ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Good app 👍 though the e-ticket part is not working on recent update.. Might want fix it.. I have to call in to fix my ticket now unless you can before I leave on the 7th they want you to print I who uses printers anymore? God bless you see technology is saving cutting down trees Illimating paper Just like the medical professionals Need to change And start healing People Not keeping them sick That generates alot Unnecessary paperwork. Blessings on this sabbath... It's really just the insurance companys CEOs and some arrogant doctors... The rest of people in that industry Got into it to save lives They are the heros Fighting those instutions To change from Within... So give the ones on the front lines power to override them So high medical treatment and technology Is available to everyone... Amen https://www.instagram.com/p/CCO2MYWHoJJ/?igshid=1vvcc5soudhzs
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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This from Greyhound site Applies to all travelers in the states listed So California Arizona Texas And more If you leave your States You be quarantined Mandatory Coming back in or out 14 days... Thought you all Might want to know.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCO0jIdnoUX/?igshid=tch5j5g2xjvz
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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I Know now What the medical field been Up too We are not nessarily indigo Children... This virus is result Of you breaking One God's most sacred Laws Not to combine humans and angels I wondered why when I came back from death The angel GABERIAL wanted to kill you all in this world.... Now I know the devil didn't do this.. Humans did All experiments before like Nazi did Didn't hold.. Enough generations have gone by.. I actually know a solution With our low technology Compared to God we are still low tech.. I will meditate on this I will pray for you 🙏 😇😇😇 Especially your victims I wondered how your medical grew Soo big since I was gone.. I will go seek the spirits In the mountains in scared mountains.. I will talk to God directly like he allows me too.. This virus had exposed all your non Care scans tests ... Your patching angel DNA With humans That's called the nephilim the reason God destroyed the Earth to begin with what the great flood Noah and his family were the only ones who are not It's actually quite brilliant and then a bunch of monkeys could and that is our human rays couldn't come up with a way to do this the problem is you offended both sides this is also life Satan got kicked out of heaven you can't play God I knew there was something bigger than me going on here and why all the time God bless you I suggest you repent.. I have half the answer advancer to cure everything is in the mountains and that is not an answer that will be given to any other person but myself so you better keep my family safe keep me safe or the whole human race is going to die off. I would also suggest you get my inheritance and release it to me now it doesn't matter if anybody reading this believes this what matters is if the right people read it. you can't get up from my brand new can't get it from my blood you can't get the answers from the people that you experimented on or it didn't hold no this is actually a Godly thing John brought me back Donald Trump your knowledge.. Happy Fourth of July everybody be safe out there and pray for my son and my daughter I'm going to rest on the Sabbath there's your answer Christina. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOY3meHS05/?igshid=129sjznn9m7ff
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Good morning Sabbat shalom And Happy 4th of July My last posts is how my familys Thought of medical doctors and head doctors.. For 100s of years As did most people Prove me wrong Soo far You cut me open messed up the surgery Left me to fight alone put the burden then on my 15 year old son Endless doctors appointments Where nothing was accomplished Except you all putting me on medication Then stopping starting it then giving up putting me on hospice tell me to prepare to die I did that I don't give up I found natural methods Because even though it was considered illeagal for doctors to give advice for organic medicines two did I built my own team of hippies native people searched for native plants to fight cancer my tumour in brain my nerve damage All my serous health problems while you specialist moved me from place to place put on constant oxygen I couldn't gain weight hardly eat or walk Then left me at the Mercy of people you sent in brought in who where druggies You don't protect people who are elders You medicate them keep them sick When the majority can be cured It's not enough to just maintain people so you can charge the insurances to make money when you're not making enough you'll turn them over to psycilogists and unrecovery networks You try to make them addicts It's trillions of dollar scam.. Real medical sciences Cure people I have not seen this since I young... I have however been the victim of your horrors seen them seen you even bet on people if they live or not..con generations of young people to become part of your scams that cost the American government private citzens and us all trillions a year.. Time for a change real Healing.. That means you won't have your cash cows We human beings are cattle Every one deserves healing.. Hostipitals And private doctors do basic Traige medicine and if you have money they will suck it up if you Cannot prove your valuable in their society.. You them false Gods on Earth Time to become real healers again.. For new oath Swear to heal all men women and children... Start with healing my new daughter pregnancy.. Y We have the technology to heal people with in the medical field . https://www.instagram.com/p/CCOUa-GnwRi/?igshid=1sr8or3rvxcaf
