echoeblo · 5 months
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have you seen this one by chance? saw it reposted to pinterest and thought of my favorite public transit blog
Finally a way to market trains to the cruel capitalist
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echoeblo · 4 years
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echoeblo · 4 years
@limes-and-kiwis made this edit yEARS ago
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echoeblo · 4 years
someday I'll write something for it but I've been thinking about ff14's Granson and kh's Riku for weeks now. imagine.
Riku being completely at a loss in Norvrandt bc darkness is bad and light is good?? Sin eaters shake him to his core when he first encounters one
Granson being a merc and protecting Riku and being chill w Riku's confusion bc he knows a person from a different world who had the same issue
Granson giving Riku a roof over his head and food and Riku doesn't think much on it but Granson's never in his house so it's dusty and undersupplied. He uses it now for Riku's sake
Granson. being completely content with Riku as a wild child dealing with emotional issues bc he and Melinda had always wanted a kid, and taking care of a child so passionate makes him feel like he's continuing his and Melinda's dreams
Just. Granson wanting to take care of children bc he and Melinda never got the chance. Riku being able to come to terms with darkness not being inherently evil
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echoeblo · 5 years
KH pokemon au, Riku only
Galarian Zigzagoon
A rockruff from his mother.
Riku, aged six, huffs. He knows what this "gift" is for. His mother doesn't trust him, even after he's proven himself again and again with his sword. He rejects the pokemon, arguing that he can take care of himself just fine.
When the rockruff stays near him during his excursions, though, he does feel a little safer and a little less lonely.
Three seemingly abandoned eevees.
Riku, Sora, and Kairi look over them tentatively, unsure what to do. To take in stray pokemon was foolish at best, and downright dangerous at worst. Yet, the more they think about it, the more it seems the eevees were meant to be found by them.
That's what they tell their parents, anyways, when they bring back three rare pokemon despite being warned against it almost daily.
A man appears.
One with stern eyes and a confidence Riku can only fake. Riku pets the wounded absol in his lap, trying to comfort it despite being unable to help. Useless and trapped, as always.
And the man promises him freedom and power.
Riku agrees. The absol cries, yet stays firmly by his side.
He's stronger than before. He knows this.
Yet regardless, he's curled in on himself, tears threatening to spill and arms desperately trying to keep the man away. He can sense his pokemon, trapped in their balls, unable to help; and he's unsure he wants their help, not if it will hurt them like he's about to be hurt.
A hand grasps his arm and Riku can almost hear the cries of his pokemon as he flinches away.
Then electricity jumps into him, jolting his head up and wringing a shout from Ansem's throat as the room lights up brilliantly. In a second, a pikachu stands between him and Ansem, seemingly ready to take on the man by himself if need be.
He can still feel the stare of Gengar weighing him down, but with the electricity in the air lighting the area, he feels less afraid. With Mickey's pikachu here with him, he feels less alone.
With Mickey and Namine's help, he's come to terms with the darkness within him. It is a part of him, a part that is singularly his and he should embrace. He sleeps calmly that night, pleasant dreams encompassing him as he drifts off, his absol, eevee, and rockruff cuddled against him.
When he wakes up, it is no longer brown fur in his arms, but smooth black fur with crescent moons shining. His eyes widen in shock, but at the trusting and proud look in his long-term companion's eyes, he smiles and hugs his new umbreon closer.
He shouts when something rams his leg from behind, causing him to crumple. In a split second, he's back up and turned around, facing his assailant head on.
A cocky smile lays lazily on the zigzagoon's face, a challenge. Riku falters, unsure how to react to this small pokemon challenging him.
But, well, he's never been one to back down from a challenge. And surely a tiny critter like this can't best the fastest runner of his island.
He had made his fair share of bad choices in his life, he thinks, but trying to swim to another island while injured is definitely one of his worst.
