winter-lion-blog · 10 years
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This is the result of curiosity and boredom mixed. But then again, older!Toshirou is hot, so I guess it’s okay
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
Send in a ❝❞ ...
…and my muse will tell you one of the following after a random number generation.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
[TXT]: Captain, for one, I will defend myself and say I wouldn’t climb out these windows if you paid me!
[TXT]: It’s freezing outside and some of us hate the cold!
[TXT] Geez captain, why do you have to be so mean to me! 
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[text]: Oh really. I've seen you sneak out of all kinds of windows when it was to avoid paperwork, you know? [text]: Don't pretend like weather of any sort ever stopped you from doing that. [text]: Also, I am not being mean. I am just making sure you don't embarrass us. We're guests here. Just in case you have forgotten.
                and also because I don't want to see you hurt.
Out Drinking Again
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
[MSG]: Okay
The brunette quickly laid the now passed out blonde on her side, placing a pillow under her head, as she was passed out on the floor. All that was left to do was wait. She should have known that Rangiku coming to stay with her would end in a mess.
When Hitsugaya Toshiro knocked on Tatsuki's door he was fuming. Cell phone still in hand he tapped his knuckles harshly to the wood, not really caring about whom he shook out of bed now. No matter how his lieutenant had wound up in this situation, she would be facing consequences. And as things were he owed Arisawa Tatsuki a good apology. And a thank you. 
texts at three a.m.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
[text]: And why would you think that I'd have a reason to mistrust Arisawa??[text]: You stay right where you are, Matsumoto, I am on my way. AND YES THESE ARE ORDERS.[text]: No, no sneaking out the window. That one's getting really old.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
[MSG]: I thought I pressed Ichigo’s name, not yours. [MSG]: But anyway Rangiku is over at my place completely wasted. [MSG]: She’s crying over some guy named Gin, and I have no idea what to do.
[text]: Do I even want to know how she ended up there? [text]: Keep her away from any sort of alcohol. Kick her in the head if needed, I know you can do stuff like that. [text]: And stay put. I'm on the way
texts at three a.m.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
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Momo glanced over to see what problem he was facing. “Finish the sentence ‘I love’…? Well hey Shiro-chan! That one is easy!” Momo leaned over and took his writing utensil from him, “You can just write anything you love really, see? It’s not a trick question or anything, I think you’re just looking too much into it.” With his writing utensil in hand, she took his paper and put it on the binder she was using to write on, “Okay… Shiro-chan loves… watermelon” She made a little scribble. “And he loves candy!” Another scribble. “And winter weather!” A third scribble was added. “There, all done!” The brunette finished writing and gave him his utensil back as well as laid the paper upside down before him. “I have to go to the library Shiro-chan. I hope I helped answer that!” Standing up, the small girl left to go to her destination. 
On the other side of the paper beneath the bending question she had just answered for him, was something other than three words for the answer- it was three letters. 
Okay, finish this sentence- I love… you
"I'm not dumb," the white-haired youth grumbled under his breath, his glance following Momo's clean handwriting over the paper.  "But why should that be relevant to school assignments in the first place?" It wasn't like it was of anyone but his very own concern what he loved. He watched grumpily how his childhood friend filled out the blank spaces better than he himself probably could have done so.
"Don't call me that!" he protested weakly and picked up the paper and, more out of a habit, since Momo excelled in grammar and spelling, checked the words again. "Thanks for the help. Even though I didn't need it," he mumbled out begrudgingly 
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"Don't get lost on the way!" he warned instead of a proper goodbye. He wouldn't put it past Momo to get side-tracked by either an old lady in need crossing the street or a homeless puppy and end up at the other end of town.
It was only after the door shut behind her that he noticed the little bit of unseen handwriting. It was a good thing his friend had already left, for Toshiro's cheeks took an almost unhealthy tone of red.
"Silly Bed-Wetter."
Odd Assignment
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
KiraHinaHitsu for the couple meme?
oooooooooooooooooh boy
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Which one of them:
spikes the eggnog? Kira whilst already under the influence 
hangs the stockings? Kira would just because he wouldn’t want Momo using a hammer and nails.
leaves cookies and milk out to keep up with the santa tradition? Momo most definitely
"accidentally" throws away the fruitcake? Toshiro. Just, there is no doubt in my mind.
goes overboard on the whipped cream? Momo because she’d use one of the spray kind and would shake it then just put it everywhere
is the inevitable Christmas grinch? Toshiro would just have that eyerolling irritation going on.
wakes up first on Christmas? Kira because he’d want to make sure everything was perfect for Momo
rolls their eyes as the same cheesy carol plays in the stores for the millionth time? Toshiro. Especially when it’s this one
starts playing Christmas music the day after Halloween? MOMO
decorates the Christmas tree? Probably more of a Kira and Momo thing since he can actually reach the top. While Toshiro sits and holds the boxes of ornaments and puts new hooks on them. So it’s technically all three of them.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
14. "Okay finish this sentence, I love.."
