eatdearth · 5 months
Hello, Pam.
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eatdearth · 11 months
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TIMING: Recent LOCATION: Sea Breeze Boathouse, Harborside, White Crest PARTIES: Shan "Aika" (@plunderwater) & Jasper (@eatdearth) SUMMARY: Shan "Aika" and Jasper go on a boat ride together! With Val the dog! CONTENT WARNINGS: Technically an attempt on someone's life
The last time Shan was around these parts was not that long of a time. At least not in her seal form. Renting a boat has never been something she was interested in either. For obvious reasons. Why row a boat, after all, when you can swim far better than any boat could float? But she did promise some guy she’d keep him company. Much easier to get secrets out of someone when they’re alone or lonely. Big catch if they’re both.
“Well, hello, handsome!” Shan waved at the arriving man from a distance, a huge smile on her face. Finally, he has arrived. Finally, they can rent a boat as per their discussion, all expenses paid by him, of course. Most importantly, finally, she can drag someone deep into the waters for a laugh or two. It’s not like she’s going to leave him there, anyway. It’s always more fun when they start wheezing, trying to catch their breaths, after her game. “Are you ready for some fun?”
The recent surge of arcane power from the blue moon has certainly made Jasper much more confident than usual. The geology professor had always been a little awkward, if not hilariously annoying. This time, however, it was evident in his strut, in the way he winked and smirked at everyone he passed by in his path to the boathouse, that he was feeling like a new man, maybe even a different man. It hadn’t been too long ago since he lost his face to the mines, thanks to a volmugger with a gagging problem, a traumatic tragedy in his life, but now here he was, already experiencing another strange, supernatural occurrence in just a few months, only this time, he’s liking it.
At the sight of the lovely young woman waving at him, Jasper would’ve gone cartoon wolf and made that ‘awooga’ noise. Given enough time, and perhaps leeway, he would’ve. But Val tugged on her leash, forcing the earth magician to focus his attention on her or risk an escape into the water. Despite their, well, differences, Val and Jasper decided on a truce, realizing this trip would benefit both parties: Val, so she can finally leave the creepy manor Jasper’s uncle bequeathed him, and Jasper, so he can finally leave the creepy manor his uncle bequeathed him. 
All those days moping and skulking because of his missing face left Jasper gravely in need of this trip. He was very excited when he realized he would be experiencing it with a beautiful stranger, so much so, he didn’t even care if Val was included in the package. “You must be…the person I’ve been talking to online! How do you do? You look absolutely amazing! Stunning, even!” 
Shan smirked as soon as he opened his mouth. Her first thought was that he must be an experienced charmer, though something about him made her very curious. Almost like he was being too much of a charmer. In her line of work, too much of anything can be very revealing. Especially when it comes to strangers. Trying to match his excitement, Shan widened her grin and offered her hand to shake. An introductory refresh should balance the scales between them. “Aika Chan,” she gave her one of her aliases without a single sense of hesitation. She’s done this before. Numerous times already. It was second nature by now. “And I see you’re quite the ladies’ man, professor.” Professor Jasper H. Langston. Geology professor at the University of Wicked’s Rest, Maine. She already knew him. At least the things on his online profile. She wasn’t quite sure digging further would be necessary. Maybe she’ll find out soon enough.
A stolen glimpse, a momentary distraction, however, revealed something else, something much more important — The professor had a dog! Crap! The swear word quickly exploded in her head, though it was already too late. Shan was already bowing down, toward the dog, already squealing like an elated lover, drowning in good, positive vibes at the mere presence of a furry cutie. “Aww! Who do we have here? You have a very adorable wingman, professor!” She heaved a sigh of joy, giddy at the four-legged angel. “Who’s a good boy?” 
