showing him and his family every courtesy – or from attempting to educate him about the gigantic challenges that await him in the Oval Office. Obama’s painstaking efforts to provide a presidential education have been so tactful and so kind as to evoke expressions of astonished praise from the pupil — an uninformed egomaniac who apparently believed, until lately, that he knew everything. Now that he knows Obama a little, perhaps he is learning a little more about how wrong his assumptions have been about many other matters, from the Affordable Care Act to the Iran nuclear agreement. For the moment, we can only hope. The president is more popular today than he was at many times during his tenure, presumably because people better understand both his considerable achievements and his innate decency. As we contemplate the coming period of misrule, it is worth reflecting on how much worse our situation might be today if one of Obama’s partisan opponents had been in control of events since January 2009. For much of that time, a mindlessly negative attitude colored assessments of him and his presidency. More flawed than his most zealous supporters would ever have admitted when he first ran for president, he left many of them disproportionately disappointed. From his first day in office, he never benefited from the “fair chance” or “national unity” that his partisan opponents now demand for his successor. Certainly he made regrettable mistakes in both policy and politics, and suffered declines in public confidence that injured his image and the fortunes of his party. But there will be many reasons to remember him with admiration, and they are sure to loom larger when he is judged against those who follow him. The undeniable truth is that Obama righted the nation in a moment of deep crisis and set us on a better course, despite bitter obstruction by conservative extremists who were eager to sink us rather than see him succeed. So we should be forever thankful that Obama was president at the nadir of the Great Recession, rather than a Republican who might have insisted on austerity and rejected the stimulus spending that saved us from economic catastrophe. While not large enough to prevent grave suffering, that spending was sufficient to bring recovery more rapidly than most countries have recovered after a major panic. The proof lies in a record of growth that outpaced every other industrialized country in the world – a record that seems even more impressive because the crash began here, as a consequence of irresponsibility and criminality in American financial markets. We should also be thankful that Obama – a politician who respects science and knowledge — was president as we began to encounter the frightening reality of climate change. Under his guidance, the federal government has acted against excessive carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, required automakers to double their fuel economy by 2025, ordered agencies to achieve sustainability in operations and purchases, and invested tens of billions in smart electric grids, conservation, and clean fuels. And he — along with Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, among others — brought the United States into the Paris global climate agreement that, with luck, his successor will not attempt to unravel. We should be thankful, too, that he pushed through the most extensive and generous reform in American health care since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid, the Affordable Care Act – which now protects millions of Americans. It is a mark of that legislation’s landmark success that the Republicans, now empowered to repeal it, are promising to preserve many of its important benefits. Whether they can fashion a viable alternative remains to be seen, but it will be instructive to watch them try. Meanwhile health care costs have slowed, Medicare’s solvency has improved, and millions more of the country’s poor and working families are covered by Medicaid, in spite of Republican legislators and governors who would, quite literally, let them and their children die. Throughout his presidency, Obama has rmained admirably cool in the face of vicious attacks that would madden most people — notably including the incoming president. This president has refused to imitate the mindless and often revolting conduct of his adversaries. Not for a moment has he abandoned American values of shared responsibility and prosperity, of cooperation and community, of malice toward none and charity for all. Those ideals were epitomized by this national holiday’s presidential founders – George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Franklin Roosevelt. We will work toward the day when we have another leader who seeks to uphold that legacy. Copyright From :: http://www.nationalmemo.com/one-last-time-be-thankful-for-president-obama/
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Eastern Harbor Media – Your Go To Political Newsletter
When it comes to American political news, The National Memo (NationalMemo.com) is many people’s go to e-newsletter in the United States. For those who are interested in the US politics related to elections, campaigns and events, this online news site offers insights of the latest events and changes in the politics. It is the flagship publication of Eastern Harbor Media, a rapidly growing digital news publisher. It was founded in the 2011. Award-winning journalist and editor Joe Conason is the founder and editor-in-chief of this e-newsletter and digital news publisher. Since its launch in 2011, this newsletter has garnered a lot of praise from the readers across the nation. The founder Joe Conason is a journalism veteran, who has worked with names like New York Observer. He has authored three books, The Hunting of the President (2000), Big Lies: The Right-Wing Propaganda Machine and How It Distorts the Truth (2003), and Man of the World (2016). The National Memo (NationalMemo.com) has set its focus on investigative journalism and sharing it with the latest technology. The newsletter covers campaigns, elections, the White House, and Congress, as well as the world events. In addition, it provides news on health, consumer finance, travel and entertainment. Eastern Harbor Media and The National Memo tries to keep the propaganda out of its journalism, so that it can provide sharp reporting. This political newsletter and online news site has the best informed sources to provide audience the insights of the day’s most important stories, whether they are related to US politics or the world events. On the website, visitors can engage in news related to campaign 2016, politics, national, world, opinion, money and lifestyle. NationalMemo.com also features commentary and analysis from the influential progressive thinkers. Within few years, Eastern Harbor Media has established itself among the leaders in the political journalism. And, the website offers newsletter signup so that audience can get relevant and interesting news delivered to their inbox.
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