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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You wouldn't give me justice at lake Henshaw AGAINst visits irrigation system .Soo We are going after all Terrorists in country And beyond That means the doctors lawyers So called . Medical professionals The pysicologists and pysicitists It's a philosophy A religion Not s proven sceince You infected the the American people in the 1980s... Till then you where questioned You were considered Chartons In case you all didn't know You America and the world have been scammed by their cults Their false religions.. I know I studied them.embraced It Look at the treatment I got Prove me wrong How many seniors and disabled In this country they refuse to cure Bipolar is a general dignouses It's 1 in 3 people Now add medicare and Medical or any state insurance.. How many trillions is that? You can thank hmos and Obama for waking us up.. How many working people pay for this now they want you to opt out socail security Oh how many drug addicts and recovery which is not recovery places charge insurance companys? This was not normal How many reputations bussiness small business familys have they ruined? I'm.expert Time to arrest the people involved.. If have to I'll say I'm mentally ill Proud of it We deserve the right to think The way we do.. Let's see your version released. Viruse justified every crime Terrorism Mass murder Wars Hooking people on drugs Stopping their drugs Filled out prisons Destroyed every social program Took trillions every day from The American people... You upheld communism Your anti Freedom.. Soo much more there is your enemy's Americans.. We are victims of them Bann them arrest them Get me Justice... Get America justice now On this 4th of July. We declare our independence from These instutions of terriosts Doctors are worse than terriosts So are pyscologlists and pysicitists Take them down now,! They eliminated God and Christ for the country from the world They designed and reslesed this virus... Are you just going to let them get away with it? Sabbat shalom.. For Christ today we stand and.. Divide to come together To survive.. Amen https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNuheqH54g/?igshid=4laka778gs5s
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Bring them down on every corner of the earth you want a game start hunting down every Medical professional on this planet they are not professionals just cuz they went to college Anyone can obtain their knowledge and their knowledge is flawed they worship false gods support false institution and they deserve to die and be tried as traders humanity They not only causes fires but released this virus if you don't believe me look at them out of medical buildings there are everywhere it is time for a change world and it starts with standing up against these people we shall never give them the money again and we shall never look at them as Godly good people as they are not give me if they profess to believe in God they worship false gods science and Technology save the world that they have destroyed I am the only one to stand up against them and God knows how many years Maybe this is why God brought me back expose you shortening for what you are seize their assets lock down their cars their bank accounts their houses make them answer for the crimes against all of humanity worldwide just cuz they passing out mass and trying to save a few people does not make them good people they are responsible for this virus their corporations their arrogance then cutting into bodies are thier Autopsies are plants to God are a fence to every religion on this planet are no offense to every spiritual being on this planet they'd rather burn your body's trying to learn what they can from you no more. By them stand up burn their buildings down burn their houses down drag them out I'm sorry but you're dead you are dead and you will stand before God all of you and don't try to act like you care you don't if you have not healed one person on this planet you keep people sick we the children of nature in the children of the earth actually heal people and when it's time for people that die they die with Honor there is no honor in what you do and my great-grandparents my ancestors would agree and they told you this once and you did not listen and now look at the world I might not have the answers or the cure but I definitely know who the enemy is how much money do they cost the people. Se https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNoVtbH18G/?igshid=ufqya03eudol
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Climb to rid the world of this infection the medical professions best psychological perfection they are offense to God and all our ancestors they gain power in the early 1900s and look at the world they gave to us no we will use technology we will go around you we will use real science will go around you we will destroy you you will be known in history as the monsters of the 21st century and the 20th century you experimented on people and I am true that you don't heal people the only reason I am watching around is because of God and our native ways are you sure be glad I'm going to the mountains where I don't have signal so I can't be online they yell at you all cost people in the world money they have kept people sick they have not observe the traditions of the dead and the dead will rise in Christ and I gave you all guilty guilty. You are all victims of their mind control they are not good people they do not deserve your money opt out of every Medical and psychological treatment they hurt people on medicine they keep them sick and they make trillions of dollars a year sucking off the governments of the world They are traitors to humanity spit on them when you see them once upon a time there are actually men and women who tried to heal people for centuries they have only been at work and allowed to do what they do for a century and look where they led the world into a virus that has been killing everybody they deserve to be tried in front of a court along with the lawyers that support them the TV stations the media the movie is the make them look like good people they are not good people they are the wicked and God will strike you down one way or another you cannot eliminate God like you have in your profession and I want nothing to do with you after the hell you put me through and the 10 years you took from me we have a legend would you cut someone open you open them to a demon You are butchers urm humane and don't think they aren't read your history learn how they experiment on people psychologists experiment it and screwed with people 2 gauge their responses neurology is real science nanotechnology VR that is real science sharing is real scienceamen https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNnjFqng-n/?igshid=1mk5a90ycw5yv
