eclipse-of-moths · 8 months
*puts hands on hollywood exec's shoulders, staring unblinking into their eyes* listen to me. you will never get people who hate musicals to like musicals by making your musical less of a musical. if you hide the fact that your film is a musical in the advertising, you're going to get a lot of low ratings from people who hate musicals and went into your movie not expecting a musical and got one anyway. people who hate musicals will hate them no matter how realistic and diegetic and lowkey you try to make it. they will hate musicals even if you completely excise anything complicated, over the top, silly, or even slightly challenging. they will hate musicals even if you cut half the songs. they will hate musicals even if you cast that a-lister who can't sing worth a damn. stop trying to market to people who hate musicals. they're a lost cause. your audience should be people who love musicals. this half-assed middle ground pisses off both camps. just embrace the fact that your movie is a musical. lean into it. don't try and trick musical haters into coming to your film when you could be marketing to the theater kids. better cringe than a coward.
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eclipse-of-moths · 8 months
Y'all people do not understand how fucking harmful ableism towards systems is. You really do not get it. It fucked me up so bad. My ex partner said straight to my face "Your DID makes me kinda uncomfortable."
I was so open about my system. I was healing. Our amnesia was getting better, we could communicate, trauma wasn't as scary when we were all working together. All of that is gone now and it's because of how my ex partner treated my system.
I can't be open about it anymore. I feel like I have to hide it. I feel disgusting. I feel like no one will love me. I'm scared to switch because I feel like my partner might leave me if I do. My ex made me SCARED to have an already scary disorder.
Ableism is a beast that can destroy people with a single sentence.
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eclipse-of-moths · 11 months
If "doing your best" means harming your mental and/or physical health then that isn't actually "your best" - it's more than that. Too much, in fact. Because your best is supposed to be sustainable and safe for you
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eclipse-of-moths · 11 months
I understand a lot of the backlash around the idea of "let me be masculine" and when we are talking about cis men I *agree* but let's not pretend like a significant portion of this discourse isn't by and for trans men who have been forced to be feminine our whole lives. It's not actually a misunderstanding of feminism to acknowledge the fact that trans men are demonized for our masculinity.
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eclipse-of-moths · 11 months
i really hate coming out but still want my extended family to know, so my mother took it upon herself to invent the game “guess which one of my kids is gay.”
the rules are simple.
sit down with uncle so-and-so
he says something about gay people in passing
my mom says “there’s a gay person at this table right now. guess which of my kids it is!
he looks frantically between the three of us trying to figure out if she���s joking or not and trying desperately not to offend anyone but also she won’t continue with the conversation unless he makes a guess so he has to make a guess
we all enjoy his discomfort immensely
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eclipse-of-moths · 11 months
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eclipse-of-moths · 11 months
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Your daily dose of cat memes
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eclipse-of-moths · 11 months
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eclipse-of-moths · 1 year
As a biochem student and certified nerd, I feel the responsibility to bestow this knowledge upon as many people as I possibly can:
You do NOT need to "earn" meals through exercise.
You know why?
Because exercise only accounts for about 20% of your calories. The majority of the calories your body burns, it uses to keep itself alive. It uses them to power your brain and metabolism. In fact, your brain ALONE is responsible for spending about 20% of your calories.
Your BRAIN, just to keep itself going, uses up just as many (or even more!!!) calories than all the exercise you do.
Your RESTING metabolic rate is responsible for burning between 60 and 75% of your calories.
You don't just deserve food because you're working out. YOU DESERVE FOOD BECAUSE YOUR BODY NEEDS IT TO STAY ALIVE.
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eclipse-of-moths · 1 year
oh boy I'm fucking pissed off.
stop policing what terms people with CDDs use to refer to their disorder.
let that person say "my alters". it's not fucking hurting you.
let that person use strictly i/me when referring to themself. it's not fucking hurting you.
let that person use strictly we/us when referring to themself. it's not fucking hurting you.
let them call themself a system.
let them call themself a collective.
let them call themself a person with OSDDID.
let them say alter
let them say part
let them say headmate
endos dni
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
im convinced imaginary friends are a lie made up by the american media to sell more mental illness so. participate in my research
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
we're gonna hop on this trend, too.
i hate when non systems act like being a system is all fun and good, and it's just "friends in your head".
what it's really like is:
coming to and not knowing who the hell you are, with all of these people you don't know talking to you
one of your headmates wanting to relive the abuse you all went through ending up reaching out to the abuser you so carefully distanced yourself from, or purposefully getting you all involved with someone dangerous
if you're an introject, missing the world you came from and the people you knew, and being forced into another world where you have to share a whole entire life with others, some you may not even like or get along with
if you expirience amnesia, missing hours, days, or even weeks of your life
becoming really close with a headmate only for them to dissapear, integrate into a new person, or go dormant
hearing someone screaming in your head and not being able to reach them or even know what's happening
having to mask as a specific person that is nowhere near who you really are, and if you act like yourself everyone around you treats you like you've lost it
Looking in the mirror and seeing someone who isn't you, especially if you don't identify with the body's assigned gender at birth, the dysphoria is so hellish.
a child alter fronting and seeing something a child shouldn't see
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
There are absolutely systems who split with little to no stress involved, what are you talking about? Once the brain has the ability to split it can happen for literally any reason.
no it can't. in complex dissociative disorders, you cannot split without stress that you can't cope with.
there is very little to no reason for the brain to dissociate to the level of sectioning off another part of itself to create another alter without stress being involved in some way.
the only thing i can think of that isn't this, is if genuine joy and happiness is genuinely a very rare occurrence for someone, they might split an alter who exists just to feel those emotions just so the brain can, in *some way* experience happiness, and even then, there is stress *definitely* involved in the creation of an alter like that.
the brain cannot split for "literally any reason". dissociation and splitting are stress responses.
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
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[Text: This system’s special interest is psychology.]
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eclipse-of-moths · 2 years
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