eclare-draws · 4 years
Hey! Sorry if you get asked this a lot, but how do you get such crisp pictures of your drawings? Mine always look so terrible in photos 😂
I usually have the same issue, but here are my tips:
- scan your photo! If you have access to a printer with a scanner, this is best because it gets rid of shadows and glare
- for an actual photo, take it in natural light but not direct sun because of glare
- once you have your photo, put a black and white filter over it. This helps with the yellowness that comes with photos a lot
- I usually just play around with the photo adjustments that come on my computer. I make it a little darker and sharpen it up a little. I have windows 10 I think and it comes with a basic photo editor that works fine.
- use a spot corrector for smudges around the drawing
- if you are able to, draw on a single sheet of paper instead of a sketchbook. Sketchbooks wrap the shape and are really hard to scan
Hope this helps!!
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Hi, your fallen angel sketch of Adam inspired me (that's the safe word to use I guess) and I'd like to write a fic about it but I wanted to ask you before I wrote it since this is your idea after all. May I tag you in the author's note of the fic? Thanks :)
Oh my god I would love this so much please do omg
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eclare-draws · 4 years
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Adam Driver at some awards show
Art by me, do not repost.
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eclare-draws · 4 years
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Adam Driver x Cabanel’s “The Fallen Angel”
Art by me, do not repost.
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Hey y'all!
I've finally gotten the urge to do some art again, but I was wondering what you would like to see more of on this account! I'm gonna keep drawing what I want to draw, but I also want to be able to take what you want and mix it in with what I want!
Most people follow me for miraculous, but is there some other thing you want to see?
What about characters, scenarios, fanfic art, etc?
I just want some ideas :) let me know in comments and tags and messages or whatever :) thank you for being you :))
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Hi I love this addition
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I made a meme
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eclare-draws · 4 years
why dont you guys ever ask me questions. I am inappropriately open and desperate for attention
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eclare-draws · 4 years
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I made a meme
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Hello~ is it me you're looking for~
Yes, it is you I was, in fact, looking for. Thank you.
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Hope y’all are enjoying quarantine and making good choices.
I just lost my job, which means I’ve lost housing (or will be in a couple weeks) and I’m gonna have to fly home.
Things are crazy right now, please stop asking me when I’m going to post quarantine drawings and guilting me for not drawing. I’ll draw when I draw.
This applies to other artists as well.
Thank you and be safe
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eclare-draws · 4 years
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I saw this and immediately thought of the statue scene so here’s that
I’d imagine Marinette and Alya went back at some point without Adrien to practice confessing to him through his statue
[Bonus Alya under the cut]
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eclare-draws · 4 years
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eclare-draws · 4 years
MY THESIS PROPOSAL WAS APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve been stressing out for months about this and it was approved!!! I’m so relieved!!!
I’m writing and illustrating a children’s book about anxiety based on my own experiences and research as well as writing a 30-50 page essay on my findings and experience :DDDDDD I’ll be working on it for the next two-ish years
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Ooh I’d love to commission you as soon as I have some money so I say you should go for it! And when you get a cat please show us pictures!
I got this message a while ago, but I’m putting off my commission work for a bit because I don’t have the time or mitvation to get it settled. Cat has been moved to either much later this year or even next year because of housing restraints :/ I APPRECIATE THE SUPPORT THOUGH, ILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Freeze! You’re under arrest for being so nice and cute. Copy this message to 10 other blogs that you think are beautiful and deserve it. Keep the game going and make others feel beautiful!!! 💖🌸💕🌷💗🌺💓
;;0;; thanks babe
I’m gonna give you a ditto because you’re so supportive of my work and I love what you write!! :D
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eclare-draws · 4 years
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This is my Valentine’s day doodle for y’all because I got frustrated with the other one I had planned.
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eclare-draws · 4 years
Here are my own personal recommendations :D add on to this if you have any! I don’t really read one-shots very often, and if I do, they’re usually by people I’m subscribed to/following, so I don’t bookmark them. These ones are pretty popular already but I uhhhhh I love them and need everyone to know about them, I need more people to gush over tlatb with
Obsession by @kryallaorchid is amazing omg I think I’ve read it through twice now? It’s a really long series with a few parts to it but the lore and the everything is mmmmm yess
Serendipitous Fate by @skaylanphear is *chef kiss* damn it’s good I can’t explain it but you should read it (this one isn’t completed, but it’s still a good read)
THE LADYBUGS AND THE BEES by @bullysquadess Is... I... Ahhhh... I think I know I’ve read it all the way through at least six times now it’s that good wowie just ahhh everything wow (not completed but that doesn’t matter because it’s that good and where it’s been left off isn’t a cliffhanger or anything)
The Trouble With Kittens by @seasonofthegeek is so good it made me cry I love some good pregnant Mari and this one takes the cake oh boy this is my other favorite I’ve read through about five times oh god it’s good and actually got pregnancy right so yes please
Hey  I’m craving some good ML lovesquare fanfics rn please recommend some
I’m feeling very overwhelmed rn and I need something to not be doing that
I want like a multi chapter series thing preferably or just little fluffy one shots. I’m all for AUs and god if you recommend a pregnant Marinette one to me, I might marry you uhhh angst is okay as long as it has a happy ending
I’m gonna reblog this on my art blog with my own recommendations
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