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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The guy doctors are not heroes they serve Satan and pagan religions they deserve to die psychologists are not heroes psychiatrists are not they have infected our society they have infected the world they need to be tried as criminals against humanity they have committed atrocities 4 / 2 over three centuries it is time to end the rain and actually heal people in their bodies their minds the brains burn it down every hospital every institution that declares their medical or psychological this is a war against the human race we are done with this you cannot carry this virus you design this virus that makes you a traitor and under the laws of the Constitution and the declaration of Independence in a time of war we had a right to kill all of you who are traitors against the American people and we the people of America are going to exercise his right step down all you see or is closed down your hospital closed down false religions of psychology we defy you I defy you with every bone in my body I defy you I'm tired of it you will have our me more than anyone I know and I will not be you csse study Mario world they go world first thing that happens to me wrong there's who you can blame and go after add arm enemies of Freedom they are terrorists they need to die I got making millions of dollars I'll people's death and suffering they are in the human a human being college does not mean s*** because I can Trump any college we can educate ourselves on the internet we don't need their institutions anymore it's time to put a flame that it introduces they are costing the American people and the world too much money they are draining the world they have destroyed the world with their ways it is time for new ways that our old ways of actual healing not suffering!!!!!? watching TV and thinking these people are healers they are monsters they have never healed anything in their life I didn't survive cancer because of their help nor did I overcome mental illness because of their help now the only way you overcome that is to get away from people like that they're negative they're business-minded and they're costing the American people and the world trillions of dollars a yearamen https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNkRvunatc/?igshid=1dpxbhq62nx5f
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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I'm going back to the mountains where there's real healing not my mountains to the real healing mountain kill off all medical personnel get rid of them they're not heroes they caused this virus to begin with they experiment on people constantly they hook people on drugs they cut people open they do not respect any death ritual on this planet they do not respect the god of Abraham the spirits for any belief on this planet and don't tell me they do that is one big lie and there's not one person who gets good medical treatment unless they have a lot of money we demand real science we demand real healing we demand real technology that will move the human race into the future we defy your idea of mental illness because you believe everybody is bipolar and put them on medicine that ruins their brains more and more we will repair their brains with technology we will reprogram you we will seize your assets we will seize your home and you will be tried and remember as the worst humans in history I may be the only one to ever say this out loud but you know it's true how much money are they costing you screw Medicare screw medical we don't need your insurance we don't want your insurance we fought for your freedom you doctors are a joke real doctors real dealers actually heal people you have never done this since you're just one big corporation that experiments on people and that goes for psychologists and you lame-ass sychar psychiatrist who have 2 years psychology training big effing deal psychology it's a philosophy and we refused to bend or worship at your altar in any country a day on the 4th of July we declare our freedom from you you cannot cheer this virus we will with plant with no it with the American Spirit with mine step down before we kill you all this war began now amen https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNjd1lHetv/?igshid=1hqo8xqhotmz
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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do not tell the people and keep making shows about how great you doctors are or how great you pharmaceutical people at or how much of the healers you are none of you are none of you have an old and your old is door false God we defy you we will heal the people on our own we do not need your medical institutions anymore we're tired of you you're costing the country too much money you have destroyed America you have destroyed the world and we want nothing to do with your pharmaceutical research that release this virus you will answer to God and you will answer in a court of law eventually to the world for worse atrocities than the Nazis ever did and we have beheld it all this time Go ahead cut me off try to block me but I will say it again you are dishonorable people you don't heal there's no science to what you do there is a bunch of experimenting on human beings that has never brought a solution to the problem you are hook people on medication you're not cured mental illness we who are real scientist we who are real technologically-advanced people can heal the problems of the world you deserve a bullet in the head I don't care what your college degree is college does not make you smarter than anyone does not make you a better human being makes you a worse human being we will bring down your institutions if we have the burn them down and I asked you all protesters world war I start burning down the medical institutions in the hospitals I would rather die with Honor than under your knife or under your guidance there is nothing you can do to stop this virus and we all know this we don't want your medicine anymore you won't give us the medicines we need that we know where called antibiotics you cut people off their medicines after you addicted them the medicine you are evil you are worse than the Nazis ever were so the Nazis are going to bend you over and shoot you in that goddamn heads on this sabbath I command you take down the medical association everywhere and every hospital everywhere eliminate the threat you are a threat do not think that you're not you make too much money as doctors off of people's death and their suffering and you do not honor the rituals o https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNjDStnQjM/?igshid=13ogxy2yi3v76
