ecopchy · 7 years
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You want to be optimistic. You desperately want to have a change of mindset. But you’re trapped at the present moment.
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ecopchy · 7 years
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Do you really matter?
I had a long day today. I just got home from my friends birthday where we had a little drinking session. So I’m probably hammered as I’m writing this blog entry on my phone. It’s pitch black everywhere and I noticed that it’s already 3am. I’m tired. I only have one eye opened while typing on this bright screen. Anyways, something triggered me to make an entry. I think…….
I’m having an existential crisis.
Ok don’t judge me yet. Please hear me out first.
While most of us are getting through our normal lives, sometimes I get caught up with questions that made me wonder. Questions that keeps me awake at night. Questions that you might think melodramatic or only depressed people would ask. But these questions make actual sense if you really ponder.
Why are we here? What’s our purpose? Is there really a meaning in life? Do we really think that there’s a reason behind life in the grand scheme of things?
If you think about it, most of us are raised with parents who tells us that we’re special. That we are bound to do great things, that led us to believe that we have this sense of purpose. (At least that’s how my parents thought me) Society that dictates us what to do and what not to do. As we grow older, we are usually occupied with the demand of daily living. Some are focused on their careers, some on building relationships, some are honing their crafts and passion (Like my brother). But what for? 
Since the dawn of man we are obsessed with the idea that we are the superior species in the universe. Yet, there’s only a slight difference between chimps and the human genome. At school, our teachers taught us that the earth is one of a kind. a rare piece of gem on this vast scattered universe. One other hand, Astrophysics tells us that the earth is just a spec of dust compared to the massive number of potential inhabitable planets inside the milky way like any other billion galaxies on the ever expanding universe. 
What’s my point you ask? Well, this might offend you but contratry to popular belief, I think we don’t matter that much. I think as human beings we don’t really matter on the grand scale of the cosmos.
Yes, you and I don’t matter. Your friends including your Social media friends don’t matter. Your daily problems don’t matter. These are the things that keeps me awake at night.
Depite how much I belittle life itself. I’m still here. I’m alive and I’m concious. It’s amazing to think that out of the million sperm raced through your mother’s egg cell, you’ve won! LOL! Is it an accident? No one can tell.
I realized that every single human being has great potential to do anything that he desires. I believe that having an option or “free will” is one of the best things that people could possibly have. One of my favorite quotes came from Dr Tyson (Dr Neil Degrasse Tyson) He said “Sometimes you feel small compared to the universe, but I feel big. Because the ingredients that made the atoms of the planets came from scattered enriched guts from a dying star is the same ingredients that made life on Earth”.
I’m no religious guy and I believe that we can create our own purpose. Maybe we are all connected, playing our own little roles in the cosmos. Maybe the purpose of one life’s journey is a one of a kind experience that contributes to the great wonders and mysteries of creation.
maybe we do matter after all. -eco
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ecopchy · 7 years
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Seeker's lifestyle.
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ecopchy · 7 years
I'm getting OLD.
Yes, I just realized that while I was browsing through my feed and saw this article on Facebook on how to “Date a tita”.  LOL! (I know, I know it’s silly) You also probably wondering what am I doing with my spare time. Well, Just like you I also have my phone buried on my face the whole day. (HAHA!) Anyways, the article was about dating single ladies who are considered a “Tita”. I laughed when I realized that They’re raging from my age! “ Shouldn’t I be dating a tita now?” I asked myself. As a single 27 year old guy, my idea of dating has always been the same. You know, the typical bring your date to dinner, making small talks about what interests her, or having awkward smiles to each other while watching rom coms hoping to get that kiss when no one’s looking *facepalm*. But this article talks about the realities of dating of our generation, grown up millennials who are seeking for companionship. the realities of cutting out the bullcrap and going straight to the point. I chuckled while reading comments of women as they relate to the witty article. While browsing through tags and comments,  I got hit by reality like a haymaker. Suddenly, I got anxious about my self, my future and who I am right now as a person. “Wait up, what the fuck I’m doing with my life right now” I said. I’m not sure how this random blog triggered me but I started questioning my self and I got scared! I guess the realities of life and the fact that I’m not getting any younger made me realized that I need to level up. From what you ask? From the things that I usually take for granted. The way I perceive things should level up. The way I carry my self should level up. Am I doing something to reach my dreams? That should level up too. Yes, I’m getting old. But the journey of this character I’m portraying on this movie called life is yet to unravel. Exciting 😊
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