Well, he's certainly had worse, choices that cause him to feel nauseous and shaky by memory alone, but as his arms give out and he sinks underwater, he thinks they at least didn't kill him.
Something brushes against him and his cuts sting slightly less. He opens his eyes, regrets it immediately, but catches sight of a large pink fish hovering near him.
He takes a bet and grabs onto it, hoping to convey his request.
By some miracle, he's dragged back above water, his lungs filling with sweet air as energy slowly leaks back into him. He rubs the alomomola beneath him, a gentle "thank you". It wiggles before carrying him off to the closest island.
Rockruff stands between Ansem and an injured Riku.
Riku tries to stand up, tries to call for his most loyal companion to run, but the rockruff takes no note. She merely growls, a calm aggression taking over her, and Riku desperately wishes on every star for rockruff to remain safe.
A light envelops her and Riku flinches back. Rockruff evolve to reflect day and night, and Riku knows without a doubt that his closest ally could not become the day. He fears for her, that she may become different or distant from him after the evolution.
But when he can see her again, she is neither day nor night. Her fur a stunning orange, her stance distinctively calm yet aggressive.
Dusk, his mind supplies, and he laughs under his breath even as Ansem curses.
He can see and even eat some dreams.
No one believes him when he says that except Kairi and Sora. He eats their nightmares and lets them sleep peacefully, though sometimes they could cause him to have night frights in return. No one needed to know about that part, though.
He knows he's in a dream. An oddly pleasant one, for once. Yet in it, he comes face to face with cresselia, whose name he knows for reasons he does not. A name he knows like his own.
He smiles at the pokemon. They have always been here, just as long as the darkness has. He isn't scared of them. And he accepts them, as both a part of himself and a separate entity entirely.
When he wakes up, he has a new but old companion at his side, watching over his dreams and lending him the ability to eat others' nightmares.
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echoeblo · 5 years
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echoeblo · 5 years
AU where Mickey adopts both Riku and Namine and converts one of the guest rooms in the castle into a personal room for them to stay in.
- They both have their own twin sized beds. Mickey had them pick out sheets. Riku's has a frick ton of yellow while Namine's has pastel colors (she tried to buy white sheets, she did, but Mickey insisted she get something more colorful)
- The room stays impeccably clean for days. Riku keeps everything cleaned up like the responsible kiddo he is, while Namine is simply not used to having her own space. Too used to trying to be small and not take up space.
- The room ends up covered in sketchbook pages anyways. Riku doesn't want to throw them out, so sometimes he gathers them up and puts them in a drawer for safekeeping. Better than stepping on them
- After realizing that most of the castle was much more stylized than their room, Riku and Namine decide they wanted to stylize their room more to fit in.
- They draw on the walls. Riku's drawings are worse than Namine's but he enjoys drawing with her, embarrassment be damned
- Riku, ever the knight in shining armor, decides to get snacks for them in the afternoon, after dinner's been cleaned up but Namine wants to eat chips. It takes long minutes of planning and mapping out where everyone is and when, but he manages
- Mickey catches him anyways. It is with mild confusion that Mickey tells Riku that he can take snacks from the kitchen whenever he wants. Riku is Shook
- Sora is allowed to stay in the guest room. Upon realizing that Riku has his Own Room, however, he Desperately wants to see what it looks like. he gets denied. no one can see Riku's doodles. not even Sora. that secret will follow him to his grave
- Of course Namine and Mickey and Minnie realize why Riku doesn't want Sora, Kairi, Donald, or Goofy to see, but they pretend it's something more serious. Adults need their personal space, of course. Namine's worse at hiding the reason, partly bc she wants Sora to see all the pictures in there, but she respects Riku's needs
- They brush each other's hair in the morning. Sometimes Minnie brushes it for them.
- They also have the bad habit of staying up late. Darkness isn't easy on either of them, and it's when their heavier talks happen. Sometimes they'll end up sleeping cuddled together, for some sort of contact.
