It's so annoying bc I actually think I'd be pretty if I'm skinny.
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I hate myself. I've binged so much. I'm pretty sure I gained all the weight back I've gained. But school starts soon again and I need to be skinny.
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So my friends all went swimming today and I obviously stayed at home bc I'm not ready to be seen in a bikini yet. I bought a new one and felt actually kinda confident in it but since I binged the last couple of days I just felt so disgusting and bloated. Anyways I'm just really looking forward to the day, when I can go out with my friends without having to worry about how my body looks.
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So the last 2 days I binged pretty hard but today I did good. Well I could have had less for sure but I found this diet on here and I just thought I'd be perfect for today. It helps loose a lot of weight, it's healthy but also restrictive. It was perfect for me bc I didn't wanna restrict too hard today so I wouldn't end up binging again and can slowly get back into starving myself. Also I had to work tonight so I also needed energy.
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That's the diet I was following today. Sadly I don't know who originally posted this, I only found this Screenshot in my camera roll. If anyone wants to be credited or this to be taken down pls just message me.
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Food log 28.06.21
- Salad with some cheesy pasta
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I also had a couple of French fires with friends but tried to restrict as much as possible.
= approximately 200 Cals
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I need to get skinny. There's just no other way anymore. I'm desperate.
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I'm going on a vacation with my friends this summer and I wanna loose as much weight as possible til then.
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Waiting to drink anything so I can weigh myself. My mom is in the bathroom rn. I need that scale and I need water. 😂
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My mom is trying to have a conversation with me rn but all I can think about is food and how much calories I already ate today. I feel so bad bc I haven't seen her in a week but I can't concentrate on what she's saying.
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Almost just freaked out bc I ate a slice of pineapple and didn't know the exact calories of it haha. Eds are fucking weird.
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Today's food (25.01.21) :
- pasta with an egg. ( 365 cal)
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Dinner :
- whole wheat bread with butter and cheese ( 207 cal)
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- plain yogurt with cinnamon ( 130 cal)
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Total : 693 cal.
Not good. Definitely gonna try to eat less tmr. ☹️
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Not me watching a movie with my mom and looking at Ed posts the whole time
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*knows its bad for her but still Downloads Tumblr again bc she feels like shit *
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Got that new habit that when I feel uncomfortable I just scratch my skin til it bleeds. It's really dumb bc i actually thought I'm over that whole self hurting thing. Guess I'm not 🙄
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I love Beeing dizzy bc I ate too less. Best feeling ever .
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I am so lucky that the store that is the closest to me is so far away that my lazy ass doesn’t even wanna go there when I have the urge to binge.
I live alone in a dorm room and I only keep safe foods there or no food at all. That makes it really easy for me to fast during the week .
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These Ed memes are the only things that keep me from ending it all 😂
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I feel like i don‘t have The Energy to keep going. I just want to dissapear. Forever.
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