Aika Chan? Jasper paused, caught off guard by the name. Not because it was suspicious, at least not to him, but because it sounded so very cute! Like how the girls say their names, introduce themselves, in those Japanese cartoons. Wait, is she Japanese? Jasper would have lucked out if that’s the case. He does love gyoza. “Aika Chan… That’s a lovely name,” he gave her his hand, waiting for her to reciprocate so that he could shake her most likely soft fingers. “Am I? I can only attest to the fact that I am indeed a professor… Professor Jasper H. Langston, University of Wicked’s Rest, Maine!” There was pride in his introduction. A lot of it.
But before he could turn that pride into something else, Val took over the scene, stealing the show with her cuteness. The half-beagle, half-Japanese spitz bounced on all fours as she skipped toward Aika, her tongue out and her tailing wagging excitedly. Aside from Jasper’s coworker/ex, the dog has suffered a lack of beauty around her, with only the spellcaster and the boring silence keeping her company since the death of her previous owner, who was Jasper’s late uncle. Without much prodding, Val was all over Aika, sniffing and licking whatever she could of her, much to Jasper’s dismay. “She’s a she, actually,” he scratched his head, an awkward smile on his face. “Her name’s Val. She’s 50% beagle and 50% Japanese spitz.” 100% butthole.
Yes, I already knew that. Shan hid the truth of her prior knowledge of his identity behind her impressed gaze complete with wide eyes and an innocent smile. A geology professor might not be the most useful of contacts, but he does seem very proud of his affiliation with the university. Who knows? Maybe she can make use of him in other ways. A quick but thorough look-over of the otherwise charming and dusky man seemed to support that thinking. Underneath that pride must be an equally potent virility. “A pleasure to meet you, professor!”
“May I?” Shan posed the question to both the human and the dog but did not wait for the former’s answer. When Val allowed her to touch and pet her furry being, the selkie took the opportunity to carefully and gently lift the dog and carry her in her arms. As if Val’s cuteness had given her the extra strength to do so. At least for the few seconds that she could. Shan gracefully deposited Val back on the ground when she realized she could not keep the physical charade up, awkwardly giggling to mask her failure. “I’m so sorry! I’m getting way ahead of myself! Should we find a boat first?”
“Oh, yes, of course!” Jasper was so caught up between getting jealous of Val and getting distracted by Shan Aika’s charming good looks that he almost forgot what they were there for. No matter. That was easily remedied. He was a well-dressed man. She was a very attractive young woman. And they had a dog with them. Talking up the boat rental girl was easier than making next week’s lesson plan. In a span of minutes, seconds even, Jasper had secured all three of them (sadly Val had to be there) a boat. Not long after, they were on it, rowing across the waters, all three of them (sadly Val had to be there). “You do this often, Miss…Chan?”
It was a strange feeling. Not just the unexpected but welcomed surge of mystical powers in his bones, not just the trauma of having his face stolen by a creature he did not understand in a place he could barely make sense of, but also being a distance away from any semblance of earth. Jasper, being a spellcaster with a strong elemental affinity to the element of earth, had never been that far from the ground, off the ground, with the sole exception of the plane rides he had to take during his overseas seminars. This was perhaps the first time he was distant from his element in his hometown. As he rowed and rowed, that was all he could think of, though a stolen glimpse of Aika and Val made him smile. This was the perfect family he’s always sought, the vision of which, an idealized version. Shame it wasn’t real. At least not yet.