- Riku has a Mickey shaped night light. No one can ever know
- Riku and Namine are technically a prince and princess and dO YOU KNOW HOW MANY AUS CAN COME FROM THAT. PRINCE RIKU. PRINCESS NAMINE.
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echoeblo · 5 years
Minfilia/Tataru drabble.
Tataru greets Minfilia as she makes her way into The Waking Sands, talking animatedly with Thancred. Every movement, every sentence that comes out of her mouth is filled with grace and kindness Tataru has never before witnessed, and she doesn't try to hold back her goofy smile when Minfilia greets her in return.
Thancred greets Tataru as well, looking at her a second too long with a spark of humor in his eyes. She wants to ask him why he seems so amused, but he and Minfilia are already making their way down the stairs, returning to their previous conversation about dinner.
“Her favorite flowers are lilies,” comes a voice directly behind her, and Tataru screams and jumps out of her chair to face the intruder.
Thancred backs up a step, holding his arms up placatingly, but his grin says that he’s more than proud of the reaction he got from her.
Tataru huffs and sits back down. “Who does?” she asks, not bothering to dwell on his words long enough to make a connection.
He hums and she puts her pencil back to the notebook without thought before remembering what she had been doing.
Drawing. Drawing a flower.
Next to Minfilia's name.
Tataru blushes and opens her mouth to reply, but Thancred is already gone.
A vase full of blue lilies ends up on her table.
Tataru observes them more intensely than she would ever admit to Thancred, and practices sketching the strange looking flower on a loose piece of paper.
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echoeblo · 5 years
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echoeblo · 5 years
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discourse in the Sekiro fandom
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echoeblo · 5 years
- The Divine Child of the Rejuvenating Waters was a child test subject. She is now Wolf's daughter
- She doesn't know anything about her blood parents and doesn't have a name but Kuro and Wolf are her new family so eh
- She has every power to choose her own name but instead she told Wolf to write "Child of the Rejuvenating Waters" on the legal papers so welp
- She's fully blind and uses a walking stick Emma and the Sculptor made for her
- Wolf helps set up a garden for her. It's mainly for rice, but they have some other things growing nearby too
- Kuro loves making sweets for his classes sometimes. It's a nice treat (though some of the teachers are scared that Wolf may have poisoned the food)
- Emma teaches Wolf how to cook. He needs to know and she stepped in after he tried to feed Kuro and the Divine Child uncooked rice
- Speaking of which, Wolf keeps a lot of rice and fruit stocked at home. They're favorites
- If either of the kids brought home a stray, it'd become a pet. No questions. Wolf can't say no to his kids and also wants to help whatever animal needs it (except roosters and monkeys)
- Isshin is Kuro's uncle and sometimes comes over with alcohol and a sword. He's so loud
- Drunk sparring is never a good idea but it happens often enough. It's bonding (that Emma really does not approve of)
- Naturally Hanbei joins in on the sparring and is the only sober one with a sword
- The school is Shook to learn that Kuro is related to such a powerful and influential man
- They're even more shook when Isshin treats Wolf as an old friend and calls him Sekiro
- They eventually ask if Sekiro is his name
- Wolf, very flatly, says No
- Kuro and the Divine Child are both rly affectionate about Wolf at school and always say that he's a really kind and awkward man
- Kuro's not used to making sweets with fruit but he's learning some recipes for the Divine Child
plz consider a modern day Sekiro au
- Straight A grade schooler Kuro and his rly proud surrogate father Wolf
- Ashina is one large and splintered gang
- Wolf knows all the school gossip. all of it. no one but him knows how
- Sculptor, Emma, and Hanbei all live with Wolf and Kuro and so do a few others who just decided to move in without permission
- Wolf gets woken up in the middle of the night often and he’s always disgruntled
- “Teacher: So, uh… Mister Wolf, how’d you get your prosthetic arm?
