eclipssalfics · 1 year
The temptation to write monster prom smut cuz despite the game being about getting with monsters who are dtf there’s not a lot of monster fuckin goin on like you deadass fuck a car to get it to start in monster camp like huh
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eclipssalfics · 2 years
Hooooiiiii so yea been kind of been dead BUT don’t worry part two of nine possessive heroes will be up later this week! My classes have at started and I’m trying to stay on top of my shit so be ready wenches y’all will be fed soon
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eclipssalfics · 2 years
So you asking for some albedo smut or Kazuha right ? LMAO
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eclipssalfics · 2 years
Nine possessive heroes master list
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Part 1
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eclipssalfics · 2 years
Nine possessive heroes and their darling from another world
Yo this is a series that I’ve decided to write on here and ao3 which I will link later, now this is a yandere chain x iseakied fem reader so yeah I won’t explain any more
Tw: none
Chapter 1: A meeting you’ve only dreamed about
The day was finally over, after a few hours of studying for your midterms you were free to go back to your dorm and sleep. You got up from your chair and put away your stuff and decided to check the time. 12:31am you’ve been here longer then you originally planned, you wanted to study for three hours not six. You make sure the space you were occupying is in the same condition that you found it in, then you head off waking out of the building and to your dorm. You have you headphones on listening to a random playlist at a volume that if someone tired to get your attention you’d hear them. 
The walk to your dorm was normal enough for a unintentional midnight walk, but about half way through you felt something was off. Taking a chance you sneakily take something out of your pocket and make it seem like it fell. You continue walking for a minute before acting like you just realized you dropped something, you turn around to pick it up. In the corner of your eye you see something duck one of those things that are around the camp as that says shit like join the army, or check out the free tutor program today. You then turn back around to continue the walk to your dorm your guard is up, it’s definitely someone following you. If they wanted to tell you something they would have walked faster or called out. You continue to act like you don’t notice them, pausing your music so you can hear them either speed up or slow down. 
You can in fact hear the person following you, your dorm isn’t very far away maybe another 20 or 15 minutes away. You can take a short cut but it’s risky, it’s a small ally way in between two buildings. You don’t want to take it that is until you hear the person speed up their walking. To be prepared for anything you reach inside an inner pocket and get ready to pull out and open a pocket knife. It’s a dull blade a family member gave to you before , the trip to your university it can severely hurt someone but you can at least put a few feet away from the attacker. 
You want to glance back but you don’t , it’s to risky so you continue on you way. Their foot steeps proceed to speed up and in response you act oblivious and at the last second bolt to the right running straight to the ally way. Said ally way leads to the main hub of the dorms meaning if you screamed someone is bound to hear. You hear them behind you so you pull out the knife and pop it open and quickly turn to face them. Your hands are up in a defensive position with the knife in your dominant hand, the person rushes at you their own knife in hand. When they swing you doge, and move behind them quickly. You don’t have much experience fighting but your roommate who knew martial arts did teach you a few tricks in case something happened, which it did right now to be exact. 
Before you can take a swing they quickly turn around and block it , they quickly take a swing at you. Moving out of the way as much as you could helped a bit but they cut your cheek, not deep enough to need stitches but probably enough to scar if not treated properly. You quickly get back into action, you remember a way to put some distance between you and an attacker. You quickly move your arms together and up and swing down on their inner elbow as hard as you can. This makes them lose balance and lean forward, they proceed to stumble so you take the chance to make a quick stab to their side. Not enough to permanently injure but enough to pierce the skin and make them bleed.
You quickly pull the knife out making them let out a strangled groan and then fall to the ground clutching their side. Taking this chance to run you turn and head back the way you came. With a quickly glance behind you to ensure they’re not going to get up and pursue you, while doing that you don’t notice the black portal appear in your way and unknowingly you run right into it. When you look in front of you all you see is pitch black, the sudden chance in your vision throws you and your balance off causing you to stumble and trip out of the portal. 
The change of scenery is instant. The world in front of you is not your university in the middle of the night with many lights and buildings around. Instead is a forest, one that looks straight out of a fantasy game, the air is clean and the sun is out. Before you can appreciate the forest you instantly feel nauseous, turning face the your side you barf right into a bush. What ever snacks and energy drinks that were in your system is now out of it. After taking a few minutes for yourself you stand, when you turn to see if the portal is still there it’s sadly not. 
You quickly check your person making sure you still have everything and luckily you do, your knife in on the ground near where you fell out of the portal. You walk over to grab it first you close it then put it away not caring about the blood that’s still on it. You sign and chose to walk for a bit , you don’t know where the fuck you are but you have enough sense to start looking for some sort of civilization. About 30 minutes into walking you feel exhausted all the adrenaline from fighting, running and falling out of a portal is now gone. You chose to sleep against a tree somewhat close to the path , just in case someone would walk by and notice you. 
Keeping your bag on your move it so it’s behind your person if it wasn’t already, you don’t know this place and if there’s thrives anywhere. You choose to be safe rather then sorry for a stupid mistake like sleeping with your bag at your side or in front of you. Feeling safe enough you close your eyes and begin to drift off hoping that you got knocked out and are currently dreaming instead of being in a possible different world.