“Perfect day for a boat ride,” Jasper muttered under his breath, uncertain if she’d hear him, though he wouldn’t mind either way. “Perfect company, too…”
“Not often,” Shan purred, as she combed Val’s fur, the satisfied dog on her lap. They sat across from Jasper who had to row on his own, as there was nowhere else to sit and Shan had lamented her lack of upper body strength to ferry the three of them across the waters. Jasper seemed at that moment like any giddy lover, one who craved the opportunity to impress their better half and make themselves feel worthy in everyone’s watching eyes. It was a role she liked to play against, mostly because it gave her more power than the others tended to realize until it was already too late. “I prefer actually getting down and dirty in the water… You know? Get wet.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Shan gave her her sweetest smile, the best one she had in her arsenal. Funny story: That same smile was actually stolen from a naive boy in Japan. Or was it Korea? Either way, she was the last person he ever shared that smile with. “You flatter me too much! I could say the same thing…” No, she could not. Jasper didn’t seem like anyone important to, well, anyone. Might as well just spend the day with his cutie patootie dog! “I don’t think I’ve ever been with a distinguished professor before…” She had. Years ago. But that one wasn’t a geologist. “And a geologist at that!” The selkie made the effort to flutter her eyelashes, making him feel she had more of her interest than he actually did. Most people rarely get that opportunity. That was why, whenever it happens, all the moths slowly surrender to the flame. No questions asked. Only she had them. The questions. A lot of them. As per usual. 
“Does that mean you know a lot about the recent goings-on in town?” Shan tried to be as coy as possible, but with all the flirting and the faux weakness she had shown him, surely he wouldn’t think of her as anything more than just a curious little lady throwing so much interest in him and his line of work. “With the crystals and the mines?”
Jasper almost choked on air when the lovely woman spoke the words “dirty” and “wet” but mostly only after his dirty mind processed the equally unclean association of those words with her existence. He was an idiot, too, so that didn’t help. He quickly tried to regain his composure by returning her smile, chuckling with the confidence of a confidant at the exchange of the flattery. “Oh? But you’ve been with other professors before?” A stupid question, prompted mostly by his lack of other alternatives. “Yes, you could say that. Crystals, the mines, face thieves made of crystals from the mines… One could say I’m an expert on those things and more!”
Just because he got his face stolen doesn’t technically make him an expert on any of those things, especially the part about there being more. Jasper was a geologist. That was it. He was an expert in geology. That was it. Anything more, especially the supernatural? He was a noob. Barely even well-versed in the basics. But he was surging with power and pride, so he felt like he was the king of the world. Or at least, of the town. “Why do you ask? Are you interested in crystals and the mines? Because I could maybe take you on an expedition…maybe?” 
They were so far from the rest of the docks now, shrouded by the distance, barely visible to anyone who dared to care. In fact, if anything happened to either of them right then and there, no one would probably notice. Jasper thought about this, strangely, but immediately focused all his attention on the beautiful Aika. Maybe they’d share a kiss there, away from prying eyes. Ohoho!
Shan nodded, a playful smirk on her lips, already expecting Jasper’s manly man brain to go this route, “Plenty of professors.” She even made sure to add a hefty helping of confidence in that delivery, pride as well, just to draw him in. Like fish to bait. “Some of them, not even mine.” The truth was not far off, however. Shan has been with several professors, though not in that context. In her line of work, having access to an expert close by was always a boon. Speaking of experts…
“An expert? That’s very impressive! Only with you leading me by the hand, Professor,” Shan giggled. Like a schoolgirl. Or more accurately, the bait to his fish. It wasn’t just because he was a professor, too. Most men, though to be fair, also her, have a special place in their heart, a soft soft spot in an otherwise hard location, for school girls. Japan’s greatest export, maybe. A cultural gift. “Oh, we’re so far from prying eyes now, it seems,” the selkie feigned obliviousness to their current whereabouts, even though she had designed the entire play, so to speak. 
Releasing Val from her arms, Shan carefully inched her way closer to Jasper, her eyes seemingly drawn to his lips. “I think you have something on your lips, Professor…” She made sure to stop a breath away from him, her lips from his lips, enticing the man to take the first step, tricking him into thinking he still had control over the situation, even though the selkie had already researched him months ago. 
It wasn’t that hard, considering he had revealed as much online, starting with how he had lost his face in the mines. All Shan needed to do was follow him where she could, chat up or overhear the students that attend his class, even befriend his ex who also works at the university… All he needed to do was kiss her, have a little taste of her lips, let her pull him close… Into the waters. All her pelt needed to do was consume his magic, and if he had none, well, who was going to miss a geology professor who had no social life?   