Toshiro looked up from the assignment sheet, brows tightly knit together over irritated teal eyes. “Just what sort of assignment is this supposed to be, exactly?”
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
Send me a ✴ and I'll generate a number between 1-24
1. "Who knows. Maybe we'll never know."
2. "May I ask you a question?"
3. "Is there something wrong? Did I do something?"
4. "How long was I sleeping?"
5. "Well with the rain and stuff I guess we aren't really going anywhere.."
6. "Hey, are you okay?"
7. "I-I can't remember sorry."
8. "____.... I love you."
9. "What's with the box?"
10. "... Too soon."
11. "Your hand feels warm.."
12. "What are you doing..?!"
13. "I-i don't know what... what it was.."
14. "Okay finish this sentence, I love.."
15. "How long have you been up in that tree?"
16. "Glad to see you're awake."
17. "Why are you sorry?"
18. "I don't like this.."
19. "My shoulder really hurts."
20. "C-can I have a blanket?"
21. "Don't tell me what to do!"
22. "I'm going outside, this is just ridiculous."
23. "This isn't funny!"
24. "Today has been crazy.."
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
Particles of the Universe (Heartbeats) | Dan Romer & Benh Zeitlin | Beasts of the Southern Wild
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
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something small and super old from my old tumblr rp days; uploading it for Nana in particular.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
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Hitsuhina as Puppies~
originally posted on my rp blog 
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
texts at three a.m.
[MSG]: I wouldn’t have if it wasn’t important. [MSG]: Besides, I didn’t know soul reapers could text.
[text]: Well then, spill the beans? I don't have all night. [text]: And clearly, we can. [text]: Why would you text me in the first place if you thought I couldn't text…?
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
Hinamori stared at how happy Tobiume looked for once in her pissy life and couldn’t help but smile. The spaniel had become quite the couch potato aside from their daily adventures together- but Momo had to admit, this one topped the best of them. Hinamori let go of the chocolate and white canine’s leash, letting her have her own way, as Hinamori was confident the dog wouldn’t stray away. Momo glanced back up at the man and nodded her head, indicating she had heard him and took his name to memory. “It’s nice to meet you Toshiro!” She shook his hand with a friendly smile on her doe face. “I’m Hinamori Momo and that’s my dog, Tobiume. She’s not normally this happy with strangers, at all actually.”
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Momo had one fond memory in particular of the young canine’s first run in with a shady neighbor that use to live in the next apartment over. He had gotten too close to Momo, and even though Tobiume was still a puppy, she went all out on the man, snapping and snarling all the way. Momo was sure that she was going to get sued or something, because her dog broke the skin of the man. Instead of that though, the neighbor moved out soon, and about a month later on the news, he had been thrown away for rape charges. Since then, Momo trusted the small dog with her life, if it ever had to come down to that. If her dog was so happy to approach this man and her dog, she was sure it was safe to be around him without a second thought. 
"Wow, they like each other!" Momo crouched down and held her hand out to the collie, smiling at how friendly he was. "He’s a sweetie!" The dark haired female looked at her dog, then back at Hyōrinmaru and sighed, figuring that there would be no good outcome in separating the dogs that came to like one another’s company so soundly. "You wouldn’t happen to be headed anywhere in particular, are you?" Momo wasn’t the best at making friends- she use to, but becoming a freelance artist had turned her into a bit of an anti-social. There was really one person she talked to daily, and that was her finance manager, Shinji Hirako. They had been friends in college, so they were friends before partners- and thus she talked to him often. It was the making new friends thing she hasn’t done for some time. "We could walk together, you know, because these two seem really happy together! I almost don’t want to split them up…" Momo stood back up straight, smiling once more in an inviting fashion. She hoped she was doing this right.
"It's nice to meet you, Hinamori-san," Toshiro replied, still keeping an eye on the two dogs. Strange. While Hyōrinmaru was a well-trained dog he usually had his reservations about strangers and while he wasn't opposed to the idea of his animal companion finding friends of his own kind he was very much surprised. "That's… remarkable," he muttered  distractedly, teal eyes still on the collie. Only then he realized he was probably being rude and shifted his entire attention back to Tobiume's owner. He wasn't a particularly warm person, but that did not mean that he was impolite with purpose. He'd always assumed that he simply must have problems with social interaction. Not that he paid too much attention to it, since it kept his circle of friends small and easy to keep track of.
Almost warily he watched how Hinamori Momo befriended his dog (and he couldn't help but feel a bit disgruntled about having to share Hyōrinmaru with a stranger, silly as it may be). He tried to roughly assess age, background and profession, observing the way she moved and how there seemed to be the slightest hint of colour under her fingernails. Paint, perhaps? Toshiro scolded himself for being so suspicious of her, although he assumed it just ran in the business.