After a few hours you wake , no one has passed by it seems and you personally think that's a good thing cuz honestly you’re pretty close to having a breakdown. Glancing around you notice you’re still in the woods, sighing as you stand up. Sleeping and against a tree was just as comfortable as you imagined, which is not at all. After stretching and popping a few things in your body you decide to start walking. By looking at the sky you can guess that when you first got here it was early morning and now it’s about early afternoon. 
While walking you take note how certain flora you recognize but you can’t think of where. The good thing is you don’t currently hear anything that would want to kill you , so that’s a good thing. You spend a good amount of time thinking about what you’re gonna do and where you are. The whole time you’ve been walking you haven’t seen or heard or seen a single person nor (if there’s any) monster. 
You pull out your phone to check the time, you don’t bother checking for internet or cell service. The time reads 1:47 pm. Good, the sun set is nowhere near. You hear a strange scream-like sound that makes you look in the direction it came from ,but you can’t see what exactly made that sound. You look at your phone and get an idea , opening the camera app you zoom in as far as you can. What you see makes you slowly lower your phone and turn it off. 
“Im in fucking breath of the wild….. what the fuck….” You put your phone away and just stand there. When you zoomed in you say fucking bokoblins. Not any bokoblins the ones in botw and you're really hoping that this is still a dream. What ever you ran threw transported into a fucking zelda game. For all you know this could be master mode, you really hope it’s not. You run your hands down your face and let out a loud groan. You just wanted to go to bed after studying your ass off for midterms. You just wanted to get some good sleep in your bed. 
“Welp no use in standing here and hoping for link to show up out of nowhere and helping me , I’m better off helping myself. I have to find a stable, wait my fucking clothes! I’m going to stand out like a sore fucking thumb.” You quickly look over what you’re in and anything that would raise instant suspicion goes into your bag. What you kept on will do for now, the one game you got stuck in is one that doesn’t have rupees in the grass, just your luck.
After thinking of a small plan that goes along the lines of if you’re asked you’ll respond with some stupid yet believable response about getting mugged. You take a deep breath and continue on your way, now knowing that you're in breath of the wilds hyrule there’s bound to be a stable nearby so that’s your first goal. You continue along the path you somehow found yourself on and when you can to a crossroads you went in the direction that has a stable. 
As you approach the stable you start to feel anxious. You don’t have any money and you have to make sure you don’t draw attention to yourself, as you walk closer you attempt to cover the tips of your ears the best you can. After all, you don’t have elvish ears like the others here. When you’re in front of the stable someone notices you look a bit distraught. You reply that you don’t remember what happened, you woke up in the woods not too far from here with a cut on your cheek and some of your items missing, you say you're from a village far from here. The person absolutely believes you so they offer to pay for you to have a bed for the night. 
After that interaction you walk over to the cooking pot and plop onto a stool. You’ve been in hyrule for about six hours and you want to go home . You don’t know how to fight, you can’t read hylian, you’re honestly shocked that hylian sounded like English , that or you somehow understand hylian and not to mention you’re straight up broke. Honestly getting stabbed by the stalker back home would have been better than this. Yeah sure you always wanted to live here but logically speaking it would suck. 
Hyrule doesn’t have the technical nor social advancements that your home has, not to mention no modern plumbing as far as you know. Maybe if you wait long enough a portal hold will appear, that’s what you went through right? It had to be it’s literally the only logical answer for how you got here given you weren’t iseakied the normal way by truck-Kun or dying in any way. 
Unknown to you a new group walks up to the stable and talks with the owner. You also don’t realize that the person who offered to pay for a night here told said group about your dilemma, that’s totally not a straight up lie. While you’re too lost in your thoughts about making a game plan you fail to notice one of the people in the group walk right up to you. 
Feeling a hand on your shoulder you jump a bit and quickly turn your head in the direction the hand came from. Your eyes widen in shock, and you hold back a gasp because there before you is the very link who’s hyrule you’re in. But that’s not what you’re surprised about , what you're surprised about is the fact that this version of wild in the linked universe version. You glance over his shoulder for a split second and there behind him are eight others. 
All nine links are technically in front of you , and honestly you’re a little scared now. Not because of the links, but rather because you now know what portal you came through and who’s fault it is. Before you can continue your thought the hero of wild speaks “hey we heard you need some help, what exactly happened?” Wild removed his hand from your shoulder. You don’t say anything for a bit , you’re still in shock, you really hope you’re dreaming cuz if you aren’t you’re more fucked then you originally thought, and you really hope this won’t be one of those fic scenarios you’ve read in fan fics back home. Because if it is , you’ve got to find out what they know and fast. You don’t want to be at the end of one of their swords.
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eclipssalfics · 2 years
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) indeed my friend , ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) indeed
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eclipssalfics · 2 years
Rules/ info
Yo I’m eclipssal I’m here to read that good soup and dark stuff. I take requests for stuff
1. If you are a minor or age less blog please leave i will block ya.I don’t wanna be blamed for your trauma
2. I write dark stuff and smut stuff (no smut for linked universe. It’s the creators wish and I’ll follow it. Most I’ll go is suggestive)
3. I will write most things but I won’t do pedo stuff or full on incest if I see that shit it’s getting deleted. I do write yandere
3. I like a lot of stuff so I won’t be listing fandoms but if you ask if I like a certain one I’ll respond.
4. Be patient when it comes to request I forget I have tumblr sometimes
5. For smut I’ll write for most kinks, I won’t do poop, dead person, barf, pee or feet stuff.
6. I will always put TWs
7. Enjoy my shit writin
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