Jasper’s eyes grew wider than he thought they ever could, and his grin did the same. He wasn’t a prude. He didn’t have the time or the right to be one. Hell, he didn’t even want to be one. People deserved the opportunity to enjoy themselves, their bodies, and Jasper would be lying if he said he didn’t want that opportunity for himself either, especially since he rarely got one. 
“You’re more impressive, I think,” Jasper almost howled, and he did in his head. Like a cartoon wolf. Awooga. “I would not mind the opportunity…to have you join an expedition in the future. I can check my calendar and maybe we can compare schedules once we’re back on dry land, hopefully at my place?”
But it seemed that they didn’t need to wait to get back on dry land, much to Jasper’s excitement. At first, he was worried he’d look like a fool in front of Aika, thanks whatever grime was on his lips. He tried to remember what he had for breakfast and failed. Was it jam? Was jam going to ruin this otherwise wonderful boat trip? 
No. Apparently, it was just an excuse for her to get closer, and how could Jasper decline an opportunity given to him so obviously? With only a second of hesitation, trying to gauge whether she’d pull away (he thanked his luck when she did not), the geology professor planted a soft kiss on the beautiful lady’s scrumptious lips and felt “sparks” fly around them, him, all over the place.
The selkie wasted no more time. As soon as Jasper kissed her, Shan pulled him close, her arms wrapping around him, his back, his body, like an octopus wrapping its tentacles around its prey. His dog stared at them, a little miffed, but perked up when the selkie leaned back, throwing herself and Jasper into the waters. Val barked and barked and barked, but it was too late. The dog could do nothing else but wag its tail and bark in alarm at the loss of her owner as splashing water almost ruined her dry fur.
This wasn’t the first time that Shan had done this, and she doubted that it would be the last. With her pelt malfunctioning, its hunger for magic too strong for the selkie to overcome, she had to resort to this tedious process. The manner would often be different — sometimes her victims would fall on dry land, without the need to drown in water — but the point was always the same: for her to survive, these spellcasters and fae must be sacrificed. Not something she wanted personally, in fact she loathed the thought of it because she perceived it beneath her, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Shan felt the panic set in within Jasper as soon as he realized what had happened. Or more appropriately, the change in location. Most men aren’t quick on the draw, especially if the selkie’s lips were still on theirs. Confusion takes them first. Why are we wet? Are we floating? Did our boat sink? But the panic can never be denied. Even if the mind remains clueless, the body will do whatever it can to survive. The struggling was annoying to her, but they were in her waters now, her territory, and all things considered, she had the home field advantage. Until… 
At first, Jasper just thought Aika was pulling him closer, on top of her, as all lovers kissing on a boat tend to do. At least that’s what he thought they did. But then things got a little wetter. Jasper thought their kiss was getting more passionate, more unruly, more uncontrollable. Because of course it would be, considering they both wanted this. But then things got a little too wet for his comfort and everything else, including his clothes, were now soaked. That couldn’t have been just a kiss, right? Definitely nothing normal.
So he panicked. His eyes shot wide open, the waters around him and her surprising the geology professor. Did she throw them overboard? Aika didn’t look like she was worried, much to Jasper’s concern. To him, she was enjoying herself so much, she was oblivious to the danger they were in. He tried to pull away, shake her awake, and even drag her upward, back to the boat, but her grip felt stronger, tighter, and the waters as well. They were going to drown. They were going to die down there. 
All rationality left Jasper, replaced by his survival instincts. His body and his mind did not want him to die down there, did not want Aika to die down there with him. But they could only do so much. Luckily for him, there was another aspect of the geology professor that could do more. A lot more. So, as soon as Jasper started to lose consciousness, his magic kicked in, wild and surging, overfed by the strange blue moon that the scientist could not explain himself. 