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"It does, right?" he agreed with a light nod. "And no, we were heading home but walking together doesn't sound bad." He returned the smile and crouched down to pet Hyōrinmaru — not touching Momo's Tobiume, though. The woman had mentioned her canine friend not to like strangers too much and no matter how much the Spaniel seemed to have warmed up to his dog he was by no means naïve enough to assume that she'd be okay with him.
"Where were you headed, Hinamori-san?" he asked and stood up, patting the dust off his already rather dust-free trousers. "We'll accompany you."
"It's like 101 Dalmatians!" | closed; lilyofthevxlley
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
"It's like 101 Dalmatians!" | closed; lilyofthevxlley
Leash in hand, the dark haired woman came down the stairs of her small apartment for the first time in hours. She had a set schedule that she followed everyday- she worked on her paintings, had lunch, worked some more, then around dinner time, she got up and closed up the studio. First thing she did once her work day was over was take her dog, a female Springer Spaniel named Suika, for her daily walk. Coming down the stairwell, the dog would instantly spring up, tail wagging and excited to see Momo ready to take her out on a walk. “Okay Suika, okay!” Momo chuckled to herself as the dog circled her, “let’s go girl!” 
The young woman pulled her jacket, mittens and scarf on, clipped the leash to the collar of the dog, and before she knew it, she was being pulled out the door and down the stairs of the small apartment building. The duo always walked in the same direction, the same way, so the woman could walk along and read her book and have no worry of where she was going. Today she was enjoying Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen- again. It was a classical favorite of her’s after all. 
Everything was going the same as usual until her dog suddenly yanked at the lead, basically dragging the tiny woman down the side walk. “S-Suika! What are you doing?!” Momo struggled to keep her footing as the hunting dog pulled her along towards whatever had grabbed her attention. Suika had Momo at a blind jog trying to keep up with her until the untimely moment-
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Momo slipped forwards just as her dog came to a stop and went crashing right into the pair that were the dog’s interest- a white haired man and his dog. “I am s-so so sorry!” Momo choked out, flustered, as she straightened herself out and pat the ruffles out of the man’s jacket awkwardly. “So sorry!” She repeated once more as she side glanced at her dog, whom seemed all too content in meeting the man’s canine.
Toshiro hadn't expected much of the evening, to be honest. After spending the day investigating (rather pointlessly, as it had felt) in the origins of lethal pesticides and questioning an equally arrogant as well as obnoxious suspect he was positively done with life and ready for an actual good night's sleep. Which he probably would not get. But it wasn't like he had ever counted on that, not since he joined the Seireitei City Police Corps.
The first thing he did was picking up Hyorinmaru, his Border Collie, over at his uncle's house — technically, Ukitake Jushiro was a professor ethics ethics at the Shin'o University but due to his medical conditions he was currently bound to his sickbed — which actually had been a twisted blessing, as Toshiro discovered. He couldn't take Hyorinmaru to work and had struggled with finding a solution for the entirety of his first year. Leaving him with his uncle, though, whom the dog adored, anyway, meant that neither of them had to feel solitary. And even when Jushiro, on the rarer occasions, was well enough to teach, there was still his best friend (or platonic life partner or whatever the wording was) Shunsui, a writer, who made sure his dog wasn't all alone.  The right decision would have been to give Hyorinmaru away the moment he signed up for the police academy. His job wasn't compatible with the time he had to invest into making sure his canine friend was well and happy but Toshiro couldn't bring himself to simply separate himself from the dog, not after having him around for almost half his life.
So far everything had been as perfectly ordinary as his life could get. But it was on the way back where things got interesting. It started with Hyorinmaru, quiet and well-trained Hyorinmaru, starting to bark excitedly and trying to take the course of their walk into his own paws, which wasn't too much of a novelty on its own.  He had meant to warn the woman, he really had, but with them both being lead by the small natural forces their dogs were every warning probably would've been too late, anyway.
Her dismay at the situation was almost amusing, but not wanting to be rude Toshiro did his very best to hide the laugh creeping up his throat.  "No harm done, Miss," he assured her while the young woman, maybe roughly his age, fussed over his jacket. "Just try to watch out next time." He offered an apologetic hint of a smile, since it wasn't her fault alone, either, and took a glance at Hyorinmaru and his newly-found friend scurrying around each other in joyous excitement. It'd feel like a crime to separate them now.
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With a light sigh Toshiro turned back to the woman and extended a hand in a formal greeting. "I'm Toshiro. And that's Hyorinmaru. We're sorry for the hassle."
If their dogs were to be friends they might just as well get themselves acquainted.
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winter-lion-blog · 10 years
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Shirakawa-Go 07 by l_prusecki on Flickr.
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