eatingrey · 4 years
Truffle is a type of food that interests me a lot. The reason for this, is because there are three types of truffles, and they are all completly different in a special way.
1) Truffles 
This is a type of fungi that groes underground. They usually grow under oak, hazel and poplar trees. Since they grow underground, it was hard to find them. In earlier times, farmers used pigs to search them, because the pigs were able to scent them above the ground. Now they use trained dogs in order to find them. Once they are found, they are used in the cuisine. However they are really expensive due to the proces of finding them. But, if you get the chance to order them in a dish, take the opportunity, because it is delicious!
2) Chocolate truffles
 This is a chocolately delite, wich is a intricate chocolate ganche, coated in tempered chocolate. Chocolate truffles are named after the fungus, because of the similarity of appereance, although there is no actual truffle inside of the chocolate. 
3) Magic truffles
these types of truffles are my personal favorite. These are also funguses and grow underground. These type of truffles need to be grown in a microclimate inside of growing bags, where the temprature must be 28 degrees celcius. This is necessary for the growth of mycelium. When this proces has succesfully come to an end, you have yourself some magic truffles. These taste absolutely disguisting, but taste isn’t the interest of the people that eat them. The reason why people eat them, is because of the active compounds psilocybin and psylocin, that the truffles contain. Due to these compounds, the person who eats this, will experience visual hallucinations, intense body highs and a mystic state of mind. 
sources: https://www.magic-mushrooms-shop.com/en/blog/things-need-to-know-about-magic-truffles
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eatingrey · 4 years
Comparing family’s eating habits
For today’s topic, I will compare the eating habits of my friend  to those of me and my family. We’re starting off with take out. Everyone I’ve interviewed loves take out or going to a restaurant. However, me and my family does it twice a month and my friend and her family do it once a week. Having meals together is fun and cozy, but it’s not always that easy. My grandparents always have all their meals/snacks together. But, at my house, my mom and I often have separate meals. We try to eat together as much as possible, but since my mom is a nurse, I often eat some meals alone. Breakfast however, is always individually, because we never wake up at the same time. For my friend it is even harder to eat meals with her family. She has 2 brothers and 2 parents and they all have different school/working schedules. But, for dinner they usually eat together and they like that the most. Me and my family hate any kind of noise, besides conversations during our meals, so we never watch tv during dinner. But when I eat alone, I do watch some Netflix. My friend and her family never watch tv during meals either. But when my friend eats alone, she does watch tv/Netflix as well. I absolutely hate it when my mom is on her phone/Ipad during dinner and I get mad at her. I never use my phone at the table. My friend and her brothers do it a lot during their meals, and it pisses off their parents a little. Me, my mother and my grandparents are very close. We visit them 3 times a week and we eat together a lot. At special occasions, we eat together ass well, usually with my uncle and his family. However, we visit my uncle a lot as well and not only during special occasions. My friend sees her extended family less than me, but she and her family visit the grandparents/uncles/aunts.. about once a month, so not only during special occasions as well. Me and my mom have different eating habits when it comes to lunch and breakfast. My mom always eats yoghurt with fruit for breakfast, and I always have oatmeal. For lunch, my mom always eats a really big salad, and I usually eat bread. But for dinner we always eat the same food. My friend and her family always eat the same kind of meals, especially when they eat together. Me and my mom always have different drinks. I’m addicted to diet coke, so I always have that during dinner, but my mom usually drinks water. At my friends house they all have different drinks as well. They have a big variety of soda, and everyone takes their favorite one.
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eatingrey · 4 years
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19.03.2020 :: gails bakery, 240-242 high st kensington
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eatingrey · 4 years
My family’s eating habits
My grandparents used to eat a lot of bread and potatoes. They ate 2 bread meals a day and every evening they would eat potatoes with hot veggies and meat. Since they didn’t have a lot of money, they always ate cheap meals that filled them up. They wouldn’t snack that often because they had to work very hard and didn’t had the time to do so. However, in the weekends, they would drink alcohol and ate a lot of fried foods and sweets. They enjoyed going to the “frituur” and they would eat a lot of baked goods from the bakery on Sundays.  The eating habits of my grandparents have changed a lot since they we’re younger. Now they eat fruits and oatmeal for breakfast. They eat salads at noon with some bread. My grandmother has been experimenting in the kitchen and they try many different food cultures for dinner. They like the Asian kitchen the most! They minimized their portions of fried foods, sweets and alcohol, because they care a lot for their health.
My mother’s appetite wasn’t that big when she was younger. She would have 1 piece of fruit in the morning, bread at noon and a LOT of vegetables at dinner, with potatoes, fish/meat. She would snack on fruit and vegetables in between meals. She loved all sorts of cheeses, salmon and eggs. Her all time favorite food we’re strawberries.  My mother’s eating habits have changed completely. My mother is vegan for five months now and avoids all animal based foods. She keeps on eating a lot of fruit and vegetables. She loves the vegan substitutes for all kinds of animal based foods. We often eat plant based yoghurt, milk, cheese and meat. My mother’s favorite snacks are nuts, dates and crackers.  
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eatingrey · 4 years
My favorite food
My favorite meal of the day is breakfast. I try to vary, but my all time favorite breakfast must be oatmeal, espacially the toppings that can be added. Once you’ve made the porridge, you can add fresh fruits, frozen fruits, spices, nuts, syrups, and the list goes on and on. With such breakfast, I feel energized throughout the morning.
In this video ‘Simply Quinoa’ shows you how to make 6 different types of oatmeal recipes. I’ve tried some of the combinations she shows, and they taste absolutely amazing! I can’t wait to try some of the others. She uses an instant pot to cook her oats, but it’s not necessary. You can cook your oats in a regular pot, or pop them in the microwave. 
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eatingrey · 4 years
About me
Hi! My name is Zita and this blog is all about food. I think that the healthiest way to eat isn’t about demonizing sugars, fats and carbs. We often catogeries foods as good or bad, and try to avoid the ‘bad’ foods as much as possible. A lot of people struggle with a black and white mentality around food, including myself. I think that the most healthy way of eating is to enter the grey area by eating mindfully and treating yourself every once in a while :)
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