Wolf: Kuro’s cousin cut my arm clean off while we were fighting over who’d raise him
Teacher: O-Oh…
Wolf, grinning: No worries, I Won”
- naturally the faculty is scared of him
bonus edit:
- Wolf cannot say no if Kuro says please
- Luckily Kuro is a responsible child and does not ask Wolf to buy him candy at the store, no siree
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echoeblo · 5 years
plz consider a modern day Sekiro au
- Straight A grade schooler Kuro and his rly proud surrogate father Wolf
- Ashina is one large and splintered gang
- Wolf knows all the school gossip. all of it. no one but him knows how
- Sculptor, Emma, and Hanbei all live with Wolf and Kuro and so do a few others who just decided to move in without permission
- Wolf gets woken up in the middle of the night often and he's always disgruntled
- "Teacher: So, uh... Mister Wolf, how'd you get your prosthetic arm?
Wolf: Kuro's cousin cut my arm clean off while we were fighting over who'd raise him
Teacher: O-Oh...
Wolf, grinning: No worries, I Won"
- naturally the faculty is scared of him
bonus edit:
- Wolf cannot say no if Kuro says please
- Luckily Kuro is a responsible child and does not ask Wolf to buy him candy at the store, no siree
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echoeblo · 6 years
my reason for translating this chapter is completely impure and relates directly to Noodl telling me to, and I quote, “stop being a thirsty binch over ultimecia and noel!”
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echoeblo · 6 years
Translation of DFFOO World 2, Part 5 first scene below the cut.
Mog: Kupo~ Is there really anything here?
モグ: クポ~ 本当にここに何かあるクポ?
Terra: Mog, you can’t sense anything?
ティナ: モグは 何も感じないの?
Locke: Isn’t that just suspicious, though?
ロック: それって 逆にあやしいぜ なあ?
Noct: Huh? Ah… If you all think so, then there’s probably something off.
ノクト: え? ああ...... あんたらが気にするなら なんかあんだろ
Setzer: This town brings back nothing but bad memories. The goddess had said that this world was slumbering...
セッツァー: この街には嫌な思い出しかないな
女神はこの世界を 安息の地とか言ってたが......
Terra: Seeing this place, it’s impossible for us to relax.
ティナ: この景色を見ていても 私たちの心は休まらないの
Alisaie: That is to say, we’re unable to predict when an enemy may attack us here.
アリゼー: ということは ここも 敵の召喚による地形まこしれないね
Mog: Kupo kupo… You could say that, kupo. But, but, kupo~ I can’t sense anything! Not allies, not enemies, not the will of the light, not even a young divine dragon, kupo!
モグ: クポクポ...... そうかもしれないクポ でもでも なのクポ~
仲間の気配も 敵の気配も 「輝き」の気配も 神竜幼体の気配も全然ないのクポ!
Lilisette: How odd… Can’t you normally sense those things?
リリゼット: 不思議ね...... 普通 そんなことってあるものなの?
Mog: Kupo~... I don’t know, kupo… Maybe my pompom isn’t working correctly?
モグ: クポ~...... わからないクポ...... ポンポンの調子が悪いクポ?
Locke: What do you think?
ロック: どう思う?
Setzer: It’s a dangerous bet, but even so, it’s worse to simply ignore the chances at hand.
セッツァー: 危険な賭けになるかもな だが このまま放っておくのも夢見が悪い
Terra: Please, Mog. Let’s make a quick detour.
ティナ: お願い モグ 少し寄り道させて
Locke: It’ll be worth it if we can find even one treasure, right?
ロック: お宝のひとつも見つかれば 儲けもんだし な?
Alisaie: I believe in you all, especially in this unknown world.
アリゼー: 私は あなたたちを信じるわ 知らない世界のことだもの
Setzer: Hey, little prince. If you have any thoughts on the matter, say them now.
セッツァー: おーい 王子様 意見があるなら言っておけよ
Noct: Not particularly. Leave it to me. … Wait, “prince”? Have I mentioned that before?
