eatnt-enby · 3 years
i always forget that amongst the new things i have going on in my life, all my old shit is still there LMAO like i caught myself thinking “huh, i wonder why i’m meticulously planning every step and possibility for this relapse that’s a bit extreme for intrusive thoughts” like BABE. BABE I THINK ITS THE AUTISM.
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
welcome to Interesting Possible OCD!
today, i was totally chill being in public on buses where theres definitely a lot of germs, but couldnt go near a certain corner in my house because theres been bread there for too long (my brain sees as Possibly Moldy) and had to wash my hands 3 times after touching something my brain thought could have mold :)
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
oh my god why is potato soup so high cal but so tasty im going to fucking die
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
started my morning with a whole 4 hrs of sleep, two shots, a bite of apple, and two ritz crackers and im ready to Fight God
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
this is the summer of drugs and bad choices ;:_)
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
yoyoyo im very highand a little drunk and i am slowly ruiningl my life kjsghkf 
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
hey y’all I just found the sloppiest, wettest sounding bass patch I’ve ever heard. here you go 
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
hola sorry for being completely inactive for a bit, it’s finals week so im hella stressed and haven’t been too keen on posting dkjfghsldf i’ll try to post more and shit after school ends :)
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
Evil biology facts that fill me with Fear :)
hey, I heard y’all like evil biology facts like knowledge about horse blood types.
well! today I was researching alternative biochemistries extraterrestrial life could use and. man. I think Earth life is fucked up enough for me thanks
One specific cave that has been sealed for 5.5 million years and has developed an ecosystem completely dependent on chemosynthetic bacteria.
Was anybody going to tell me that bacteria have decided iron is yummy and are eating the Titanic, or was I supposed to just read that myself
Terrible Berry (yes, that’s what the genus name means). This whole thing is so fucked up. These scientists were testing whether radiation could be used to kill pathogens in food, so they dosed a tin of meat with enough radiation to kill any known living organism (as one does) but guess what, it still fucking spoiled because of THIS BASTARD FUCKER.
(seriously, why is it like this? WHY has a bacterium evolved to chill in radioactive waste like it’s a soothing Jacuzzi tub? What does it know that we don’t know?)
Cursed worm, which has no mouth or digestive system and depends entirely on five (5) different species of bacteria, which consume hydrogen sulfide, hydrogen monoxide, and carbon monoxide, for food. How do you, a worm, even...figure out how to do...all that?
Bone worms. At least they like their bones already dead. I still could have gone without knowing this was a thing.
“Oh, parasitic plant, that sounds c—WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT THING”
I am like half convinced this is made up. Seriously, bacteria grow their own electrical wires and we just let them?
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
An apology
I'm sorry if I help fuel your ed
I'm sorry if this account is one of the reasons you have an ed
In sorry if you looked on my page out of curiosity then stumbled down the rabbit hole
I'm sorry if my page influenced your ed in anyway
But let me say something
It might be too late for those people but please I'm BEGGING you if you don't have an ed and are at the "curiosity" stage let me tell you the saying "Curiousity Killed the Cat" has never rang more true, so LEAVE. I'm not asking you nicely I'm telling you FUCKING LEAVE.
I don't care if I seem rude to you, get the fuck off tumblr RIGHT NOW. I ignored these when I saw them and I regret it this disorder is one of the WORST things that happened to me, you know anorexia is the most deadly mental illness ? If you don't recover you will DIE.
I want to scream through my phone, I am so fucking angry, I don't want to influence any eating disorders !!!
As the sister of a recovered anorexic being their family member is horrible, seeing someone slowly deteriorate, hearing the fights escalate, not knowing when you would see them for the last time, wondering why they won't eat this. When I was 8, my parents FORBADE ME FROM WAKING MY BIG SISTER UP IN FEAR I WOULD SEE HER DEAD BODY. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ?! THEY THOUGHT A CHILD, A BABY, WOULD SEE THE PERSON SHE LOOKS UP TO DEAD.
And as an anorexic let me tell you, it's even worse. You will cry in front of the mirror, pinch your "fat" until it's red, shower in the dark, the scale will be your best friend and worse enemy, you will hate yourself so much more, you will MISS FOOD, you will miss being able to eat fries or pizza or spring rolls or crisps or potatoes, you may be thinking "I'll still let myself eat them from time to time" NO YOU WON'T, you will probably have a breakdown when you have them on your plate, you might purge, you might starve for the next day or more. Your personality will dissolve, you will be constantly angry and irritable.
Oh and also, if you have siblings or cousins I would like to inform you that people are more likely to have an ed if a family member had one and I KNOW you care about your family. (I am not accusing any one of purposefully influencing family members it's just for information)
If you have an already existing ed you can stay, if not then get the FUCK OFF MY PAGE YOU BEAUTIFUL PERFECT HUMAN BEING AND GO HAVE A SNACK. This illness is not beautiful and aesthetic, it's torture.
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
purging is an addiction and it will kill you
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
do not start
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
Please let self harmers wear scar-revealing clothes in peace
If you can see their scars, you don’t need to comment on them. Don’t make them uncomfortable by asking questions or staring. Just let them be.
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
I want to be a kid again
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
Attention please
I am trying to help my friends in recovery by proving a point. Please reblog this if you are rooting for everyone in recovery❤️👍
Let’s give everyone in recovery the support they deserve :D no matter if you yourself are in it or not
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
dude i remember when i was barely realising what anorexia was and ignored the posts which were saying “get out” and i was saying how i will never want to be skin and bones
i wish i could go back in time and actually get out
if you are “new”, please get out
you are going to regret staying
it’s just losing a couple of pounds in the beginning
and then you’ll want to have a flat stomach
and then to see your collarbones
and hip bones
and you’ll never stop
and recovery is harder than it looks like
and you’ll never stop counting calories, even if you recovered
i’m sorry if you are not feeling good with your body, but this is not the solution
you’ll lose not only a few pounds you could easily lose in a healthy way, but also all the joy around you
please please please get the fuck out and delete tumblr
talk to a nutritionist, to go gym, change your lifestyle, but don’t try to lose weight by listening to “pro ana tips”
and if you decide to not listen to me, i’m sorry for you and the journey you’re about to enter. i don’t dictate your life, you do what you want, but you’re going to regret staying
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
you’re not too sensitive. you’re not overreacting. if it hurts you, it hurts you.
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eatnt-enby · 3 years
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When the Nazi concentration camps were liberated by the Allies, it was a time of great jubilation for the tens of thousands of people incarcerated in them. But an often forgotten fact of this time is that prisoners who happened to be wearing the pink triangle (the Nazis’ way of marking and identifying homosexuals) were forced to serve out the rest of their sentence. This was due to a part of German law simply known as “Paragraph 175” which criminalized homosexuality. The law wasn’t repealed until 1969.
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