Pieces of rocks and stone from the waterbed suddenly shot up, a few hitting Aika, like missiles aimed at Jasper, except they didn’t hit him. All they did was surround him, forming a shell of sorts, before sending him back out of the water, spitting him on the nearest shore and crumbling like sand swallowed by the sea. The geologist was still unconscious but at least he was no longer drowning.
Where did the projectiles come from? Even under attack, Shan was still trying to make sense of things before taking cover. When the first hit came, however, when she was struck by one of the rocks for the first time, her instincts took over, and the selkie quickly spun around to avoid the second. At the same time, she withdrew her pelt hidden sneakily within the fur coat around her shoulders, the entire thing technically the pelt wrapped inside a thin but magical bag that resembled a fur coat’s exterior. It was a hard thing to acquire, rather a hard thing to make a spellcaster give her, but everyone would do anything to live. Just like Jasper and his magic, it seemed.
More rocks started to unearth themselves from the ground below, deep underwater, forcing Shan to wear her pelt despite it still needing a bit of mystic juice. Can’t be helped, however. She was ambushed by some sort of surging earth spell. If she delayed any further, she and her pelt would be floating in the waters, only found much later by curious passersby. Shan wasn’t going to die there. Not anytime soon. Draining the few magic that remained in the pelt, Shan transformed, and as quickly as she could, mostly because she feared taking her time would endanger both her and her pelt further, the Seal swam away to safety, catching a stolen glimpse at the last minute of the strange earthen shell, egg, that had consumed Jasper and whisked him back up to safety. So close.
Like Jasper, Shan managed to get herself back to shore as well, though he was nowhere to be found. She quickly took off her pelt, scowling at how her prey had escaped her. All she needed was for him to go unconscious for a few, so that she could steal his magic. She wasn’t going to kill him…probably. Shan planned to get him back to the boat as soon as her pelt was recharged. Did she consider his survival heavily? Not really, but she didn’t consider his death heavily as well. That should count for something, right? 
“Ugh, looks like it’s back to the drawing board,” Shan heaved a sigh of disappointment, shaking her head, as she picked herself off of the ground, once again stowing her pelt within her fur coat, rolling it to give the exterior the bounce most people liked, them oblivious to the true danger the somewhat fashionable apparel hid. “But we’ll meet again, Professor… That’s a promise.” 
When Jasper came to, he was back on solid ground. His throat immediately tried to regurgitate the remaining water in it, violently forcing as many of the foreign liquid out as possible. The geology professor coughed and spat and technically vomited the waters out, heaving on the ground as he turned himself as upright as he could, only noticing then that he wasn’t alone. Val barked, wagging its tail. The dog looked concerned, the first time she had ever been when it came to him, and sniffed him all over. When their eyes met, however, and Val realized its late master’s only living relative was pretty much all right, even though Jasper was wet and still suffering the effects of almost getting drowned, the dog raised its nose at him and looked away. 
“So you do care about me?” Jasper coughed, chuckling. He couldn’t believe all he needed to do for his late uncle’s dog to show some semblance of affection toward him was to almost die. He’d done worse for a human girl. “Exposed!” He doubled down, much to Val’s annoyance. The dog growled and sat with her back, mostly butt, to him, pretending to not care about his well-being anymore. Maybe it no longer did. After all, Jasper was now conscious enough to pick himself off the ground, and Val did not have to worry about who’ll feed her anymore. “Where is…”
A sharp pain in his head interrupted his train of thought. Jasper coughed again, drops of saltwater still inside him. Maybe even clinging to his lungs or whatever. Shaking his head, he tried to pick up Val but the dog was like eww no you’re wet you dipshit and avoided his touch. Jasper grinned. Shaking his head again, he gestured for Val to just follow him as he tried to find their way home. “That’s the last time I’ll go on a date with a hot girl I’ve never met.” It won’t.