ノクト:別にねーし 任せるって
…… あれ 王子? オレ 話したっけ
Setzer: Haha! You just seemed like someone from a well off family. I’m amazed that you’re actually a prince! We’re not here for sightseeing, though, so stop being so out of it. Whoever your caretaker normally is, they’re not here right now.
セッツァー: ははっ! いいとこの坊ちゃんだと思ってたが 本当に王子様とは驚きだ
観光じゃないんだ ボーっとするなよ ここにあんたの世話役はいないんだぜ
Noct: Hah? I’m not sightseeing! … If I’m bothering you, then I’ll just go home.
ノクト: は? してねーし ......邪魔なら帰るけど
Mog: Don’t leave us, kupo! We need as much manpower as we can get, kupo! Prince or gambling addict, it doesn’t matter. Let’s all search together!
モグ: 行かないでクポー! 戦力は多いほうがいいクポ!
王子もギャンブル好きさんも関係ないクポ みんなで一緒に探索するクポ!
Locke: The term you’re looking for is “Gambler”. Well, as long as everyone agrees, I’m in.
ロック: そこはギャンブラーって呼んでやってくれよ ま みんなでってのは俺も同感だ
Terra: Yes, I’m with Mog!
ティナ: うん 私もモグに賛成
Locke: Alright then, we don’t need any hard feelings between us. Let’s keep our heads on straight so that we don’t miss any treasure.
ロック: それに 全員が緊張してる必要もないさ 気負ってばかりじゃ お宝をみ見落としちまう
Alisaie: That’s right. Let’s calm ourselves and move on.
アリゼー: そうね 落ち着いて先に進みましょう
Setzer: I get the feeling you’re from a wealthy family, too… (Turns to Noct) Well, sorry for prying into your life like that. It wasn’t my intention to do so.
セッツァー: こっちも育ちは良さそうな感じがするな......
悪いな 立ち入った話を するつもりはなかった
Noct: You’re fine. More importantly, let’s get back to searching for that treasure!
ノクト: 平気 それよりさ いいお宝見つけて戻ろーぜ
Setzer: My my, looks like we have another treasure hunter on our hands.
セッツァー: やれやれ トレジャーハンターが増えちまったな
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echoeblo · 6 years
Translation of DFFOO’s World 2, Part 5 intro scene below the cut.
Noel (walking through a desert, alone): Right now, the sounds around me are kinda reminding me of when I was a child… I was the last of mankind, left all alone. But I believed the future could be changed, so I left on a journey. Then, the goddess of my world gave me a chance. She brought me back in time to change the future. However...
ノエル: 今はもう すごく音のことに思える ほんの子供だったころのこと
俺は世界で最後の人間だった ひとりぼっちだったんだ
でも 希望を求めて旅をした 未来は変えられるって 信じてた
そうしたら 俺の世界の女神は チャンスをくれたんだ
時間をさかのぼって 未来を変えるチャンス だけど......
???: Noel Kreiss, you poor boy. (Noel stops walking) The wait must have been so hard.
???: ノエル・クライス 哀れな少年
Noel: I heard that Serah is here. I thought for sure I’d be able to protect her this time...
ノエル: この世界に セラがいるって聞いた
「今度こそ」守れると思った でも......
???:  The Goddess Materia has abandoned you for wander these deserts forever.
???: 女神マーテリアはあなたを見放した
Noel: If you weren’t here with me, I may have given up hope already.
ノエル: あんたがいなかったら 今度こそ 諦めてたかも
???: I have done nothing but talk to you. You are the one who possesses an unbreakable heart.
???: 折れない心はあなたのもの 私はただの話し相手です
Noel: (...)  Hey, do you still not want to show yourself?
ノエル: (...) なあ まだ姿 見せたくないのか
???: My form is not pleasant. If you saw me, we would certainly become enemies.