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Here's comes the story of hurricane Carter You aressted illegally And jailed Well I'm.hurricane now and I don't Submit to authority We will grow Weed every where to Save America Under God.. I will pass out pounds Every in state I.willl seed America... While you all die who stand in my way. I.m tired of of this shit Bring me pounds and pounds Of God's plant and I'll Help Every one with their problems You pharmaceutical companys Best submit to God's Will Or die like the evil dogs you are Along with the medical association Obviously I'm.righr Since you can't cure a viruse.. I can.weed can Rick Simpson oil can Us grow people declared war in you We will cute the people In name of goerge and Carter and Jefferson Ben Franklin all You tried to suppress or destroy Tear their hostipitals Down On this sabbath they offended The creator with their experiments Their not honoring Our death ritauls For that all doctors should die.. Go to hell We defie You Time for a mental I'll Revolution We are mentally ill and Proud of It We Demand Justice For the attrocoties You have done on our people for over 3 centuries now... Stop.your meds They are tratiors to the American government Doing Illeagal experiments On.regular People Mentally ill is not a desiese Kill.them all Try them In a world court Like you did the Nazis... Or are you all full of shit And it's okay to let doctors and sceintists committ human atrocitiys? Its not .I'm just the 1at sane insane person to bring it Up Schroeder's cat like the world war II babies like the people that you tortured to make psychology psychology is no offense to God I know it is time to arrest all psychologist and psychiatrist worldwide. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCNh4s-nUz1/?igshid=19p45kbgne66z
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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https://open.spotify.com/track/3Ti0GdlrotgwsAVBBugv0I?si=szH1l19tQkOgvUhZWo-dyA Stay alive Human Tribe.. I leave the 7th.... Pray my way is clear I'll see you in Yellowstone Where My parents would takes as Kids.... I bet you all didn't know that I'll Say hello To the bears for you all.. Now who's got. Tent and sleeping bag.. Or I'll buy one.. More videos to inspire you coming soon If you help Me leave ... In peace and pray my heart hold.s Call out to sister Golden Hair and the niech Family your Welcome to travel too.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMylXtHpBs/?igshid=3dijd6ftjbt5
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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https://open.spotify.com/track/1t72txruuLniUw7tia6i1C?si=jsQtiHWxTUCYgQfZN3_9MQ Let me know when You decide to Finally legalize Texas... Ditch pills... Ditch the crack Ditch The Meth Bring Plants Back... Before it too late... So you all Go Medicate And Meditate.. It's God's Plant. Time to bring God back.. Amen .. Smoke out Americans For Freedom This Fourth of July We all Died Any Many generations For affordable Health care That cures not harms.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMwmCEn6-M/?igshid=1iapbht5h3civ
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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No offense but You all in Houston should Be glad I showed I'm this hell Three times now Don't flatter Anyone I came her For son And daughter.. So if you won't help You should be glad I showed Up Heat is way too much Love you All Texas and America Will Stand strong... And it won't Be long Till I seize California again for liberty And justice Freedom will Stand in California Again Now go kiss a veteran ass For Freedom.. Amen https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMvd0jnpSd/?igshid=1foquhdq47qwz
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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https://open.spotify.com/track/53duuSwaLOZuIrELvZXqLH?si=csMG9THwTeSp0NYyfmXaqw See you in my home southern Cali.. After the 3rd Though maybe sooner.. Same Area code... Same bat channel same bat time.. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMu0inHmZf/?igshid=8f6euu8en1pj
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Hello Montana hello lone Eagles I'm Coming See you in the Dakotas Soon.. We're going to see about what's Going on... It's too hot Here... City not for me... See you All in the road... I'd fall back if you can If not stay inside Lest you may die From this virus.. And help Your damn neibhoods I. America.. Stand up for healing each other.. God bless Texas I'll be back when it cools off.. Amen.. Now I need to print a ticket whats up With that Greyhound.????? Where the e tickets go??? https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMuJ6Qnwtw/?igshid=1x390wrq4glyq
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ecogoth1 · 4 years
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Kids this for 2016 Soo All you that got between my son and I Familys that Ditched Me False friends .. I knew for 30 years All you who took advantage Of me . You made the list Epecially Who Ever created this virus.. Of course you made easier for us Christains true christains https://open.spotify.com/track/7fxpqs4G8vj3rFYbJnsG7w?si=-WiULafkTfSNciM9M952bw Anyways it's good song Time to evacuate citizens from cities every where if your not infected. https://www.instagram.com/p/CCMs2SxHDz1/?igshid=s45h4yk9u8m1
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