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eatdearth · 11 months
??? Is this a cry for help? Are you injured? Did something happen? Should I call your mom? [user has no idea how to call anyone's mom]
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53 notes · View notes
eatdearth · 11 months
Garland? From Santa? Not coal? That'd be a good gift for me, to be honest. I love coals. Wait, why are people requesting things from you? You're not Santa are you?
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Enough with the Santa requests. The most you get is garland or mistletoe. No turkeys either.
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eatdearth · 11 months
The what? Damn it Man, I was passed out last night from all the work. I'm actually a scientist, but I'm mostly a rock scientist, and with the recent goings-on in town, what doesn't happen anymore? Did it look good at least? Nothing else happened, right?
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Did anyone catch that meteor shower the other night? Or is this just another thing that didn't happen.
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I'm not a scientist or anything, but do those usually happen in November?
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eatdearth · 11 months
Mister Fantastic? Reed Richards, the smartest man in the universe? Well, I guess I can see that. But isn't his costume just the blue one with the number four on his chest?
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I think you could totally pull of Mr. Fantastic, actually. I could help you put something together if you wanted! The Fantastic Four have a lot of costumes to choose from.
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eatdearth · 11 months
Yeah, definitely. Used to think it was funny before, well, you know, I became the target. Still am. Occasionally. I don't feel the same. It's our calling, I think. Teaching. Why we can stomach everything.
Classics? Like Edgar Allan Poe? Have you seen his new show? That was pretty great. I mean, for science? Could be a less lonely an interesting way to spend Saturday nights.
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It's worse as adolescents, isn't it? They suddenly become aware that they have free will and go crazy with their newfound freedom. Fun to watch until you're in their warpath. Still, I like teaching them. They have their moments, sure, but I like them.
I honestly... don't know. They're not my genre. We'll put it that way. I'm more of a classics kind of guy. Poetry books too. If you want me to give you these, I mean. I could? I don't know why you'd want them. But I'm not going to judge you either.
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eatdearth · 11 months
[pm] Well, then you're in luck: A lot of people have called me "touchy" so that's a base covered. Wait, what do you mean [...] Oh. OH. I don't think I'd know how to [...] do that. Are you sure? You might get hurt? Or I might get hurt
That's a relief. You are very beautiful. And very much appreciated. I'd end worlds for you
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Physical touch, probably. Other stuff gets too emotionally involved You won't waste my time, that much I'm sure of. Touch me, and we'll be all good. But I don't mean just gently. I'm not going to break.
Well, as a goddess ??? rest assured I am sure you are fine. Also I am human, even if I am beautiful. It does make sense, and it is very much appreciated.
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eatdearth · 11 months
Just a little? ;) Oh, you've got a kitten? Got a photo? I [...] have a dog, I guess. Well, it's my uncle's dog, so she hates me, but I've been living with her, so I guess she's my dog now? Just don't tell her that. She doesn't like me that much. Very mysterious, but I guess some questions are just never answered, you know?
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It's okay if you were! It's a little hot, actually. So you know... keep that in mind. Well, lucky for you that hasn't changed :)
I don't go there a lot, it's so not my vibe. I did get my kitty Lullaby from a farm there, so... it's not too bad! Oh, reminds me... do ya have pets? No way :/ That's a bummer. Sounds a little mysterious, don't you think?
LOL! I love your vibe <3 I can't wait!
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eatdearth · 11 months
I mean, if you can figure out how to make it itch less, then that could be pretty good? Pineapple suits look pretty good, to be honest. Just very itchy.
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[user wonders why in the world someone would wear a whole suit made of something entirely uncomfortable]
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Duly noted. Never make clothing out of pineapple...
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eatdearth · 11 months
That sounds like fun! I'm in! [...] Wait, is this just for women? [user can't even skate]
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Anybody game for starting a Roller Derby team with me?
