eatmydickbabe · 5 years
“Home is where you feel at home. I’m still looking.”
— Truman Capote
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
My kink is husbands & wives who are still portrayed as very much in love with each other, because even after years of commitment and kids, they still talk to each other, go on fun random adventures and try new things. No resentment. No portrayal of marriage as a chore. Just actual love.
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
“So often we try to make other people feel better by minimizing their pain, by telling them that it will get better (which it will) or that there are worse things in the world (which there are). But that’s not what I actually needed. What I actually needed was for someone to tell me that it hurt because it mattered. I have found this very useful to think about over the years, and I find that it is a lot easier and more bearable to be sad when you aren’t constantly berating yourself for being sad.”
— John Green (via naturaekos)
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
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Read Article Here: 11 Red Flags of Emotional Abuse to Spot in Several … - Psych2Go
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
“I am silent because there’s a storm inside me that does not let me speak.”
— Www.sparkandashes.tumblr.com 
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
“It’s so hard to leave- until you leave. And then it is the easiest goddamned thing in the world.”
— John Green; Paper Towns
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
so close to giving up. That’s all I can really say. I don’t have any other words. I’m trying so hard to find the words. Help me before i break. There’s something in me that wants to explode. Where’s my happiness. I’m starting to believe I don’t really think I have one. No matter what, I feel empty.
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
“We all go through phases in life. If you are not okay now, it’s okay. You will find your way.”
— Unknown
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
“I think when I met you, I became myself again. And we stumbled towards this mad world and made sense of it. Together.”
— R.M. Drake
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
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You are perfect just the way you are :)
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
Self Care Tips for when you’re Feeling Lonely
1. Hang out at your favourite coffee shop.
2. Go for a walk in nature.
3. Spend time with you pet.
4. Spend time laughing over funny memories.
5. Have a photoshoot.
6. Go shopping (or window shopping.)
7. Binge watch a TV show you love.
8. Make a playlist.
9. Get in touch with an old friend.
10. Clear out your closet or organize your room.
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
Just because two people aren’t romantically involved doesn’t mean they can’t be super important to one another.
Just because two people are super important to one another doesn’t mean they have to be romantically involved.
It is okay to love people deeply without wanting to be with them romantically and people should not make your friendship uncomfortable by consistently nagging you to date.
Let’s appreciate and support friendships and stop demanding people to have feelings they don’t have.
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
don’t feel guilty for not being able to handle everything, for needing a break. you need to look after yourself, too. self care is not selfish.
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eatmydickbabe · 6 years
learning to let go and learning to relax means just freaking sticking those stickers on something. stop worrying if it’s the right place. burn that nice candle you’ve had for a year. it doesn’t need a special occasion. I’m gonna use those fancy soaps I’ve been collecting in a drawer even though they look so pretty and it means I’ll use them up. everything is temporary so just enjoy the littlest pleasures you can possibly have we all need to just let go and enjoy things while they last. the sticker’s gonna look fine on your water bottle I promise
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