???: 私の姿は忌まわしいもの あなたはきっと私の敵になる
Noel: You’ve been nothing but gentle and kind. We wouldn’t become enemies.
ノエル: 優しくしてくれてる 敵になんか ならない
???: … We are destined to be enemies. Otherwise...
???: ...... 私はそうなる運命なのですよ それより......
(Scene shifts with an earthquake, desert becomes an abandoned town)
Noel: What the… a town!?
ノエル: 何だ これ...... 街!?
???: An abandoned town… … Left like this by a messed up clown.
???: うつろな街...... ......壊れた道化のしわざですね
Noel: Am I still all alone?
ノエル: 俺 まだひとりぼっち?
???: Whether or not you stop walking does not matter. You do not need to become the puppet of an irresponsible goddess.
???: 歩みをとめても構わないのですよ 無責任な女神の傀儡にならなくともいい
Noel: I guess, but I’m still going to continue walking a bit more. The goddess said she would help me, so I have faith things will work out. I know we will meet. Surely… even in this empty world. And then… this time...
ノエル: そうかも けど もう少し歩いてみる
女神は俺に救えって言った だから 信じる
きっと...... この からっぽな世界でも
そうしたら...... 今度こそ......
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echoeblo · 6 years
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echoeblo · 6 years
Noel and Serah in DFFOO, in which Noel asks an awkward question.
“What's sex?”
Serah pauses. The group goes silent, focuses on their newest teammate.
Noel tenses, fully aware of the sudden change in atmosphere, but keeps his gaze on Serah.
“Noel…” she starts, unsure how to proceed. She looks him in the eye and fidgets with her bow. “Do you really not know?”
“I wouldn't have asked if I did,” he affirms. The air is heavy, but Noel doesn't back down. For all his knowledge of survival and hunting, he seemed to lack some very basic knowledge.
He makes that lack of knowledge well known. Serah's gotten used to his onslaught of odd questions, varying between why some people actively try to harm others to how bread is made. Serah's given up on feeding Noel; he'd often vomit what she'd try to feed him, and she can't stomach his cooking either.
“It's… when two people love each other…” she starts, already regretting her words as Noel's eyes light up. Would it be better to just tell him? But how would she do that, especially with so many people nearby?
“So like us?” he asks, and she internally cringes.
“I'm engaged,” she responds without thought. Noel raises an eyebrow, genuinely lost, and she quickly realizes that he doesn't know what that word meant either. “It's hard to explain, Noel,” she settles on instead.
“Then can't you show me?” The innocence on his face makes her somehow even more antsy. She looks around, silently pleading for help.
“I can show you,” a teammate speaks, and all eyes turn to the speaker. He smiles, a charming and amused smile.
Noel looks surprised. “Would you?” he asks, and Thancred nods. Noel's eyes brighten, and Serah feels her chest knot in guilt.
“Don't show him,” she blurts out, and Noel turns to her in shock.
Noel opens his mouth to speak, but Thancred speaks before him. “I'll be gentle with him, fair maiden.”
Noel raises an eyebrow, more cautious than before. “Gentle?”
A soft thump and a yelp from Thancred catches their attention. Y'shtola stands above him, rod in hand as Thancred rubs the back of his head.
“There is no need,” she says. “He will not be showing you anything.”
Thancred opens his mouth in protest, but when he looks up and meets Y'shtola's icy glare, he closes his mouth.
“I think he should know,” comes a gentle voice, and Serah turns to acknowledge them.
“It's not that important, Rosa,” she assures her, but Cecil grabs Rosa's hand and shakes his head.
“It's important to know about these things,” he says, and Rosa leans against him. Serah deflates slightly and sighs.
“Can I leave him to you two, then?”
“Of course,” Rosa says. Serah nods and looks at Noel.
He tilts his head at her and she gestures at the couple.
She supposes it's better to learn from Cecil and Rosa than Thancred, especially considering how parent-like the two could be at times.
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