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eatdearth · 11 months
I heard that movie was pretty good! You know, I've always had a special place in my heart for the Fantastic Four. Maybe one of those would be a good place to start for cosplay?
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Anyone up for offering opinions on a couple of cosplays? Because the Marvels had way too many great costumes for me not to get started on them immediately.
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eatdearth · 11 months
[pm] Yeah. Definitely.
[...] Thanks. That feels [...] really good, really nice. You'll be all right, too, Devi. There's no doubt about that.
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[pm] It's a thought for now, but it'll be action later, right?
You're good, Blackbird. We all survive in our own ways, I think. Sometimes, we just need someone else to believe in us. You'll be alright.
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eatdearth · 11 months
[pm] [user gulps, but in a good way]
What's your love language? I'd love to make sure you feel [...] intimately good when we get together. Don't want to waste your time or disappoint you. At least I'll try
I [...] [user has a mild mental 404 error] I will be more than okay, I think. Maybe freeze for a second or two since, you know, I'm just a mortal man and you are a goddess, but I would very much like to make sure you feel as good as I do if not more. If that makes sense?
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[pm] I have no doubt that I will be.
I would like that. Plus, you make a good point. I wouldn't want to discredit your love language. It's an excellent way to know someone more intimately.
Well, I can't say I'm sad about being compared to a goddess. You sure you'll be okay when we meet in person? You know, when I'm actually closer to you. And able to be touched. :)
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eatdearth · 11 months
[pm] Same here. I don't think you are, though. I mean, you've been a dream student to me. Most teachers would agree. And, hey, you've got someone! They most definitely consider you their dream!
That's very good to hear. All the time? Isn't that exhausting? [user slowly realizes he's that way, too, except less smart about it]
Really? But you're a kid? That's all right. I'm way less of an expert than you, I'm sure. Sometimes, I even need help on printers and stuff. The IT Department probably hates me now.
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[pm] I don't want to be a nightmare. Oh gee [ this is in fact, true, in more ways than one ]
I can trust them with everything. Absolutely everything. Oh, I [...] no. I will not do that. I am on my guard just like, all the time.
I have never heard of that app, but I will trust. Maybe? I'm not like an expert on technology, though.
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eatdearth · 11 months
Hmm, that's fair. Maybe I should've done that, too. I mean, to avoid that prankster making up that Yelp review of my place. Students can be so cruel sometimes.
Ah. What's the difference? Just their home countries? Is that because they're too graphic or there's not enough [...] graphic? Either way, I am a voracious reader, so I'd still love to get them off your hands. [user has an entire shelf of books not yet read]
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If they need that kind of help, they know that my door is open when I'm in the classroom. Invading my personal life to the point of finding where I live? No, that's entirely too far.
No, no. That's the Tasmanian Devil. I've unfortunately looked up what the Jersey Devil looks like, and I regret it. And also can't make that much sense of it. The covers of these so-called "books" are enough to deter me from reading their contents, trust me.
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eatdearth · 11 months
Thank god That's good to hear. Very good to hear. I mean, I wasn't being jealous but, you know, I would very much like for you to be single since I'm also single, so, yeah yes yup [...]
Huh. Gatlin Fields. I've been there before. Not at those stables but I've visited that neighborhood more than once. Oh, well, when I was born, they were already gone. My uncle said they it was some kind of sickness that took them all but I'm not really sure about that.
Sweet? I taste even better I'll see you then, LOML
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[user meant her brother but she's not gonna be the one to burst his bubble] LOL! Oh my goodness, yup! Just pals, that's like... soooo not happening. Ever. Some DILFs want to be left alone. And that's like... life. No need to be jelly <3
I'll Google it! I have no idea, but I'm positive someone mentioned it before. Alright, um. It says Gatlin Fields. Ooooh I think you might have me beat then. Are you like, [user is trying not to be insensitive] I mean, why don't you remember them?
Oh, I haven't heard that one in a while. You're so sweet <3 I'm super excited to meet ya!
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